541 research outputs found

    Effect of statins on venous thromboembolic events: a meta-analysis of published and unpublished evidence from randomised controlled trials

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    Background - It has been suggested that statins substantially reduce the risk of venous thromboembolic events. We sought to test this hypothesis by performing a meta-analysis of both published and unpublished results from randomised trials of statins. Methods and Findings - We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane CENTRAL up to March 2012 for randomised controlled trials comparing statin with no statin, or comparing high dose versus standard dose statin, with 100 or more randomised participants and at least 6 months' follow-up. Investigators were contacted for unpublished information about venous thromboembolic events during follow-up. Twenty-two trials of statin versus control (105,759 participants) and seven trials of an intensive versus a standard dose statin regimen (40,594 participants) were included. In trials of statin versus control, allocation to statin therapy did not significantly reduce the risk of venous thromboembolic events (465 [0.9%] statin versus 521 [1.0%] control, odds ratio [OR] = 0.89, 95% CI 0.78–1.01, p = 0.08) with no evidence of heterogeneity between effects on deep vein thrombosis (266 versus 311, OR 0.85, 95% CI 0.72–1.01) and effects on pulmonary embolism (205 versus 222, OR 0.92, 95% CI 0.76–1.12). Exclusion of the trial result that provided the motivation for our meta-analysis (JUPITER) had little impact on the findings for venous thromboembolic events (431 [0.9%] versus 461 [1.0%], OR = 0.93 [95% CI 0.82–1.07], p = 0.32 among the other 21 trials). There was no evidence that higher dose statin therapy reduced the risk of venous thromboembolic events compared with standard dose statin therapy (198 [1.0%] versus 202 [1.0%], OR = 0.98, 95% CI 0.80–1.20, p = 0.87). Risk of bias overall was small but a certain degree of effect underestimation due to random error cannot be ruled out. Please see later in the article for the Editors' Summary. Conclusions - The findings from this meta-analysis do not support the previous suggestion of a large protective effect of statins (or higher dose statins) on venous thromboembolic events. However, a more moderate reduction in risk up to about one-fifth cannot be ruled out

    Operationalizing NIMH Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) in naturalistic clinical settings

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    Recently, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) introduced the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) initiative to address two major challenges facing the field of psychiatry: (1) the lack of new effective personalized treatments for psychiatric disorders, and (2) the limitations associated with categorically-defined psychiatric disorders. While the potential of RDoC to revolutionize personalized psychiatric medicine and psychiatric nosology has been acknowledged, it is unclear how to implement RDoC in naturalistic clinical settings as part of routine outcomes research. In this paper we present the major RDoC principles and then show how these principles are operationalized in the Menninger Clinic’s McNair Initiative for Neuroscience Discovery-Menninger & Baylor College of Medicine (MIND-MB) study. We discuss how RDoC-informed outcomes-based assessment in clinical settings can transform personalized clinical care through multimodal treatments

    Formulation and stabilization of a recombinant human Cytomegalovirus vector for use as a candidate vaccine for HIV-1

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    Vaccination using Cytomegalovirus (CMV) vectors have recently shown promising results in conferring protection in non-human primates against SIV and Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection (1-3). Since CMV vectors can stimulate the production of high concentrations of systemic effector memory T-cells, CMV vectors (containing the appropriate insert) have the potential to clear SIV/HIV and Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection, provided administration occurs at the onset of infection (1, 3). Despite the promising animal data, CMV vectors are prone to potency loss (i.e., degradation) by freeze-thaw and storage at 2-8°C. In this study, we wished to develop formulations with increased freeze-thaw and liquid stability for a recombinant human CMV vector (rHCMV-1) for use in initial clinical trials including i) reduce vector potency loss to \u3c0.5 log after 1 freeze-thaw cycle and ii) reduce vector potency loss to \u3c0.5 log after 4 hours at 2-8°C storage. To achieve these goals, we screened a library of ~50 pharmaceutical excipients and evaluated their effect on vector potency after 3 freeze-thaw cycles or incubation at 4°C for several days. We found that certain additives completely protected rHCMV-1 against freeze-thaw mediated potency loss. With regards to liquid stability, we found certain additives slowed the rate of rHCMV-1 titer loss when stored at 4°C. After screening various excipient combinations, we evaluated three candidate formulations and benchmarked them against the bulk drug substance (BDS) formulation buffer and another published formulation (4). The candidate formulations were significantly more stable than the formulations used for benchmarking in terms reducing rHCMV-1 titer loss due to freeze-thaw and incubation at 4°C for up to 30 days. Despite providing greater stability than the current BDS formulation buffer, rHCMV-1 titer loss was still observed at 4°C as a function of incubation time, which suggests further stabilization (i.e., lyophilization) is likely necessary for longer term development. This study highlights the utility of empirical design of a liquid formulation of a live viral vector where freeze-thaw and short-term liquid storage are necessary. References S. G. Hansen et al., Prevention of tuberculosis in rhesus macaques by a cytomegalovirus-based vaccine. Nat Med 24, 130-143 (2018). S. G. Hansen et al., Profound early control of highly pathogenic SIV by an effector memory T-cell vaccine. Nature 473, 523-527 (2011). S. G. Hansen et al., Immune clearance of highly pathogenic SIV infection. Nature 502, 100-104 (2013). T.-M. Fu, D. Wang, M. B. Medi, M. S. D. Corp, Ed. (2013). Acknowledgements: This work was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. *Current affiliation: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

