42 research outputs found

    Development of Effective Textile-Reinforced Concrete Noise Barrier

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    Thin-walled, high-strength concrete elements exhibiting low system weight and great slenderness can be created with a large degree of lightweight structure using the textile-reinforced, load-bearing concrete (TRC) slab and a shell with a very high level of sound absorption. This was developed with the objective of lowering system weight, and then implemented operationally in construction. Arising from the specifications placed on the load-bearing concrete slab, the following took place: an adapted fine-grain concrete matrix was assembled, a carbon warp-knit fabric was modified and integrated into the fine concrete matrix, a formwork system at prototype scale was designed enabling noise barriers to be produced with an application-oriented approach and examined in practically investigations within the context of the project. This meant that a substantial lowering of the load-bearing concrete slab’s system weight was possible, which led to a decrease in transport and assembly costs

    A Mechanical and Rheology Development of a Fiber-Reinforced Architectural Concrete for the Poseidon Building in Frankfurt am Main

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    Abstract In the course of revitalizing the Poseidon Building in Frankfurt, an energetically optimized façade, made of architectural concrete was developed. The development of a fiber-reinforced architectural concrete had to consider the necessary mechanical strength, design technology and surface quality. The fiber-reinforced architectural concrete has a compressive strength of 104.1 MPa and a 3-point bending tensile strength of 19.5 MPa. Beyond that, it was ensured that the fiber-reinforced highperformance concrete had a high durability, which has been shown by the capillary suction of de-icing solution and freeze thaw test with a weathering of abrasion of 113 g/m² after 28 freeze-thaw cycles and a mean water penetration depth of 11 mm


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    Ein Carbonbeton-Schalentragwerk, das im Rahmen des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms SPP 1542 „Leicht Bauen mit Beton“ von der TU Chemnitz entwickelt wurde, wurde nach Projektabschluss erfolgreich errichtet.A carbon reinforced concrete shell structure which wasdeveloped by Chemnitz University of Technology as part of the DFG Priority Programme SPP 1542 “Concrete ligth” was successfully erected after the project was completed

    Automatisierte Herstellungstechnologie zur Fertigung von dünnwandigen 3D-geformten Verbundelementen für nachhaltige energieeffiziente Fassadenlösungen – „GreenFACE“

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    Zielstellung des Forschungsprojektes war die Entwicklung eines montagefertigen Verbundsystems aus vorgefertigten Elementen, Verankerungen und Unterkonstruktion zur Umsetzung nachhaltiger Fassadenlösungen. Dabei wurde ein neuer mineralischer Materialverbund mit textiler Verstärkung eingesetzt, der die Fertigung extrem dünnwandiger 3D-geformter Elemente mit hoher Passgenauigkeit gestattet. Das somit eröffnete sehr große Leichtbaupotential geht mit einer starken Gewichtsreduktion einher und ermöglicht damit erhebliche Ressourcen- und Energieeinsparungen. ...The aim of the research project was the development of an assembly working system consisting of careful elements, anchors and substructure for the development of leading facade solutions. Has become a new mineral composite material with a textile ef ect, which allows the production of extremely narrow-walled 3D high-performance elements with a high degree of accuracy. This means that there is a very great potential for lightweight construction, with a strong weight reduction and thus enables what it is to do. ..

    Wiederverwendbare flexible GFK-Schalungen zur Herstellung von doppelt gekrĂĽmmten Beton-Leichtbauelementen

