44 research outputs found

    Schizotypy, Alexithymia and Affect as predictors of Facial Emotion Recognition Capability using static and dynamic images

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    The main purpose of the present study is to investigate the capacity of schizotypy and alexithymia traits, in combination with affectivity to predict facial emotion recognition capability in a sample of nonclinical adults. Consecutive healthy participants (N= 98) were investigated using the Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 (TAS-20), the Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences-Reduced Version (O-LIFE-R), and the Positive and NA Schedule (PANAS). A set of validated photographs (static images) and virtual faces (dynamic images) for presenting the basic emotions was used to assess emotion recognition. Pearson correlations were applied to investigate the relationship between the study variables; the amount of variance in emotion recognition capability predicted by OLIFE-R, TAS-20 and PANAS was calculated by using the linear regression model. Results showed that alexithymia was strongly associated with schizotypy and NA; furthermore, alexithymia and NA made a significant contribution to the prediction of emotion recognition capability. The predictive model was fitted for two types of presentations (photographs and virtual reality). The inclusion of virtual faces emerges as a response to the need to consider computer characters as new assessment and treatment material for research and therapy in psychologyEl objetivo principal del presente estudio es investigar la capacidad de predicción de los rasgos de esquizotípia y alexitímia, en combinación con la afectividad, de la habilidad de reconocimiento de emociones en una muestra de adultos sanos. Noventa y ocho pacientes sanos (N =98) fueron evaluados mediante la Escala de Alexitímia Toronto-20 (TAS-20), el Inventario de Sentimientos y Experiencias Oxford-Liverpool-Versión Reducida (O-LIFE-R), y la Escala de Afecto Positivo y Negativo (PANAS). Para la evaluación de la capacidad de reconocimiento de emociones a nivel facial, se utilizó un set validado de fotografías (imágenes estáticas) y caras en realidad virtual (imágenes dinámicas). Para el análisis correlacional de las variables de estudio se aplicó la prueba de correlación de Pearson; para el análisis de predicción de la capacidad de reconocimiento emocional se utilizó un modelo de regresión lineal en el que se incluyeron las variables derivadas de las escalas OLIFE-R, TAS-20 y PANAS. Los resultados mostraron la existencia de una relación significativa entre alexitímia, esquizotípia y afecto negativo; el modelo de regresión reveló una aportación significativa de la alexitímia y el afecto negativo en la predicción de los errores cometidos en la tarea de reconocimiento facial. El modelo predictivo propuesto fue válido para ambos tipos de presentación de las emociones (fotografías y caras virtuales). La inclusión de las caras virtuales surge como respuesta a la necesidad de considerar los personajes computarizados como nuevo material de evaluación y tratamiento para la investigación y psicoterapia en psicología

    Schizotypy, Alexithymia and Affect as predictors of Facial Emotion Recognition Capability using static and dynamic images

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    The main purpose of the present study is to investigate the capacity of schizotypy and alexithymia traits, in combination with affectivity to predict facial emotion recognition capability in a sample of nonclinical adults. Consecutive healthy participants (N= 98) were investigated using the Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 (TAS-20), the Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences-Reduced Version (O-LIFE-R), and the Positive and NA Schedule (PANAS). A set of validated photographs (static images) and virtual faces (dynamic images) for presenting the basic emotions was used to assess emotion recognition. Pearson correlations were applied to investigate the relationship between the study variables; the amount of variance in emotion recognition capability predicted by OLIFE-R, TAS-20 and PANAS was calculated by using the linear regression model. Results showed that alexithymia was strongly associated with schizotypy and NA; furthermore, alexithymia and NA made a significant contribution to the prediction of emotion recognition capability. The predictive model was fitted for two types of presentations (photographs and virtual reality). The inclusion of virtual faces emerges as a response to the need to consider computer characters as new assessment and treatment material for research and therapy in psychologyEl objetivo principal del presente estudio es investigar la capacidad de predicción de los rasgos de esquizotípia y alexitímia, en combinación con la afectividad, de la habilidad de reconocimiento de emociones en una muestra de adultos sanos. Noventa y ocho pacientes sanos (N =98) fueron evaluados mediante la Escala de Alexitímia Toronto-20 (TAS-20), el Inventario de Sentimientos y Experiencias Oxford-Liverpool-Versión Reducida (O-LIFE-R), y la Escala de Afecto Positivo y Negativo (PANAS). Para la evaluación de la capacidad de reconocimiento de emociones a nivel facial, se utilizó un set validado de fotografías (imágenes estáticas) y caras en realidad virtual (imágenes dinámicas). Para el análisis correlacional de las variables de estudio se aplicó la prueba de correlación de Pearson; para el análisis de predicción de la capacidad de reconocimiento emocional se utilizó un modelo de regresión lineal en el que se incluyeron las variables derivadas de las escalas OLIFE-R, TAS-20 y PANAS. Los resultados mostraron la existencia de una relación significativa entre alexitímia, esquizotípia y afecto negativo; el modelo de regresión reveló una aportación significativa de la alexitímia y el afecto negativo en la predicción de los errores cometidos en la tarea de reconocimiento facial. El modelo predictivo propuesto fue válido para ambos tipos de presentación de las emociones (fotografías y caras virtuales). La inclusión de las caras virtuales surge como respuesta a la necesidad de considerar los personajes computarizados como nuevo material de evaluación y tratamiento para la investigación y psicoterapia en psicología

