25 research outputs found

    Assessing the peripheral status of local airports

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    Effects of 4-methylimidazole on cerebral glutamate decarboxylase activity and specific GABA receptor binding in mice

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    4-Methylimidazole (4MeI) is a tremorogenic and convulsive agent of concern both in human and veterinary toxicology. The in vitro effects of 4MeI (5 μM–20 mM) on cerebral glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) activity and (in concentrations up to 50 mM) on binding of [3H]GABA to cerebral GABA receptors were tested in brain tissue from B6D2 mice. The effects of 1-methylimidazole (1MeI), 2-methylimidazole (2MeI), 4-methylhydroxy-imidazole (4MeOHI), imidazole-4-aceticacid (4AcI) (all in concentrations of 5–20 mM) and imidazole (20 mM) on GAD activity were also tested. In addition, the effect of a lethal dose of 4MeI (250 mg/kg ip) to B6D2 mice in vivo on the postmortem concentrations of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate in their brains were measured. In all experiments, student's t-test was used for statistical comparison. 4MeI in concentrations of 2 mM and above did inhibit GAD activity significantly in vitro, but glutamate and GABA concentrations in mouse brains after lethal 4MeI poisoning were not significantly different from control values. The effect of 2MeI on GAD activity was stronger than the effect of 4MeI. Binding of [3H]GABA to cerebral GABA receptors in vitro was significantly inhibited only at 4MeI concentrations of 5 mM and above. The results indicate that neither inhibition of GABA synthesis nor competitive inhibition of the binding of GABA to its receptors are likely mechanisms for the excitation and convulsions seen in 4MeI poisoning in animals

    Survey of large circular and octagonal tanks operated at Norwegian commercial smolt and post-smolt sites

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    AbstractA survey was conducted to determine the geometry, operating parameters, and other key features of large circular or octagonal culture tanks used to produce Atlantic salmon smolt and post-smolt at six major Norwegian Atlantic salmon production companies. A total of 55 large tanks were reported at seven land-based hatchery locations, i.e., averaging 7.9 (range of 4–12) large tanks per land-based site. In addition, one 21,000m3 floating fiberglass tank in sea was reported. Culture volume ranged from 500 to 1300m3 for each land-based tank. Most tanks were circular, but one site used octagonal tanks. Land-based tank diameters ranged from 14.5 to 20m diameter, whereas the floating tank was 40m diameter. Maximum tank depths ranged from 3.5 to 4.5m at land-based facilities, which produced diameter-to-average-depth ratios of 3.6:1 to 5.5:1m:m. The floating tank was much deeper at 20m, with a diameter-to-average-depth ratio of only 2.4:1m:m. All land-based tanks had floors sloping at 4.0–6.5% toward the tank center and various pipe configurations that penetrated the culture tank water volume at tank center. These pipes and sloping floors were used to reduce labor when removing dead fish and harvesting fish.Maximum flow ranged from 3 to 19m3/min per land-based tank, with 400m3/min at the floating tank, but tank flow was adjustable at most facilities. Land-based tanks were flushed at a mean hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 35–170min. Maximum feed load on each land-based tank ranged from 525 to 850kg/day, but the floating tank reached 3700kg/day. Almost half of the large tanks reported in this survey were installed or renovated since 2013, including the three tank systems with the highest flow rate per tank (greater than 17.6m3/min). These more recent tanks were operated at more rapid tank HRT’s, i.e., from 34.8 to 52.5min, than the 67–170min HRT typical of the large tanks built before 2013. In addition, flow per unit of feed load in land-based tanks that began operating before 2010 were lower (19–30m3 flow/kg feed) than in tanks that began operating later (33–40m3 flow/kg feed). In comparison, the floating tank operates at a maximum daily tank flow to feed load of 160m3 flow/kg feed, which is the least intensive of all tanks surveyed. Survey results suggest that the recently built tanks have been designed to operate at a reduced metabolic loading per unit of flow, a tendency that would improve water quality throughout the culture tank, all else equal. This trend is possible due to the ever increasing application of water recirculating systems

    Statkraft i Nord-Norge : samfunnsnytte og lokal betydning

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    Regional differensiert arbeidsgiveravgift : kompensasjon Bodø og Tromsø

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    Statkraft i Finnmark : samfunnsnytte og lokal betydning

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    Setiati Rahayu, 2013. Analisis Kemampuan Berfikir Aljabar di Kelas VII di SMP Negeri 1 Krangkeng Kab. Indramayu (Studi Survei di Kelas VII Tahun Akademik 2012/2013) Untuk mengukur kemampuan berfikir aljabar seorang siswa diperlukan beberapa indikator. Terdapat beberapa indikator untuk memahami aljabar diantaranya memahami pengertian koefisien variabel suku sejenis, kemampuan melakuakan operasi hitung, kemampuan mengggunakan simbol matematika, kemampuan menggunakan bahasa sehari-hari, kemampuan menyederhanakan operasi aljabar, kemampuan menyatakan berbagai hubungan, kemampuan menggunakan diagram alur dan memahami konsep aljabar invers. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk menganalisis kemampuan berfikir aljabar di kelas VII yang ditinjau dari operasi aljabar, penggunaan aljabar, masalah aljabar, dan pemahaman konsep aljabar saat menjawab soal-soal aljabar. Kemampuan siswa dalam memahami aljabar merupakan suatu kondisi yang terdapat dalam sekolah SMP tersebut. Aljabar adalah suatu cabang ilmu matematika yang menggunakan tandatanda dan huruf-huruf yang mewakili angka-angka. Banyaknya indikator yang menjadi indikator kemampuan aljabar, maka akan ada beberapa indikator yang akan menjadi komponen utama dalam kemampuan aljabar. Untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa dalam memahami aljabar, tidak perlu semua indikator pada\ud materi aljabar diujikan dalam tes. Mengetahui sangat pentingnya komponen utama dalam materi aljabar untuk mengukur kemampuan berfikir aljabar seorang siswa maka peneliti mencoba menganalisis kemampuan berfikir aljabar siswa kelas VII di SMPN 1 Krangkeng. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Kelas VII yang berjumlah (160 siswa). Sampel diambil dari kelas VIIB cluster random sampling. Untuk uji coba dilakukan di kelas VIIA yang berjumlah 32. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut: 1) Aljabar di SMP N 1 Krangkeng cukup baik hal ini ditunjukan dengan nilai rata-rata 75. 2) Indikator kemampuan berfikir aljabar secara mekanisme dan indikator Kemampuan terbesar yang dicapai oleh siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Krangkeng tahun ajaran 2012/2013 dalam memahami aljabar adalah pada pengertian koefisien, variabel, konstanta, faktor, suku sejenis adalah sebesar 89.58% dan kemampuan yang kurang dikuasai oleh siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Krangkeng tahun ajaran 2012/2013 dalam memahami aljabar adalah memahami invers adalah sebesar 85.94%. 3) Dari delapan indicator kemampuan berfikir aljabar ada tiga komponen yang dominan yaitu menggunakan diagram alur, pengertian koefisien variable konstanta, faktor suku sejenis, dan menyederhanakan operasi aljaba