    Cervelleite, Ag4TeS: solution and description of the crystal structure

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    Copyright: Springer-Verlag Wien 2015. This is the final, post refereeing version. You are advised to consult the publisher's version if you wish to cite from it, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00710-015-0384-

    Diffusion of e-health innovations in 'post-conflict' settings: a qualitative study on the personal experiences of health workers.

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    BACKGROUND: Technological innovations have the potential to strengthen human resources for health and improve access and quality of care in challenging 'post-conflict' contexts. However, analyses on the adoption of technology for health (that is, 'e-health') and whether and how e-health can strengthen a health workforce in these settings have been limited so far. This study explores the personal experiences of health workers using e-health innovations in selected post-conflict situations. METHODS: This study had a cross-sectional qualitative design. Telephone interviews were conducted with 12 health workers, from a variety of cadres and stages in their careers, from four post-conflict settings (Liberia, West Bank and Gaza, Sierra Leone and Somaliland) in 2012. Everett Roger's diffusion of innovation-decision model (that is, knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, contemplation) guided the thematic analysis. RESULTS: All health workers interviewed held positive perceptions of e-health, related to their beliefs that e-health can help them to access information and communicate with other health workers. However, understanding of the scope of e-health was generally limited, and often based on innovations that health workers have been introduced through by their international partners. Health workers reported a range of engagement with e-health innovations, mostly for communication (for example, email) and educational purposes (for example, online learning platforms). Poor, unreliable and unaffordable Internet was a commonly mentioned barrier to e-health use. Scaling-up existing e-health partnerships and innovations were suggested starting points to increase e-health innovation dissemination. CONCLUSIONS: Results from this study showed ICT based e-health innovations can relieve information and communication needs of health workers in post-conflict settings. However, more efforts and investments, preferably driven by healthcare workers within the post-conflict context, are needed to make e-health more widespread and sustainable. Increased awareness is necessary among health professionals, even among current e-health users, and physical and financial access barriers need to be addressed. Future e-health initiatives are likely to increase their impact if based on perceived health information needs of intended users

    Bevacizumab continuation versus no continuation after first-line chemotherapy plus bevacizumab in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: a randomized phase III non-inferiority trial (SAKK 41/06)

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    In this trial, stopping bevacizumab after completion of induction chemotherapy was associated with a shorter time to progression, but no statistically significant difference in overall survival compared with the bevacizumab continuation strategy. Non-inferiority could not be demonstrated. Treatment costs are substantially higher for continuous bevacizumab treatmen

    Aganirsen Antisense Oligonucleotide Eye Drops Inhibit Keratitis-Induced Corneal Neovascularization and Reduce Need for Transplantation: The I-CAN Study.

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    OBJECTIVE: Eye drops of aganirsen, an antisense oligonucleotide preventing insulin receptor substrate-1 expression, inhibited corneal neovascularization in a previous dose-finding phase II study. We aimed to confirm these results in a phase III study and investigated a potential clinical benefit on visual acuity (VA), quality of life (QoL), and need for transplantation. DESIGN: Multicenter, double-masked, randomized, placebo-controlled phase III study. PARTICIPANTS: Analysis of 69 patients with keratitis-related progressive corneal neovascularization randomized to aganirsen (34 patients) or placebo (35 patients). Patients applied aganirsen eye drops (86 μg/day/eye) or placebo twice daily for 90 days and were followed up to day 180. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary end point was VA. Secondary end points included area of pathologic corneal neovascularization, need for transplantation, risk of graft rejection, and QoL. RESULTS: Although no significant differences in VA scores between groups were observed, aganirsen significantly reduced the relative corneal neovascularization area after 90 days by 26.20% (P = 0.014). This improvement persisted after 180 days (26.67%, P = 0.012). Aganirsen tended to lower the transplantation need in the intent-to-treat (ITT) population at day 180 (P = 0.087). In patients with viral keratitis and central neovascularization, a significant reduction in transplantation need was achieved (P = 0.048). No significant differences between groups were observed in the risk of graft rejection. However, aganirsen tended to decrease this risk in patients with traumatic/viral keratitis (P = 0.162) at day 90. The QoL analyses revealed a significant improvement with aganirsen in composite and near activity subscores (P = 0.039 and 0.026, respectively) at day 90 in the per protocol population. Ocular and treatment-related treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) were reported in a lower percentage with aganirsen compared with placebo. Only 3 serious TEAEs (2 with aganirsen and 1 with placebo) were considered treatment-related. CONCLUSIONS: This first phase III study on a topical inhibitor of corneal angiogenesis showed that aganirsen eye drops significantly inhibited corneal neovascularization in patients with keratitis. The need for transplantation was significantly reduced in patients with viral keratitis and central neovascularization. Topical application of aganirsen was safe and well tolerated

