46 research outputs found

    Clinical Correlates and Outcome of Major Depressive Disorder and Comorbid Migraine: A Report of the European Group for the Study of Resistant Depression

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    Background: The present multicenter study aimed at defining the clinical profile of patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and comorbid migraine. Methods: Demographic and clinical information for 1410 MDD patients with vs without concurrent migraine were compared by descriptive statistics, analyses of covariance, and binary logistic regression analyses. Results: The point prevalence rate for comorbid migraine was 13.5% for female and 6.2% for male patients. MDD + migraine patients were significantly younger, heavier, more likely female, of non-Caucasian origin, outpatient, and suffering from asthma. The presence of MDD + migraine resulted in a significantly higher functional disability. First-line antidepressant treatment strategy revealed a trend towards agomelatine. Second-generation antipsychotics were significantly less often administered for augmentation treatment in migraineurs. Overall, MDD + migraine patients tended to respond worse to their pharmacotherapy. Conclusion: Treatment guidelines for comorbid depression and migraine are warranted to ensure optimal efficacy and avoid possible pitfalls in psychopharmacotherapy, including serotonin syndrome

    SET8 is degraded via PCNA-coupled CRL4(CDT2) ubiquitylation in S phase and after UV irradiation

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    Degradation of the histone H4 methyltransferase SET8, which regulates chromosome compaction and genomic integrity, is regulated by the CRL4(CDT2) ubiquitin ligase to facilitate DNA replication and repair

    Sex-related effects in major depressive disorder: Results of the European Group for the Study of Resistant Depression

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    Background: Sex-related effects on the evolution and phenotype of major depressive disorder (MDD) were reported previously. Methods: This European multicenter cross-sectional study compared sociodemographic, clinical, and treatment patterns between males and females in a real-world sample of 1410 in- and outpatients with current MDD. Results: Male MDD patients (33.1%) were rather inpatients, suffered from moderate to high suicidality levels, received noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressants (ADs) as first-line AD treatment, generally higher mean AD daily doses, and showed a trend towards a more frequent administration of add-on treatments. Female MDD patients (66.9%) were rather outpatients, experienced lower suicidality levels, comorbid thyroid dysfunction, migraine, asthma, and a trend towards earlier disease onset. Conclusions: The identified divergencies may contribute to the concept of male and female depressive syndromes and serve as predictors of disease severity and course, as they reflect phenomena that were repeatedly related to treatment-resistant depression (TRD). Especially the greater necessity of inpatient treatment and more complex psychopharmacotherapy in men may reflect increased therapeutic efforts undertaken to treat suicidality and to avoid TRD. Hence, considering sex may guide the diagnostic and treatment processes towards targeting challenging clinical manifestations including comorbidities and suicidality, and prevention of TRD and chronicity

    Defective ALC1 nucleosome remodeling confers PARPi sensitization and synthetic lethality with HRD.

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    Chromatin is a barrier to efficient DNA repair, as it hinders access and processing of certain DNA lesions. ALC1/CHD1L is a nucleosome-remodeling enzyme that responds to DNA damage, but its precise function in DNA repair remains unknown. Here we report that loss of ALC1 confers sensitivity to PARP inhibitors, methyl-methanesulfonate, and uracil misincorporation, which reflects the need to remodel nucleosomes following base excision by DNA glycosylases but prior to handover to APEX1. Using CRISPR screens, we establish that ALC1 loss is synthetic lethal with homologous recombination deficiency (HRD), which we attribute to chromosome instability caused by unrepaired DNA gaps at replication forks. In the absence of ALC1 or APEX1, incomplete processing of BER intermediates results in post-replicative DNA gaps and a critical dependence on HR for repair. Hence, targeting ALC1 alone or as a PARP inhibitor sensitizer could be employed to augment existing therapeutic strategies for HRD cancers.Work in I.A.’s group is funded by the WellcomeTrust (grant number 210634), BBSRC (BB/R007195/1), and Cancer ResearchUK (C35050/A22284). Work in D.A.’s group is funded by the Cancer ResearchUK Career Development Fellowship (grant number 16304). Work in the S.J.B.lab is supported by the Coun, which receives its core fundingfrom Cancer Research UK (FC0010048), the UK Medical Research Council(FC0010048), and the Wellcome Trust (FC0010048); a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Investigator Grant (TelMetab); and Wellcome TrustSenior Investigator and Collaborative Grants. S.S.-B. was the recipient of an EMBO Long Term Fellowship (ALTF 707-2019) and a MSCA individual fellow-ship (grant 886577). Work in the J.R.C. group is funded by CRUK Career Devel-opment Fellowship (C52690/A19270) with infrastructural support from Well-come core award 090532/Z/09/ZS

    Keeping homologous recombination in check

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    The PCNA-associated protein PARI negatively regulates homologous recombination via the inhibition of DNA repair synthesis

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    Successful and accurate completion of the replication of damage-containing DNA requires mainly recombination and RAD18-dependent DNA damage tolerance pathways. RAD18 governs at least two distinct mechanisms: translesion synthesis (TLS) and template switching (TS)-dependent pathways. Whereas TS is mainly error-free, TLS can work in an error-prone manner and, as such, the regulation of these pathways requires tight control to prevent DNA errors and potentially oncogenic transformation and tumorigenesis. In humans, the PCNA-associated recombination inhibitor (PARI) protein has recently been shown to inhibit homologous recombination (HR) events. Here, we describe a biochemical mechanism in which PARI functions as an HR regulator after replication fork stalling and during double-strand break repair. In our reconstituted biochemical system, we show that PARI inhibits DNA repair synthesis during recombination events in a PCNA interaction-dependent way but independently of its UvrD-like helicase domain. In accordance, we demonstrate that PARI inhibits HR in vivo, and its knockdown suppresses the UV sensitivity of RAD18-depleted cells. Our data reveal a novel human regulatory mechanism that limits the extent of HR and represents a new potential target for anticancer therapy

    Age as a moderating factor of treatment resistance in depression

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    BackgroundTreatment-resistant depression (TRD) is an important clinical challenge and may present differently between age groups. MethodsA total of 893 depressed patients recruited within the framework of the European research consortium "Group for the Studies of Resistant Depression" were assessed by generalized linear models regarding age effects (both as numerical and factorial predictors) on treatment outcome, number of lifetime depressive episodes, hospitalization time, and duration of the current episode. Effects of age as numerical predictor on the severity of common depressive symptoms, measured with Montgomery-angstrom sberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) for two-time points, were assessed by linear mixed models, respectively, for patients showing TRD and treatment response. A corrected p threshold of 0.001 was applied. ResultsOverall symptom load reflected by MADRS (p < 0.0001) and lifetime hospitalization time (p < 0.0001) increased with age in TRD patients but not treatment responders. In TRD, higher age was predicting symptom severity of inner tension, reduced appetite, concentrations difficulties, and lassitude (all p <= 0.001). Regarding clinical significance, older TRD patients were more likely to report severe symptoms (item score > 4) for these items both before and after treatment (all p <= 0.001). ConclusionsIn this naturalistic sample of severely ill depressed patients, antidepressant treatment protocols were equally effective in addressing TRD in old age. However, specific symptoms such as sadness, appetite, and concentration showed an age-dependent presentation, impacting residual symptoms in severely affected TRD patients and calling for a precision approach by a better integration of age profiles in treatment recommendations