365 research outputs found

    Preliminary report on the excavation of a new Late Bronze Age cemetery from Jobbágyi (North Hungary)

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    During the summer of 2014 an archaeological team of the Institute of Archaeological Sciences of the Eötvös Loránd University participated in the excavations preceding the expansion of main road No. 21 in Nógrád County.1 This project provided an opportunity to unearth a section of a large, biritual Late Bronze Age cemetery in the vicinity of the village of Jobbágyi

    Detecting invasive woody increment in agricultural areas with Earth Observation technology

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    In the continental climate regions of the EU, one of the largest environmental and conversational problems is caused by the spread of invasive plant species, especially in agriculturally abandoned regions. Several species of the rapidly spreading and to the native vegetation supplanter plant can be a cause of ecologic and health risk. Some species change the physical structure and chemical composition of the soil, affect the microclimate, thereby contributing to climate change processes. Summing up, invasive species affect agricultural landscapes significantly. The common feature of the belonging species is that they spread rapidly and develop a significant amount of biomass in a short time. In the course of our research we worked out a remote sensing and GIS method, which localize efficiently the infected areas, and we utilized this method in the Northern Transdanubia, to extract the information of woody increment in agricultural regions</jats:p

    Late Bronze Age cremation burials: a complex event with few remains

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    The process of Late Bronze Age cremation rite burials may appear at first glance – due to incineration – to be a type of find that is extremely short on data. However, an analysis of the cremated human remains and the small amount of ceramic and metal grave goods from the perspectives of the history of the event and object biography can contain enough information to provide a basis for determining the roles and functions of the objects found in the cremation/burial process

    A késő bronzkori hamvasztásos temetkezés: összetett esemény kevés maradvánnyal

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    A késő bronzkori hamvasztásos rítusú temetkezés folyamata – az égetésnek köszönhetően – első ránézésre erősen adathiányos leletcsoportnak tűnhet. Az elhamvasztott emberi maradványok és a kevés kerámia- és fémmelléklet eseménytörténeti és tárgybiográfiai szemléletű elemzése mégis hordoz annyi információt, amelynek alapján a sírban talált tárgyak szerepe és az égetés/temetés folyamatában betöltött funkciója meghatározhatóvá válik
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