637 research outputs found

    Análisis de los factores determinantes de la demanda de hipotecas en varias comunidades autónomas de España

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    En este trabajo se han estudiado y analizado los factores macroenómicos que influyen en la demanda de hipotecas en varias comunidades autónomas españolas en el período de tiempo comprendido entre los años 2000 y 2018Departamento de Economía Financiera y ContabilidadGrado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Run-time Support to Manage Architectural Variability Speci ed with CVL

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    The execution context in which pervasive systems or mobile computing run changes continuously. Hence, applications for these systems should be adapted at run-time according to the current context. In order to implement a context-aware dynamic reconfiguration service, most approaches usually require to model at design-time both the list of all possible configurations and the plans to switch among them. In this paper we present an alternative approach for the automatic run-time generation of application configurations and the reconfiguration plans. The generated configurations are optimal regarding di erent criteria, such as functionality or resource consumption (e.g. battery or memory). This is achieved by: (1) modelling architectural variability at design-time using Common Variability Language (CVL), and (2) using a genetic algorithm that finds at run-time nearly-optimal configurations using the information provided by the variability model. We also specify a case study and we use it to evaluate our approach, showing that it is efficient and suitable for devices with scarce resources.Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia Tech y proyectos de investigación TIN2008-01942, P09-TIC-5231 and INTER-TRUST FP7-317731

    Smoothed bootstrap Malmquist index based on DEA model to compute productivity of tax offices

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    This paper analyses the productivity growth of the SUMA tax offices located in Spain evolved between 2004 and 2006 by using Malmquist Index based on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models. It goes a step forward by smoothed bootstrap procedure which improves the quality of the results by generalising the samples, so that the conclusions obtained from them can be applied in order to increase productivity levels. Additionally, the productivity effect is divided into two different components, efficiency and technological change, with the objective of helping to clarify the role played by either the managers or the level of technology in the final performance figures

    Conditional Order-m Efficiency of Wastewater Treatment Plants: The Role of Environmental Factors

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    The growing economic and environmental importance of managing water resources at a global level also entails greater efforts and interest in improving the functioning and efficiency of the increasingly more numerous wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). In this context, this study analyzes the efficiency of a uniform sample of plants of this type located in the region of Valencia (Spain). The type of efficiency measure used for this (conditional order-m efficiency) allows continuous and discrete contextual variables to be directly involved in the analysis and enables the assessment of their statistical significance and effect (positive or negative). The main findings of the study showed that the quality of the influent water and also the size and age of the plants had a significant influence on their efficiency levels. In particular, as regards the effect of such variables, the findings pointed to the existence of an inverse relationship between the quality of the influent water and the efficiency of the WWTPs. Also, a lower annual volume of treated water and more modern installations showed a positive influence. Additionally, the average efficiency levels observed turned out to be higher than those reported in previous studies

    El futuro de la regulación del sector del abastecimiento en España

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    La gestión del servicio de abastecimiento de agua es un tema de muy relevante y de plena actualidad, no solo en España sino a nivel mundial. En España, desde la forma de prestación del servicio a través de la gestión directa o la gestión indirecta, o el tipo en sí de gestión indirecta que se desarrolle –empresa privada, pública o mixta- dan como resultado prácticamente tantas situaciones como ayuntamientos existen ya que la competencia es municipal, según reconoce la Ley de Bases de Régimen Local. La heterogeneidad de circunstancias de gestión de los recursos hídricos, la fragmentación de un sector clave y la falta de indicadores comparables entre diferentes opciones para la prestación de este servicio, parece indicar la necesidad de apostar por la creación de un ente regulador independiente dada la naturaleza monopolística del sector del abastecimiento y el saneamiento, junto con el carácter esencial del bien que se gestiona. Mientras que las instituciones gubernamentales dictan las políticas generales a través de leyes y reglamentos, los operadores -públicos, privados o mixtos- son los responsables de prestar los servicios a la población, y sería el órgano regulador quien velaría por el cumplimiento de las normas. El MAGRAMA está estudiando la posibilidad de elaborar una Ley sobre el Ciclo Integral del Agua de Uso Urbano con las dificultades que esto tiene en consideración a las competencias de las Comunidades Autónomas, lo que sin duda ayudaría a homologar la gestión del agua urbana en España, regulando un monopolio natural, ahora en manos de más de 8.100 municipios y un reducido número de empresas concesionarias, auténticas detentadoras de estos servicios. En este trabajo tratamos de analizar las ventajas que supondría para España contar con una agencia de regulación similar a las existentes en numerosos países, tanto europeos como de América Latina.Water supply management service is a very relevant issue at present. Not only the form of the service through direct or indirect management, but also the different ways of indirect management -private, public or mixed operators- produce as a result almost as many situations as local councils exists since competence is local, as it is recognized by the Law on Local Government. The heterogeneity of circumstances for water management, the fragmentation of a key sector and the lack of comparable indicators between different options for the provision of this service, suggests the need to invest in the creation of a regulator given the monopolistic nature of the water supply and sanitation sector, together with the essential character of the good provided. All this promotes a framework for the existence of an independent regulator. While government institutions dictate the general policies through laws and regulations, operators - public, private or mixed - are responsible for providing services to the population, and is the regulator who would ensure the compliance of the rules. The MAGRAMA (Ministry for Agricultural Affairs and Environment) is studying the possibility of developing a Law on Urban Water Cycle Use, which would certainly help to standardize the urban water management in Spain, by regulating a natural monopoly, now in the hands of more than 8,100 municipalities. In this work, we analyze the benefits that a Regulatory Agency similar to those in numerous countries, both European and Latin American would have in Spanish water sector.Los autores desean hacer constar el agradecimiento a las Ayudas para la realización de proyectos de investigación emergentes, del Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación de la Universidad de Alicante, 2012

