180 research outputs found

    Proper motions in the VVV Survey: Results for more than 15 million stars across NGC 6544

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    Context: In the last six years, the VVV survey mapped 562 sq. deg. across the bulge and southern disk of the Galaxy. However, a detailed study of these regions, which includes 36\sim 36 globular clusters (GCs) and thousands of open clusters is by no means an easy challenge. High differential reddening and severe crowding along the line of sight makes highly hamper to reliably distinguish stars belonging to different populations and/or systems. Aims: The aim of this study is to separate stars that likely belong to the Galactic GC NGC 6544 from its surrounding field by means of proper motion (PM) techniques. Methods: This work was based upon a new astrometric reduction method optimized for images of the VVV survey. Results: Photometry over the six years baseline of the survey allowed us to obtain a mean precision of 0.51\sim0.51 mas/yr, in each PM coordinate, for stars with Ks < 15 mag. In the area studied here, cluster stars separate very well from field stars, down to the main sequence turnoff and below, allowing us to derive for the first time the absolute PM of NGC 6544. Isochrone fitting on the clean and differential reddening corrected cluster color magnitude diagram yields an age of \sim 11-13 Gyr, and metallicity [Fe/H] = -1.5 dex, in agreement with previous studies restricted to the cluster core. We were able to derive the cluster orbit assuming an axisymmetric model of the Galaxy and conclude that NGC 6544 is likely a halo GC. We have not detected tidal tail signatures associated to the cluster, but a remarkable elongation in the galactic center direction has been found. The precision achieved in the PM determination also allows us to separate bulge stars from foreground disk stars, enabling the kinematical selection of bona fide bulge stars across the whole survey area. Our results show that VVV data is perfectly suitable for this kind of analysis.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, accepted in A&

    Effects of an Intervention in Active Strategies for Text Comprehension and Recall.

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    Assessing Spanish-Speaking University Students’ Info-Competencies with iSkills, SAILS, and an In-House Instrument: Challenges and Benefits

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    In its ongoing assessment of information literacy competencies (ILC), CETYS Universidad first developed an in-house instrument and then applied the standardized tests, SAILS and iSkills. This paper analyzes the design of these instruments as well as data gathered from their implementation. This comparison aids in finding similarities in the ILC they measure, describe how they measure them, and study their differences. The objectives of this analysis are to describe the evolution of the Institution’s ILC assessment over the past four years while providing the basis for making an evidence-based decision about improving the in-house instrument and pushing to develop a Spanish-language multi-institutional tool, and/or the continued use of international instruments

    Assessing Spanish-Speaking University Students’ Info-Competencies with iSkills, SAILS, and an In-House Instrument: Challenges and Benefits

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    In its ongoing assessment of information literacy competencies (ILC), CETYS Universidad first developed an in-house instrument and then applied the standardized tests, SAILS and iSkills. This paper analyzes the design of these instruments as well as data gathered from their implementation. This comparison aids in finding similarities in the ILC they measure, describe how they measure them, and study their differences. The objectives of this analysis are to describe the evolution of the Institution’s ILC assessment over the past four years while providing the basis for making an evidence-based decision about improving the in-house instrument and pushing to develop a Spanish-language multi-institutional tool, and/or the continued use of international instruments

    Rol del virus ebstein barr y el carcinoma gástrico: Role of epstein barr virus and gastric carcinoma

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    Abstract Gastric cancer (CG) is one of the most common neoplasms in Peru. Recently the molecular subtypes have been typified in CG. A molecular subtype is associated with the Epstein Barr virus. This entity presents with a frequency of 10%, in a non-cardiac region, in male patients and with the diffuse histological subtype. The prognosis is better compared to the other types of CG. It presents its own molecular alterations that in the future could be susceptible to target therapies or immunotherapy. DOI:&nbsp;https://doi.org/10.25176/RFMH.v18.n1.126

