106 research outputs found

    Condiciones de salud y factores relacionados con discapacidad en adultos mayores -Una reflexión para la atención-

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    Introduction: The situation in the world of the growth of the older adult population is clear. Ageing also brings with it a burden of important chronic diseases, where cardiovascular, mental health and cancer diseases are among the prevalent. In addition, the need for assistance from these people in the long term is increased because mobility is lost, fragility increases and physical or mental illnesses sequelae enhance the rates of disability. Objective: To reflect on the aspects of health and disability of older adults as reported in the literature. Materials and methods: Literature review of articles of specialized scientific databases and academic repositories, using logical descriptors and boolean operators related to the subject. Results: The information was structured taking into account the aspects related to the health status of older adults, the condition of disability, risk and protective factors. Conclusions: Early diagnosis of prevalent diseases in older adults is supported by defining the risk factors of disability but emphasizing the intervention based on healthy aging

    Inventários e índices de diversidade de plantas na Zona de Reserva de San Isidro Campesino, Pradera, Valle del Cauca, Colômbia.

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    Diversity is the foundation of community and peasant agriculture. An inventory was made of the plant diversity of the agroecosystems of the San Isidro ZRC, Pradera, Valle del Cauca. In the first phase of the study, plant diversity inventories were made, adequately compatible with large-scale forest inventories. In the second phase, an evaluation of plant diversity was carried out based on the Margalef, Simpson and Shannon-Wiener richness indexes. The evaluation and characterization of the 15 agroecosystems was carried out with the families that are part of the Asociación Agropecuaria El Porvenir Agropor. It was found that community life sustains the diversity of the territory and protects it from the aggressions of the global agrifood system. The conservation of plant diversity is linked to the peasant culture, to their agroecological conservation practices, which operate outside the hegemonic logics of food production. La diversidad es el fundamento de una agricultura comunitaria y campesina. Se hizo un inventario de la diversidad vegetal de los agroecosistemas de la Zona de Reserva Campesina ZRC de San Isidro, Pradera, Valle del Cauca. En la primera fase del estudio se hicieron inventarios de diversidad vegetal, adecuadamente compatibles con los inventarios forestales a gran escala. En la segunda, se realizó una evaluación de la diversidad vegetal partiendo de los índices de riqueza de Margalef, de Simpson y de Shannon-Wiener. La evaluación y caracterización de los 15 agroecosistemas se realizó con las familias que hacen parte de la Asociación Agropecuaria El Porvenir Agropor. Se encontró que la vida comunitaria sustenta la diversidad del territorio y la protege de las agresiones del sistema agroalimentario mundial. La conservación de la diversidad vegetal está ligada a la cultura campesina, a sus prácticas agroecológicas de conservación, las cuales operan fuera de las lógicas hegemónicas de producción de alimentos. A diversidade é a base da agricultura comunitária e camponesa. Foi feito um inventário da diversidade vegetal dos agroecossistemas da Zona de Reserva Camponesa ZRC de San Isidro, Pradera, Valle del Cauca. Na primeira fase do estudo, foram realizados inventários de diversidade de plantas, que eram compatíveis com inventários florestais de grande escala. Na segunda fase, foi realizada uma avaliação da diversidade de plantas utilizando os índices de riqueza de Margalef, Simpson e Shannon-Wiener. A avaliação e caracterização dos 15 agro-ecossistemas foi realizada com as famílias que fazem parte da Asociación Agropecuaria El Porvenir Agropor. Constatou-se que a vida comunitária sustenta a diversidade do território e o protege das agressões do sistema agroalimentar global. A conservação da diversidade vegetal está ligada à cultura camponesa, às suas práticas de conservação agroecológica, que operam fora da lógica hegemônica da produção de alimentos.

