20 research outputs found

    Sport och straff – En analys av samspelet mellan idrottslig och rĂ€ttslig bestraffning av samma gĂ€rning

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    The sports movement and its system are special. The movement enjoys a strong autonomy relative to the rest of society and it is more similar to public legal systems than other non-state systems in regard to the extent of its rules. At the same time, it receives large appropriations from the public in order to be able to maintain a functioning system. The members of a sports association are legally bound by the by-laws of organizations higher up in the sports movement pyramid, perhaps without the members knowing about it. The use of arbitration clauses keeps conflict resolution within the movement. However, an act punishable according to the rules of the sport may in some cases be punishable according to criminal law as well, and sports related cases can of course be reviewed by public courts. This possible dual punishment may result in the total sanction being too harsh, at least when the athlete is punished financially by both systems. Swedish public courts can regard prior disciplinary sanctions and lower the punishment to ease the dual punishment effect. The disciplinary procedure in sports prohibits some forms of dual punishment. Doping sanctions in sports are fairly special since athletes can be disciplined despite having used the prohibited substance by mistake. The athlete may be suspended for life on the occasion of repeated doping violations, and professional athletes are therefore prevented from working and earning money the same way as before. I believe this motivates further consideration from the public courts when deciding the appropriate punishment in a possible criminal procedure. It would however be rare that an athlete suspended from competing ever again is punished in a public court for the same act.Idrottsrörelsen och dess organisation Ă€r speciell. Den Ă„tnjuter en stark autonomi i förhĂ„llande till det allmĂ€nna och har i högre grad Ă€n andra icke-statliga system stora likheter med nationella rĂ€ttssystem avseende bl.a. reglernas omfattning. Samtidigt erhĂ„ller den stora resurser frĂ„n det allmĂ€nna för att kunna bedriva rörelsen. Medlemmarna i en idrottsförening binds pĂ„ avtalsrĂ€ttslig grund av hierarkiskt högre stĂ„ende organisationers stadgar, utan att kanske alltid inse det. Bruket av skiljeklausuler leder till att idrottens konfliktlösning allt som oftast hĂ„lls kvar inom idrottsrörelsen sjĂ€lv. I vissa fall kan emellertid en pĂ„ en idrottsplan bestraffningsbar handling ocksĂ„ vara straffbar enligt det nationella straffrĂ€ttsliga systemet, som givetvis kan pröva idrottsrelaterade fall. En sĂ„dan möjlig dubbelbestraffning – alltsĂ„ straff utfĂ€rdat av bĂ„de det idrottsliga och det rĂ€ttsliga systemet – kan resultera i en alltför strĂ€ng sammanlagd pĂ„följd, Ă„tminstone i de fall dĂ„ en idrottsutövare bestraffas ekonomiskt av bĂ„da systemen. Svensk allmĂ€n domstol kan tillĂ€mpa strafflindrande billighetsskĂ€l vid straffmĂ€tningen, dĂ€r disciplinĂ€r pĂ„följd kan falla under tvĂ„ av de angivna skĂ€len som föranleder strafflindring. Den idrottsinterna processen innehĂ„ller ett visst förbud mot rent idrottslig dubbelbestraffning. Idrottsliga dopingsanktioner Ă€r speciella pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt de kan Ă„dömas idrottare som fĂ„tt i sig en förbjuden substans av misstag. Vid upprepade förseelser kan utövaren bli avstĂ€ngd pĂ„ livstid, genom vilken professionella idrottare förhindras att bedriva sin tidigare inkomstbringande verksamhet. I min mening motiverar detta ytterligare strafflindring vid straffmĂ€tning av allmĂ€n domstol i en eventuell straffprocess. I praktiken bör det dock ske relativt sĂ€llan att idrottare som blivit avstĂ€ngda frĂ„n fortsatt tĂ€vlande pĂ„ livstid Ă€ven straffas i domstol

    Method and phantom to study combined effects of in-plane (x,y) and z-axis resolution for 3D CT imaging.

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    Increasingly, the advent of multislice CT scanners, volume CT scanners, and total body spiral acquisition modes has led to the use of Multi Planar Reconstruction and 3D datasets. In considering 3D resolution properties of a CT system it is important to note that both the in-plane (x,y) and z-axis (slice thickness) influence the visual-ization and detection of objects within the scanned volume. This study investigates ways to consider both the in-plane resolution and the z-axis resolution in a single phantom wherein analytic or visualized analysis can yield information on these combined effects. A new phantom called the Wave Phantom is developed that can be used to sample the 3D resolution properties of a CT image, including in-plane (x,y) and z-axis information. The key development in this Wave Phantom is the incorporation of a z-axis aspect of a more traditional step (bar) resolution gauge phantom. The phantom can be examined visually wherein a cutoff level may be seen; and/or the analytic analysis of the various characteristics of the waveform profile by including amplitude, frequency, and slope (rate of climb) of the peaks, can be extracted from the Wave Pattern using mathematical analysis such as the Fourier transform. The combined effect of changes in in-plane resolution and z-axis (thickness), are shown, as well as the effect of changes in either in-plane resolu-tion, or z-axis thickness. Examples of visual images of the Wave pattern as well as the analytic characteristics of the various harmonics of a periodic Wave pattern resulting from changes in resolution filter and/or slice thickness, and position in the field of view are shown. The Wave Phantom offers a promising way to investigate 3D resolution results from combined effect of in-plane (x-y) and z-axis resolution as contrasted to the use of simple 2D resolution gauges that need to be used with separate measures of z-axis dependency, such as angled ramps. It offers both a visual pattern as well as a pattern amenable to analytic analysis using Fourier Transform methods, and is believed to offer an image quality test closer to the diagnostic task where the 2D image has the hidden third (z) axis effects