    Minimally invasive strabismus surgery (MISS) for inferior obliquus recession

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    PURPOSE: To present a novel, minimally invasive strabismus surgery (MISS) technique for inferior obliquus recessions. METHODS: Graded MISS inferior obliquus recessions were performed in 20 eyes of 15 patients by applying two small conjunctival cuts, one at the insertion of inferior obliquus and another where the scleral anchoring of the muscle occurred. RESULTS: The amount of recession was 12.2 +/- 2.3 mm (range 6 to 14 mm). The vertical deviation, which was measured in 25 degrees of adduction, decreased from preoperatively 12.8 degrees +/- 5.6 degrees to 2.7 degrees +/- 2.2 degrees (p 0.1). In one eye (2.5%) the two cuts had to be joined because of excessive bleeding. Binocular vision improved in eight patients, remained unchanged in six patients, and decreased from 30 to 60 arcsec in one patient (p > 0.1). Conjunctival and lid swelling were hardly visible on the first postoperative day in primary gaze position in 10/20 (50%) of eyes. Five of the eyes (25%) had mild and five (25%) moderate visibility of surgery. One patient out of 15 (7%) needed repeat surgery because of insufficient reduction of the sursoadduction within the first 6 months. The dose-effect relationship 6 months postoperatively for an accommodative near target at 25 degrees adduction was 0.83 degrees +/- 0.43 degrees per mm of recession. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that small-incision, minimal dissection inferior obliquus graded recessions are feasible and effective to improve ocular alignment in patients with strabismus sursoadductorius

    The Reproducibility of Lists of Differentially Expressed Genes in Microarray Studies

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    Reproducibility is a fundamental requirement in scientific experiments and clinical contexts. Recent publications raise concerns about the reliability of microarray technology because of the apparent lack of agreement between lists of differentially expressed genes (DEGs). In this study we demonstrate that (1) such discordance may stem from ranking and selecting DEGs solely by statistical significance (P) derived from widely used simple t-tests; (2) when fold change (FC) is used as the ranking criterion, the lists become much more reproducible, especially when fewer genes are selected; and (3) the instability of short DEG lists based on P cutoffs is an expected mathematical consequence of the high variability of the t-values. We recommend the use of FC ranking plus a non-stringent P cutoff as a baseline practice in order to generate more reproducible DEG lists. The FC criterion enhances reproducibility while the P criterion balances sensitivity and specificity

    Working alliance and outcome effectiveness in videoconferencing psychotherapy: a systematic review and non-inferiority meta-analysis

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    Videoconferencing psychotherapy (VCP) – the remote delivery of psychotherapy via secure video link – is an innovative way of delivering psychotherapy, which has the potential to overcome many of the regularly cited barriers to accessing psychological treatment. However, some debate exists as to whether an adequate working alliance can be formed between therapist and client, when therapy is delivered through such a medium. The presented article is a systematic literature review and two meta-analyses aimed at answering the questions: is it possible to develop adequate working alliance in VCP? And is outcome equivalence possible between VCP and face-to-face delivery? Twelve studies were identified which met inclusion/exclusion criteria, all of which demonstrated good working alliance and outcome for VCP. Meta-analyses showed that working alliance in VCP was inferior to face-to-face delivery (standardised mean difference [SMD] = -0.30; 95% confidence interval [CI] [-0.67, 0.07], p = .11; with the lower-bound of the CI extending beyond the non-inferiority margin [-0.50]), but that target symptom reduction was non-inferior (SMD = -0.03; 95% CI [-0.45, 0.40], p = .90; CI within the non-inferiority margin [.50]). These results are discussed and directions for future research recommended