    A Dynamic Risk Factors-Based Typology of Sexual Offenders

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    The purpose of this article was to develop an Spanish psychometric typology of sexual offenders taking into account dynamic risk factors. The sample comprised 94 sex offenders imprisoned in Spain (52 rapists and 42 child molesters). The analysis yielded two different offender categories based on the subjects' criminogenic needs level (high and low). The results also showed that social desirability has a strong influence on the developed typologies, whereas the offence type, sociodemographic characteristics, and criminal history do not. A dynamic risk factors typology, such as the one proposed here, could help criminal and correctional facilities to fulfill their remit. It could also be useful for linking treatment intensity to offenders' criminogenic needs, as well as providing a platform for recidivism risk assessments

    Microvascular engineering in perfusion culture: immunohistochemistry and CLSM findings

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    BACKGROUND: One of the most challenging problems in tissue engineering is the establishment of vascular supply. A possible approach might be the engineering of microvasculature in vitro and the supply by engineered feeder vessels. METHODS: An in vitro model for a small-diameter vessel was developed and made from adipose tissue stromal cells and human umbilical vein endothelial cells in a tube-like gelatine scaffold. The number of "branches" emerging from the central lumen and the morphology of the central lumen of the vessel equivalent were assessed after 16 days of either pulsatile perfusion culture or culture in rotating containers by evaluation of immunohistochemically stained sections (n = 6 pairs of cultures). Intramural capillary network formation was demonstrated in five experiments with confocal laser scanning microscopy. RESULTS: Perfused specimens showed a round or oval lumen lined by a single layer of endothelial cells, whereas following rotation culture the lumen tended to collapse. Confocal laser scanning microscopy showed more extended network formation in perfused specimens as compared to specimens after rotation culture. Partially highly interconected capillary-like networks were imaged which showed orientation around the central lumen. Perfused specimens exhibited significantly more branches emerging from the central lumen. There were, however, hardly any capillary branches crossing the whole vessel wall. CONCLUSION: Pulsatile perfusion supports the development of vascular networks with physiological appearance. Advances in reactor development, acquisition of functional data and imaging procedures are however necessary in order to attain the ultimate goal of a fully functional engineered supplying vessel

    Joint practice guidelines for radionuclide lymphoscintigraphy for sentinel node localization in oral/oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma

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    Involvement of the cervical lymph nodes is the most important prognostic factor for patients with oral/oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), and the decision whether to electively treat patients with clinically negative necks remains a controversial topic. Sentinel node biopsy (SNB) provides a minimally invasive method of determining the disease status of the cervical node basin, without the need for a formal neck dissection. This technique potentially improves the accuracy of histological nodal staging and avoids over-treating three-quarters of this patient population, minimizing associated morbidity. The technique has been validated for patients with OSCC, and larger-scale studies are in progress to determine its exact role in the management of this patient population. This article was designed to outline the current best practice guidelines for the provision of SNB in patients with early-stage OSCC, and to provide a framework for the currently evolving recommendations for its use. These guidelines were prepared by a multidisciplinary surgical/nuclear medicine/pathology expert panel under the joint auspices of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) Oncology Committee and the Sentinel European Node Trial Committee

    A comprehensive overview of radioguided surgery using gamma detection probe technology

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    The concept of radioguided surgery, which was first developed some 60 years ago, involves the use of a radiation detection probe system for the intraoperative detection of radionuclides. The use of gamma detection probe technology in radioguided surgery has tremendously expanded and has evolved into what is now considered an established discipline within the practice of surgery, revolutionizing the surgical management of many malignancies, including breast cancer, melanoma, and colorectal cancer, as well as the surgical management of parathyroid disease. The impact of radioguided surgery on the surgical management of cancer patients includes providing vital and real-time information to the surgeon regarding the location and extent of disease, as well as regarding the assessment of surgical resection margins. Additionally, it has allowed the surgeon to minimize the surgical invasiveness of many diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, while still maintaining maximum benefit to the cancer patient. In the current review, we have attempted to comprehensively evaluate the history, technical aspects, and clinical applications of radioguided surgery using gamma detection probe technology

    Reinserción y gestión del riesgo de reincidencia en agresores sexuales excarcelados: el proyecto 'Círculos de Apoyo y Responsabilidad' en Cataluña".

