198 research outputs found

    Extracting the rp-process from X-ray burst light curves

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    The light curves of type I X-ray bursts (XRBs) result from energy released from the atmosphere of a neutron star when accreted hydrogen and helium ignite and burn explosively via the rp-process. Since charged particle reaction rates are both density and very temperature dependent, a simulation model must provide accurate values of these variables to predict the reaction flow. This paper uses a self-consistent one-dimensional model calculation with a constant accretion rate of dM/dt=5e16g/s (0.045 Eddington) and reports on the detailed rp-process reaction flow of a given burst.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to Nucl. Phys. A as part of the Nuclei in Cosmos 8 proceeding

    Search for Important Weak Interaction Nuclei in Presupernova Evolution

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    A search is made for the most important electron captures and beta-decays after core silicon buring in massive stars. A nuclear statistical equilibrium code is used to compute isotopic abundances. Electron capture and beta-decay rates are estimated for the 150 most abundant istopes in a simplifiec fashion which generally includes the strongest transitions. These estimates are made for nuclei in the fp-shell and use techniques similar to Fuller, Fowler, & Newman (1982a), and are compared to them. The general behaviour of Y is examined. These methods are then used to follow a typical stellar trajectory, seeking the most important weak interactions during the formation of the iron core. Ranked lists of nuclei are given, to prioritize more detailed studies of individual nuclei. Beta-decays are found to be an important modification to the evolution below Y = 0.4 as the core approaches a state dynamic equilibrium between electron captures and beta-decays

    Thomas-Fermi Calculations of Atoms and Matter in Magnetic Neutron Stars II: Finite Temperature Effects

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    We present numerical calculations of the equation of state for dense matter in high magnetic fields, using a temperature dependent Thomas-Fermi theory with a magnetic field that takes all Landau levels into account. Free energies for atoms and matter are also calculated as well as profiles of the electron density as a function of distance from the atomic nucleus for representative values of the magnetic field strength, total matter density, and temperature. The Landau shell structure, which is so prominent in cold dense matter in high magnetic fields, is still clearly present at finite temperature as long as it is less than approximately one tenth of the cyclotron energy. This structure is reflected in an oscillatory behaviour of the equation of state and other thermodynamic properties of dense matter and hence also in profiles of the density and pressure as functions of depth in the surface layers of magnetic neutron stars. These oscillations are completely smoothed out by thermal effects at temperatures of the order of the cyclotron energy or higher.Comment: 37 pages, 17 figures included, submitted to Ap

    The Equation of State of Neutron-Star Matter in Strong Magnetic Fields

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    We study the effects of very strong magnetic fields on the equation of state (EOS) in multicomponent, interacting matter by developing a covariant description for the inclusion of the anomalous magnetic moments of nucleons. For the description of neutron star matter, we employ a field-theoretical approach which permits the study of several models which differ in their behavior at high density. Effects of Landau quantization in ultra-strong magnetic fields (B>1014B>10^{14} Gauss) lead to a reduction in the electron chemical potential and a substantial increase in the proton fraction. We find the generic result for B>1018B>10^{18} Gauss that the softening of the EOS caused by Landau quantization is overwhelmed by stiffening due to the incorporation of the anomalous magnetic moments of the nucleons. In addition, the neutrons become completely spin polarized. The inclusion of ultra-strong magnetic fields leads to a dramatic increase in the proton fraction, with consequences for the direct Urca process and neutron star cooling. The magnetization of the matter never appears to become very large, as the value of ∣H/B∣|H/B| never deviates from unity by more than a few percent. Our findings have implications for the structure of neutron stars in the presence of large frozen-in magnetic fields.Comment: 40 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Correlation energy of an electron gas in strong magnetic fields at high densities

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    The high-density electron gas in a strong magnetic field B and at zero temperature is investigated. The quantum strong-field limit is considered in which only the lowest Landau level is occupied. It is shown that the perturbation series of the ground-state energy can be represented in analogy to the Gell-Mann Brueckner expression of the ground-state energy of the field-free electron gas. The role of the expansion parameter is taken by r_B= (2/3 \pi^2) (B/m^2) (\hbar r_s /e)^3 instead of the field-free Gell-Mann Brueckner parameter r_s. The perturbation series is given exactly up to o(r_B) for the case of a small filling factor for the lowest Landau level.Comment: 10 pages, Accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Poisson -- Boltzmann Brownian Dynamics of Charged Colloids in Suspension