    Origin and consequences of brain Toll-like receptor 4 pathway stimulation in an experimental model of depression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is a pressing need to identify novel pathophysiological pathways relevant to depression that can help to reveal targets for the development of new medications. Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4) has a regulatory role in the brain's response to stress. Psychological stress may compromise the intestinal barrier, and increased gastrointestinal permeability with translocation of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Gram-negative bacteria may play a role in the pathophysiology of major depression.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to chronic mild stress (CMS) or CMS+intestinal antibiotic decontamination (CMS+ATB) protocols. Levels of components of the TLR-4 signaling pathway, of LPS and of different inflammatory, oxidative/nitrosative and anti-inflammatory mediators were measured by RT-PCR, western blot and/or ELISA in brain prefrontal cortex. Behavioral despair was studied using Porsolt's test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>CMS increased levels of TLR-4 and its co-receptor MD-2 in brain as well as LPS and LPS-binding protein in plasma. In addition, CMS also increased interleukin (IL)-1β, COX-2, PGE<sub>2 </sub>and lipid peroxidation levels and reduced levels of the anti-inflammatory prostaglandin 15d-PGJ<sub>2 </sub>in brain tissue. Intestinal decontamination reduced brain levels of the pro-inflammatory parameters and increased 15d-PGJ<sub>2</sub>, however this did not affect depressive-like behavior induced by CMS.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest that LPS from bacterial translocation is responsible, at least in part, for the TLR-4 activation found in brain after CMS, which leads to release of inflammatory mediators in the CNS. The use of Gram-negative antibiotics offers a potential therapeutic approach for the adjuvant treatment of depression.</p

    Synthesis of a brassinosteroid analogue from vespertiline

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    In the last years, several research groups have been working on the synthesis of new steroidal plant hormones called brassinosteroids (BS), which promote plant growth and better crops. Many synthetic targets and applications of these compounds and their analogues have been described in the literature. From Solanum species of the Distrito Federal, we isolated the steroidal alkaloid solasodine, which was then converted into our starting material, vespertiline. By functionalization of rings A and B, we have synthesized a new analogue of BS, with a 2alpha,3alpha-dihydroxy-6-one structure, typical of the naturally occurring BS castasterone, the immediate biosynthetic precursor of brassinolide

    Durinskia yucatanensis sp. nov. (Peridiniales: Kryptoperidiniaceae), una nueva especie de dinoflagelado planctónico, y su hábitat en aguas costeras de Yucatán, Golfo de México

