96 research outputs found


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    Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS) memperkirakan kebutuhan dana infrastruktur pada tahun 2015-2019, terdapat kesenjangan pendanaan sekitar 36,5% (Rp 1.385 Triliun) dari total kebutuhan dana infrastruktur (Rp 4.796 triliun). Kesenjangan pendanaan tersebut diharapkan dapat dipenuhi melalui kerja sama dengan swasta atau Badan Usaha, yang menggunakan skema Public-Private Partnership (PPP) atau dikenal dengan Kerjasama Pemerintah Badan Usaha (KPBU), sebagai salah satu alternatif pembiayaan kebutuhan infrastruktur. Tujuan artikel ini adalah memaparkan pelaksanaan Kerjasama Pemerintah Badan Usaha (KPBU) yang ada di Jawa Timur. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang mendalam tentang mekanisme pelaksanaan KPBU di Jawa Timur. Berdasarkan dari hasil analisis pada penelitian ini didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa KPBU telah berhasil diterapkan pada pengadaan proyek Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum (SPAM) Umbulan di Jawa Timur

    New analytical applications of gold nanoparticles

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    The work includes improvements of surface technology, new analytical applications of metallic nanoparticles and optimization of technological steps for production of different types of metallic nanoparticles in discrete and continuous modes. The technology of LbL deposition was optimized and applied for immobilization of metallic nanoparticles. SPR detection was used for the determination of optimal deposition conditions and on-line monitoring of the deposition process. Simple approach for automation of LbL deposition allowing one to deposit up to hundreds of layers was developed. The technology was proved by electrochemical analysis for deposition of electrochemically active polymers. A new diffusion based semi-quantitative assay for detection of sugars was suggested. Electrochemical oxidation of glucose and dopamine on electrodes modified with gold nanoparticles was studied. Conditions for electrochemical analysis of these substances in the presence of typical natural interferents were evaluated. A combination of voltammetry and impedance spectroscopy was used to demonstrate a formation of insulating layer on gold surface, this resulted in explanation of anomalous shape of voltammetric curves. A combination of electrochemical and SPR measurements demonstrated directly a formation of an insulating layer on the electrode surface and was used for optimization of the assay conditions. The results indicate a possibility to develop an enzyme free sensors for glucose and dopamine. It was discovered that gold nanoparticles are effective nucleating agents for protein crystallization. Nanoparticles induce protein crystallization at lower supersaturation and increase the number of protein crystals formed at higher supersaturation. The fact that this technology works with so different proteins as lysozyme and ferritin allows one to suggest that it may be also applied for many other proteins including the ones which are reluctant to crystallization by known technologies. Irreversible freezing indicators based on gold nanoparticles were developed. The filling suspension containing nanoparticles, nucleation and stabilization agents were optimized in sense of stability and irreversibility of color changes. A large scale production of this indicator will be started in spring 2008

    An integrated project evaluation tool for public-private partnership projects

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    The evaluation of a large infrastructure project is a critical activity for bidders and governments under traditional procurement or through Public Private Partnership. When a project requires huge capital investment, public-private partnership (PPP) is often sought as an alternative in cases of shortage of public funds. Nevertheless, the complexity of the PPP arrangement has constituted a dilemma for government authorities to balance the interests between the public and the private parties (stakeholders). High capital burdens in terms of PPP bidding cost, construction cost, and operation and maintenance cost are part of the major challenges for private sponsors to get involved in PPP projects. Meanwhile, PPP scheme projects, believed to deliver better value for money, have been criticised by many as the product of highest influence level from either political patronage or corporate political power. There is an apparent need for a tool to help the government agency evaluate the delivery of value for money on PPP projects while still sustaining the interests of private parties. The aim of this research is to assist government agencies in evaluating bids and making decision efficiently for PPP seaport development projects through the use of an integrated project evaluation tool (IPET). A computer (MS excel program) based tool was developed to evaluate the project financial viability and negotiate the risk sharing mechanism of PPP Seaport Project at five different project stages. The stakeholders’ expectations, financial indicators, financial risks, and mitigation measures are considered and developed into the following modules: (1) Financial viability module; (2) Financial risk analysis module; and (3) Financial risk mitigation module. A triangulation strategy was justified with caution due to the possibility of error. A qualitative method (i.e. literature review and interview to explore stakeholders’ expectation and preferred indicators of PPP financial models) was undertaken prior to performing a quantitative technique (i.e. questionnaire survey to narrow down the preliminary findings). Then, the proposed tool was validated by comparing the results with secondary data and interviewing experts regarding their opinion on its applicability. The findings from the statistical analysis indicate that an efficient negotiation is possible if: (1) PPP financial models were used at the pre-proposal stage to examine the project’s ability in generating enough cash flow; (2) All stakeholders know the most important expectations and the most preferred financial indicators of other stakeholders; and (3) IRR, NPV, Revenue, Operating Cost, and Principal Payback are not considered as the only financial indicators for evaluating PPP projects. By knowing the mutual agreement among stakeholders, any conflicting expectations can also be identified early and it may be possible to accommodate such expectations in the negotiation process. The IPET has been confirmed that it has several implications: (1) possibility to facilitate an efficient negotiation and effective evaluation process; (2) applicability in evaluating PPP seaport projects; and (3) potentially to be extended to other sectors. However, the IPET is designed to be used with financial model, hence it will require an actual PPP financial model