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    We describe a method to simulate the dynamics of charged colloidal particles suspended in a liquid containing dissociated ions and salt ions. Regimes of prime current interest are those of large volume fraction of colloids, highly charged particles and low salt concentrations. A description which is tractable under these conditions is obtained by treating the small dissociated and salt ions as continuous fields, while keeping the colloidal macroions as discrete particles. For each spatial configuration of the macroions, the electrostatic potential arising from all charges in the system is determined by solving the nonlinear Poisson--Boltzmann equation. From the electrostatic potential, the forces acting on the macroions are calculated and used in a Brownian dynamics simulation to obtain the motion of the latter. The method is validated by comparison to known results in a parameter regime where the effective interaction between the macroions is of a pairwise Yukawa form

    Three-Particle Correlations in Simple Liquids

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    We use video microscopy to follow the phase-space trajectory of a two-dimensional colloidal model liquid and calculate three-point correlation functions from the measured particle configurations. Approaching the fluid-solid transition by increasing the strength of the pair-interaction potential, one observes the gradual formation of a crystal-like local order due to triplet correlations, while being still deep inside the fluid phase. Furthermore, we show that in a strongly interacting system the Born-Green equation can be satisfied only with the full triplet correlation function but not with three-body distribution functions obtained from superposing pair-correlations (Kirkwood superposition approximation).Comment: 4 pages, submitted to PRL, experimental paper, 2nd version: Fig.1 and two new paragraphs have been adde

    The Ground States of Large Quantum Dots in Magnetic Fields

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    The quantum mechanical ground state of a 2D NN-electron system in a confining potential V(x)=Kv(x)V(x)=Kv(x) (KK is a coupling constant) and a homogeneous magnetic field BB is studied in the high density limit N→∞N\to\infty, K→∞K\to \infty with K/NK/N fixed. It is proved that the ground state energy and electronic density can be computed {\it exactly} in this limit by minimizing simple functionals of the density. There are three such functionals depending on the way B/NB/N varies as N→∞N\to\infty: A 2D Thomas-Fermi (TF) theory applies in the case B/N→0B/N\to 0; if B/N→const.≠0B/N\to{\rm const.}\neq 0 the correct limit theory is a modified BB-dependent TF model, and the case B/N→∞B/N\to\infty is described by a ``classical'' continuum electrostatic theory. For homogeneous potentials this last model describes also the weak coupling limit K/N→0K/N\to 0 for arbitrary BB. Important steps in the proof are the derivation of a new Lieb-Thirring inequality for the sum of eigenvalues of single particle Hamiltonians in 2D with magnetic fields, and an estimation of the exchange-correlation energy. For this last estimate we study a model of classical point charges with electrostatic interactions that provides a lower bound for the true quantum mechanical energy.Comment: 57 pages, Plain tex, 5 figures in separate uufil

    THERMAL RADIATION FROM MAGNETIZED NEUTRON STARS: A look at the Surface of a Neutron Star.

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    Surface thermal emission has been detected by ROSAT from four nearby young neutron stars. Assuming black body emission, the significant pulsations of the observed light curves can be interpreted as due to large surface temperature differences produced by the effect of the crustal magnetic field on the flow of heat from the hot interior toward the cooler surface. However, the energy dependence of the modulation observed in Geminga is incompatible with blackbody emission: this effect will give us a strong constraint on models of the neutron star surface.Comment: 10 pages. tar-compressed and uuencoded postcript file. talk given at the `Jubilee Gamow Seminar', St. Petersburg, Sept. 1994

    Density Matrix Functional Calculations for Matter in Strong Magnetic Fields: I. Atomic Properties

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    We report on a numerical study of the density matrix functional introduced by Lieb, Solovej and Yngvason for the investigation of heavy atoms in high magnetic fields. This functional describes {\em exactly} the quantum mechanical ground state of atoms and ions in the limit when the nuclear charge ZZ and the electron number NN tend to infinity with N/ZN/Z fixed, and the magnetic field BB tends to infinity in such a way that B/Z4/3→∞B/Z^{4/3}\to\infty. We have calculated electronic density profiles and ground state energies for values of the parameters that prevail on neutron star surfaces and compared them with results obtained by other methods. For iron at B=1012B=10^{12} G the ground state energy differs by less than 2 \% from the Hartree-Fock value. We have also studied the maximal negative ionization of heavy atoms in this model at various field strengths. In contrast to Thomas-Fermi type theories atoms can bind excess negative charge in the density matrix model. For iron at B=1012B=10^{12} G the maximal excess charge in this model corresponds to about one electron.Comment: Revtex, 13 pages with 6 eps figures include
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