124 research outputs found

    Grandes retos de la agricultura

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    La agricultura, que es la base de la alimentación y, por tanto, de la salud, está llamada a desempeñar un papel decisivo en el orden mundial. La erradicación del hambre y la pobreza, Primer Objetivo del Milenio, exigen la concurrencia de todos los recursos disponibles. Incluyen la puesta al servicio de la seguridad alimentaria y del bienestar general de la tierra, el agua y la energía de un modo más prioritario, eficiente y equitativo. Todo ello exige profundas innovaciones tecnológicas e institucionales y una continua actualización y transferencia de medios y formación de los profesionalesPublishe

    Mario Campanacci, 1932-1999

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    This history page in the series "Leaders in Musculoskeletal Radiology" is dedicated to the memory and achievements of the Italian scientist Mario Campanacci, whose name is connected to the medical eponym Jaffe-Campanacci syndrome and to the field and progress of musculoskeletal oncology

    Anatomical variation in the ankle and foot: from incidental finding to inductor of pathology. Part II: midfooot and forefoot

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    Accessory anatomical structures in the ankle and foot usually represent incidental imaging findings; however, they may also eventually represent a source of pathology, such as painful syndromes, degenerative changes, be the subject of overuse and trauma, or appear as masses and cause compression syndromes or impingement. This review aims to describe and illustrate the imaging findings related to the presence of accessory ossicles and muscles in the midfoot and forefoot through different techniques, with special attention on those variants that associate factors of clinical relevance or that would trigger challenges in the differential diagnosis

    Planning Positive Energy Districts in Urban Water Fronts: approach to La Marina de València, Spain

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    [EN] Cities consume two-thirds of the energy supply, and 70% of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions come from urban environments. Positive Energy Districts are innovative tools to achieve energy and climate neutrality in cities. Positive Energy Districts are regions or neighbourhoods with a positive annual energy balance, obtained mainly through energy efficiency and energy generation from renewables. Urban Waterfronts are extended areas close to the sea, which makes them suitable for several types of production with renewables, therefore seeming to be a suitable location to develop Positive Energy Districts. This paper proposes a method that combines strategic planning for project management and the procedure for energy audits to design the optimal district configuration. The study presents and analyses the case of La Marina de València, a district in a Mediterranean city. Three strategic scenarios, both technically feasible and with a positive energy balance, are presented. All the alternatives include PV and switching to light-emitting diode in lighting. The different strategies presented together with a sensitivity analysis facilitate the decision-making process in energy planning and establish a common pathway to achieve Positive Energy Districts in Urban Water Fronts. The results suggest that urban waterfronts are uniquely suited to achieve a positive annual energy balance, thus emerging as a crucial springboard to provide traction to the positive energy districts policy agendaThis work was supported in part by the Spanish public administration under grant FPU2016/00962, and by the Catedra de Transicion Energética Urbana (Las Naves-Fundació València Clima i Energía-UPV)Aparisi-Cerdá, I.; Ribó-Pérez, DG.; Cuesta-Fernandez, I.; Gómez-Navarro, T. (2022). Planning Positive Energy Districts in Urban Water Fronts: approach to La Marina de València, Spain. Energy Conversion and Management. 265:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2022.11579511426

    Quantitative imaging techniques for the assessment of osteoporosis and sarcopenia

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    Bone and muscle are two deeply interconnected organs and a strong relationship between them exists in their development and maintenance. The peak of both bone and muscle mass is achieved in early adulthood, followed by a progressive decline after the age of 40. The increase in life expectancy in developed countries resulted in an increase of degenerative diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system. Osteoporosis and sarcopenia represent a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the elderly population and are associated with a significant increase in healthcare costs. Several imaging techniques are currently available for the non-invasive investigation of bone and muscle mass and quality. Conventional radiology, dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound often play a complementary role in the study of osteoporosis and sarcopenia, depicting different aspects of the same pathology. This paper presents the different imaging modalities currently used for the investigation of bone and muscle mass and quality in osteoporosis and sarcopenia with special emphasis on the clinical applications and limitations of each technique and with the intent to provide interesting insights into recent advances in the field of conventional imaging, novel high-resolution techniques and fracture risk

