58 research outputs found

    Time to match; when do homologous chromosomes become closer?

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    Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICAltres ajuts: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona CF-180034, CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya, PIF UABIn most eukaryotes, pairing of homologous chromosomes is an essential feature of meiosis that ensures homologous recombination and segregation. However, when the pairing process begins, it is still under investigation. Contrasting data exists in Mus musculus, since both leptotene DSB-dependent and preleptotene DSB-independent mechanisms have been described. To unravel this contention, we examined homologous pairing in pre-meiotic and meiotic Mus musculus cells using a three-dimensional fluorescence in situ hybridization-based protocol, which enables the analysis of the entire karyotype using DNA painting probes. Our data establishes in an unambiguously manner that 73.83% of homologous chromosomes are already paired at premeiotic stages (spermatogonia-early preleptotene spermatocytes). The percentage of paired homologous chromosomes increases to 84.60% at mid-preleptotene-zygotene stage, reaching 100% at pachytene stage. Importantly, our results demonstrate a high percentage of homologous pairing observed before the onset of meiosis; this pairing does not occur randomly, as the percentage was higher than that observed in somatic cells (19.47%) and between nonhomologous chromosomes (41.1%). Finally, we have also observed that premeiotic homologous pairing is asynchronous and independent of the chromosome size, GC content, or presence of NOR regions

    Tokophobia and fear of birth: a workshop consensus statement on current issues and recommendations for future research.

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    Objective: To discuss and develop a statement on the current state of the evidence and opinion in Fear of Childbirth (FoC) and Tokophobia (Tocophobia), and to provide recommendations. Background: A group met in 2019 to discuss the state of clinical and academic knowledge relating to FoC/Tokophobia. Five key areas were agreed as the focus of the meeting. Methods: 12 internationally acknowledged experts, in this or a closely related area (e.g. PTSD) met to discuss their understanding of the evidence for FoC/ Tokophobia and current practice. The consensus described in this paper constitutes the expression of the general opinion of the participants and does not necessarily imply unanimity. Keys points: Work focussed on tokophobia is recent and there remains a wide range of issues, which were addressed in the workshop including complexity in defining prevalence, a theoretical lack of understanding, which creates challenge for robust assessment and the identification of risk factors. An improved aetiological and developmental understanding of the tokophobia is required to underpin appropriate, effective and evidence-based interventions. Evaluation of pathways of care and relevant interventions, should be a focus of future research. Conclusion: Significant gaps remain within the FoC/tokophobia knowledge base. Further research is necessary

    Genome Wide Analysis of Inbred Mouse Lines Identifies a Locus Containing Ppar-γ as Contributing to Enhanced Malaria Survival

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    The genetic background of a patient determines in part if a person develops a mild form of malaria and recovers, or develops a severe form and dies. We have used a mouse model to detect genes involved in the resistance or susceptibility to Plasmodium berghei malaria infection. To this end we first characterized 32 different mouse strains infected with P. berghei and identified survival as the best trait to discriminate between the strains. We found a locus on chromosome 6 by linking the survival phenotypes of the mouse strains to their genetic variations using genome wide analyses such as haplotype associated mapping and the efficient mixed-model for association. This new locus involved in malaria resistance contains only two genes and confirms the importance of Ppar-γ in malaria infection

    www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/11/739/2007/ © Author(s) 2007. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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    Fuzzy set approach to calibrating distributed flood inundation models using remote sensing observation