227 research outputs found

    Música digital : presente y futuro de la industria

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    Cannabis recreativo: Perfil de los cannabinoides presentes en muestras de marihuana suministradas por población consumidora

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    As cannabis/marijuana is one of the most consumed psychoactive substances in the world, knowing the composition and type of cannabis sold in urban environments is a necessary input for the design of public health policies based on scientific evidence. This study characterized the main phytocannabinoids of marijuana samples (cigarettes or buds) obtained in urban and rural areas of the city of Medellín in October 2021. Non-probabilistic convenience sampling was carried out in which 87 marijuana samples donated by consumers were collected at different collection points throughout the city, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and flame ionization techniques were employed for the characterization of phytocannabinoids. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) was found to be the main constituent of circulating marijuana in Medellín, where 67.8% of the samples had a high or higher toxicological range for THC; the foregoing in a context where the deregulated market in practice limits the possibility that consumers have to calibrate or decide the concentration of cannabinoids in their doses.El cannabis o marihuana es una de las sustancias psicoactivas más consumida en todo el mundo, por lo que conocer la composición y el tipo de cannabis que se comercializa en los entornos urbanos es un insumo necesario para el diseño de políticas en salud pública sustentadas en la evidencia científica. Este estudio caracterizó los principales fitocannabinoides de muestras de marihuana (cigarrillos o cogollos) obtenidas en áreas urbanas y rurales de la ciudad Medellín, en octubre de 2021. Se realizó un muestreo no probabilístico a conveniencia en el que se recolectaron 87 muestras de marihuana donadas por consumidores en diferentes puntos de recolección en toda la ciudad, aplicando las técnicas de cromatografía de gases masas e ionización de llama para la caracterización de los fitocanabinoides. Se encontró el tetrahidrocannabinol como el constituyente principal de la marihuana circulante en Medellín, donde el 67,8% de las muestras presentaba un rango toxicológico alto o superior para THC; lo anterior en un contexto donde el mercado desregulado limita la posibilidad que tienen los consumidores en la práctica de calibrar o decidir la concentración de cannabinoides en sus dosis

    Quid: observatorio de medios

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    El informe está estructurado en seis partes. En la primera, “Transparencia y derecho a la información en Jalisco”, se presenta un artículo que sintetiza cómo fue que en diciembre de 2011, el Congreso y el Gobierno del Jalisco se organizaron para aprobar la “Ley de Información Pública de Jalisco y sus Municipios”, como un intercambio de favores entre estos poderes. En la segunda parte, "Medios de comunicación y periodismo en Jalisco", se presentan trabajos sobre los cambios en la prensa local, los medios de comunicación y los juegos panamericanos, las condiciones laborales de los periodistas en Guadalajara, y la prensa roja. En la tercer parte, "Economía política de los medios de comunicación y las industrias culturales en Jalisco" se incluyen trabajos sobre la industria de la música, la propaganda disfrazada de periodismo, y los medios públicos. En la cuarta parte, "Medios de comunicación y telecomunicaciones", se abordan los temas de la lucha por las telecomunicaciones en México, y la televisión abierta como una herramienta política para construir estrategias gubernamentales. En la quinta parte, "Producción de investigación académica del observatorio de medios", se presenta un análisis de contenido de cinco periódicos mexicanos con respecto al tema del medio ambiente. La sexta parte es una semblanza del periodista Víctor Wario Romo.ITESO, A.C

    Plasma ACE2 species are differentially altered in COVID-19 patients

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    Studies are needed to identify useful biomarkers to assess the severity and prognosis of COVID-19 disease, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) virus. Here, we examine the levels of various plasma species of the SARS-CoV-2 host receptor, the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), in patients at different phases of the infection. Human plasma ACE2 species were characterized by immunoprecipitation and western blotting employing antibodies against the ectodomain and the C-terminal domain, using a recombinant human ACE2 protein as control. In addition, changes in the cleaved and full-length ACE2 species were also examined in serum samples derived from humanized K18-hACE2 mice challenged with a lethal dose of SARS-CoV-2. ACE2 immunoreactivity was present in human plasma as several molecular mass species that probably comprise truncated (70 and 75 kDa) and full-length forms (95, 100, 130, and 170 kDa). COVID-19 patients in the acute phase of infection (n = 46) had significantly decreased levels of ACE2 full-length species, while a truncated 70-kDa form was marginally higher compared with non-disease controls (n = 26). Levels of ACE2 full-length species were in the normal range in patients after a recovery period with an interval of 58-70 days (n = 29), while the 70-kDa species decreased. Levels of the truncated ACE2 species served to discriminate between individuals infected by SARS-CoV-2 and those infected with influenza A virus (n = 17). In conclusion, specific plasma ACE2 species are altered in patients with COVID-19 and these changes normalize during the recovery phase. Alterations in ACE2 species following SARS-CoV-2 infection warrant further investigation regarding their potential usefulness as biomarkers for the disease process and to asses efficacy during vaccination

