272 research outputs found

    Ciencia y cientificidad en la televisión educativa

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    En este artículo se describe una investigación cuyo objetivo es identificar las maneras en que se construye simbólicamente, mediante el lenguaje audiovisual, la idea de «la ciencia y lo científico» en el modelo mexicano de la telesecundaria. Se describen los sentidos preferentes y las tendencias de sentidos propuestas por los programas de televisión analizados, cuando se utiliza un lenguaje que integra signos lingüísticos (orales y escritos) y visual-figurativos (fijos y en movimiento). Estas construcciones simbólicas constituyen representaciones sociales de lo que la comunidad escolar considera como la ciencia y lo científico.This paper describes a study aimed at identifying how the idea of «science and scientific knowledge» is symbolically constructed through the audiovisual language used in the Mexican telesecondary system. The main meanings and trends used in the broadcast's linguistic (oral and written) and visual (static and dynamic) languages are analyzed. The study shows how these symbolic constructions are social representations whose sense is yielded by the prevailing idea of «science and scientific knowledge» in the school community

    La ciencia en los discursos escritos por estudiantes de Bachillerato

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    Aquest informe descriu les representacions de la ciència expressades en textos escrits per estudiants de tres escoles de batxillerat amb característiques socioculturals diferents. per conformar seva representació de la ciència, els estudiants fan servir una varietat d'elements discursius relacionats amb diferents categories epistemològiques, com la realitat, l'observació i el mètode científic, entre d'altres. S'identifiquen les tendències en l'expressió d'aquests elements discursivoepistemológicos i se suggereixen possibles interpretacions. L'estudi de les representacions científiques adquireix rellevància, mentre que els valors i les creences relacionades amb la ciència i el seu desenvolupament influeixen en les actuacions dels subjectes en contextos com l'escolar, on la ciència es troba quotidianament present.This report describes the notions (representations) of science as expressed in texts written by high school students from three different sociocultural backgrounds. To build their representations of science, students use a wide variety of discursive elements which are related with different epistemological categories such as reality, observation, scientific method, among others. Trends in the expression of these discursive and epistemological elements are identified, and their possible interpretations are suggested. The study of the representations about science becomes highly relevant when the values and beliefs related to science and its development influence the performances of the social actors in contexts such as school, where science is dealt with daily.Este informe describe las representaciones de la ciencia expresadas en textos escritos por alumnos de tres bachilleratos con características socioculturales diferentes. Para conformar su representación de la ciencia, los estudiantes emplean una variedad de elementos discursivos relacionados con diferentes categorías epistemológicas como la realidad, la observación, el método científico, entre otros. Se identifican las tendencias en la expresión de estos elementos discursivo-epistemológicos y se sugieren posibles interpretaciones. El estudio de las representaciones científicas adquiere relevancia en tanto que los valores y las creencias relacionadas con la ciencia y su desarrollo influyen en las actuaciones de los sujetos en contextos, como el escolar, donde la ciencia se encuentra cotidianamente presente

    Robust method for TALEN-edited correction of pF508del in patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells

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    Immunofluorescence detection of stem cell markers in CFhIPS cell lines. Immunostaining for stem cell markers in ten of the 49 lines originally generated. Markers are indicated in the panel and are distributed in columns. Lines 1 to 10 from top to bottom are designated in the panel as well. From ten lines analyzed, one presented a chromosomal anomaly and its name is depicted in red. (TIF 856 kb

    Periodic orbits of planar integrable birational maps

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    A birational planar map F possessing a rational first integral preserves a foliation of the plane given by algebraic curves which, if F is not globally periodic, is given by a foliation of curves that have generically genus 0 or 1. In the genus 1 case, the group structure of the foliation characterizes the dynamics of any birational map preserving it. We will see how to take advantage of this structure to find periodic orbits of such maps.Preprin

    ¿Por qué la gente consume pornografía?: Personalidad oscura, conductas sexuales de riesgo, aceptación de los mitos sexuales y valores sociales

