338 research outputs found

    Efecto del uso de claves en diferentes intervalos de tiempo durante la recuperación de información desde la memoria episódica en niños con TEL

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    134 p.El propósito de este estudio fue conocer el efecto del uso de claves en diferentes intervalos de tiempo (1 semana y 1 mes) en la recuperación de información desde la memoria episódica en un grupo de niños con trastorno específico del lenguaje (TEL) en comparación con dos grupos control (un grupo control emparejado por edad cronológica y un grupo control emparejado por edad lingüística).El grupo estudio incluía sujetos diagnosticados con TEL con una edad promedio de 6 años 6 meses, el grupo control emparejado por edad cronológica incluía sujetos con un desarrollo de lenguaje típico con una edad promedio de 6 años 5 meses, Y el grupo control emparejado por edad lingüística incluía sujetos con desarrollo de lenguaje típico con una edad promedio de 5 años 3 meses. Los sujetos de los tres grupos participaron en un juego donde simulaban hacer una pizza. A la semana de realizada la actividad todos los sujetos fueron interrogados con preguntas directas en tres subgrupos. Al primer subgrupo no se le proporcionó ninguna clave de reconocimiento ni a la semana del evento ni al mes, al segundo subgrupo se le proporcionó claves de reconocimiento en el segundo intervalo de tiempo (a la semana del evento inicial) y al tercer subgrupo se le proporcionó claves de reconocimiento en el tercer intervalo de tiempo (al mes del evento inicial). De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos se concluyó que los niños con TEL presentan un menor desempeño que los niños típicos para recuperar información episódica, que el uso de claves de reconocimiento mejora el desempeño para recuperar información episódica en niños con TEL, que a medida que pasa el tiempo los niños con TEL y los niños típicos disminuyen su rendimiento para recuperar información episódica y que el momento en que se proporciona la clave de reconocimiento afecta el desempeño para recuperar información episódica especialmente en niños con TEL. Palabras clave: trastorno específico del lenguaje, memoria episódica, claves de reconocimiento, intervalo temporal./ABSTRACT:The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of use of keys in different time intervals (one week and one month) in the retrieval of information from episodic memory among children with specific language impairment in comparison to two control groups (one group paired by chronological age and one group matched by linguistic age). The study group included individuals diagnosed with specific language impairment with six years six months average age, the control group matched by chronological age included children with typical language development with six years five months average age and the control group paired by linguistic age included individuals with typical language development with five years three months average age. The participants of the three groups participated in a game activity where they pretended to make a pizza. One week later all participants were questioned with direct questions in three subgroups. The recognition keys were not provided to the first subgroup neither a week nor a month later, the second subgroup was provided with recognition keys during the second time interval (one week later of the initial event), and recognition keys were provided to the third subgroup during the third time interval (one month later of the initial event). According to the obtained outcomes, it is concluded that children with specific language impairment have a lower performance to retrieve episodic information than children with typical language development; the use of recognition keys improves the performance of children with specific language impairment to retrieve episodic information; while the time passes children with specific language impairment and those with typical language development decrease their performance to retrieve episodic information, and when the recognition key is provided affect the performance to retrieve episodic information especially in children with specific language impairment.Key terms: Specific language impairment, episodic memory, recognition keys, tim

    Variable-selection ANOVA Simultaneous Component Analysis (VASCA)

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    Motivation: ANOVA Simultaneous Component Analysis (ASCA) is a popular method for the analysis of multivariate data yielded by designed experiments. Meaningful associations between factors/interactions of the experimental design and measured variables in the dataset are typically identified via significance testing, with permutation tests being the standard go-to choice. However, in settings with large numbers of variables, like omics (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics) experiments, the ‘holistic’ testing approach of ASCA (all variables considered) often overlooks statistically significant effects encoded by only a few variables (biomarkers). Results: We hereby propose Variable-selection ASCA (VASCA), a method that generalizes ASCA through variable selection, augmenting its statistical power without inflating the Type-I error risk. The method is evaluated with simulations and with a real dataset from a multi-omic clinical experiment. We show that VASCA is more powerful than both ASCA and the widely adopted false discovery rate controlling procedure; the latter is used as a benchmark for variable selection based on multiple significance testing. We further illustrate the usefulness of VASCA for exploratory data analysis in comparison to the popular partial least squares discriminant analysis method and its sparse counterpart.Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento, Regional Government of Andalucia , in SpainEuropean Commission B-TIC-136-UGR20State Research Agency (AEI) of SpainEuropean Social Fund (ESF) RYC2020-030536-IAEI PID2020-118139RB-I0

    Proyecto visualizador de imágenes cerebrales a través de tractografías

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    En este trabajo se presenta un proyecto de investigación con el fin de ayudar a estandarizar el problema de la construcción de tractografías a partir de las imágenes ponderada por difusión (DWI) el cual normalmente es un problema al que se enfrentan los neurólogos y neurocirujanos para identificar tractos cerebrales. Con el fin de solucionar el problema, la investigación se plantea desde la identificación y comparación de las herramientas y algoritmos utilizados hasta la elaboración de una herramienta web de prueba la cual permite la reconstrucción completa desde la imagen DWI hasta la tractografía

