499 research outputs found

    Fixation of genetic variation and optimization of gene expression: The speed of evolution in isolated lizard populations undergoing Reverse Island Syndrome

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    The ecological theory of island biogeography suggests that mainland populations should be more genetically divergent from those on large and distant islands rather than from those on small and close islets. Some island populations do not evolve in a linear way, but the process of divergence occurs more rapidly because they undergo a series of phenotypic changes, jointly known as the Island Syndrome. A special case is Reversed Island Syndrome (RIS), in which populations show drastic phenotypic changes both in body shape, skin colouration, age of sexual maturity, aggressiveness, and food intake rates. The populations showing the RIS were observed on islets nearby mainland and recently raised, and for this they are useful models to study the occurrence of rapid evolutionary change. We investigated the timing and mode of evolution of lizard populations adapted through selection on small islets. For our analyses, we used an ad hoc model system of three populations: wild-type lizards from the mainland and insular lizards from a big island (Capri, Italy), both Podarcis siculus siculus not affected by the syndrome, and a lizard population from islet (Scopolo) undergoing the RIS (called P. s. coerulea because of their melanism). The split time of the big (Capri) and small (Scopolo) islands was determined using geological events, like sea-level rises. To infer molecular evolution, we compared five complete mitochondrial genomes for each population to reconstruct the phylogeography and estimate the divergence time between island and mainland lizards. We found a lower mitochondrial mutation rate in Scopolo lizards despite the phenotypic changes achieved in approximately 8,000 years. Furthermore, transcriptome analyses showed significant differential gene expression between islet and mainland lizard populations, suggesting the key role of plasticity in these unpredictable environments

    Molecular characterization of 18S rDNA partial sequence in Microcosmus (Stolidobranchiata, Pyuridae)

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    We present a 18S rDNA based molecular phylogeny of two species of the genus Microcosmus (M. sulcatus and M. claudicans) sampled in the Mediterranean, to investigate their phylogenetic position relative to species of the order Stolidobranchiata. The analysis is based on partial sequences (739 bp) of the 18S rDNA. Among the 18 variable sites found between the two species, 4 correspond to transitions (ts), 14 to transversions (tv) and 4 to deletions/insertions. In the considered Stolidobranchiata, we found 4.3% overall mean number of nucleotide differences and 0.06 (S.E. ±0.01) Kimura 2-parameter distance. The mean number of nucleotide differences between Microcosmus spp. and other Stolidobranchiata species was of 6% and 0.08 (S.E. ±0.01) Kimura 2-parameter distance. A molecular phylogeny obtained by Maximum Parsimony corroborates results of the traditional taxonomy

    The diet of otters (Lutra lutra) on the Agri river system, one of the most important presence sites in Italy: A molecular approach

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    Background. The Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) underwent a strong decline in large areas of the Central-Western part of its distribution range, during the second half of the twentieth century. In Italy, only residual fragmented nuclei survive in the Central- Southern part of the peninsula. Nowadays, the otter is one of the most endangered mammals in Italy, and increasing the knowledge about the ecology of this species is a key step in defining fitting management strategies. Here we provide information about the diet of otter on the Agri river system, one of the most important presence sites in Italy, to understand both the species' food requirements and the impact on fish communities. Methods. DNA metabarcoding and High Throughput Sequencing were used on DNA extracted from spraints. We amplified DNA with a primer set for vertebrates, focusing efforts on the bulk of the otter's diet (fishes and amphibians). Results. Our findings showed that the diet of the otter was dominated by cyprinids (97.77%, and 99.14% of fishes), while amphibians represented 0.85% of the sequences analyzed. Results are in general accordance with previous studies based on morphological characterization; however, molecular analyses allow the resolving of some morphological uncertainties. Although the study area offers a very wide range of available prey, the diet of the otters shows marked selectivity. We highlighted a variation in prey consumed, in accordance with the typology of water system (i.e., river, lake, tributary). Some of the preys found in the diet were alien species introduced by man for sport fishing. Our findings could help define strategies useful for the conservation of the otter population in Southern Italy, suggesting management actions directed at avoiding fish community alterations through illegal stockings without severe controls on their taxonomic status. These introductions could result in a general reduction in the diversity of the otter's preys, affecting its predatory behavior

