26 research outputs found

    Variaciones temporales del contenido en ácidos grasos de leche de oveja

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    El presente trabajo ha consistido en la estimación de la repetibilidad tem- poral diaria, semanal y mensual, del contenido de los ácidos grasos de la leche de oveja en el curso de una lactación. Se ha realizado la cuantificación para 36 ácidos grasos y 6 agrupaciones en 596 muestras de leche procedente de 32 ovejas de las razas Churra y Assaf. Las bajas repetibilidades, en aquellos ácidos con muy baja concentración, son debido a un efecto de falta de precisión en su cuantificación, originado por el bajo contenido de dicho ácido graso. La concentración de ácidos grasos en la leche ovina, presenta una variación a lo largo de la lactación que es proporcional a las distancia entre controles. Para las variables cuantitativamente importantes, las repetibilidades medias diarias, semanales y mensuales fueron 0,55, 0,46 y 0,32 respectivamente

    Use of Schizosaccharomyces strains for wine fermentation? Effect on the wine composition and food safety

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    Schizosaccharomyceswas initially considered as a spoilage yeast because of the production of undesirable metabolites such as acetic acid, hydrogen sulfide, or acetaldehyde, but it currently seems to be of great value in enology.o ced Nevertheless, Schizosaccharomyces can reduce all of the malic acid in must, leading to malolactic fermentation. Malolactic fermentation is a highly complicated process in enology and leads to a higher concentration of biogenic amines, so the use of Schizosaccharomyces pombe can be an excellent tool for assuring wine safety. Schizosaccharomyces also has much more potential than only reducing the malic acid content, such as increasing the level of pyruvic acid and thus the vinylphenolic pyranoanthocyanin content. Until now, few commercial strains have been available and little research on the selection of appropriate yeast strains with such potential has been conducted. In this study, selected and wild Sc. pombe strains were used along with a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain to ferment red grape must. The results showed significant differences in several parameters including non-volatile and volatile compounds, anthocyanins, biogenic amines and sensory parameters

    First lactation curve model in canary goats: Modelo de la primera curva de lactación en cabras canarias

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    The weekly milkyield of72 canarygoat breeding group raised on the experimental farm of the Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria (Tenerife. Canary Islands) was recorded. All does were in their first lactation and were selected from the most representative local farms. During the control day does were hand milked once a day starting one week after kidding until the 32" week of lactation. Milk yield increased from 2.4 kg in the first control to milk yield peak (2.5 kg) in the fourth week, then decreased gradually and it was found that at the 32" week the milk yield was 1.4 kg. To fit our data the function proposed by Cooby and Le Du (1978) had the smaller error mean square. y-=a( I -e-h")-cxHan sido controladas las producciones de 72 cabras de la Agrupación Caprina Canaria mantenidas en condiciones experimentales en el Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria (Tenerife. Islas Canarias). Todas fas cabras se encontraban en su primera lactación y fueron selecionadas en las granjas más representativas de las islas. Durante el control las cabras fueron ordeñadas a mano una vez, al día, comenzando una semana después del parto hasta la 32 semana de lactación. La producción se incrementó de 2,4 kg en el primer control hasta alcanzar el pico de producción (2,5 kg) en la cuarta semana, entonces decreció gradualmente hasta de 1,4 kg en el control de la semana 32. Con el ajuste de nuestros datos a diversas funciones, el modelo propuesto por Coobyy Le Du (1978) ofreció el valor más pequeño del cuadrado medio residua

    Luxación recidivante posterior de hombro

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    La luxación recidivante posterior de hombro es una patología extremadamente rara que representa menos del 1 % de las luxaciones de hombro. Estudiamos dos casos atendidos en nuestro hospital, que fueron tratados mediante la plicatura de la cápsula posterior y la colocación de un injerto como tope óseo. Los resultados obtenidos fueron excelentes