    Optimal generation scheduling in hydro-power plants with the Coral Reefs Optimization algorithm

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    Hydro-power plants are able to produce electrical energy in a sustainable way. A known format for producing energy is through generation scheduling, which is a task usually established as a Unit Commitment problem. The challenge in this process is to define the amount of energy that each turbine-generator needs to deliver to the plant, to fulfill the requested electrical dispatch commitment, while coping with the operational restrictions. An optimal generation scheduling for turbine-generators in hydro-power plants can offer a larger amount of energy to be generated with respect to non-optimized schedules, with significantly less water consumption. This work presents an efficient mathematical modelling for generation scheduling in a real hydro-power plant in Brazil. An optimization method based on different versions of the Coral Reefs Optimization algorithm with Substrate Layers (CRO) is proposed as an effective method to tackle this problem.This approach uses different search operators in a single population to refine the search for an optimal scheduling for this problem. We have shown that the solution obtained with the CRO using Gaussian search in exploration is able to produce competitive solutions in terms of energy production. The results obtained show a huge savings of 13.98 billion (liters of water) monthly projected versus the non-optimized scheduling.European CommissionMinisterio de Economía y CompetitividadComunidad de Madri

    Effects of Probiotics on Metabolic Syndrome: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials

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    The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate whether the use of probiotics has any effect on the components of metabolic syndrome (MetS) before patients develop type 2 diabetes. A qualitative systematic review, following the Cochrane methodology, and a comprehensive literature search of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were conducted in PubMed and Scopus from inception until 4 July 2019. According to our inclusion criteria, nine clinical studies were finally analyzed, corresponding to six RCTs. Probiotics intake in patients with MetS resulted in improvements in body mass index, blood pressure, glucose metabolism, and lipid profile in some studies. Regarding inflammatory biomarkers, probiotics also positively affected the soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (sVCAM-1), interleukine-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and thrombomodulin. Despite the diversity of the published studies, the intake of probiotics for patients with MetS may offer a discrete improvement in some of the clinical characteristics of the MetS and a decrease in inflammatory biomarkers. Nevertheless, these beneficial effects seem to be marginal compared to drug therapy and a healthy lifestyle and clinically non-relevant

    Proyecto transversal de medio ambiente.

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    Fortalecer el proyecto transversal de medio ambiente a través de la huerta escolar resaltando la identidad cultural y conservación del medio ambiente en los niños y niñas de la zona rural en la Institución Educativa La Magdalena sede El Janeiro.El presente trabajo permite dar a conocer las necesidad de fortalecer el proyecto transversal de medio ambiente de acuerdo a la ley general de educación 115 y la implementación de estrategias pedagógicas a través del currículo escolar y el plan de aula institucional teniendo en cuenta el modelo pedagógico escuela nueva como una estrategia que permite generar aprendizajes significativos mediante la interacción directa del estudiante con el contexto, de acuerdo con Oscar Mogollón(2011,p4) “la Escuela nueva es un enfoque pedagógico integral que promueve la instrucción personalizada y la creación de vínculos fuertes entre la escuela y la comunidad para asegurar que los niños y niñas aprendan competencias que les sirvan para la vida”, resaltando al autor quien inicio la aplicabilidad de dicho modelo en la zona rural. (2011, p4)” La propuesta de Escuela nueva nace como resultado de un proceso participativo que ha permitido analizar la complejidad de los problemas que afectan la calidad de la escuela de acción multigrado, rescatando el sentido de la escuela rural, reconociendo la participación comunitaria y los patrones culturales.” Partiendo de lo anterior se buscó desarrollar una propuesta pedagógica fundamentada en los proyectos transversales según la ley 115 de educación, enfatizando en el medio ambiente como el enfoque guía de la metodología educativa en la zona rural, como lo es en la Institución Educativa La Magdalena sede El Janeiro, por tal se utiliza el fortalecimiento de la huerta escolar como herramienta metodológica en la aplicación de diversas actividades lúdico pedagógicas vivenciales, vinculando a la comunidad educativa en los procesos de formación.The present work makes it possible to publicize the need to strengthen the transversal project of the environment according to the general education law 115 and the implementation of pedagogical strategies through the school curriculum and the institutional classroom plan taking into account the school pedagogical model new as a strategy that allows generating significant learning through the direct interaction of the student with the context, according to Oscar Mogollón (2011, p4) "the new school is an integral pedagogical approach that promotes personalized instruction and the creation of strong links between the school and the community to ensure that children learn skills that will serve them for life ", highlighting the author who started the applicability of this model in the rural area. (2011, p4) "The new school proposal was born as a result of a participatory process that allowed us to analyze the complexity of the problems that affect the quality of the multigrade action school, rescuing the sense of the rural school, recognizing community participation and cultural patterns. " Based on the above, we sought to develop a pedagogical proposal based on cross-cutting projects according to the Law 115 of education, emphasizing the environment as the guiding focus of educational methodology in the rural area, as it is in the La Magdalena Educational Institution. El Janeiro, for this purpose, the strengthening of the school garden is used as a methodological tool in the application of various experiential ludic pedagogical activities, linking the educational community in the training processes

