449 research outputs found

    Estudio de algunas especies de Ascomicetes macroscopicos, de la flora española

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    Se realiza el estudio de doce especies de Ascomicetes, cuyos cuerpos fructíferos alcanzan tamaños macroscópicos y de los cuales pudieron realizarse diapositivas directamente del natural o en el Laboratorio. De cada una de ellas se realiza un breve comentario de sus peculiaridades morfológicas o ecológicas. En algún caso pudo seguirse el desarrollo de sus fructificaciones. La revisión nomenclatural ha sido realizada por Moser, M.: Kleine Kryptogamen flora II a: Ascomyceten. Al menos dos especies de las que se muestran creemos son nuevas citas para la Flora española de Ascomicetes.We study twelve species of Ascomycetes with ascocarps. We do a little comentary of their morfological and ecological peculiarities. The nomenclature review is according to Moser, M. in Gams: Kleine Kryptogamenflora II a. We think at last two species are new for Iberian Peninsula

    Analytical characteristics of olive oils produced by two different extraction techniques in the portuguese olive variety Galega Vulgar

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    A metal hammer-decanter (HD) olive processing line was compared to a traditional metal hammer-press (HP) line, a discontinuous method which, when properly used, yields high-quality virgin olive oils. Galega olives (traditional Portuguese variety) were used. Olives were picked at a predetermined maturation stage and plagues and oil content were evaluated before processing. Years, extraction technology, data replicates, and years*extraction, were taken into account and compared using statistical treatment. In spite of significant differences among the results obtained, only acidity was statistically significant and sufficient for classifying the produced olive oil into a lampante categoryinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluación de la citotoxicidad de una mezcla de ocho contaminantes a concentraciones de relevancia ambiental

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    The ubiquitous presence of pollutants and the accurate evaluation of their potential risks for environmental and human health is an area of major concern. We have simulated an in vitro scenario of long-term exposure to a mixture of eight pollutants at real environmental concentrations using mammalian Vero cells. Our results demonstrate that cellular proliferation rates were significantly altered, either by inhibition or stimulation, depending on the mixture composition and the exposure time. We encourage the urgency of reviewing safety levels for emerging contaminants accepted by regulatory agencies, considering that mixtures of pollutants represent a threat for environmental and human healthThis work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CTM2008-00311; CTM2012-31344

    High-pressure Raman study of L-alanine crystal

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    Pressure-dependent Raman scattering studies in the range 0.0 -- 32 kbar were carried out in L-alanine in order to investigate its external mode phonon spectra in relation to the phase transitions in the crystal. A careful analysis of the spectra shows that the low-energy Raman modes exhibit variation both in frequency and in intensity and between 26 and 28 kbar it is observed a splitting of a external mode, indicating that the D_2 normal phase undergoes a transition. Pressure coefficients for external modes are also given.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, 2 figure

    Provenance explorer: Customized provenance views using semantic inferencing

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    This paper presents Provenance Explorer, a secure provenance visualization tool, designed to dynamically generate customized views of scientific data provenance that depend on the viewer's requirements and/or access privileges. Using RDF and graph visualizations, it enables scientists to view the data, states and events associated with a scientific workflow in order to understand the scientific methodology and validate the results. Initially the Provenance Explorer presents a simple, coarse-grained view of the scientific process or experiment. However the GUI allows permitted users to expand links between nodes (input states, events and output states) to reveal more fine-grained information about particular sub-events and their inputs and outputs. Access control is implemented using Shibboleth to identify and authenticate users and XACML to define access control policies. The system also provides a platform for publishing scientific results. It enables users to select particular nodes within the visualized workflow and drag-and-drop them into an RDF package for publication or e-learning. The direct relationships between the individual components selected for such packages are inferred by the rule-inference engine

    Christian ethics and political economy

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    The value-free and relativistic human and scientific discourses have led to an era of ideology. From fascism at the dawn of the century, through liberalism and the associated phenomenon of unfettered statism, to the current disillusionment of postmodernism and relativism with endeavours towards new mercantilism. All have maintained poverty, inequality and created scepticism amongst both lay persons and academics. Above all else a renewed yearning for moral and ethical direction in political and economic conduct has been created. This book provides a Christian ethical reflection on political-economic conduct in South Africa as an alternative to current modernistic ideas. This book aims to produce new Christian ethical insight into the value of new liberal perspectives on the enhancement of the South African political economy. New Christian ethical insight will be gained through new perspectives on the South African political economy

    Instantons and radial excitations in attractive Bose-Einstein condensates

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    Imaginary- and real-time versions of an equation for the condensate density are presented which describe dynamics and decay of any spherical Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) within the mean field appraoch. We obtain quantized energies of collective finite amplitude radial oscillations and exact numerical instanton solutions which describe quantum tunneling from both the metastable and radially excited states of the BEC of 7Li atoms. The mass parameter for the radial motion is found different from the gaussian value assumed hitherto, but the effect of this difference on decay exponents is small. The collective breathing states form slightly compressed harmonic spectrum, n=4 state lying lower than the second Bogolyubov (small amplitude) mode. The decay of these states, if excited, may simulate a shorter than true lifetime of the metastable state. By scaling arguments, results extend to other attractive BEC-s.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Do Instantons Like a Colorful Background?

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    We investigate chiral symmetry breaking and color symmetry breaking in QCD. The effective potential of the corresponding scalar condensates is discussed in the presence of non-perturbative contributions from the semiclassical one-instanton sector. We concentrate on a color singlet scalar background which can describe chiral condensation, as well as a color octet scalar background which can generate mass for the gluons. Whereas a non-vanishing singlet chiral field is favored by the instantons, we have found no indication for a preference of color octet backgrounds.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    The unphysical nature of the SL(2,R) symmetry and its associated condensates in Yang-Mills theories

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    BRST cohomology methods are used to explain the origin of the SL(2,R) symmetry in Yang-Mills theories. Clear evidence is provided for the unphysical nature of this symmetry. This is obtained from the analysis of a local functional of mass dimension two and constitutes a no-go statement for giving a physical meaning to condensates associated with the symmetry breaking of SL(2,R).Comment: 5 pages (revtex4), final version to appear in Phys. Rev.