    Financial Stability Report - September 2015

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    From this edition, the Financial Stability Report will have fewer pages with some changes in its structure. The purpose of this change is to present the most relevant facts of the financial system and their implications on the financial stability. This allows displaying the analysis more concisely and clearly, as it will focus on describing the evolution of the variables that have the greatest impact on the performance of the financial system, for estimating then the effect of a possible materialization of these risks on the financial health of the institutions. The changing dynamics of the risks faced by the financial system implies that the content of the Report adopts this new structure; therefore, some analyses and series that were regularly included will not necessarily be in each issue. However, the statistical annex that accompanies the publication of the Report will continue to present the series that were traditionally included, regardless of whether or not they are part of the content of the Report. In this way we expect to contribute in a more comprehensive way to the study and analysis of the stability of the Colombian financial system. Executive Summary During the first half of 2015, the main advanced economies showed a slow recovery on their growth, while emerging economies continued with their slowdown trend. Domestic demand in the United States allowed for stabilization on its average growth for the first half of the year, while other developed economies such as the United Kingdom, the euro zone, and Japan showed a more gradual recovery. On the other hand, the Chinese economy exhibited the lowest growth rate in five years, which has resulted in lower global dynamism. This has led to a fall in prices of the main export goods of some Latin American economies, especially oil, whose price has also responded to a larger global supply. The decrease in the terms of trade of the Latin American economies has had an impact on national income, domestic demand, and growth. This scenario has been reflected in increases in sovereign risk spreads, devaluations of stock indices, and depreciation of the exchange rates of most countries in the region. For Colombia, the fall in oil prices has also led to a decline in the terms of trade, resulting in pressure on the dynamics of national income. Additionally, the lower demand for exports helped to widen the current account deficit. This affected the prospects and economic growth of the country during the first half of 2015. This economic context could have an impact on the payment capacity of debtors and on the valuation of investments, affecting the soundness of the financial system. However, the results of the analysis featured in this edition of the Report show that, facing an adverse scenario, the vulnerability of the financial system in terms of solvency and liquidity is low. The analysis of the current situation of credit institutions (CI) shows that growth of the gross loan portfolio remained relatively stable, as well as the loan portfolio quality indicators, except for microcredit, which showed a decrease in these indicators. Regarding liabilities, traditional sources of funding have lost market share versus non-traditional ones (bonds, money market operations and in the interbank market), but still represent more than 70%. Moreover, the solvency indicator remained relatively stable. As for non-banking financial institutions (NBFI), the slowdown observed during the first six months of 2015 in the real annual growth of the assets total, both in the proprietary and third party position, stands out. The analysis of the main debtors of the financial system shows that indebtedness of the private corporate sector has increased in the last year, mostly driven by an increase in the debt balance with domestic and foreign financial institutions. However, the increase in this latter source of funding has been influenced by the depreciation of the Colombian peso vis-à-vis the US dollar since mid-2014. The financial indicators reflected a favorable behavior with respect to the historical average, except for the profitability indicators; although they were below the average, they have shown improvement in the last year. By economic sector, it is noted that the firms focused on farming, mining and transportation activities recorded the highest levels of risk perception by credit institutions, and the largest increases in default levels with respect to those observed in December 2014. Meanwhile, households have shown an increase in the financial burden, mainly due to growth in the consumer loan portfolio, in which the modalities of credit card, payroll deductible loan, revolving and vehicle loan are those that have reported greater increases in risk indicators. On the side of investments that could be affected by the devaluation in the portfolio of credit institutions and non-banking financial institutions (NBFI), the largest share of public debt securities, variable-yield securities and domestic private debt securities is highlighted. The value of these portfolios fell between February and August 2015, driven by the devaluation in the market of these investments throughout the year. Furthermore, the analysis of the liquidity risk indicator (LRI) shows that all intermediaries showed adequate levels and exhibit a stable behavior. Likewise, the fragility analysis of the financial system associated with the increase in the use of non-traditional funding sources does not evidence a greater exposure to liquidity risk. Stress tests assess the impact of the possible joint materialization of credit and market risks, and reveal that neither the aggregate solvency indicator, nor the liquidity risk indicator (LRI) of the system would be below the established legal limits. The entities that result more individually affected have a low share in the total assets of the credit institutions; therefore, a risk to the financial system as a whole is not observed. José Darío Uribe Governo

    ¿Por qué implementar estudios de largo plazo en el bosque seco tropical del Caribe colombiano?