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    En los últimos años, la pornografía se ha convertido en un medio cada vez más accesible y frecuentado, especialmente entre los más jóvenes, para algunos de los cuales, ésta, representa su principal fuente de información sexual. Tanto a nivel mundial como nacional, las webs de contenido sexual explícito reciben miles de visitas diarias, y cada vez más. La finalidad de esta investigación fue conocer cómo los rasgos de la Tétrada Oscura (narcisismo, maquiavelismo, psicopatía y sadismo), los valores sociales, la sociosexualidad y la aceptación de mitos sobre violencia sexual se relacionan con el consumo de pornografía. Para esto, se realizó un estudio transversal con una muestra de 180 personas entre 18 y 71 años (M = 28.02; DT = 13.02), de las cuales el 69.4% fueron mujeres. Tanto la personalidad oscura como la sociosexualidad y la aceptación de mitos presentaron una correlación significativa y positiva con el consumo de pornografía. Sin embargo, de estas, solo el narcisismo y los factores conducta y deseo de la sociosexualidad predijeron la varianza del consumo de pornografía de manera significativa. Además, se observó que ser hombre y ser más joven se relaciona en mayor medida con el consumo de pornografía. Por otro lado, los valores sociales no presentaron relación con el consumo de pornografía, a excepción del universalismo y el logro, sin embargo, sí la presentaron con la personalidad oscura. Valores considerados como más positivos, como el universalismo o la benevolencia, correlacionaron negativamente con la mayor parte de los rasgos de la Tétrada Oscura, mientras que valores considerados negativos, como el hedonismo, el logro o el poder, correlacionaron de forma positiva.In recent years, pornography has become an increasingly accessible and frequented medium, especially among the younger generation, for some of whom it represents their main source of sexual information. Both globally and nationally, explicit sexual content websites receive thousands of daily visits, and this number continues to grow. The purpose of this research was to understand how Dark Tetrad traits (narcissism, machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism), social values, sociosexuality, and acceptance of myths about sexual violence are related to pornography consumption. To achieve this, a cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 180 individuals aged between 18 and 71 years (M = 28.02; SD = 13.02), of which 69.4% were women. Dark personality traits, sociosexuality, and acceptance of myths all showed a significant and positive correlation with pornography consumption. However, out of these, only narcissism and the behavior and desire factors of sociosexuality predicted significantly the variance in pornography consumption. Additionally, it was observed that being male and younger is more strongly associated with pornography consumption. On the other hand, social values showed no relationship with pornography consumption, except for universalism and achievement; however, they showed a relationship with dark personality traits. Values considered more positive, such as universalism or benevolence, correlated negatively with the majority of the Dark Tetrad traits, while values considered negative, such as hedonism, achievement, or power, correlated positively

    Assessing the Role of Social Bots During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Infodemic, Disagreement, and Criticism

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    Background: Social media has changed the way we live and communicate, as well as offering unprecedented opportunities to improve many aspects of our lives, including health promotion and disease prevention. However, there is also a darker side to social media that is not always as evident as its possible benefits. In fact, social media has also opened the door to new social and health risks that are linked to health misinformation. Objective: This study aimed to study the role of social media bots during the COVID-19 outbreak. Methods: The Twitter streaming API was used to collect tweets regarding COVID-19 during the early stages of the outbreak. The Botometer tool was then used to obtain the likelihood of whether each account is a bot or not. Bot classification and topic-modeling techniques were used to interpret the Twitter conversation. Finally, the sentiment associated with the tweets was compared depending on the source of the tweet. Results: Regarding the conversation topics, there were notable differences between the different accounts. The content of nonbot accounts was associated with the evolution of the pandemic, support, and advice. On the other hand, in the case of self-declared bots, the content consisted mainly of news, such as the existence of diagnostic tests, the evolution of the pandemic, and scientific findings. Finally, in the case of bots, the content was mostly political. Above all, there was a general overriding tone of criticism and disagreement. In relation to the sentiment analysis, the main differences were associated with the tone of the conversation. In the case of self-declared bots, this tended to be neutral, whereas the conversation of normal users scored positively. In contrast, bots tended to score negatively. Conclusions: By classifying the accounts according to their likelihood of being bots and performing topic modeling, we were able to segment the Twitter conversation regarding COVID-19. Bot accounts tended to criticize the measures imposed to curb the pandemic, express disagreement with politicians, or question the veracity of the information shared on social media

    Prevalence of Health Misinformation on Social Media: Systematic Review

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    Background: Although at present there is broad agreement among researchers, health professionals, and policy makers on the need to control and combat health misinformation, the magnitude of this problem is still unknown. Consequently, it is fundamental to discover both the most prevalent health topics and the social media platforms from which these topics are initially framed and subsequently disseminated. Objective: This systematic review aimed to identify the main health misinformation topics and their prevalence on different social media platforms, focusing on methodological quality and the diverse solutions that are being implemented to address this public health concern. Methods: We searched PubMed, MEDLINE, Scopus, and Web of Science for articles published in English before March 2019, with a focus on the study of health misinformation in social media. We defined health misinformation as a health-related claim that is based on anecdotal evidence, false, or misleading owing to the lack of existing scientific knowledge. We included (1) articles that focused on health misinformation in social media, including those in which the authors discussed the consequences or purposes of health misinformation and (2) studies that described empirical findings regarding the measurement of health misinformation on these platforms. Results: A total of 69 studies were identified as eligible, and they covered a wide range of health topics and social media platforms. The topics were articulated around the following six principal categories: vaccines (32%), drugs or smoking (22%), noncommunicable diseases (19%), pandemics (10%), eating disorders (9%), and medical treatments (7%). Studies were mainly based on the following five methodological approaches: social network analysis (28%), evaluating content (26%), evaluating quality (24%), content/text analysis (16%), and sentiment analysis (6%). Health misinformation was most prevalent in studies related to smoking products and drugs such as opioids and marijuana. Posts with misinformation reached 87% in some studies. Health misinformation about vaccines was also very common (43%), with the human papilloma virus vaccine being the most affected. Health misinformation related to diets or pro-eating disorder arguments were moderate in comparison to the aforementioned topics (36%). Studies focused on diseases (ie, noncommunicable diseases and pandemics) also reported moderate misinformation rates (40%), especially in the case of cancer. Finally, the lowest levels of health misinformation were related to medical treatments (30%). Conclusions: The prevalence of health misinformation was the highest on Twitter and on issues related to smoking products and drugs. However, misinformation on major public health issues, such as vaccines and diseases, was also high. Our study offers a comprehensive characterization of the dominant health misinformation topics and a comprehensive description of their prevalence on different social media platforms, which can guide future studies and help in the development of evidence-based digital policy action plans

