67 research outputs found

    Chcę zostać świętym przez modlitwę : modlitwy słowami bł. ks. Stefana Wincentego Frelichowskiego oraz Litania do bł. ks. Stefana Wincentego Frelichowskiego; opracowanie Józef Szamocki, Krzysztof Badowski, Joanna Grodzicka OCD, Waldemar Rozynkowski, Toruń 2018, 28 s.

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    Publikacja zawiera następujące teksty: - modlitwy słowami bł. ks. Stefana Wincentego Frelichowskiego: Modlitwa o wierność i wytrwanie w kapłańskiej posłudze; Modlitwa o Ducha Świętego; Modlitwa o dar wiary; Modlitwa w utrapieniu; Modlitwa skruszonego; Modlitwa przed spowiedzią; Modlitwa ofiarowania się Bogu; Modlitwa przyjęcia Jezusa; Modlitwa o pokorne serce; Modlitwa o dar milczenia; Modlitwa o dobrą śmierć; Modlitwa dziękczynna za rodziców; Modlitwa o powołanie kapłańskie. - Litania do bł. ks. Stefana Wincentego Frelichowskieg

    Insights into the evolution of the New World diploid cottons (Gossypium, subgenus Houzingenia) based on genome sequencing

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    We employed phylogenomic methods to study molecular evolutionary processes and phylogeny in the geographically widely dispersed New World diploid cottons (Gossypium, subg. Houzingenia). Whole genome resequencing data (average of 33X genomic coverage) were generated to reassess the phylogenetic history of the subgenus and provide a temporal framework for its diversification. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that the subgenus likely originated following trans-oceanic dispersal from Africa about 6.6 mya, but that nearly all of the biodiversity evolved following rapid diversification in the mid-Pleistocene (0.5-2.0 mya), with multiple long-distance dispersals required to account for range expansion to Arizona, the Galapagos Islands, and Peru. Comparative analyses of cpDNA vs. nuclear data indicate that this history was accompanied by several clear cases of interspecific introgression. Repetitive DNAs contribute roughly half of the total 880 Mb genome, but most transposable element families are relatively old and stable among species. In the genic fraction, pairwise synonymous mutation rates average 1% per my, with non-synonymous changes being about seven times less frequent. Over 1.1 million indels were detected and phylogenetically polarized, revealing a two-fold bias toward deletions over small insertions. We suggest that this genome down-sizing bias counteracts genome size growth by TE amplification and insertions, and helps explain the relatively small genomes that are restricted to this subgenus. Compared to the rate of nucleotide substitution, the rate of indel occurrence is much lower averaging about 17 nucleotide substitutions per indel event

    Perancangan Peraga LED Terprogram Berbasis Mikrokontroler AT89C52

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    Dengan tersedianya mikrokontroler yang memiliki berbagai fasilitas serta murahnya harga PC yang ditawarkan, maka peluang untuk merancang peralatan pengendalian LED untuk berbagai keperluan menjadi sangat terbuka. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang dan menguji peraga LED terprogram berbasis mikrokontroler AT89C52. Alat penampil LED matrik dirancang data-nya bisa dimasukan secara otomatis, sehingga LED dapat menampilkan data dengan segera. Perancangan sistem penampil LED matrik yang dibuat meliputi dua bagian utama yaitu bagian perangkat keras dan bagian perangkat lunak. Perangkat keras meliputi mikrokontroler AT89C52 sebagai pusat pengontrol, penggerak kolom dan penggerak baris serta LED matrik untuk menampilkan data. Perangkat lunak meliputi bahasa mesin mikrokontroler dan untuk berhubungan dengan PC menggunakan Borland Delphi. Pengujian dilakukan dengan membandingkan tampilan LED matrik dengan data masukan dari PC. Alat ini dapat mengendalikan dan menampilkan LED sesuai data yang diberikan. LED matrik dapat menampilkan empat baris teks yang masing-masing baris maksimal enam karakter, gambar serta animasi running text (teks berjalan)

    Selection of a core set of RILs from Forrest × Williams 82 to develop a framework map in soybean

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    Soybean BAC-based physical maps provide a useful platform for gene and QTL map-based cloning, EST mapping, marker development, genome sequencing, and comparative genomic research. Soybean physical maps for “Forrest” and “Williams 82” representing the southern and northern US soybean germplasm base, respectively, have been constructed with different fingerprinting methods. These physical maps are complementary for coverage of gaps on the 20 soybean linkage groups. More than 5,000 genetic markers have been anchored onto the Williams 82 physical map, but only a limited number of markers have been anchored to the Forrest physical map. A mapping population of Forrest × Williams 82 made up of 1,025 F8 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was used to construct a reference genetic map. A framework map with almost 1,000 genetic markers was constructed using a core set of these RILs. The core set of the population was evaluated with the theoretical population using equality, symmetry and representativeness tests. A high-resolution genetic map will allow integration and utilization of the physical maps to target QTL regions of interest, and to place a larger number of markers into a map in a more efficient way using a core set of RILs