    Traditional Free-Ranging Livestock Farming as a Management Strategy for Biological and Cultural Landscape Diversity: A Case from the Southern Apennines

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    Mediterranean mountain landscapes are undergoing a widespread phenomenon of abandonment. This brings, as a consequence, the loss of traditional land use practices, such as transhumant pastoralism, as well as shrub and wood encroachment, with repercussions on the biodiversity associated with semi-open, human-managed landscapes. In this study, we focus on a mountain pasture from the Southern Apennines (Italy), where free-ranging transhumant grazing is still carried out, to quantify the effects of grazing presence and exclusion on arthropod diversity, and to qualitatively characterize the plant communities of grazed and ungrazed areas. Using field sampling, remote sensing, and semi-structured interviews, we assessed the validity of traditional cattle farming as a landscape management tool. Indeed, high diversity grasslands excluded from grazing were characterized by significantly less even and more dominated arthropod communities, as well as fewer plant species and families. Moreover, in areas that have been consistently grazed over the years, we found no forest encroachment from 1955 to 2019. However, rural communities are experiencing difficulties in keeping local traditions alive, even with current agri-environmental schemes. Thus, traditional livestock grazing can be a valuable management tool to maintain high biological and cultural diversity, even if stronger cooperation and attention to local needs is necessary

    Gut microbiota plasticity in insular lizards under reversed island syndrome

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    Animals living on small islands are more drastically exposed to environmental changes, such as food or water starvation, and rapid temperature shifts. Facing such conditions, and probably thank to adaptive plasticity mechanisms, some animals display a Reversed Island Syndrome (RIS), a suite of traits, including skin pigmentation, voracity, sexual dimorphism, showed differently from mainland relatives. Here, we analyse a so far poorly explored aspect of RIS: the effect of this on the microbiota composition of host Italian wall lizard (Podarcis siculus), strongly influenced by the animal's lifestyle, and conditioning the same. We compare mainland and island populations, assessing the difference between their microbial communities and their response under unexpected food, experimentally provided. Our observations showed a significant difference in microbiota communities between island and mainland groups, depended mainly from changes in relative abundance of the shared genera (difference due to decrease/increase). Exposure to experimental diet regimes resulted into significative reshaping of bacterial composition of microbiota and a greater variation in body mass only in the island population. Our results could be an evidence that gut microbial community contributes to adaptive plasticity mechanisms of island lizards under RIS to efficiently respond to unexpected changes

    Seeing through the skin: dermal light sensitivity provides cryptism in moorish gecko

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    Concealment by means of colour change is a pre-eminent deceptive mechanism used by both predators and prey. The moorish gecko Tarentola mauritanica is able to blend into the background by either darkening or paling according to the substrate darkness. Here we examined the functioning of background perception in moorish gecko. We experimentally excluded the involvement of melanophore-stimulating hormone in camouflage. Blindfolded individuals change their colour consistently with the background. Surprisingly, individuals with covered flanks were not able to change colour, no matter whether they were allowed to see the substrate or not. Accordingly, we found high levels of opsin transcript and protein in the flank region of the gecko. These observations suggest that T.mauritanica skin melanophores are able to activate a process of colour change autonomously. This study yields the first evidence of crypsis mediated by dermal light sensitivity in amniote

    Search for low energy neutrinos in correlation with the 8 events observed by the EXPLORER and NAUTILUS detectors in 2001

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    We report on a search for low-energy neutrino (antineutrino) bursts in correlation with the 8 time coincident events observed by the gravitational waves detectors EXPLORER and NAUTILUS (GWD) during the year 2001. The search, conducted with the LVD detector (INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratory, Italy), has considered several neutrino reactions, corresponding to different neutrino species, and a wide range of time intervals around the (GWD) observed events. No evidence for statistically significant correlated signals in LVD has been found. Assuming two different origins for neutrino emission, the cooling of a neutron star from a core-collapse supernova or from coalescing neutron stars and the accretion of shocked matter, and taking into account neutrino oscillations, we derive limits to the total energy emitted in neutrinos and to the amount of accreting mass, respectively.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A novel synthetic peptide from a tomato defensin exhibits antibacterial activities against Helicobacter pylori