    Akibat Hukum Penerapan Klausula Eksonerasi dalam Perjanjian Penerbitan Kartu Kredit di Bni 46 Medan

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    The use of credit cards is one form of a loan agreement between the consumer as the customer / debtor to the bank as creditor. Type of applied research is to use the research to the method of writing the normative approach (normative legal research). The results of the study and discussion of the issuance of the credit card agreement explains in BNI 46 Medan meet the principle of freedom of contract and does not meet the principle of balance. The agreement meets the principle of freedom of contract because the credit card issuance agreement is 'take it or leave it contract' so that the parties are free to accept or not accept the agreement offered. Then the conclusion publishing agreement kedit card does have the principle of freedom but does not have the balance principle of contract. Then doctrine for someone dependent on agreement whose contents are not read and do not understand the true doctrine of the subjection of the will of the public (de leer van de Algemene wilsonderwerping). As a result of the application of the law of the exoneration clause in the agreement that issued the credit card issuance BNI 46 field such agreement does not meet the principle of balance though the parties were bound by the agreement have the right and the reciprocal agreements in connection with the issuance of a credit card and based on this it can be said the issuance of the credit card agreement is null and void due to non-fulfillment of the third and fourth terms of the provisions of Article 1320 of the Civil Code which is an objective requirement of an agreement. Ways to resolve disputes as a result of the use of the exoneration clause in the agreement that the issuance of credit cards issued BNI 46 field by means of deliberation and consensus and if the path can not resolve the problem then carried through the completion of the local District Court

    Fiber Optic Adaptive Probe as a Cuvette Substitution for UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (Genesis 10S)

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    Fiber optic adaptive probe UV-Vis for Genesis 10S has been fabricated to substitute cuvette for real time analysis. Most of standard spectrophotometers UV-Vis (the common type) use cuvette to place sample which is being analyzed. The light pass through the sample in the cuvette to detector then the intensity of the absorption of the solution is measured. Most of the cuvette system requires to transferring sample solution to cuvette from its original vessel, so the real time analysis cannot be conducted. The probe with special design using fiber optic cable FT-Au tonics 420-10 has been made to substitute the cuvette system. The light from the source moved inside fiber optic cable, which has been cut in the middle of the cable (the sample can passes through at this gap), to the detector. The end (entrance and exit) of the fiber optic was designed so that it fit to the compartment of the Genesis 10S spectrophotometer without any modification from the standard instrument condition. The spectrum results from the probe in varies gap, in the range 0.2 – 1 cm, was observed. The gap in the middle of the fiber optic was equal to the length of the pathway in the cuvette system. Rhoda mine B was used as the sample with variation concentration 4.175 × 10-5 M, 3.34 × 10-5 M, 2.5 × 10-5 M, and 1.67 × 10-5 M. The spectrum result of adaptive fiber optic probe was compared to the spectrum of standard cuvette system. The optimum result was provided using 0.2 cm gap. The maximum wavelength absorbance of adaptive fiber optic probe was at 533 nm which similar to the cuvette syste

    Synthesis of SnO2 Nanoparticles by High Potential Electrolysis

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    SnO2 nanoparticles have been synthesized by high voltage electrolysis. Tin bare was used for anode and cathode. The effect of potentials and electrolyte were studied. The particles obtained after electrolysis was characterized using X-ray Diffraction (XRD). The diffractogram is in agreement with the standard diffraction pattern of SnO2 which is identified as tetragonal structure. The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrum indicates that there is a vibration of Sn–O asymmetric at 580 cm-1. The optimum potential for SnO2 nanoparticles synthesis is 60 V at 0.06 M HCl which shows the highest UV-Vis spectrum. The absorption peak of SnO2 nanoparticles by UV-Vis spectrophotometer appears at about 207 nm. The particle size analysis shows that the SnO2 nanoparticles obtained have the size distribution in a range of 25-150 nm with the highest volume at 83.11 nm. Copyright © 2017 BCREC Group. All rights reservedReceived: 15th November 2016; Revised: 26th February 2017; Accepted: 27th February 2017How to Cite: Rahmi, R., Kurniawan, F. (2017). Synthesis of SnO2 Nanoparticles by High Potential Electrolysis. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 12 (2): 281-286 (doi:10.9767/bcrec.12.2.773.281-286)Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.9767/bcrec.12.2.773.281-286

    Fabrikasi Alat Ukur Sudut Kontak Dual Channel Untuk Mengetahui Sifat Polaritas Suatu Bahan