    Comportamiento epidemiologico del cáncer de colon en el área metropolitana de cúcuta 2001-2002

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    Con el propósito de identificar las características epidemiológicas y los factores de riesgo prevalentes para cáncer de colon en la población adulta de Cúcuta, se desarrollo el presente estudio de tipo descriptivo, prospectivo de corte transversal. La población de estudio estuvo constituida por 37 pacientes con este diagnóstico que asistieron a las instituciones de salud públicas y privadas del municipio de Cúcuta (N.S.), en el período 2001 2002. Se encontró que el riesgo se incrementa con la edad, el sexo más afectado es el femenino, el antecedente familiar de cáncer de colon, cáncer en otros órganos, poliposis y colitis ulcerativa se presentó en 5.4 de cada 10 pacientes del estudio. Se identificaron como factores de riesgo alimentarios el alto consumo de carne de res, ingesta de alimentos embutidos, la reutilización de los aceites en la cocción de los alimentos y el consumo de comidas recalentadas. Es ampliamente utilizada en la dieta la harina refinada de maíz para la elaboración y consumo de arepas. Los factores de riesgo en el estilo de vida que se presentaron con mayor porcentaje fueron el sedentarismo y el tabaquismo, seguido del consumo de alcohol y la obesidad. Un alto porcentaje manifiesta haber tenido estreñimiento, diarrea o ambos síntomas. El 50% refiere automedicación para el manejo de estos síntomas,empleando tanto medicamentos farmacológicos como el uso de la medicina casera. Como condiciones precursoras se encuentran el sangrado rectal con 73%, la pérdida de peso con 63.6%, seguido por la hemorroides y la anemia con 36.4%. Se encontraron largos períodos de evolución de la enfermedad antes de que se definiera el diagnóstico.Palabras Clave : Cáncer de colon; Factores de riesgo

    Excessive workload and morbidity in caregivers of children with disabilities

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    This study analyzes the burden of care and its relation with morbidity perceived by caregivers of children with disabilities. In this quantitative, descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional study, 56 caregivers of children, enrolled in an association in Cali, participated. The morbidity was measured with the Nordic questionnaire and the burden of care with the interview of Zarit. The results were presented using descriptive statistics and the Pearson correlation coefficient. Caregivers are mostly women, with an average age of 47 years old, with more than ten years performing these duties, and 21 as the average number of working hours per day. It prevailed lower back pain (50%) followed by shoulder pain (37.5%). The subjective excessive workload stood at the oldest caregivers with a performance in additional activities; this relation was statistically significant (p = 0.04). Caregivers who devote more time in other tasks showed more subjective excessive workload and musculoskeletal morbidity in the lower back and shoulders. Caregivers express feelings of burden and frustration towards caregiving

    Sobrecarga del cuidado y morbilidad sentida en cuidadores de niños con discapacidad

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    This study analyzes the burden of care and its relation with morbidity perceived by caregivers of children with disabilities. In this quantitative, descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional study, 56 caregivers of children, enrolled in an association in Cali, participated. The morbidity was measured with the Nordic questionnaire and the burden of care with the interview of Zarit. The results were presented using descriptive statistics and the Pearson correlation coefficient. Caregivers are mostly women, with an average age of 47 years old, with more than ten years performing these duties, and 21 as the average number of working hours per day. It prevailed lower back pain (50%) followed by shoulder pain (37.5%). The subjective excessive workload stood at the oldest caregivers with a performance in additional activities; this relation was statistically significant (p = 0.04). Caregivers who devote more time in other tasks showed more subjective excessive workload and musculoskeletal morbidity in the lower back and shoulders. Caregivers express feelings of burden and frustration towards caregiving.Estudio realizado para analizar la carga de cuidado y su asociación con la morbilidad sentida de cuidadores de niños con discapacidad. Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, correlacional y de corte transversal. Participaron 56 cuidadores de niños escolarizados en una asociación de Cali, Colombia. La morbilidad sentida se midió con el cuestionario Nórdico y la carga al cuidado con la entrevista de Zarit. Los resultados se presentaron mediante estadística descriptiva y coeficiente de relación de Pearson. Los participantes son en su mayoría mujeres, edad media de 48 años, más de diez años desempeñando dicho oficio y 21 horas promedio de cuidado al día. Prevaleció el dolor dorso-lumbar (50%), seguido de dolor en el hombro (37,5%). La sobrecarga subjetiva se ubicó entre los de mayor edad y con desempeño en otras actividades adicionales; esta asociación resultó estadísticamente significativa (p=0,04). Los cuidadores que dedican más tiempo, asociado a la realización de otras tareas, presentaron mayor sobrecarga subjetiva y morbilidad sentida osteomuscular en la región dorso-lumbar y hombros. Algunos manifiestan sentimientos de carga, dolor y frustración. La falta de ingresos económicos fue relacionada por ellos con el desmejoramiento de la actividad que ejercen

    A Simple Way to Produce Gold Nanoshells for Cancer Therapy

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    Gold nanoshells (GNSs), formed by a silica core surrounded by a gold shell, present a shift on their surface plasmon resonance (SPR) to the near-infrared (NIR) part of the electromagnetic spectrum when synthesized with specific dimensions. This chapter presents a simple method to prepare the nanoshells, a step-by-step characterization, as well as their absorbance spectrum. For the synthesis, silica spheres, with approximately 190 ± 5 nm in diameter, were prepared using the Stöber method and then functionalized with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES). The gold nanoparticles (GNPs), with a diameter of 7 ± 3 nm, were produced by the reduction of chloroauric acid. Then, the silica was seeded with the GNPs to later grow a gold shell with the help of Au(OH)4¯ ions and formaldehyde. UV-Vis spectroscopy results showed an increase of absorbance starting at 520 nm. It reached its maximum around 600 nm and kept absorbing all through 1200 nm. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) images suggest that the absorption peak movement coincided with the completion of the shell. Furthermore, when the sample was irradiated with an 820 nm wavelength/3.1 mW laser, its temperatures increased by 6.3°C in 2 min, showing its absorbance in the NIR

    Modelo estratégico integral para la implementación del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo (SG-SST) en la Trilladora Alma del Huila

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    El presente proyecto de investigación consiste en identificar mediante auditoría las falencias que pueda haber en la implementación del SG-SST siguiendo los estándares mínimos de la Resolución 1111 de 2017. Con el fin de que dentro de la empresa se promueva y estimule una cultura de seguridad y salud en el trabajo, encaminado en prevenir y minimizar los riesgos a los que se exponen los trabajadores. El desarrollo de este trabajo nos permite presentar un plan de mejora para el Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo para la Empresa TRILLADORA ALMA DEL HUILA, identificando que la salud de los colaboradores su ambiente y bienestar es lo más importante para la empresa.The present research project consists of identifying through audits the deficiencies that may exist in the implementation of the SG-SST following the minimum standards of Resolution 1111 of 2017. In order that within the company a culture of safety is promoted and stimulated and health at work, aimed at preventing and minimizing the risks to which workers are exposed. The development of this work allows us to present an improvement plan for the Occupational Health and Safety Management System for the company TRILLADORA ALMA DEL HUILA, identifying that the health of the employees their environment and wellbeing is the most important for the company

    Etapas de cambio y actividad física regular en un grupo de universitarios. Cali, Colombia

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    The stages of change can be defined as changes in the behavior of the conduct of the people, which follows a series of steps. The present study sought to determine the stages of change with regard to the practice of physical activity of a group of college students. Its approach was quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional design. The sample of 193 students of the physiotherapy program from a private university in the city of Cali, selected by simple random sampling, through the OpenEpi statistical software version 3.0.1. A questionnaire of stages of change of physical activity in its short form was used. Analysis was descriptive and correlation with some sociodemographic variables using the Chi-square test. 89.6% of the university students is in the first three stages of change, i.e. are sedentary and a 10.31% was categorized as physically active. The variable associated with the stages of change was the sex with a value p<0.05. The majority of the participants in the study population is young and is at risk of classified as inactive physical. There is potential in this group to promote healthy habits through the practice of physical activity.Las etapas de cambio se pueden definir como los cambios de comportamiento de la conducta en las personas, la cual sigue una serie de pasos. El presente estudio buscó determinar las etapas de cambio con relación a la práctica de actividad física de un grupo de universitarios. Su enfoque fue cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo y diseño transversal. La muestra de 193 estudiantes del programa de fisioterapia de una universidad privada de la ciudad de Cali, seleccionados por muestreo aleatorio simple, a través del software estadístico OpenEpi Versión 3.0.1. Se utilizó el cuestionario de etapas de cambio de actividad física en su forma corta. Se hizo análisis descriptivo y de correlación con algunas variables sociodemográficas mediante la prueba de Chi2. El 89,6% de los universitarios se encuentra en las tres primeras etapas de cambio, es decir, son sedentarios y un 10,31% se categorizó como físicamente activos. La variable relacionada con las etapas de cambio fue el sexo con un valor p<0.05.: la mayoría de la población participante en el estudio es joven y está en riesgo de catalogarse como inactivos físicos. Se encuentra potencial en este grupo para promover hábitos saludables a través de la práctica de actividad física.

