174 research outputs found

    Planificación y construcción de una línea de Alta Velocidad

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    objetivo de este trabajo es profundizar en dos campos, el análisis de la planificación de una obra lineal como es una línea de alta velocidad y la ejecución de un proyecto puntero como es este, concluyendo cuales son los puntos básicos en ambos campos

    Planificación y construcción de una línea de Alta Velocidad

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    objetivo de este trabajo es profundizar en dos campos, el análisis de la planificación de una obra lineal como es una línea de alta velocidad y la ejecución de un proyecto puntero como es este, concluyendo cuales son los puntos básicos en ambos campos

    Techniques for the non-destructive and continuous analysis of sediment cores. Application in the Iberian continental margin

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    Sediment sequences are the most valuable record of long-term environmental conditions at local, regional and/or global scales. Consequently, they are amongst the best archives of the climatic and oceanographic history of the Earth. In the last few decades a strong effort has been made, both in terms of quantity and quality, to improve our knowledge regarding the evolution of our planet from marine and lake sediment records, and also from other records such as ice cores. Such an effort requires reinforcing the geographical coverage and achieving the highest possible robustness in the reconstruction of past environments. Such a target requires the optimization of the time resolution of the records and reconstructions so that fast, high frequency shifts, such as those occurring nowadays due to the on-going global warming, can be disentangled. Beyond paleoenvironmental research, other disciplines have also contributed significantly to the fast growing number of sediment cores already available worldwide. Knowing the physical state and the chemical composition of sedimentary deposits is essential for land management purposes and for many industrial applications. A number of key technological developments are now allowing the acquisition for the first time of massive amounts of multiple parameters from sediment cores in a non-destructive, fast, continuous, repetitive and high-resolution form. In this paper we provide an overview of the state-of-the-art continuous and non-destructive analytical techniques used by the geoscientific community for the study of sediment cores and we present some examples of the application of these methods in several studies carried out around the Iberian Margin

    Holocene hydrography evolution in the Alboran Sea: a multi-record and multiproxy comparison

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    A new high-resolution deglacial and Holocene sea surface temperature (SST) reconstruction is presented for the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean), based on Mg=Ca ratios measured in the planktonic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides. This new record is evaluated by comparison with other Mg=Ca SST records and previously published alkenone SST reconstructions from the same region for both the Holocene and glacial periods. In all cases there is a high degree of coherence between the different Mg=Ca SST records but strong discrepancies when compared to the alkenone SST records. We argue that these discrepancies are due to differences in the proxy response during deglaciation which we hypothesize to reflect a resilience strategy of G. bulloides, changing its main growth season, and consequently Mg=Ca records a shorter deglacial warming than alkenones. In contrast, short-term Holocene SST variability is larger in the Mg=Ca SST than in the alkenone SST records. We propose that the larger Mg=Ca SST variability is a result of spring temperatures variability, while the smoothed alkenone SST variability represents averaged annual temperatures. The Mg=Ca SST record differentiates the Holocene into three periods: (1) the warmest SST values occurred during the Early Holocene (11.7-9 cal. kyr BP), (2) a continuous cooling trend occurred during the Middle Holocene that culminated in the coldest Holocene SST having a double cold peak structure centred at around 4.2 cal. kyr BP, and (3) the Late Holocene (4.2 cal. kyr BP to present) did not follow any clear cooling/warming trend although millennial-scale oscillations were enhanced. This SST evolution is discussed in the context of the changing properties in the Atlantic inflow water associated with North Atlantic circulation conditions and also with local hydrographical and atmospheric changes. We propose that a tight link between North Atlantic circulation patterns and the inflow of surface waters into the Mediterranean played a major role in controlling Holocene climatic variability of this region

    Subseafloor stratigraphic profiling and soil classification from piezocone tests: A case study in the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean Sea)

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    We show the results provided by piezocone tests in determining the stratigraphic profile and the soil classification of two drilling sites in the outer shelf and the upper slope of the Gulf of Lion, PRGL2 and PRGL1, respectively. Correlations with grain-size data indicate that sleeve friction can be used for profiling fine-grained sediments (site PRGL1), whereas cone tip resistance is the most adequate for sequences made of alternations of coarse- and fine-grained intervals (site PRGL2). Normalized cone resistance and friction ratio proved to be also appropriate for soil stratigraphy as it depicts trends in the coarse fraction of the tested soil. Silts and clays present in similar proportions at site PRGL1 responded to piezocone testing as pure clays usually do. Consequently, classical soil classification methods resulted in erroneous interpretation of these sediments as clays, whereas classification of the heterogeneous deposits at PRGL2 was consistent with the grain size. When tied to a high-resolution seismic reflection profile, the stratigraphy interpreted from the piezocone profile matches with the main seismic sequences and discontinuities defined from seismic stratigraphy analysis. Graded bedding also matches with cone tip resistance and sleeve friction data

    Micro-computed tomography assessment of different obturation techniques for filling lateral canals

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    Background: the aim of this study was to evaluate obturation depth and volume by means of micro-CT when filling lateral canals. Material and methods: thirty single-rooted teeth were used. After instrumentation, three artificial lateral canals were created on each mesial and distal surface (one on each third). The samples were then separated randomly into three groups according to the obturation technique used (n=10): lateral condensation (Group 1), Tagger's hybrid technique (Group 2) and GuttaCore (Group 3). Samples were scanned and data was processed with Avizo software. Depth and volume of the infilling were measured in each lateral canal. Values were expressed as percentages and were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: mean depth showed statistically significant differences between Group 3 and Groups 1 (p=0.001) and 2 (p=0.003), whereas no significant difference was found between Groups 1 and 2 (p≈1). As for mean volume, significant differences were found between Group 3 and Groups 1 (p=0.01) and 2 (p=0.003) but no differences were found between Groups 1 and 2 (p=1.00). Conclusions: GuttaCore provided the best lateral canal sealing among the three techniques compared. Key words:Lateral canals, Micro-CT, obturation

    High resolution paleo-environmental changes during the Sapropel 1 in the North Ionian Sea, central Mediterranean

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    High-resolution paleoceanographic reconstruction of surface water properties during the most recent Sapropel event (S1) has been carried out by means of quantitative analyses of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages, planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotopes (δ18O) and XRF elemental data from a 655 m depth core recovered in the North Ionian Sea. The results show that the S1 interval presents two distinctive warm phases (S1a and S1b), separated by a cold interruption event (S1i). High resolution faunal and geochemical analyses allow to identify two sub-phases within S1a interval, the oldest one has similar characteristics to S1b interval while the youngest sub-phase has less stratified surface waters with relatively lower nutrient content. The high abundance of Globigerinoides ruber white variety opposite to the low percentages of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma during the pre-S1 phase suggests that the onset of surface waters stratification occurred prior to the beginning of Sapropel deposition, acting as a pre-conditioning phase. Paleo-productivity proxies indicate that the deposition of S1 initiated after an increase in nutrient content, potentially related to increased fluvial inputs. Based on the integrated ecological interpretation of our records we argue that S1a and S1b are characterized as warm, stratified and nutrient rich surface waters in the Ionian Sea, while proxies related to oxygen content indicate dysoxic deep waters linked to a combination of the high nutrient content and stratified water column. The S1 interruption phase is characterized by the entrance of colder waters that caused mixing of the stratified water column and re-ventilation of the deep dysoxic waters

    Slope Instability along the northeastern Iberian and Balearic continental margins

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    This paper gathers the available information on submarine landslides identified in the northeastern Iberian continental margin and presents new data on both already known landslides and new, previously unknown ones. The 2,000 km2, 26 km3 resulting deposit of the BIG'95 debris flow in the Ebro margin; the 4 up to 16 km2, 0.4 km3 Eivissa slides in the Eivissa Channel; the 2 up to 65.6 km2, 1.46 km3 Barcelona slides in the shallow southern Catalan margin; and the western Gulf of Lions debris flow in the deep north Catalan margin are presented. This compilation is completed with several other previously undescribed small-scale mass-wasting deposits together with those observed in the Balearic Promontory. The amount and widespreading of submarine landslide deposits in the northern Iberian margins demonstrate that these margins are not an exception to the common occurence of these kind of structures worldwide, and gives an idea on this phenomena recurrence even in margins considered moderately quiet, in terms of seismicity

    Author correction : A small Cretaceous crocodyliform in a dinosaur nesting ground and the origin of sebecids

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    Correction to: Scientific Reports https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-71975-y, published online 17 September 202