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    The need to reduce recidivism among high-risk sex offenders re-entering the community, at the end of their sentences, has led to the development of new strategies for risk management recidivism, one of them being the Circles of Support and Accountability model (CoSA). This model was launched in Canada in 1994 and has since then been generalized to many Western countries, due to its proven effectiveness in social rehabilitation with these types of offenders. In Catalonia, the project CerclesCat has launched in form of a pilot trial; an experience shared with several European countries, which follows the guidelines of the CoSA model. The current paper describes the main features of this innovative project in risk management for high-risk sex offendersLa necesidad de reducir la reincidencia de los delincuentes sexuales de alto riesgo que al finalizar sus condenas se reincorporan a la comunidad ha llevado a desarrollar nuevas estrategias de gestión del riesgo de la reincidencia. Entre ellas se encuentra el modelo de Círculos de apoyo y responsabilidad (CoSA). Este modelo se inició en Canadá en el año 1994 y, desde entonces, se ha generalizado a muchos países occidentales por la eficacia mostrada en la rehabilitación social de este tipo de delincuentes. En Cataluña se ha puesto en marcha el proyecto CerclesCat, compartido con varios países europeos, siguiendo las directrices del modelo CoSA. En este trabajo se exponen los principales rasgos de este proyecto innovador en la intervención post-penitenciaria para delincuentes sexuales de alto riesgo de reincidencia

    Schizotypy, Alexithymia and Affect as predictors of Facial Emotion Recognition Capability using static and dynamic images

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    The main purpose of the present study is to investigate the capacity of schizotypy and alexithymia traits, in combination with affectivity to predict facial emotion recognition capability in a sample of nonclinical adults. Consecutive healthy participants (N= 98) were investigated using the Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 (TAS-20), the Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences-Reduced Version (O-LIFE-R), and the Positive and NA Schedule (PANAS). A set of validated photographs (static images) and virtual faces (dynamic images) for presenting the basic emotions was used to assess emotion recognition. Pearson correlations were applied to investigate the relationship between the study variables; the amount of variance in emotion recognition capability predicted by OLIFE-R, TAS-20 and PANAS was calculated by using the linear regression model. Results showed that alexithymia was strongly associated with schizotypy and NA; furthermore, alexithymia and NA made a significant contribution to the prediction of emotion recognition capability. The predictive model was fitted for two types of presentations (photographs and virtual reality). The inclusion of virtual faces emerges as a response to the need to consider computer characters as new assessment and treatment material for research and therapy in psycholog

    Screening, diagnosis and follow-up of Brugada syndrome in children: a Dutch expert consensus statement

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    Brugada syndrome (BrS) is a rare inherited arrhythmia syndrome. Affected children may experience life-threatening symptoms, mainly during fever. The percentage of SCN5A variant carriers in children is higher than in adults. Current diagnostic and follow-up policies for children with (a family history of) BrS vary between centres. Here, we present a consensus statement based on the current literature and expert opinions to standardise the approach for all children with BrS and those from BrS families in the Netherlands. In summary, BrS is diagnosed in patients with a spontaneous type 1 electrocardiogram (ECG) pattern or with a Shanghai score ≥ 3.5 including ≥ 1 ECG finding. A sodium channel-blocking drug challenge test should only be performed after puberty with a few exceptions. A fever ECG is indicated in children with suspected BrS, in children with a first-degree family member with definite or possible BrS according to the Shanghai criteria with a SCN5A variant and in paediatric SCN5A variant carriers. In-hospital rhythm monitoring during fever is indicated in patients with an existing type 1 ECG pattern and in those who develop such a pattern. Genetic testing should be restricted to SCN5A. Children with BrS and children who carry an SCN5A variant should avoid medication listed at www.brugadadrugs.org and fever should be suppressed. Ventricular arrhythmias or electrical storms should be treated with isoproterenol infusion