    La Resiliencia como Estrategia de Afrontamiento en Situaciones de Crisis en los Colaboradores de Niveles Tácticos y Estratégicos en una Empresa de Carbón y Coque

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo identificar las principales estrategias de afrontamiento de los colaboradores en cargos tácticos y estratégicos de una empresa productora de Carbón y Coque. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo exploratorio con una muestra de 12 colaboradores, donde no se tuvieron en cuenta datos sociodemográficos como edad, sexo o estado civil y quienes decidieron participar voluntariamente en la investigación, estos colaboradores contaban con más de 7 años de antigüedad en la compañía quienes a lo largo de los años han atravesado por situaciones de crisis y han sabido sobreponerse a las mismas. Se utilizó una encuesta abierta denominada “Encuesta de Resiliencia como Estrategia de Afrontamiento” donde se evaluaron las siguientes categorías: solución de problemas, espera, religión, reevaluación positiva, autonomía y reacción agresiva. Posteriormente, se realiza el análisis de los resultados, demostrando la importancia que las empresas identifiquen su nivel de resiliencia ante situaciones de adversidad con el fin de ser compartidas con todos los miembros de la organización a través del diseño y elaboración de una propuesta de intervención que tiene como fin principal establecer una herramienta de aprendizaje que permita desarrollar estrategias y acciones de afrontamiento a sus colaboradores.The objective of this research is to identify the main coping strategies of employees in tactical and strategic positions of a Coal and Coke company. An exploratory qualitative study was conducted with a sample of 12 collaborators, where sociodemographic data such as age, sex or marital status were not taken into account and who decided to participate voluntarily in the research, these collaborators had more than 7 years of seniority in the company who over the years have gone through crisis situations and have been able to overcome them. An openended survey called "Resilience as a Coping Strategy Survey" was used, where the following categories were evaluated: problem solving, waiting, religion, positive re-evaluation, autonomy and aggressive reaction. Subsequently, an analysis of the results is made demonstrating the importance that companies identify their level of resilience to adversity situations in order to be shared with all members of the organization through the design and development of an intervention proposal whose main purpose is to establish a learning tool that allows the development of coping strategies and actions to their collaborators

    Plasma ACE2 species are differentially altered in COVID-19 patients

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    Studies are needed to identify useful biomarkers to assess the severity and prognosis of COVID-19 disease, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) virus. Here, we examine the levels of various plasma species of the SARS-CoV-2 host receptor, the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), in patients at different phases of the infection. Human plasma ACE2 species were characterized by immunoprecipitation and western blotting employing antibodies against the ectodomain and the C-terminal domain, using a recombinant human ACE2 protein as control. In addition, changes in the cleaved and full-length ACE2 species were also examined in serum samples derived from humanized K18-hACE2 mice challenged with a lethal dose of SARS-CoV-2. ACE2 immunoreactivity was present in human plasma as several molecular mass species that probably comprise truncated (70 and 75 kDa) and full-length forms (95, 100, 130, and 170 kDa). COVID-19 patients in the acute phase of infection (n = 46) had significantly decreased levels of ACE2 full-length species, while a truncated 70-kDa form was marginally higher compared with non-disease controls (n = 26). Levels of ACE2 full-length species were in the normal range in patients after a recovery period with an interval of 58-70 days (n = 29), while the 70-kDa species decreased. Levels of the truncated ACE2 species served to discriminate between individuals infected by SARS-CoV-2 and those infected with influenza A virus (n = 17). In conclusion, specific plasma ACE2 species are altered in patients with COVID-19 and these changes normalize during the recovery phase. Alterations in ACE2 species following SARS-CoV-2 infection warrant further investigation regarding their potential usefulness as biomarkers for the disease process and to asses efficacy during vaccination