15 research outputs found

    Densidade de semeadura e nitrogênio no trigo BRS 404 em sistema sequeiro em Planaltina - DF / Seeding density and nitrogen in wheat BRS 404 in a rainfed system in Planaltina – DF

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    O cultivo do trigo sequeiro na região do Cerrado do Brasil Central tem crescido nos últimos anos e vem contribuindo para diversificar os sistemas produtivos na região. Objetivou-se avaliar diferentes densidades de semeadura e a aplicação em cobertura de diferentes doses de nitrogênio na cultivar de trigo BRS 404 cultivada no sistema de sequeiro, sem irrigação, no período da safrinha. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. A parcela foi constituída por quatro densidades de semeadura (150, 250, 350 e 450 sementes m-2) e na subparcela cinco doses de nitrogênio (0, 30, 60, 90 e 120 kg ha-1) aplicadas em cobertura durante a fase do perfilhamento. Após a emergência foi realizada a contagem de plantas e determinando o estande inicial. Antes da colheita foi realizada a contagem de espigas e após a colheita também foram determinados o rendimento de grãos, o peso hectolítrico e o peso de mil grãos. O rendimento de grãos máximo da BRS 404 foi obtido com 196 sementes m-2 e 37 kg de N ha-1. O peso hectolítrico e o peso de mil grãos diminuíram com o aumento da densidade e do nitrogênio em cobertura

    A Aplicabilidade de uma Ferramenta de Correção Automatizada em Exercícios de Pensamento Computacional

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    ABSTRACTThe computer area is elementary to many knowledge areas. In thisway, the computational thinking was included in Common BaseNational Curriculum to teach the children since the elementaryschool. The Computational Thinking (CT) is associate to developmentof habilities that involves abstraction capabilities of a context,allow to express to a generic solution, it supports the analysis andevaluation of a solution proposed. With the CT in the schools it iselementary that the teacher understand the basic concepts aboutprogramming to teach the students and manage to correct and evaluatethe exercices developed by them. In this context, many toolswere developed to support the teachers in the evaluate exercicesprocess. In this way, this paper presents a tool to set right the exercicesas a automated way. The purpose of this paper is identify theimpact caused by tool in relation to the manual evaluation process,besides validate its applicability in a classroom


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    Este artigo apresenta a automatização da geração e correção de exercícios em ambiente já existente para o ensino do pensamento computacional. Para o desenvolvimento, foi utilizada a última versão deste ambiente desenvolvido na linguagem Java. O algoritmo de Dijkstra foi utilizado para encontrar os caminhos mínimos entre os objetivos do mapa. A combinação de caminhos de menor tamanho é transformada em uma sequência de instruções para executar esse percurso, gerando o gabarito do exercício. A correção compara os resultados obtidos pelo aluno com o gabarito. Após testes realizados com crianças, teve-se como resultado que essas elas se sentiram motivadas a buscar melhores soluções nos exercícios por possuir um gabarito com a comparação

    COVID-19 Severity in Multiple Sclerosis: Putting Data Into Context

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    Background and objectives: It is unclear how multiple sclerosis (MS) affects the severity of COVID-19. The aim of this study is to compare COVID-19-related outcomes collected in an Italian cohort of patients with MS with the outcomes expected in the age- and sex-matched Italian population. Methods: Hospitalization, intensive care unit (ICU) admission, and death after COVID-19 diagnosis of 1,362 patients with MS were compared with the age- and sex-matched Italian population in a retrospective observational case-cohort study with population-based control. The observed vs the expected events were compared in the whole MS cohort and in different subgroups (higher risk: Expanded Disability Status Scale [EDSS] score > 3 or at least 1 comorbidity, lower risk: EDSS score ≤ 3 and no comorbidities) by the χ2 test, and the risk excess was quantified by risk ratios (RRs). Results: The risk of severe events was about twice the risk in the age- and sex-matched Italian population: RR = 2.12 for hospitalization (p < 0.001), RR = 2.19 for ICU admission (p < 0.001), and RR = 2.43 for death (p < 0.001). The excess of risk was confined to the higher-risk group (n = 553). In lower-risk patients (n = 809), the rate of events was close to that of the Italian age- and sex-matched population (RR = 1.12 for hospitalization, RR = 1.52 for ICU admission, and RR = 1.19 for death). In the lower-risk group, an increased hospitalization risk was detected in patients on anti-CD20 (RR = 3.03, p = 0.005), whereas a decrease was detected in patients on interferon (0 observed vs 4 expected events, p = 0.04). Discussion: Overall, the MS cohort had a risk of severe events that is twice the risk than the age- and sex-matched Italian population. This excess of risk is mainly explained by the EDSS score and comorbidities, whereas a residual increase of hospitalization risk was observed in patients on anti-CD20 therapies and a decrease in people on interferon

    SARS-CoV-2 serology after COVID-19 in multiple sclerosis: An international cohort study

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    DMTs and Covid-19 severity in MS: a pooled analysis from Italy and France

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    We evaluated the effect of DMTs on Covid-19 severity in patients with MS, with a pooled-analysis of two large cohorts from Italy and France. The association of baseline characteristics and DMTs with Covid-19 severity was assessed by multivariate ordinal-logistic models and pooled by a fixed-effect meta-analysis. 1066 patients with MS from Italy and 721 from France were included. In the multivariate model, anti-CD20 therapies were significantly associated (OR = 2.05, 95%CI = 1.39–3.02, p < 0.001) with Covid-19 severity, whereas interferon indicated a decreased risk (OR = 0.42, 95%CI = 0.18–0.99, p = 0.047). This pooled-analysis confirms an increased risk of severe Covid-19 in patients on anti-CD20 therapies and supports the protective role of interferon

    Fatigue failure analysis of HSLA steel sheets holed by conventional and flow drilling processes

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    Flow drilling process produces bushes for removable joints that can be threaded by forming tapping process, reducing stages in production of components of automobile industry and in construction sheds. High strength and low alloy steels (HSLA) are employed on several applications in the processing industry. Benefits pro-vided by these materials make them an efficient solution, since their high cold resistance allows reducing weight on structures, as well as maintaining the required mechanical properties. The present study evaluated the conventional and friction drilling processes in HSLA steel sheets with a thickness of 4.25 mm. Specimens were subjected to cyclic loadings, with no rework after holemaking, so the resultant characteristics of each process were maintained. Fractured surfaces were analyzed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to identify the fracture mechanism in different drilling processes. Fractographies obtained on both processes indicated that the failure mechanism occurred due to ductile fracture resulting from the nucleation, growth and coalescence of micro cavities

    Análise de fratura em chapas de aço ARBL furadas por processo convencional e por escoamento

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    O processo de furação por escoamento produz buchas para uniões removíveis que podem ser roscadas pelo processo de rosqueamento por conformação, reduzindo etapas da produção de componentes da indústria automobilística e para galpões da construção civil. O presente estudo avaliou dois processos de furação: convencional e por escoamento, em chapas de aço de alta resistência e baixa liga (ARBL), com espessura de 4,25 mm. Corpos de prova foram submetidos a carregamentos cíclicos, com superfícies fraturadas analisadas ao microscópio eletrônico de varredura para identificar o mecanismo de fratura nos dois processos de furação