    Sugar profile of honey by ion chromatography

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    Honey is a sweet food product mainly composed of carbohydrates (60-80 %), lower amounts of water and a great number of minor components. Fructose and glucose are the main sugars in honey. Furthermore, it is possible to find more than 20 different oligosaccharides. The aim of this work is to evaluate the possibility of distinguishing three types of honey by their sugar profiles. The sugar content and profile (trehalose, arabinose, glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltulose, melezitose, maltose, turanose and erlose) were evaluated of three groups of honey samples commercially classified as Castanea sativa honey (10 samples), honeydew honey (6 samples) and Rubus honey (3 samples) from Spain. Pollen analysis was carried out using the method recommended by the International Commission of Bee Botany (ICBB).' Qualitative analysis was conducted by examining each of the preparations under the optical microscope (Nikon Eclipse 80 i) at 400 and 1000 magnification. An average of 650 pollen grains in each honey sample were identified using various keys and literature'’'’ and the pollen data base of Department of Biodiversity and Environmental Management of the University of León. The honey’s sugar content was analysed in Dionex“ ICS3000 ion chromatograph. 5 Separation was performed in a column “CarboPacTM PA20 3x150mm” with a precolumn “CarboPacTM PA20 3x30mm”. Electrochemical detector in lntegrated Pulsed Amperometric Detection (IPAD) mode was used. The elution was performed with a gradient with two NaOH solutions (15 and 200 mM). Standard solutions were used to identify and quantify the individual sugar components. All analyses were carried out in duplicate. Concerning the principal component analysis made with different sugar content and the percentage of the pollen (higher than 10%) the Rubus honey samples are very well separated from the other samples and are characterized by higher content in maltose and the absence of melezitose. Comparing the Castanea sativa monofloral honey and honeydew honey, the more relevant differences are observed in the contents of melezitose, maltulose and trehalose. Overall the melezitose is almost null for Castanea sativa monofloral honey, whereas for honeydew honey maltulose is 32% lower and trehalose is 21% higher than in the floral honey.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evolution of the nitrogen fractions during the ripening process of the Valdeteja cheese

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    Se han estudiado las modificaciones que experimentan los principales componentes nitrogenados en cuatro partidas de queso de Valdeteja elaboradas por procedimientos artesanales. Todos los índices de degradación de los compuestos nitrogenados aumentaron en el transcurso de la maduración, aunque en una proporción relativamente baja, alcanzando valores finales medios en porcentaje sobre el nitrógeno total de: NST (9,9 + 1,0), NNP (4,82 + 0,76), N amínico (2,57 + 0,28) y N-NH3 (0,65 + 0,03). Estas cifras evidencian la escasa proteolisis que experimenta este tipo de queso, probablemente debido a los bajos valores de pH que se instauran en él desde el comienzo de la maduración.The evolution of the main nitrogen fractions during the ripening of four batches of the Valdeteja cheese produced by the craft method has been studied. All nitrogen compounds degradation indexes show a progressive increase along the ripening period, but changes observed were not extensive. Final average values obtained for these fractions (as % of the total nitrogen) were: SNT (9,9 + 1,0), NPN (4,82 + 0,76), Aminic N (2,57 + 0,28) and NH3-N (0,65 + 0,03). These figures prove that Valdeteja cheese undergoes a very mild proteolysis, probably hindered by the low pH values which appear in this product from the begining of the ripening

    The 7 June 2007 mbLg 4.2 escopete earthquake : An event with significant ground motion in a stable zone (Central Iberian Peninsula)

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    An earthquake occurred on 7 June 2007 at 01h:42m:09.5s (UTC) with geographical coordinates 40°.41N, 2°.98W and magnitude mbLg = 4.2 according to the Seismic national network (RSN) of Madrid's Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN). The epicenter was located close to the town of Escopete, where the earthquake was felt with intensity IV, waking up inhabitants and causing widespread alarm. Historically, rare but similar events have been felt in the area, near the towns of Pastrana (1922) and Duron (1982). Nevertheless, this part of Iberia experiences very low seismic activity. The earthquake with the largest magnitude recorded to date by the RSN since the mid-1920s was 4.1. Due to low seismicity values, the hazard map of the Norma de la Construcción Sismorresistente Española (Spanish seismic building code; NCSE-02) establishes a basic acceleration value of less than 0.04 g, which is the threshold value for the application of the earthquake-resistant building code. However, this value was exceeded in strong-motion recordings during the 2007 event. An important consideration is the existence of two nuclear power plants in the Guadalajara administrative province: José Cabrera and Trillo. Strong-motion instruments at the José Cabrera nuclear power plant (JCNPP) recorded a peak ground acceleration (PGA) value of 0.07g. This is the first acceleration recording made from central Iberia and also one of the highest values read from instruments to date for the whole of the Iberian peninsula. This paper presents an overview of the results of our multidisciplinary analysis of the earthquake, which we researched in terms of its regional and local tectonic setting, local seismicity, focal mechanics, strong-motion records, and macroseismic effects.Universidad Complutense de MadridMinisterio de Educación y CienciaDepto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu