6 research outputs found

    Validation of three-dimensional hydrodynamic models of the Gulf of Finland

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    A model-intercomparison study was conducted, the first of its kind for the Baltic Sea, whose aim was to systematically simulate the basic three-dimensional hydrographic properties of a realistic, complex basin. Simulations of the hydrographic features of the Gulf of Finland for the summer–autumn of 1996 by six three-dimensional hydrodynamic models were compared. Validation was undertaken using more than 300 vertical hydrographic profiles of salinity and temperature. The analysis of model performance, including averaging of the ensemble results, was undertaken with a view to assessing the potential suitability of the models in reproducing the physics of the Baltic Sea accurately enough to serve as a basis for accurate simulations of biogeochemistry once ecosystem models are incorporated. The performance of the models was generally satisfactory. Nevertheless, all the models had some difficulties in correctly simulating vertical profiles of temperature and salinity, and hence mixed layer dynamics, particularly in the eastern Gulf of Finland. Results emphasized the need for high resolution in both vertical and horizontal directions in order to resolve the complex dynamics and bathymetry of the Baltic Sea. Future work needs to consider the choice of mixing and advection schemes, moving to higher resolution, high-frequency forcing, and the accurate representation of river discharges and boundary conditions

    Low CSF/serum ratio of free T4 is associated with decreased quality of life in mild hypothyroidism : A pilot study

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    Background &amp; Objective: Patients with mild hypothyroidism often are depressed and have impaired quality of life despite serum free-T4 and T3 within reference values. Therefore, we investigated whether their symptoms were dependent on the concentrations of free -T4 and T3 in the circulation and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Methods: Twenty-five newly diagnosed, untreated hypothyroid subjects and as many age- and sex-matched healthy controls were investigated. Blood and CSF sampling was performed in the morning after an overnight fast. Quality of life (QoL) was assessed by a Likert scale. In the hypothyroid subjects, the MADRS rating scale was also used to evaluate symptoms of depression. Furthermore, the results obtained by the questionnaires were related to serum and CSF levels of free- T4 and T3 as well as the ratios between them in CSF and in serum. Results: Self-reported health was considerably lower in hypothyroid subjects. MADRS was considerably higher than the normal range for healthy individuals. Low CSF/serum free-T4 ratio was correlated with an increased depressed state according to MADRS (p &lt; 0.01), and in addition, CSF/serum free-T4 ratio correlated positively with the self-reported general health Likert scale (p &lt; 0.05). Concentrations of TSH, or free-T3 in serum or CSF, were not associated with an increased depressed state or self-reported general health. Conclusions: Low CSF/serum ratio of free-T4 was correlated with impaired general health and mood, in contrast to serum measurements not showing any correlations. These findings might partly explain why some patients with hypothyroidism suffer from mental symptoms, despite adequate serum levels of free-T4. However, the findings need to be confirmed in further and larger studies.Funding Agency:Sodra Sjukvardsregionen and Region Hallands forskningsfond </p

    Higher CSF/serum free-T4 ratio is associated with improvement of quality of life during treatment with L-thyroxine

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    Up to 20% of individuals with primary hypothyroidism treated with L-thyroxine still suffer from severe symptoms. These are supposedly brain derived and involve both cognitive and emotional domains. Previously, no consistent relationship has been found between thyroid hormones (TH) or TSH levels in blood and quality of life (QoL). Recently, we reported an association between cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)/serum free-thyroxine (f-T4) ratio and QoL, in juvenile hypothyroid patients. Here, we investigated if CSF/serum f-T4 ratio and QoL estimates correlate also during L-thyroxine treatment. Moreover, the CSF biomarker neurogranin (Ng) was used as a biomarker for synaptic function and integrity in clinical research. Ng is partially controlled by TH and therefore we investigated the relationship between QoL parameters and Ng levels. Patients diagnosed with primary hypothyroidism were investigated using vital parameters, serum and CSF analyses of TH, TSH, Ng and QoL questionnaires. Similar procedures were performed after 6 months of treatment. The most marked associations with QoL were found for CSF/serum f-T4 ratio, which was strongly related to several QoL parameters such as the mental subscore of SF-36 (r = 0.83, p &lt; .0005). Ng, which did not differ from that in our healthy controls, was lower in some patients during treatment and higher in others. However, the change in Ng during treatment was significantly correlated with QoL parameters including the mental subscore of SF-36 (r = -0.86, p &lt; .0001). In addition, the CSF/serum f-T4 ratio correlated with the change in Ng (r = -0.75, p = .001). Our results suggest that the ratio between CSF and serum f-T4 is an important biomarker for QoL during treatment of patients with primary hypothyroidism, so far in research, but in the future maybe also in clinical settings. Moreover, this ratio also correlates with the changes in Ng levels during L-thyroxine treatment, further supporting the impact of the TH balance between serum and CSF on QoL

    Validation of three-dimensional hydrodynamic models in the Gulf of Finland based on a statistical analysis of a six-model ensemble

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    Six three-dimensional hydrodynamic models were compared in their simulations of the hydrographic features of the Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea in the summer-autumn period of 1996. Validation was undertaken using more than 300 vertical hydrographic profiles of salinity and temperature. The analysis of model performance, including ensemble averaging of the results, was undertaken with a view to assessing the potential utility of the models in reproducing the physics of the Baltic Sea accurately enough to serve as a basis for accurate simulations of biogeochemistry once ecosystem models are incorporated. The overall performance of the models was generally satisfactory. However, the comparison between observations and ensemble simulations indicated some drawbacks in the parameterization of vertical mixing. Also the choice of initial conditions, surface forcing and differences between real topography and that one used in the models influenced the differences between observations and model results. Looking from another perspective we can state that the accuracy of the present hydrodynamic models determines the upper limit for that of ecosystem models. In turn, the reliability of the hydrodynamic models depends on the physical forcing which is not always as accurate as one may expect. In the future further development of hydrodynamic models is needed in the following areas: the description of vertical mixing and advection should be improved, description of forcing functions including bathymetry, atmospheric forcing, river discharge and boundary conditions should be refined. Additionally more work should be focused on model inter comparisons to clarify the reasons behind the differences in between the models and between model and data Keywords: Baltic Sea, hydrodynamics, modeling, inter-comparison, statistical analysi