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    Background: In the coastal waters of the northern Yucatan Peninsula, in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico, numerous pelagic algal blooms have been recorded in the 21st century. In August 2010, an unknown small-sized Peridiniales species caused an intense bloom in the Sisal marina. In subsequent years, it was occasionally found at other sites along the Yucatan coast. Goals: The main objective of the present study was to name this dinoflagellate as a new species and determine its ecological preferences. Methods: Phytoplankton blooms were monitored from August 2011 to September 2014. Fixed cells of the studied species were examined in a JEOL JSM-7600F scanning electron microscope. Its ecological preferences were evaluated using multivariate permutational analysis and generalized additive models (GAM). Results: The name Durinskia yucatanensis (Dinophyceae: Peridiniales) with the thecal plate formula Po X 4’ 2a 6” 5c 4s(?) 5”’ 2”” is proposed for a previously recorded Kryptoperidiniaceae species from the northern Yucatan coastal waters. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen positively correlated with cell abundances for both the exposed coast and marinas, especially in July-August, characterized by high water temperature (31-32 °C). Chlorophyll-a was the only parameter that presented significant spatio-temporal variability among years, months, and sampling sites. The GAM showed that temperature and salinity can predict changes in abundance in different study zones (exposed coast and marinas). The highest values were observed in the Progreso-Chicxulub area along the exposed coast in 2011 and only at Dzilam in marinas during all studied years. Conclusions: The species appears to prefer eutrophic conditions typical for marinas along the northern coast of Yucatan.Antecedentes: En las aguas costeras del norte de la península de Yucatán, en el sureste del Golfo de México, numerosos florecimientos pelágicos de microalgas se han registrado en el siglo 21. En agosto de 2010, una especie pequeña y desconocida de Peridiniales causó un florecimiento intenso en el puerto de abrigo de Sisal. En los años siguientes, se encontró ocasionalmente en otros sitios a lo largo de la costa de Yucatán. Objetivo: Nombrar a este dinoflagelado como una especie nueva para la ciencia y determinar sus preferencias ecológicas. Métodos: Los florecimientos de fitoplancton fueron monitoreados desde agosto de 2011 hasta septiembre de 2014. Las células se examinaron en un microscopio electrónico de barrido JEOL JSM-7600F. Sus preferencias ecológicas se evaluaron mediante análisis permutacional multivariante y modelos aditivos generalizados (GAM). Resultados: El nombre Durinskia yucatanensis (Dinophyceae: Peridiniales), cuya fórmula de placa tecal Po X 4’ 2a 6” 5c 4s(?) 5”’ 2””, se propone para una especie de Kryptoperidiniaceae previamente registrada de las aguas costeras del norte de Yucatán. El nitrógeno inorgánico disuelto se correlacionó positivamente con la abundancia de células, tanto para la costa expuesta como para los puertos deportivos, especialmente en julio-agosto, caracterizados por una alta temperatura del agua (31-32 °C). La clorofila-a fue el único parámetro que presentó variabilidad espacio-temporal significativa entre años, meses y sitios de muestreo. Los GAM demostraron que la temperatura y la salinidad pueden predecir cambios en la abundancia en diferentes zonas de estudio (costa expuesta y puertos deportivos). Los valores más altos se observaron en el área de Progreso-Chicxulub a lo largo de la costa expuesta en 2011 y solo en Dzilam en marinas durante todos los años estudiados. Conclusiones: La especie parece preferir las condiciones eutróficas típicas de los puertos deportivos a lo largo de la costa norte de Yucatán

    La generación nini : Los hijos de la precariedad

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    Este libro es una ventana abierta para hacer visible una realidad incómoda que, durante mucho tiempo, se ha querido que permanezca oculta, invisible. La invisibilización de las víctimas es la mejor estrategia para ocultar la injusticia. Si los pobres nos e en, es que no existen. Lo revulsivo de este libro es que se atreve a sacar a la luz a los invisibles, a aquellos que no tienen rostro y sólo cuentan en las estadísticas. Darles voz a los que no tienen voz; darles la palabra a quienes han permanecido mudos, sin capacidad de decir, "su" palabra es la mejor aportación de esta obra. Los autores no se apropian de la palabra de los verdaderos protagonistas: los que viven en Los Santorales (Mexicali). Se ha querido que sean ellos quienes pongan nombre a sus problemas, los que identifiquen las causas de su situación de exclusión y las posibles medidas para mejorar sus condiciones de vida. Sus testimonios describen la crudeza de una realidad y la enorme dificultad para cambiarla

    Geodetic Research on Deception Island and its Environment (South Shetland Islands, Bransfield Sea and Antarctic Peninsula) During Spanish Antarctic Campaigns (1987-2007)

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    Since 1987, Spain has been continuously developing several scientific projects, mainly based on Earth Sciences, in Geodesy, Geochemistry, Geology or Volcanology. The need of a geodetic reference frame when doing hydrographic and topographic mapping meant the organization of the earlier campaigns with the main goals of updating the existing cartography and of making new maps of the area. During this period of time, new techniques arose in Space Geodesy improving the classical methodology and making possible its applications to other different fields such as tectonic or volcanism. Spanish Antarctic Geodetic activities from the 1987/1988 to 2006/2007 campaigns are described as well as a geodetic and a levelling network are presented. The first network, RGAE, was designed and established to define a reference frame in the region formed by the South Shetlands Islands, the Bransfield Sea and the Antarctic Peninsula whereas the second one, REGID, was planned to control the volcanic activity in Deception Island. Finally, the horizontal and vertical deformation models are described too, as well as the strategy which has been followed when computing an experimental geoid