    Detección por pcr de Anaplasma spp. en caprinos del municipio de Los Santos, Santander‑Colombia

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    A nested pcr assay was applied to a portion of 347 bp of the msp5 gene of Anaplasma spp. in goats of the Mesa de Los Santos,Santander. A sample of 99 animals was selected from among 600 individuals, using a proportional affixation. Each goat underwent a semiological exam and the removal of a blood sample for nested pcr a ss ay, measurement of hematocrit, hemoglobin, evaluation of red blood cell morphology and direct observation of the microorganism in extended peripheral blood stained with Giemsa. 7.1% of the goats tested positive for pcr and 4% by direct observation; however, only one of the positives for extended peripheral blood was confirmed as a positive using pcr.Howell-Jolly bodies were the most common finding during evaluation of the morphology of erythrocytes. None of the goats found to be positive showed signs of compatibility with the clinical signs of anaplasmosis at the time of the test, while hemoglobin and hematocrit measurements indicated slight anemia in two of the animals.Mediante pcr semianidada se amplificó una porción de 347 pb del gen msp5 para determinar la presencia de Anaplasma spp. en caprinos de la Mesa de Los Santos, Santander. A partir de 600 individuos se seleccionó una muestra de 99 animales utilizando una afijación proporcional. A cada uno de los caprinos se les realizó un examen semiológico y la extracción de una muestra sanguínea para pcr semi-anidada, medición de hematocrito, hemoglobina, evaluación de la morfología de los glóbulos rojos y observación directa del microorganismo en extendidos de sangre periférica teñidos con Giemsa. El 7,1% de los caprinos resultaron positivos por pcr y 4% por observación directa; sin embargo, sólo uno de los positivos por extendido fue ratificado por la pcr como verdadero positivo. La presencia de cuerpos de Howell Jolly fue el hallazgo más frecuente durante la evaluación de la morfología de los eritrocitos. Ninguno de los caprinos encontrados como positivos presentó signos compatibles con el cuadro clínico de anaplasmosis en el momento del examen, en tanto, la medición del hematocrito y la hemoglobina revelaron anemia leve en dos de los animales

    Pyridinium N-(2'-azinyl)aminides: Regioselective synthesis of 2-alkylaminoazines

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    The regioselective alkylation of pyridinium-N-(2'-azinil)aminides with alkyl halides under mild conditions is described. The alkylation, combined with a reduction of the N-N bond, allows an easy preparation of 2-alkylaminoazines.The authors wish to thank the Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a (C.I.C.Y.T.) (Project PM97-0074) and the Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Universidad de Alcalá for financial support (Project E014/97)

    Boron dilution benchmark using COBAYA3/FLICA4 coupled codes within the NURISP European Project

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    Within the subproject 3 of the NURISP project three neutron kinetic codes have been implemented into the NURESIM platform. For all three codes (CRONOS2, COBAYA3 and DYN3D) the coupling with the thermal hydraulic code FLICA4 was accomplished using the features of the NURESIM platform. This paper contains the results obtained with COBAYA3/FLICA4 coupled codes for the PWR boron dilution benchmark defined within the sub project 3 of the NURISP project. Results are provided for all the scenarios

    Degradation pathways of emerging contaminants using TiO2-activated carbon heterostructures in aqueous solution under simulated solar light

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    This work deals with the degradation of three emerging contaminants (acetaminophen, ibuprofen and antipyrine) in water under simulated solar light using different catalysts of TiO2/activated carbon heterostructures. The heterostructures, based on anatase phase, were successfully synthesized following three different methods (solvothermal, microwave-assisted and sol-gel), using lignin as carbon precursor. The sol-gel photocatalyst only yielded 50% conversion of acetaminophen and a low mineralization (15%), probably due to the higher crystal and particle size and lower surface area of this heterostructure, as a consequence of the higher temperature reached during the heat-treatment included in this synthesis route to achieve anatase crystallization. In contrast, the heterostructure prepared by the microwave-assisted procedure achieved complete conversion after 6 h of reaction. Regarding the contaminants, ibuprofen was the most easily removed, requiring 3 h for complete disappearance, while antipyrine showed the highest resistance to photodegradation, not being completely removed after 6 h. The photocatalytic performance was also evaluated for a mixture of these three pharmaceuticals at different initial pH. The fastest and highest mineralization (ca. 50%) occurred around neutral pH. The study proposes the oxidation degradation pathways of the three pharmaceuticals under solar-simulated irradiation from the analysis of the reaction intermediatesThe authors acknowledge the financial support from Spanish MINECO (project CTQ2016-78576-R). M. Peñas-Garzón thanks Spanish MECD for FPU16/00576 grant. Authors thank the Research Support Services of the University of Extremadura (SAIUEx) for its technical and scientific suppor