    The impact of financial crisis and austerity policies in Andalusia, Spain: disentangling the mechanisms of social inequalities in health through the perceptions and experiences of experts and the general population

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    Background: Andalusia has been one of the regions most damaged by the economic crisis in Spain. A qualitative study of the effects of the economic crisis and austerity policies in this region has been conducted within the framework of the IMPACT-A project. This research seeks to analyse the perceived impact of the crisis upon the health of the Andalusian population through the first-hand discourses of professionals from the health and social sectors on the one hand, and citizens of different socioeconomic status (SES) on the other. Methods: A total of five focus groups and ten semi-structured interviews were conducted and analysed following an inductive process based on Grounded Theory (GT). Results: Our results show a general perception among professionals: the financial crisis has either directly or indirectly affected population health in Andalusia, though mostly impacting low-income individuals who were already at risk of social exclusion. Professionals’ perceptions have been confirmed through the discourses of citizens of a lower SES, which differ from those of middle and upper SES. Conclusion: Findings reveal some of the most salient consequences on the socially vulnerable groups and people at risk of social exclusion. In particular, our study highlights the importance of addressing three areas of priority action: mental health, unmet (basic and medical) needs, and decline in the health system

    HDO infrared detection sensitivity and D/H isotopic exchange in amorphous and crystalline ICE

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    6 p. : gráf.The sensitivity of the OD stretching band as a probe to detect HDO in astrophysical ice is discussed based on IR laboratory spectra of HDO molecules embedded in H2O ice. This band is extremely broad and tends to disappear into the absorption continuum of H2O for low-temperature amorphous samples. Detectable HDO/H2O ratios with this technique may range from a few percent for amorphous samples to a few per thousand in crystalline ice. These relatively high upper limits and the appreciable dependence of the band shape on temperature, which would complicate the interpretation of data from many lines of sight, decisively limit the usefulness of the technique for HDO detection in astronomical observations. The process of isotopic H/D exchange in mixed ice of H2O/D2O is also studied through the evolution of the OD band in IR spectra. Isotopic exchange starts at ∼120 K and is greatly accelerated at 150 K, as crystallization proceeds in the ice. Annealed amorphous samples prove to be more favorable for isotope exchange than samples directly formed in crystalline phase. The annealing process seems to favor a polycrystalline ice morphology with a higher defect activity. These morphology differences can be of relevance for deuterium fractionation in astronomical . © 2011 The American Astronomical Society.Funded by the MCINN of Spain under grants FIS2007-61686 and FIS2010-16455; “Ramon y Cajal” programPeer reviewe

    La autoficción en El viaje, de Sergio Pitol

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    41 páginas. Especialización en Literatura Mexicana del Siglo XX.El presente trabajo indaga en la obra ensayística de Sergio Pitol, concretamente a partir de El viaje, para situar su posición literaria y estética dentro del esquema convencional de los géneros literarios. Para ello establece una relación intertextual e intratextual con su propia ficción narrativa, en este caso, a partir de la novela Domar a la divina garza. En este sentido se discute la hibridez genérica en su obra ensayística, a la par de abrir la polémica sobre los límites y lindes entre géneros como la novela y el ensayo, para lo cual retoma convenciones discursivas propias de los géneros autobiográficos, tales como las memorias o el diario. A partir de los cuales construye una propuesta significativa para el panorama literario actual, puesto que autores contemporáneos retoman sus indagaciones y hallazgos para incorporarlos en su propia obra. De este modo, los conceptos autobiografía, autoficción, figuraciones del Yo, intertextualidad, intratextualidad, parodia e ironía son centrales para esta lectura de la obra de Sergio Pitol.Esta investigación recibió el apoyo del Programa Nacional de Posgrados de Calidad del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT