143 research outputs found

    Produtividade de soja estimada por modelo agrometeorológico num SIG

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    Os modelos agrometeorológicos integrados em Sistemas de Informação Geográfica - SIG são uma alternativa para simular e quantificar o efeito da variabilidade espacial e temporal do clima sobre a produtividade agrícola. O objetivo deste trabalho foi adaptar e integrar um modelo agrometeorológico num SIG para estimar a produtividade da soja [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. Foram geradas estimativas de produtividade para 144 municípios do Estado do Paraná, responsáveis por 90% da produção de soja no Estado, em cinco anos-safra no período de 1996/1997 a 2000/2001. O modelo utiliza parâmetros agronômicos e dados meteorológicos para o cálculo da produtividade máxima, a qual é penalizada quando ocorre estresse hídrico. A análise da comparação entre as estimativas municipais obtidas pelo modelo e aquelas divulgadas pela Secretaria de Estado da Agricultura e do Abastecimento (SEAB) do Paraná foi feita através do teste "t" para pares de observação. No ano safra 1996/1997 o modelo superestimou a produtividade em 10,8% em relação à SEAB, o que pode ser atribuído à ocorrência de oídio, cujo efeito não é considerado no modelo. Nos anos safras de 1997/1998, 1998/1999 e 1999/2000 não foram identificadas diferenças (P >; 0,05) entre as estimativas do modelo e da SEAB. Em 2000/2001 a produtividade foi subestimada pelo modelo em 10,5%, sendo que as causas desta diferença precisam ser melhor investigadas. O modelo integrado no SIG mostrou ser uma ferramenta viável para acompanhar a cultura da soja ao longo da estação de crescimento, e estimar a produtividade em municípios do Estado do Paraná.Agrometeorological models interfaced with the Geographic Information System - GIS are an alternative to simulate and quantify the effect of weather spatial and temporal variability on crop yield. The objective of this work was to adapt and interface an agrometeorological model with a GIS to estimate soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] yield. Yield estimates were generated for 144 municipalities in the State of Paraná, Brazil, responsible for 90% of the soybean production in the State, from 1996/1997 to 2000/2001. The model uses agronomical parameters and meteorological data to calculate maximum yield which will be penalized under drought stress. Comparative analyses between the yield estimated by the model and that reported by the Paraná State Department of Agriculture (SEAB) were performed using the "t" test for paired observations. For the 1996/1997 year the model overestimated yield by 10.8%, which may be attributed to the occurrence of fungal diseases not considered by the model. For 1997/1998, 1998/1999 and 1999/2000 no differences (P >; 0.05) were found between the yield estimated by the model and SEAB's data. For 2000/2001 the model underestimated yield by 10.5% and the cause for this difference needs further investigation. The model interfaced with a GIS is an useful tool to monitor soybean crop during growing season to estimate crop yield

    Viabilidade de uso de imagens do Landsat em mapeamento de área cultivada com soja no Estado do Paraná

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the feasibility of the use of Landsat imagery to map soybean crop areas in Paraná, Brazil, during crop years from 2000/2001 to 2006/2007. The analysis of the quick look images from the TM and ETM+ sensors was performed to select useful images to map soybean crop. The quick looks were classified according to the presence or absence of clouds and technical problems. It was verified that for none of the seven crop years it would have been possible to map soybean crop for the entire Paraná state, even for the three crop years during which both satellites Landsat 5 and 7 were operating simultaneously. The presence of clouds, detected through the optical sensors, should be considered for systematic mapping of summer crops in Brazil.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade do uso de imagens do Landsat, para o mapeamento da área cultivada com soja, nas safras de 2000/2001 a 2006/2007, no Estado do Paraná. A análise dos "quick looks" das imagens dos sensores TM e ETM+ foi feita para selecionar as imagens úteis para o mapeamento da cultura da soja. Os "quick looks" foram classificados de acordo com a presença ou a ausência de nuvens e de problemas técnicos. Conforme os resultados, em nenhum dos sete anos teria sido possível mapear a área cultivada com soja, em todo o Estado, mesmo nos três anos-safra em que os satélites Landsat 5 e 7 operaram em conjunto. A presença de nuvens, detectada pelos sensores ópticos, deve ser levada em conta no mapeamento sistemático da área cultivada com culturas de verão, no Brasil

    Prácticas de lectura y prácticas de escritura: diálogos epistemológicos

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    En este trabajo nos propusimos realizar una analítica de las prácticas de lectura y escritura en la universidad a través de un recorrido teórico experiencial que atendiera a la posibilidad de visibilizar y enunciar las condiciones epistémicas que determinan las producciones características en el ámbito de las Ciencias Sociales y las Humanidades. Realizamos un estudio de los discursos y las condiciones que configuran y habilitan ese juego relacional conforme a cierta representación de lo que se considera primordial y/o constitutivo en la relación con los textos; y, paralelamente, un archivo de memorias de experiencias de transmisión que dan cuenta de las modalidades de constitución de este juego relacional, con el propósito de  interrogar los diferentes modos de relación con el conocimiento desde perspectivas que habilitan otras problematizaciones al considerar que las prácticas de lectura y escritura no constituyen unos movimientos meramente funcionales a la apropiación de conocimientos sino que en ellas se juegan, con modalidades específicas, los procesos de constitución subjetiva propios de los espacios institucionales de formación

    Elective Laparoscopic Ovariectomy in Domestic Swine (Sus scrofa domesticus)

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    Background:In the last years the number of exotic company animals has been increased, and the demand for neutering services for these animals has become greater. By the author’s knowledge, there are no records of elective ovariectomy in domestic swine (Sus scrofa domesticus). The current paper reports a case of elective laparoscopic ovariectomy in a domestic swine (Sus scrofa domesticus).Case:A 4-month-old domestic swine (Sus scrofa domesticus), weighing 45 kg was referred to elective video-laparoscopic ovariectomy at the Veterinary Clinics Hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (HCV - UFRGS). Physical examination and laboratory tests, including hemogram and biochemistry (alanine aminotransferase - ALT, serum albumin and creatinine), were within normal range for the species. Ketamine hydrochloride (Cetamin®) 10 mg.kg-1, xylazine hydrochloride (Xilazin®) 2 mg.kg-1, and midazolam (Midazolam®) 0.5 mg.kg-1 were administered intramuscularly (IM) as pre-anesthetic medication. The anesthetic induction was performed with intravenous (IV) propofol (Propovan®) and anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane (Isoforine®) diluted in O2 by a universal vaporizer with a partial gas rebreathing anesthetic system. Throughout the procedure, were monitoring constantly the invasive blood pressure (IBP), electrocardiogram (ECG) in lead II, peripheral arterial saturation with O2 (SpO2), end-tidal carbon dioxide concentration (ETCO2), and esophageal temperature. The abdominal cavity was accessed through the insertion of three portals (one of 10 mm of diameter and other two of 5 mm of diameter). The cavity was inflated with medicinal CO2 until the pressure of 10 mmHg was achieved. The uterine body and ovaries were identified. The right ovary was suspended and, by a bipolar clamp, the ovarian vessels were occluded through electrocoagulation in three distinct locations with approximately 0,5 cm between themselves, and cut off. The right ovary was removed from the cavity. An identic maneuver was used for the realization of the surgical steps and removal of the left ovary. By the end, the cavity was deflated and the cannulas were removed. The abdominal wall was sutured with Sultan pattern with 3-0 polyglycolic acid thread, and the skin was sutured with simple interrupted suture with 3-0 nylon monofilament. The post-operative evaluations were subjective and fitting with the patient's behavior. The patient didn't show any clinical signs of pain, discomfort and returned to its usual eating habits on the second day after the procedure. No signs of infection, dehiscence, cicatrization retard or other complications were observed in the surgical wound. The stitches were removed after seven days.Discussion: This case report shows the applicability of the video-laparoscopic ovariectomy technique by three portals in other species than dogs and cats, and serves as bibliographic support to the veterinary endosurgery field. Based on previous studies, it has been concluded that minimally invasive procedures represent the most beneficial sterilization methods to the patient due to its diagnostical and surgical capacity, as well as minor surgical trauma and shorter recovery time. The most common indication for the video-laparoscopic technique in veterinary routine is the elective sterilization. Pyometra, urinary incontinence and weight gain are complications that are not diagnosed more frequently after ovariectomy when compared to ovariohysterectomy. The laparoscopic ovariectomy is a viable technique to be applied to the swine, with the most difficult aspect being the anatomical peculiarities of the animal

    Tendências competitivas de atletas de basquetebol em cadeira de rodas

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    The purpose of this study was to verify competitive tendencies of wheelchair basketball athletes. For that, were researched seven individuals with physical disability, practicing of modality by one year, with mean age of thirty-five 35. The athletes answered to the Sports Orientation Questionnaire, data were analysed qualitatively, individual by individual, and results exposed descriptively. It was verified the predominant tendency between individuals was the tendency to compete (TC), then the tendency to set goals (TG) and ultimately appears to trend win (TW). These results demonstrate that the individuals like to compete independently of situation, by the pleasure inherent in sport, however, the victory is the least important factor for this team

    Epidemiological profile of 39 cases of microcephaly caused by congenital infections diagnosed in the state of Rio Grande do Sul between 2015-2017

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    Introduction: Microcephaly is a clinical finding that can arise from congenital anomalies or emerge after childbirth. Maternal infections acquired during pregnancy can result in characteristic brain damage in the newborn (NB), which may be visible even in the fetal stage.Objective: To describe the epidemiological profile of newborns with reported microcephaly and diagnosed with congenital infections in the state of Rio Grande do Sul between 2015 and 2017.Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out on data collected from the Public Health Event Registry as well as from medical records. The investigation included serologies for toxoplasmosis and rubella; polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Zika virus (ZIKV) in the blood and cytomegalovirus in the urine; non-treponemal tests for syphilis; and brain imaging tests.Results: Of the 257 reported cases of microcephaly, 39 were diagnosed with congenital infections. Severe microcephaly was identified in 13 patients (33.3%) and 51.3% of the cases showed alterations in brain imaging tests. In relation to the diagnosis of congenital infections, three patients (7.7%) were diagnosed with ZIKV, nine (23.1%) with cytomegalovirus, nine (23.1%) with toxoplasmosis, and 18 (46.1%) with congenital syphilis. The three cases of ZIKV showed calcification in brain imaging tests, signs of arthrogryposis, excess occipital skin and irritability, characterizing the typical phenotype of ZIKV infection.Conclusion: Most cases of congenital infection had severe neurological lesions, particularly the cases of ZIKV, which can cause neurodevelopmental delays and sequelae in these infants throughout early childhood.Keywords: Microcephaly; Congenital Infection; Zika Viru

    Epidemiological profile of 39 cases of microcephaly caused by congenital infections diagnosed in the state of Rio Grande do Sul between 2015-2017

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    Introduction: Microcephaly is a clinical finding that can arise from congenital anomalies or emerge after childbirth. Maternal infections acquired during pregnancy can result in characteristic brain damage in the newborn (NB), which may be visible even in the fetal stage. To describe the epidemiological profile of newborns with reported microcephaly and diagnosed with congenital infections in the state of Rio Grande do Sul between 2015 and 2017. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on data collected from the Public Health Event Registry as well as from medical records. The investigation included serologies for toxoplasmosis and rubella; polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Zika virus (ZIKV) in the blood and cytomegalovirus in the urine; non-treponemal tests for syphilis; and brain imaging tests. Results: Of the 257 reported cases of microcephaly, 39 were diagnosed with congenital infections. Severe microcephaly was identified in 13 patients (33.3%) and 51.3% of the cases showed alterations in brain imaging tests. In relation to the diagnosis of congenital infections, three patients (7.7%) were diagnosed with ZIKV, nine (23.1%) with cytomegalovirus, nine (23.1%) with toxoplasmosis, and 18 (46.1%) with congenital syphilis. The three cases of ZIKV showed calcification in brain imaging tests, signs of arthrogryposis, excess occipital skin and irritability, characterizing the typical phenotype of ZIKV infection. Conclusions: Most cases of congenital infection had severe neurological lesions, particularly the cases of ZIKV, which can cause neurodevelopmental delays and sequelae in these infants throughout early childhood

    Maternal outcomes and risk factors for COVID-19 severity among pregnant women

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    Pregnant women may be at higher risk of severe complications associated with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which may lead to obstetrical complications. We performed a case control study comparing pregnant women with severe coronavirus disease 19 (cases) to pregnant women with a milder form (controls) enrolled in the COVI-Preg international registry cohort between March 24 and July 26, 2020. Risk factors for severity, obstetrical and immediate neonatal outcomes were assessed. A total of 926 pregnant women with a positive test for SARS-CoV-2 were included, among which 92 (9.9%) presented with severe COVID-19 disease. Risk factors for severe maternal outcomes were pulmonary comorbidities [aOR 4.3, 95% CI 1.9–9.5], hypertensive disorders [aOR 2.7, 95% CI 1.0–7.0] and diabetes [aOR2.2, 95% CI 1.1–4.5]. Pregnant women with severe maternal outcomes were at higher risk of caesarean section [70.7% (n = 53/75)], preterm delivery [62.7% (n = 32/51)] and newborns requiring admission to the neonatal intensive care unit [41.3% (n = 31/75)]. In this study, several risk factors for developing severe complications of SARS-CoV-2 infection among pregnant women were identified including pulmonary comorbidities, hypertensive disorders and diabetes. Obstetrical and neonatal outcomes appear to be influenced by the severity of maternal disease

    O comportamento alimentar aos 30 dias de vida está associado à adequação do peso ao nascimento?

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    Objetivo: O objetivo principal é avaliar o comportamento alimentar de recém-nascidos (RN) pequenos (PIG) e grandes (GIG) para a idade gestacional através de questionário específico e comparar com RN adequados para a idade gestacional (AIG) com 1 mês de vida. Métodos: É um estudo de coorte, cuja primeira fase consistiu na realização de uma entrevista com mães que tiveram seus filhos a termo no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Dados perinatais foram coletados de prontuários eletrônicos. Na segunda fase do estudo, após 1 mês do nascimento, foi aplicado o Questionário sobre Comportamento Alimentar do Bebê (Baby Eating Behaviour Questionnaire, BEBQ) através de contato telefônico. Resultados: Foram avaliados 126 RN (43 AIG, 43 PIG e 41 GIG). Foi observada uma maior escolaridade em mães de RN PIG (p=0,004) e uma menor prevalência de aleitamento materno exclusivo até a alta hospitalar em RN GIG (p=0,002). A análise de variância não encontrou diferença significativa entre os grupos em relação aos domínios do BEBQ, mesmo quando corrigidos por sexo do RN. Conclusão: O estudo demonstrou que alterações do comportamento alimentar ainda não estão presentes com 1 mês de vida, sugerindo que não são inatas, e sim desenvolvidas com o passar do tempo. O estudo está limitado a avaliações de crescimento baseadas em registros de terceiros.Palavras-chave: Comportamento alimentar; restrição de crescimento intrauterino; obesidad
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