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    Dry forests represent almost half of the world’s tropical forests and they are the most threatened ecosystems by human activities. The growing a knowledge in preservation of the few remaining underlines the significance of establishing monitoring strategies for dry forests which would illustrate their role in the context of the tropical forests’ preservation. In 2001, we began to establish permanent monitoring parcels in the Caribe dry forest. Today, with the support of both, national and international institutions and local actors, a network of 11 widely spread across the region parcels has been established to cover the most important remnants of dry forest from the Caribbean coast, accounting all climatic gradients present. The results obtained by the network include: contents of carbon and forest diversity in relation with climatic variables, carbon fixation rates and population dynamics of important species for the restoration. However, the lack of institutional support at regional and national levels, with some important exceptions, puts at risk the continuity of this important project for the dry forest preservation in context of climatic change adaptation. Nowadays, other institutions have replied to this initiative and have made advances on their own, establishing new monitoring sites in the Caribbean forests. It is of high priority to work for the integration of these efforts in order to create a more ambitious strategy for monitoring the Caribbean forests. For this, interest and compromise from regional institutions and researchers are requiredLos ecosistemas secos ocupan casi la mitad del área total de franja tropical y están entre los más amenazados por las actividades humanas a escala global. El reconocimiento creciente de la importancia de conservar los pocos remanentes que quedan y de iniciar actividades de restauración, resalta la importancia de establecer programas de monitoreo del bosque seco. En 2001 se inició el establecimiento de parcelas permanentes de monitoreo del bosque seco Caribe, con el apoyo de instituciones nacionales e internacionales; a la fecha existen 11 ampliamente distribuidas en algunos de los remanentes de bosque seco más importantesnde la costa Caribe. Los resultados provenientes de la red incluyen el contenido de carbono y la diversidad del bosque en relaciónncon variables climáticas, tasas de fijación de carbono y dinámica de poblaciones de especies importantes para la restauración. No obstante, la falta de apoyo institucional a nivel nacional y regional, con algunas excepciones importantes, pone en peligro la continuidad de este proyecto de alta importancia para la conservación del bosque seco en el contexto de la adaptación al cambio climático. Actualmente, otras instituciones han replicado esta iniciativa y avanzado aisladamente en el establecimiento de nuevos sitios de monitoreo de los bosques del Caribe. Es altamente prioritario trabajar por la integración de estos esfuerzos ya que pueden ser la base para un programa de monitoreo más ambicioso de los bosques del Caribe. Para ello se requiere el interés y el compromiso de instituciones e investigadores de la región Caribe.

    Sostenibilidad y desarrollo humano integral

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    282 páginasEl Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Humano Integral (Cedhin) de la Universidad de La Sabana viene estudiando los desafíos del desarrollo global y la necesidad de un compromiso universal con el futuro del planeta. En este caso, ha reunido expertos en distintas áreas para proponer proyectos sociales, políticos, económicos y culturales, orientados a mejorar el modo de vida de muchas personas. En medio de la pandemia de la covid-19, vimos conveniente aportar ideas para la nueva sociedad que estamos llamados a construir entre todos después de la compleja situación que afrontamos. De ahí la convocatoria a esta reflexión interdisciplinaria, resultado de las investigaciones de los profesores invitados desde diversas áreas geográficas y epistemológicas. Esperamos que este libro, fruto de un trabajo mancomunado como aporte a la regeneración que exige la pandemia de la covid-19, estimule el compromiso generoso y solidario para promover un verdadero desarrollo humano integral.1. Desarrollo, desafíos, decisiones||2. El desarrollo humano integral en la doctrina social de la Iglesia||3. Contornos del bien común: derechos humanos, desarrollo y paz||4. La ecología de Francisco: de la “ecología integral” hacia el “pacto educativo global” ||5. Los negocios en la doctrina social de la Iglesia||6. Pilares de la perspectiva cristiana sobre la empresa y la acción directiva||7. La gerencia centrada en las capacidades humanas, condición necesaria para el desarrollo sostenible||8. La construcción de bienes públicos pospandemia: la renta básica universal||9. Las políticas de garantía pública de empleo: alternativa de dignificación del trabajo humano||10. Pensar las relaciones políticas, económicas y sociales desde el bien común, para lograr un desarrollo socioeconómico integral||11. La cooperación internacional como herramienta del desarrollo sostenible: una lectura desde las Agencias de Desarrollo Económico Local en Colombia||12. Programa de Desarrollo con Enfoque Territorial (PDET) de la subregión Chocó: aproximaciones desde las encíclicas sobre desarrollo humano integral||13. Epílogo. Experiencias internacionales para mejorar el desarrollo humano y la sostenibilida

