268 research outputs found

    Observations on the Coronary Arteries

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    A Critical Review of Clinical Arteriogenesis Research

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    In human hearts, an extensive pre-existing collateral network is present. This was shown unequivocally some 50 years ago in a series of very detailed post-mortem angiographic studies. In these studies, it was also observed that the pre-existent collateral vessels enlarge upon closure of an epicardial coronary artery, resulting in large collateral conduit arteries, in sharp contrast to earlier claims that human coronary arteries are functional end arteries. These insights still form the basis for the concept of arteriogenesis as positive remodeling of pre-existent arteriolar connections. Subsequent experimental studies disclosed the putative role of circulating cells, especially monocytes, which invade the proliferating vessel wall and secrete growth factors, degrading enzymes and survival factors that are required for the development of a mature collateral circulation. Experimental stimulation of arteriogenesis is feasible but to date a relatively low number of clinical studies, with no or limited success, have been performed. The use of intracoronary derived collateral flow index can increase the sensitivity to detect the effects of pharmacological compounds on arteriogenesis, which is important in first proof-of-principle studies. These invasive measurements also allow the detection of patients with an innate defect in their arteriogenic response to coronary obstruction. In a reversed bedside-to-bench approach, the characterization of ribonucleic acid and protein expression patterns in these patients generated new targets for therapeutic arteriogenesis

    Why Are Regulations Changed? A Parcel Analysis of Upzoning in Los Angeles

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    Planners, officials, and neighborhood groups often debate zoning changes, yet there is little empirical evidence explaining why zoning and other land use regulations are changed. I use logistic regression models to examine density-enabling rezoning (“upzoning”) in Los Angeles. I find that upzoning occurs where there are development opportunities combined with limited political resistance. Upzoning is most likely on well-located parcels zoned for low-intensity, nonresidential uses. Meanwhile, homeowners—and particularly homeowners with access to valuable amenities—are associated with regulatory stasis. I conclude by recommending strategies for addressing homeowners’ concerns about higher density housing

    Clonal architecture of secondary acute myeloid leukemia defined by single-cell sequencing

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    Next-generation sequencing has been used to infer the clonality of heterogeneous tumor samples. These analyses yield specific predictions-the population frequency of individual clones, their genetic composition, and their evolutionary relationships-which we set out to test by sequencing individual cells from three subjects diagnosed with secondary acute myeloid leukemia, each of whom had been previously characterized by whole genome sequencing of unfractionated tumor samples. Single-cell mutation profiling strongly supported the clonal architecture implied by the analysis of bulk material. In addition, it resolved the clonal assignment of single nucleotide variants that had been initially ambiguous and identified areas of previously unappreciated complexity. Accordingly, we find that many of the key assumptions underlying the analysis of tumor clonality by deep sequencing of unfractionated material are valid. Furthermore, we illustrate a single-cell sequencing strategy for interrogating the clonal relationships among known variants that is cost-effective, scalable, and adaptable to the analysis of both hematopoietic and solid tumors, or any heterogeneous population of cells

    Failure to detect mutations in U2AF1 due to changes in the GRCh38 reference sequence

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    The U2AF1 gene is a core part of mRNA splicing machinery and frequently contains somatic mutations that contribute to oncogenesis in myelodysplastic syndrome, acute myeloid leukemia, and other cancers. A change introduced in the GRCh38 version of the human reference build prevents detection of mutations in this gene, and others, by variant calling pipelines. This study describes the problem in detail and shows that a modified GRCh38 reference build with unchanged coordinates can be used to ameliorate the issue

    Momentum Distribution in the Decay B-->J/psi+X

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    We combine the NRQCD formalism for the inclusive color singlet and octet production of charmonium states with the parton and the ACCMM model, respectively, and calculate the momentum distribution in the decay B-->J/psi+X. Neglecting the kinematics of soft gluon radiation, we find that the motion of the b quark in the bound state can account, to a large extent, for the observed spectrum. The parton model gives a satisfactory presentation of the data, provided that the heavy quark momentum distribution is taken to be soft. To be explicit, we obtain epsilon_p=O(0.008-0.012) for the parameter of the Peterson et al. distribution function. The ACCMM model can account for the data more accurately. The preferred Fermi momentum p_F=O(0.57 GeV) is in good agreement with recent studies of the heavy quark's kinetic energy.Comment: revised version to be published in Phys. Rev. D; 27 pages, LaTeX, 7 eps figures, uses a4wide.sty, epsfig.sty and amssymb.st

    Kepler eclipsing binary stars. VII. the catalogue of eclipsing binaries found in the entire Kepler data set

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    The primary Kepler Mission provided nearly continuous monitoring of ~200,000 objects with unprecedented photometric precision. We present the final catalog of eclipsing binary systems within the 105 deg2 Kepler field of view. This release incorporates the full extent of the data from the primary mission (Q0-Q17 Data Release). As a result, new systems have been added, additional false positives have been removed, ephemerides and principal parameters have been recomputed, classifications have been revised to rely on analytical models, and eclipse timing variations have been computed for each system. We identify several classes of systems including those that exhibit tertiary eclipse events, systems that show clear evidence of additional bodies, heartbeat systems, systems with changing eclipse depths, and systems exhibiting only one eclipse event over the duration of the mission. We have updated the period and galactic latitude distribution diagrams and included a catalog completeness evaluation. The total number of identified eclipsing and ellipsoidal binary systems in the Kepler field of view has increased to 2878, 1.3% of all observed Kepler targets

    Confirmation of Hot Jupiter Kepler-41b via Phase Curve Analysis

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    We present high precision photometry of Kepler-41, a giant planet in a 1.86 day orbit around a G6V star that was recently confirmed through radial velocity measurements. We have developed a new method to confirm giant planets solely from the photometric light curve, and we apply this method herein to Kepler-41 to establish the validity of this technique. We generate a full phase photometric model by including the primary and secondary transits, ellipsoidal variations, Doppler beaming, and reflected/emitted light from the planet. Third light contamination scenarios that can mimic a planetary transit signal are simulated by injecting a full range of dilution values into the model, and we re-fit each diluted light curve model to the light curve. The resulting constraints on the maximum occultation depth and stellar density combined with stellar evolution models rules out stellar blends and provides a measurement of the planet's mass, size, and temperature. We expect about two dozen Kepler giant planets can be confirmed via this method

    K2-114b and K2-115b : two transiting warm Jupiters

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    A.C.C. acknowledges support from STFC consolidated grant number ST/M001296/1.We report the first results from a search for transiting warm Jupiter exoplanets—gas giant planets receiving stellar irradiation below about 108 erg−1 cm−2, equivalent to orbital periods beyond about 10 days around Sun-like stars. We have discovered two transiting warm Jupiter exoplanets initially identified as transiting candidates in K2 photometry. K2-114b has a mass of 1.85^(+0.23)_(-0.22) MJ, a radius of 0.942^(+0.032)_(-0.020) RJ, and an orbital period of 11.4 days. K2-115b has a mass of 0.84^(+0.18)_(-0.20) MJ, a radius of 1.115^(+0.057)_(-0.061) RJ, and an orbital period of 20.3 days. Both planets are among the longest-period transiting gas giant planets with a measured mass, and they are orbiting relatively old host stars. Both planets are not inflated, as their radii are consistent with theoretical expectations. Their position in the planet radius–stellar irradiation diagram is consistent with the scenario where the radius–irradiation correlation levels off below about 108 erg s−1 cm−2, suggesting that for warm Jupiters stellar irradiation does not play a significant role in determining the planet radius. We also report our identification of another K2 transiting warm Jupiter candidate, EPIC 212504617, as a false positive.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