    Run-time Adaptation of Mobile Applications using Genetic Algorithms

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    Mobile applications run in environments where the context is continuously changing. Therefore, it is necessary to provide support for the run-time adaptation of these applications. This support is usually achieved by middleware platforms that offer a context-aware dynamic reconfiguration service. However, the main shortcoming of existing approaches is that both the list of possible configurations and the plans to adapt the application to a new configuration are usually specified at design-time. In this paper we present an approach that allows the automatic generation at run-time of application configurations and of reconfiguration plans. Moreover, the generated configurations are optimal regarding the provided functionality and, more importantly, without exceeding the available resources (e.g. battery). This is performed by: (1) having the information about the application variability available at runtime using feature models, and (2) using an genetic algorithm that allows generating an optimal configuration at runtime. We have specified a case study and evaluated our approach, and the results show that it is efficient enough as to be used on mobile devices without introducing an excessive overhead.Campus de Excelencia Andalucía Tech y Proyectos de investigación TIN2008-01942, P09-TIC-5231 y INTER-TRUST FP7-317731

    Wiki and blog as teaching tools in tourism higher education

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    The application of information and communications technologies (ICTs) to higher education is an essential element in the improvement of open and flexible teaching–learning. This is particularly important for students of tourism, a sector in which the relationship with technological processes and their everyday use is increasing. This article describes the experience of students of an “Introduction to Economics” in a tourism degree that was involved in this initiative. It is based on the information provided by a quantitative and qualitative survey to obtain the start profile of students, gender differences and mainly the attitude of students towards the use of the wiki and blog as educational tools. As a result, it is highlighted that the implementation of these technological teaching tools increases the interest and engagement of students with the subject

    Hey children! Do you feel listened by your politicians? Evaluating a participative democratic programme

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate a participative democracy programme called Ágora infantil, carried out with students between the ages of 10 and 12. As in participatory budgets, the process is based on the research-action model (Lewin, 1946) and consists of the city council opening up decision-making on a part of the municipal budget or a concrete policy to the children of the municipality. This process of diagnosis, prioritization and decision-making was completed over the course of 5 to 7 sessions during school hours and implemented by the Coglobal association. Once the participants make a decision, the city council carries out the project selected in the municipality (the decision made is binding). The main goal of Ágora Infantil is to generate psychological empowerment and wellbeing amongst its participants, and to measure the effects of this programme on children’s psychological empowerment. To this end, we used Zimmerman´s model (Zimmerman, 1995; Zimmerman, 2000). The operationalization of the strengthening was based on: 1) knowledge of local politics (as a component of the interactional dimension of psychological empowerment) and 2) the self-perception of being able to influence the future of the municipality (component of the intrapersonal dimension of psychological empowerment). In addition, wellbeing was evaluated through the perception of being heard (Casas y Bello, 2012) and trust in the city council.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Empowering children in politics: evaluating a participative democratic programme

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate a participative democracy programme called Ágora infantil, carried out with students between the ages of 10 and 12. As in participatory budgets, the process is based on the research-action model (Lewin, 1946) and consists of the city council opening up decision-making on a part of the municipal budget or a concrete policy to the children of the municipality. This process of diagnosis, prioritization and decision-making was completed over the course of 5 to 7 sessions during school hours and implemented by the Coglobal association. Once the participants make a decision, the city council carries out the project selected in the municipality (the decision made is binding). The main goal of Ágora Infantil is to generate psychological empowerment and wellbeing amongst its participants, and to measure the effects of this programme on children’s psychological empowerment. To this end, we used Zimmerman´s model (Zimmerman, 1995; Zimmerman, 2000). The operationalization of the strengthening was based on: 1) knowledge of local politics (as a component of the interactional dimension of psychological empowerment) and 2) the self-perception of being able to influence the future of the municipality (component of the intrapersonal dimension of psychological empowerment). In addition, wellbeing was evaluated through the perception of being heard (Casas y Bello, 2012) and trust in the city council.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Representación en MatLab de modos resonantes en cavidades esféricas

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    In this document the phenomenon of the propagation of electromagnetic fields inside the resonant cavities in a theoretical and experimental way will be addressed. The theoretical part will be developed for resonant cavities of rectangular, cylindrical and spherical geometry, with special attention to the latter. To do this, solutions of the Maxwell equations will be developed and developed by using vectorial potentials and the corresponding boundary conditions will be applied. Once the expressions of the fields have been obtained, they will be simulated with MatLab. The simulation will be carried out by means of the implementation of diverse functions and will be managed with a graphical interface (GUI) that will allow to collect the input parameters and present the results in a clear and visual way.En el presente documento se abordará el fenómeno de la propagación de campos electromagnéticos en el interior de cavidades resonantes de manera teórica y experimental. La parte teórica se desarrollará para cavidades resonantes de geometría rectangular, cilíndrica y esférica, con especial atención a esta última. Para ello se plantearán y desarrollarán soluciones de las ecuaciones de Maxwell mediante el uso de potenciales vectoriales y se aplicarán las correspondientes condiciones de contorno. Una vez obtenidas las expresiones de los campos, se procederá a la simulación de los mismos con MatLab. La simulación se llevará a cabo mediante la implementación de diversas funciones y se gestionará con una interfaz gráfica (GUI) que permitirá recoger los parámetros de entrada y presentar los resultados de manera clara y visual.Fuentes Pascual, MÁ. (2017). Representación en MatLab de modos resonantes en cavidades esféricas. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/92667TFG