    Plasma ACE2 species are differentially altered in COVID-19 patients

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    Studies are needed to identify useful biomarkers to assess the severity and prognosis of COVID-19 disease, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) virus. Here, we examine the levels of various plasma species of the SARS-CoV-2 host receptor, the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), in patients at different phases of the infection. Human plasma ACE2 species were characterized by immunoprecipitation and western blotting employing antibodies against the ectodomain and the C-terminal domain, using a recombinant human ACE2 protein as control. In addition, changes in the cleaved and full-length ACE2 species were also examined in serum samples derived from humanized K18-hACE2 mice challenged with a lethal dose of SARS-CoV-2. ACE2 immunoreactivity was present in human plasma as several molecular mass species that probably comprise truncated (70 and 75 kDa) and full-length forms (95, 100, 130, and 170 kDa). COVID-19 patients in the acute phase of infection (n = 46) had significantly decreased levels of ACE2 full-length species, while a truncated 70-kDa form was marginally higher compared with non-disease controls (n = 26). Levels of ACE2 full-length species were in the normal range in patients after a recovery period with an interval of 58-70 days (n = 29), while the 70-kDa species decreased. Levels of the truncated ACE2 species served to discriminate between individuals infected by SARS-CoV-2 and those infected with influenza A virus (n = 17). In conclusion, specific plasma ACE2 species are altered in patients with COVID-19 and these changes normalize during the recovery phase. Alterations in ACE2 species following SARS-CoV-2 infection warrant further investigation regarding their potential usefulness as biomarkers for the disease process and to asses efficacy during vaccination.This study was funded in part by the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de Alicante (ISABIAL; grants 190258 and 2020-0308) and by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII, grants PI19-01359), co-financed by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER, “Investing in your future”) and through CIBERNED, ISCIII. We also acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, through the “Severo Ochoa” Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (SEV-2017-0723). Work at CNB and CISA is funded by the Spanish Health Ministry, ISCIII, Fondo COVID-19 grant COV20/00151, and Fondo Supera COVID-19 (Crue Universidades-Banco Santander) (to JGA). MACG is supported by BEFPI fellowship from the Generalitat Valenciana. HZ is a Wallenberg Scholar supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council (#2018-02532), the European Research Council (#681712), and Swedish State Support for Clinical Research (#ALFGBG-720931).Peer reviewe

    Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients with Heart Failure of Hypertensive Etiology: Analysis of Colombian Heart Failure Registry (RECOLFACA)

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    Introduction: Arterial hypertension represents one of the main comorbidities observed in patients with heart failure (HF) and one of the main risk factors for its development. Despite this, studies assessing this hypertensive etiology are scarce in Latin America. Our objective was to analyze the prevalence of HF of hypertensive etiology and evaluate its prognosis in patients enrolled in the Colombian Heart Failure Registry (RECOLFACA by its Spanish acronym). Methods: RECOLFACA recruited adult patients diagnosed with HF in 60 centers in Colombia between 2017 and 2019. The primary outcome was all-cause mortality. A Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to assess factors associated with primary outcomes in patients with hypertensive HF. A p value <0.05 was considered significant. All statistical tests were two-tailed. Results: Out of the total number of patients evaluated in RECOLFACA (n = 2,514), 804 had a diagnosis of HF with hypertensive etiology (31.9%). These patients were less frequently males and had a significantly older age and lower prevalence of comorbidities than those with HF of other etiologies. Additionally, patients with hypertensive HF had a higher prevalence of HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) (34.1% vs. 28.3%; p = 0.004). Finally, type 2 diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease diagnosis, and NYHA class IV were classified as independent mortality risk factors. Conclusions: Hypertensive HF represents about one-third of the total number of patients with HF in RECOLFACA. Compared with HF of other etiologies, it presents a differential clinical profile – older age and a higher prevalence of HFpEF. RECOLFACA has become a useful tool to characterize patients with HF in Colombia, with which it has been possible to carry out a more specific search and reach the diagnosis of this pathology in our population, and it has served as an example to stimulate registries of patients with HF in other countries in the region