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    Defensins are a class of cysteine-rich proteins, which exert broad spectrum antimicrobial activity. In this work, we used a bioinformatic approach to identify putative defensins in the tomato genome. Fifteen proteins had a mature peptide that includes the well-conserved tetradisulfide array. We selected a representative member of the tomato defensin family; we chemically synthesized its gamma-motif and tested its antimicrobial activity. Here, we demonstrate that the synthetic peptide exhibits potent antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus A170, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Listeria monocytogenes, and Gram-negative bacteria, including Salmonella enterica serovar Paratyphi, Escherichia coli, and Helicobacter pylori. In addition, the synthetic peptide shows minimal (<5%) hemolytic activity and absence of cytotoxic effects against THP-1 cells. Finally, SolyC exerts an anti-inflammatory activity in vitro, as it downregulates the level of the proinflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma

    Population genomic, olfactory, dietary, and gut microbiota analyses demonstrate the unique evolutionary trajectory of feral pigs

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    Domestication is an intriguing evolutionary process. Many domestic populations are subjected to strong human-mediated selection, and when some individuals return to the wild, they are again subjected to selective forces associated with new environments. Generally, these feral populations evolve into something different from their wild predecessors and their members typically possess a combination of both wild and human selected traits.&nbsp;Feralisation can manifest in different forms on a spectrum from a wild to a domestic phenotype. This depends on how the rewilded domesticated populations can readapt to natural environments based on how much potential and flexibility the ancestral genome retains after its domestication signature. Whether feralisation leads to the&nbsp;evolution of new traits that do not exist in the wild or to convergence with wild forms, however, remains unclear. To address this question, we performed population genomic, olfactory, dietary, and gut microbiota analyses on different populations of Sus scrofa (wild boar, hybrid, feral and several domestic pig breeds). Porcine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) analysis shows that the feral population represents a cluster distinctly separate from all others. Its members display signatures of past artificial selection, as demonstrated by values of FST in specific regions of the genome and bottleneck signature, such as the number and length of runs of homozygosity. Generalised FST values, reacquired olfactory abilities, diet, and gut microbiota variation show current responses to natural selection. Our results suggest that feral pigs are an independent evolutionary unit which can persist so long as levels of human intervention remain unchanged

    Corded and hyalinized endometrioid carcinoma: Summary of clinical, histological, immunohistochemical and molecular data

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    Corded and hyalinized endometrioid carcinoma (CHEC) represents a potential pitfall for pathologists. This study aimed to provide a complete overview of all clinicopathological and molecular features of CHEC. Electronic databases were searched for all published series of CHEC. Clinical, histological, immunohistochemical and molecular data about CHEC were extracted and pooled. Six studies with 62 patients were identified; mean age was 49.8 years (range 19–83). Most cases showed FIGO stage I (68%), low grade (87.5%), and a favorable outcome (78.4%), with “no specific molecular profile” (NSMP). A subset of cases showed high-grade features (12.5%), p53 abnormalities (11.1%) or mismatch repair (MMR) deficiency (20%) and occurred at an older age (mean age&gt;60 years). Common features of CHEC were: superficial localization of the corded component (88.6%), squamous/morular differentiation (82.5%), nuclear β-catenin accumulation (92%), partial/total loss of CKAE1/AE3 (88.9%), estrogen receptor (95.7%) and e-cadherin (100%), stromal changes such as myxoid (38.5%), osteoid (24%) and chondroid (4.5%), CTNNB1 mutations (57.9%), and POLE-wild-type (100%); 24.4% of cases showed lymphovascular space invasion. A minority of cases (16.2%) showed poor outcome despite a low-grade, NSMP phenotype; the molecular basis for the aggressiveness of these cases is still undefined. Further studies are necessary in this field
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