7 research outputs found

    Potentielle Biomarker des Suizids: Ergebnisse einer Transkriptom-basierten Pilotstudie an post-mortem-Gewebe

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    Im Rahmen der hier beschriebenen Pilotstudie wurde versucht, durch die vergleichende Genexpressionanalyse der Gehirnproben von Suizidopfern und Kontrollprobanden die potenziellen genetischen Marker der Suizidalität nachzuweisen. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf eine gestörte Neuroplastizität, eine pathologische Stress-Antwort, neuroinflammatorische Prozesse sowie eine gestörte Signaltransduktion bei der Entwicklung von Suizidalität hin. Diese Funktionsstörungen finden teilweise in der neurovaskulären Einheit statt. Die nichtkodierenden RNAs könnten als Biomarker der akuten Suizidalität dienen


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    Background: The stigmatizing of the mentally ill is quite common and has numerous social and economical consequences for these individuals. Subjects and methods: The aim of this paper was to examine young peoples’ beliefs regarding the mentally disordered. The authors’ questionnaire regarding the interviewees’ age, gender, social background and their opinions on the mentally ill was conducted among a popular portal’s users. Results: 11900 people were questioned, including 71% women. 30% of the interviewees were under the age of 19, while 34% of them were between 19 and 24 years old and 36% were over 24. 39% of the interviewees stated they closely knew at least one mentally ill person. 44% of the questioned believed a lot of criminal offenders were mentally ill. 66% of interviewees would not mind sharing a flat with a mentally disordered person, 64% would agree to work with one. Those who personally knew a mentally disordered person were more inclined to share a flat or start a relationship with such an individual, than the rest of the interviewed (51% vs. 37% for flat sharing and 38% vs. 26% for starting a relationship, p<0.001). More questioned under the age of 19 believed that significant number of criminal offenders were mentally ill, than those over the age of 24 (50% vs. 37%, p<0.001). Conclusions: According to the acquired data, many young Poles believe that the mentally disordered are inclined to break the law and behave aggressively. These opinions seem to be related amongst others to age and gender, and they result in unwillingness to have relations with the mentally disordered


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    The management of depression has recently been the focus of several articles, in particular regarding the efficacy of pharmacological and other treatments. In order for these to be effective as possible, correct diagnosis, consideration of the underlying neurobiology and an appropriate provision of healthcare services must be ensured


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    Background: The stigmatizing of the mentally ill is quite common and has numerous social and economical consequences for these individuals. Subjects and methods: The aim of this paper was to examine young peoples’ beliefs regarding the mentally disordered. The authors’ questionnaire regarding the interviewees’ age, gender, social background and their opinions on the mentally ill was conducted among a popular portal’s users. Results: 11900 people were questioned, including 71% women. 30% of the interviewees were under the age of 19, while 34% of them were between 19 and 24 years old and 36% were over 24. 39% of the interviewees stated they closely knew at least one mentally ill person. 44% of the questioned believed a lot of criminal offenders were mentally ill. 66% of interviewees would not mind sharing a flat with a mentally disordered person, 64% would agree to work with one. Those who personally knew a mentally disordered person were more inclined to share a flat or start a relationship with such an individual, than the rest of the interviewed (51% vs. 37% for flat sharing and 38% vs. 26% for starting a relationship, p<0.001). More questioned under the age of 19 believed that significant number of criminal offenders were mentally ill, than those over the age of 24 (50% vs. 37%, p<0.001). Conclusions: According to the acquired data, many young Poles believe that the mentally disordered are inclined to break the law and behave aggressively. These opinions seem to be related amongst others to age and gender, and they result in unwillingness to have relations with the mentally disordered


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    The management of depression has recently been the focus of several articles, in particular regarding the efficacy of pharmacological and other treatments. In order for these to be effective as possible, correct diagnosis, consideration of the underlying neurobiology and an appropriate provision of healthcare services must be ensured

    The Circadian System in Alzheimer’s Disease: Disturbances, Mechanisms, and Opportunities

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a devastating neurodegenerative condition associated with severe cognitive and behavioral impairments. Circadian rhythms are recurring cycles that display periods of approximately 24 hours and are driven by an endogenous circadian timekeeping system centered on the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus. We review the compelling evidence that circadian rhythms are significantly disturbed in AD and that such disturbance is of significant clinical importance in terms of behavioral symptoms. We also detail findings from neuropathological studies of brain areas associated with the circadian system in postmortem studies, the use of animal models of AD in the investigation of circadian processes, and the evidence that chronotherapeutic approaches aimed at bolstering weakened circadian rhythms in AD produce beneficial outcomes. We argue that further investigation in such areas is warranted and highlight areas for future research that might prove fruitful in ultimately providing new treatment options for this most serious and intractable of conditions

    The circadian system in Alzheimer's disease: Disturbances, mechanisms, and opportunities

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a devastating neurodegenerative condition associated with severe cognitive and behavioral impairments. Circadian rhythms are recurring cycles that display periods of approximately 24 hours and are driven by an endogenous circadian timekeeping system centered on the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus. We review the compelling evidence that circadian rhythms are significantly disturbed in AD and that such disturbance is of significant clinical importance in terms of behavioral symptoms. We also detail findings from neuropathological studies of brain areas associated with the circadian system in postmortem studies, the use of animal models of AD in the investigation of circadian processes, and the evidence that chronotherapeutic approaches aimed at bolstering weakened circadian rhythms in AD produce beneficial outcomes. We argue that further investigation in such areas is warranted and highlight areas for future research that might prove fruitful in ultimately providing new treatment options for this most serious and intractable of conditions.Andrew N. Coogan, Barbora Schutová, Susanne Husung, Karolina Furczyk, Bernhard T. Baune, Peter Kropp, Frank Häßler, and Johannes Thom