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    Pada penelitian ini telah dibuat alat ukur sudut kontak dengan modifikasi dual channel. Pengujian kinerja alat dilakukan dengan mengukur nilai sudut kontak dan diameter tiga bahan padat (politetrafluoroetilen, polivinilklorida dan polimetilmetakrilat) dan bahan cair (akua demineralisasi, etanol dan toluen) yang masing-masing memiliki nilai momen dipol berbeda. Hasil pengujian kinerja alat menunjukkan nilai sudut kontak 118,783° yang sesuai dengan rentang nilai standar alat (108-125°) pada ASTM C813-90. Hasil pengukuran pada bahan air-PTFE (θ=118,783°, D=0,260 cm), air-PVC (θ=83,196°, D=0,311 cm), air-PMMA (θ=74,468°, D=0,340 cm), etanol-PTFE (θ=52,351°, D=0,320 cm) dan toluen-PTFE (θ=40,204°, D=0,366 cm) diperoleh nilai sudut kontak yang berbeda pada diameter yang berbeda. Nilai sudut kontak air pada PTFE paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan etanol dan toluen sesuai dengan besar nilai momen dipol yang dimilik


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    One of the building materials that has developed very rapidly is concrete. Some of the advantages of concrete include the relatively low price, high compressive strength, rust resistance, easy transport and printing, and are relatively resistant to fire. There are several ways that can be used to make concrete light, including the use of lightweight aggregates, foam agents, coconut fibers and additive types "x", where coconut fiber waste has not been used optimally. In this study a lightweight concrete mixture of additive type "was made using x 5M additive products, foam agents and coconut fibers using a cement content of 650kg / m3. The variation of the "x" additive is 2%, 4%, 5%, foam agent is 2.5%, 3%, 4% and coconut fiber is 15%, 20%, 25%. with the treatment conditions for the specimens for 28 days soaked and not soaked. Test objects are made of cubes with a size of 15x15x15cm. This study is to determine the weight / m3, the compressive strength of the lightweight concrete produced. The results showed that the increase in the use of additive types "x", foam agents and coconut fibers caused the weight of the concrete to be heavier and compressive strength. The highest weight of this lightweight concrete at the age of 28 days is not immersed in 1.867 kg / m3, while the lowest is 1.665 kg / m3. The test object for non-soaked conditions has a better compressive strength of 324 kg / cm2 than the test object with the condition soaked press test which is 293 kg / cm2


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    Planning a project there are many important things that affect the success and smoothness, one of which planning time implementation of the right and efficient work. The way to overcome the problem is by using several methods such as CPM (Critical Path Method), PERT (Project Evaluation and Review Teqnique), PDM (Precedence Diagram Method). From the calculation result show that the duration of project completion using CPM method is 57 weeks, project completion duration using PERT method is 78 + 7.5 weeks with the probability of achieving project completion time target is 99.87% and project completion duration using PDM method is 30 weeks. So the method that best suits the Social Service Development Project and the Office of Marine Gresik Regency is the PDM method because the PDM method is capable of producing shorter project completion periods than the CPM and PERT methods of 30 weeks

    Pengaruh Pengupasan dan Waktu Perendaman pada Umbi Porang terhadap Kadar Glukomanan dan Kadar Senyawa Oksalat

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    Pengaruh pengupasan dan waktu perendaman pada umbi porang terhadap kadar glukomanan dan kadar senyawa oksalat telah dipelajari. Umbi porang tanpa dan dengan pengupasan dipotong menjadi beberapa bagian, kemudian direndam dalam air dengan variasi waktu 0, 60, 120 dan 180 menit. Umbi porang yang telah direndam kemudian dikeringkan dan diolah menjadi tepung porang. Kadar glukomanan pada umbi porang dianalisa menggunakan metode gravimetri, sedangkan kadar senyawa oksalat menggunakan metode titrasi permanganometri. Umbi porang yang dikupas dengan variasi perendaman 0, 60, 120, dan 180 menit secara berturut-turut memiliki rata-rata kadar glukomanan sebesar 36,51%; 40,45%; 44,01%; dan 48,39%. Umbi porang yang tidak dikupas dengan variasi perendaman 0, 60, 120, dan 180 menit secara berturut-turut memiliki rata-rata kadar glukomanan sebesar 34,86%; 22,55%; 22,37%; dan 21,70%. Hasil analisa rata-rata kadar senyawa oksalat pada umbi porang yang dikupas dengan variasi perendaman 0, 60, 120, dan 180 menit secara berturut-turut adalah 185,22 ppm; 127,60 ppm; 98,78 ppm; dan 86,44 ppm. Umbi porang yang tidak dikupas dengan variasi perendaman 0, 60, 120, dan 180 menit secara berturut-turut memiliki rata-rata kadar senyawa oksalat sebesar 251,08 ppm; 214,03 ppm; 209,92 ppm; dan 197,57 ppm
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