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    Für die Herstellung großformatiger dünnwandiger Schalentragwerke bedarf es geeigneter Schalungssysteme, die eine frei geformte Geometrie, eine erhöhte Wiederverwendbarkeit sowie eine glatte Sichtbetonqualität der Elemente ohne Fehlstellen (Architekturbeton) in Kombination mit einer hohen Produktivität gestatten [1]. Derzeit ist die Herstellung frei geformter Beton-Leichtbauelemente sowohl mit einem erheblichen Material- und Montageals auch Kostenaufwand verbunden [2]–[4]. Zu üblichen Schalungstechniken zählen konventionell segmentierte Holz- und Stahlsysteme, pneumatisch gestützte und modellierte Schalungen sowie deren Kombinationen. Für einfach verformbare Schalungssysteme sind dazu einige Patente angemeldet worden, z. B. [5]–[7]. Aktuelle Forschungen (wie bspw. [8]–[11]) beschäftigen sich weiterhin mit flexiblen Schalungssystemen, die über zahlreiche einstellbare Aktuatoren frei formbare Flächen mit zumeist polymeren Schalhäuten erzeugen.For the production of large-size concrete shell structures with thin walls, it is necessary to provide formwork systems, which permit freely formed geometries, enhanced reusability and smooth, fair-faced concrete quality of the elements without defects (architectural concrete) in combination with high productivity [1]. Currently, the production of lightweight, freeformed concrete elements is characterized by high material and installation eff orts as well as costs [2]–[4]. Common formwork techniques include segmented systems made of wood or steel, pneumatically supported and modelled formworks as well as combinations thereof. There are some pending patents on simply deformable formwork systems, e.g. [5]–[7]. Furthermore, recent research activities encompass flexible formwork systems, which generate free-form areas with the help of numerous adjustable actuators and polymer membranes [8]–[11]

    GekrĂĽmmte Beton-Leichtbauelemente mit bionisch inspirierten Krafteinleitungssystemen durch Einsatz flexibler GFK-Schalungen

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    Die Architektur des 21. Jahrhunderts ist geprägt von der freien Formfindung, wobei Ressourceneinsparung in Kombination mit Funktionsintegration immer stärker in den Fokus effizienter Bauweisen rücken. Klassische Werkstoffe, wie z. B. Stahlbeton, stoßen hinsichtlich organischer Formen und Funktionalisierung schnell an ihre Grenzen. Darüber hinaus sind beim Stahlbeton aufgrund der Korrosionsneigung der Stahlbewehrung hohe Betonüberdeckungen gefordert, was der Umsetzung filigraner Bauweisen mit geringen Dicken entgegensteht (s. etwa [1], [2]). Daher ist die Erforschung von neuartigen Betonstrukturen mit Leichtbaueigenschaften unter Anwendung von textilen Bewehrungen seit einigen Jahren Gegenstand intensiver wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, z. B. in den DFG-SFB 528 und 532, im BMBF-Vorhaben C³ und zahlreichen internationalen Projekten, z. B. [1], [3]–[5]). [Aus: Ausgangsfragen und Zielsetzung]The architecture of the 21st century is characterized by free form finding, whereby saving resources in combination with functional integration are increasingly important for efficient construction methods. Classic materials, such as steel reinforced concrete, quickly reach their limits in terms of organic shapes and functionalization. In addition, due to the corrosion tendency of the steel reinforcement, high concrete coverings are required, which prevents the implementation of filigree construction methods with small thicknesses (see e.g. [1], [2]). Therefore, the research of new types of concrete structures with lightweight properties using textile reinforcement has been the subject of intensive scientific work for some years, e.g. DFG–SFB 528 and 532, BMBF project C³ and numerous international projects, e.g. [1], [3]–[5]). [Off: Initial questions and objectives

    Flexible GFK-Schalungen zur Herstellung von doppelt gekrĂĽmmten Beton-Leichtbauelementen mit stabilisierten Abstandsgewirken

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    Zur effizienten Fertigung gekrümmter Freiformschalen mit großen Abmessungen wurde ein neuer konstruktiv-technologischer Lösungsansatz in Form eines flexibel formbaren, mehrschichtigen Schalungssystems aus glasfaserverstärktem Kunststoff (GFK) erarbeitet. Diese GFK-Schalungselemente gestatten unter Ausnutzung ihres anisotropiebedingten Strukturverhaltens eine gezielte Einstellung von definierten Krümmungszuständen. In umfassenden Untersuchungen zum Systemaufbau der entwickelten GFK-Schalungen und Beton-Leichtbauelemente mit stabilisierten Abstandsgewirken wurden repräsentative, gekrümmte Freiformflächen mit verschiedenen Krümmungsradien entworfen, numerisch berechnet, hergestellt sowie die Konturengenauigkeit und die belastungsgerechte Integration der Gewirke verifiziert