    Passage en revue de cultivars et de porte-greffes d'amandier : Défis et perspectives

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    Almond growing in the Mediterranean area has been enduring sharp changes in the last decades. Whereas in some countries production has substantially decreased, in others a renewal of the concept of almond growing is taking place. In such a situation, new cultivars and rootstock are essential tools to achieve a success. Whereas in California 'Nonpareil' has been, and continues to be, the essential cultivar, and the new releases only represent a small percentage of the new plantings, the Mediterranean area showed an impressive change with the introduction of 'Ferragnès' by Charles Grasselly. An even more important change took place in Spain by the introduction of 'Guara' by Antonio J. Felipe. Now, the different breeding programmes aim at the release of late-blooming and self-compatible cultivars, two traits duly accompanied by autogamy and frost resistance, although not always these objectives are completely fulfilled. Most of the lately released cultivars are from Spanish breeding programmes, including those from IRTA, CEBAS, and CITA. In addition, only Israel has registered a new cultivar due to its large-sized kernel. For rootstocks, the changes have been in the same frame: small in California and sharp in the Mediterranean, where peach × almond hybrids have become the dominant rootstock, both in irrigated and non-irrigated conditions. 'GF-677' has been the most utilized rootstock in the past years, with an increasing utilization of new releases, more for the Spanish rootstocks from Aula Dei and CITA than for the Italian ones from the University of Pisa, looking for better management, adaptability and resistance to nematodes. New cultivars and rootstocks may improve almond production if they fulfil the requirements of modern fruit growing, as discussed in the presentationLa culture de l'amandier dans la région méditerranéenne a subi dans les dernières décennies des changements appréciables. Si dans quelques pays la production a diminué considérablement, dans d'autres pays il y a eu un renouvellement du concept de la culture de l'amandier. Dans cette nouvelle situation, de nouveaux cultivars et porte-greffes sont essentiels pour aboutir à un succès. En Californie 'Nonpareil' a été, et continue à être, le cultivar principal et les nouvelles obtentions représentent seulement un pourcentage réduit des nouvelles plantations. Dans la région méditerranéenne, un changement considérable a eu lieu avec l'introduction de 'Ferragnès' par Charles Grasselly. Un changement encore plus important a eu lieu en Espagne avec l'introduction de 'Guara' par Antonio J. Felipe. Maintenant les différents programmes d'amélioration génétique ont comme but l'obtention de cultivars à floraison tardive et auto-compatibles, deux caractères dûment accompagnés par l'autogamie et la résistance aux gelées tardives, malgré que ces objectifs ne soient pas toujours accomplis totalement. La plupart des nouveaux cultivars proviennent des programmes d'amélioration espagnols, y compris ceux de l'IRTA, du CEBAS et du CITA. Par ailleurs, seulement Israël a enregistré un nouveau représentant des amandons de grand calibre. Pour les porte-greffe les changements ont été dans le même sens : réduits en Californie et profonds dans la Méditerranée, où les hybrides pêcher × amandier sont devenus le porte-greffe prédominant, tant dans des conditions d'irrigation comme en non irrigué. 'GF-677' a été le porte-greffe le plus utilisé dans les années précédentes, avec maintenant une utilisation majeure des nouvelles obtentions, plus pour les obtentions espagnoles d'Aula Dei et du CITA que pour les italiennes de l'Université de Pisa, en cherchant une culture plus efficace, une adaptabilité et résistance plus fortes aux nématodes. De nouveaux cultivars et porte-greffe peuvent améliorer la production de l'amandier s'ils parviennent à accomplir les besoins d'une culture moderne, comme discuté dans la présentatio