    An international effort towards developing standards for best practices in analysis, interpretation and reporting of clinical genome sequencing results in the CLARITY Challenge

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    There is tremendous potential for genome sequencing to improve clinical diagnosis and care once it becomes routinely accessible, but this will require formalizing research methods into clinical best practices in the areas of sequence data generation, analysis, interpretation and reporting. The CLARITY Challenge was designed to spur convergence in methods for diagnosing genetic disease starting from clinical case history and genome sequencing data. DNA samples were obtained from three families with heritable genetic disorders and genomic sequence data were donated by sequencing platform vendors. The challenge was to analyze and interpret these data with the goals of identifying disease-causing variants and reporting the findings in a clinically useful format. Participating contestant groups were solicited broadly, and an independent panel of judges evaluated their performance. RESULTS: A total of 30 international groups were engaged. The entries reveal a general convergence of practices on most elements of the analysis and interpretation process. However, even given this commonality of approach, only two groups identified the consensus candidate variants in all disease cases, demonstrating a need for consistent fine-tuning of the generally accepted methods. There was greater diversity of the final clinical report content and in the patient consenting process, demonstrating that these areas require additional exploration and standardization. CONCLUSIONS: The CLARITY Challenge provides a comprehensive assessment of current practices for using genome sequencing to diagnose and report genetic diseases. There is remarkable convergence in bioinformatic techniques, but medical interpretation and reporting are areas that require further development by many groups

    NetSök : Internetvägledning för referensbibliotekarier

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    Internet has made information more easy to get, but also more difficult to retrieve. There is a need for information retrieval systems that assure accurate, reliable and up to date information. Quite a number of both commercial and non commercial search services has been developed on the Internet. We have made a qualitative study of one for-pay product in particular, NetS k, produced by BTJ (Bibliotekstj nst), Lund. It is a database that contains collected, evaluated and classified links, and is especially developed to suit public librarians in Sweden. The main purpose of our investigation was to investigate the need and use of such a reference tool and in what ways it was especially suitable for the reference desk work situation. Therefore, we have made a qualitative questionnaire survey in ten public libraries and interviewed thirteen librarians. The analysis shows that public librarians in general suffer for a lack of time to investigate Internet. They prefer bookmarks, link collections and subject-based databases. They see NetS k as a high qualitative made database, though as of yet too small and too expensive, compared with practically equal, but free information on the Internet. In the future it might be a necessity to use for-pay search tools, but at the moment they seem to manage the Internet without them

    The Durability and Performance of Short Fibers for a Newly Developed Alkali-Activated Binder

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    This study reports the development of a fiber-reinforced alkali-activated binder (FRAAB) with an emphasis on the performance and the durability of the fibers in the alkaline alkali-activated binder (AAB)-matrix. For the development of the matrix, the reactive components granulated slag and coal fly ash were used, which were alkali-activated with a mixture of sodium hydroxide (2–10 mol/L) and an aqueous sodium silicate solution (SiO2/Na2O molar ratio: 2.1) at ambient temperature. For the reinforcement of the matrix integral fibers of alkali-resistant glass (AR-glass), E-glass, basalt, and carbon with a fiber volume content of 0.5% were used. By the integration of these short fibers, the three-point bending tensile strength of the AAB increased strikingly from 4.6 MPa (no fibers) up to 5.7 MPa (carbon) after one day. As a result of the investigations of the alkali resistance, the AR-glass and the carbon fibers showed the highest durability of all fibers in the FRAAB-matrix. In contrast to that, the weight loss of E-glass and basalt fibers was significant under the alkaline condition. According to these results, only the AR-glass and the carbon fibers reveal sufficient durability in the alkaline AAB-matrix