    The Comet Interceptor Mission

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    Here we describe the novel, multi-point Comet Interceptor mission. It is dedicated to the exploration of a little-processed long-period comet, possibly entering the inner Solar System for the first time, or to encounter an interstellar object originating at another star. The objectives of the mission are to address the following questions: What are the surface composition, shape, morphology, and structure of the target object? What is the composition of the gas and dust in the coma, its connection to the nucleus, and the nature of its interaction with the solar wind? The mission was proposed to the European Space Agency in 2018, and formally adopted by the agency in June 2022, for launch in 2029 together with the Ariel mission. Comet Interceptor will take advantage of the opportunity presented by ESA’s F-Class call for fast, flexible, low-cost missions to which it was proposed. The call required a launch to a halo orbit around the Sun-Earth L2 point. The mission can take advantage of this placement to wait for the discovery of a suitable comet reachable with its minimum ΔV capability of 600 ms−1. Comet Interceptor will be unique in encountering and studying, at a nominal closest approach distance of 1000 km, a comet that represents a near-pristine sample of material from the formation of the Solar System. It will also add a capability that no previous cometary mission has had, which is to deploy two sub-probes – B1, provided by the Japanese space agency, JAXA, and B2 – that will follow different trajectories through the coma. While the main probe passes at a nominal 1000 km distance, probes B1 and B2 will follow different chords through the coma at distances of 850 km and 400 km, respectively. The result will be unique, simultaneous, spatially resolved information of the 3-dimensional properties of the target comet and its interaction with the space environment. We present the mission’s science background leading to these objectives, as well as an overview of the scientific instruments, mission design, and schedule

    Idrottsrörelsens autonomi och dess grĂ€nser – Om rĂ€ttslig överprövning av idrottsliga beslut

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    Today, the sports movement is the largest social movement in Sweden, and sports are a matter for many people all around the world. The Swedish sports movement has enjoyed a sense of autonomy and independence during a long period of time, and this order has been enhanced due to an increased extent of commercialisation, together with a vast use of arbitration agreements and own arbitration panels. This has led to the following questions for this paper; when do the Swedish courts interfere with disputes within the sports movement and where do they put the boundaries for the autonomy of the movement? My essay aims to clarify the relation between the autonomy and the legal system as well as to analyse the advantages and the disadvantages of the autonomy. After going through available case law and doctrine in the sports law area, a split image of the legal position appears; the answer to the question about the courts’ intervention mainly depends on how the case’s circumstances present themselves. The probability of having a dispute brought to the court room mainly depends on whether there is a valid arbitration agreement between the parties, which there frequently is. In cases where an arbitration agreement is not present, the probability depends on the case; it is generally more common that a contractual dispute is heard, rather than a proper associational dispute. However, I have discovered that the chances of success are relatively low. It is somewhat clear, however, that the courts are not very willing to interfere by making a substantial review of a decision from the sports movement, particularly not when it concerns decisions that do not have an actual impact on the involved person’s economy or business. Thus, the autonomy of the sports movement remains intact, but certainly needs to be viewed at from a critical perspective. Despite this, I believe that the autonomy of the sports movement is something good, based on several reasons. The tradition of self-regulation in the sports movement should, for example, guarantee that the arbitration panels have the special knowledge of the relevant set of rules in order to settle disputes in a correct way. I consider the existing exceptions of the autonomy to be sufficient to ensure the legal certainty of individuals at the same time as it preserves justice in the sports movement.Idrottsrörelsen Ă€r i dag Sveriges största folkrörelse och idrotten Ă€r vĂ€rlden över en angelĂ€genhet för vĂ€ldigt mĂ„nga mĂ€nniskor. Idrottsrörelsen har en lĂ„ng tradition av autonomi och sjĂ€lvbestĂ€mmande, som tillsammans med en tilltagande kommersialisering har förstĂ€rkts av ett stort anvĂ€ndande av skiljeavtal och egna skiljenĂ€mnder. Detta har gett upphov till frĂ„gan nĂ€r allmĂ€nna domstolar egentligen blir involverade och rĂ€ttsligt överprövar ett idrottsligt beslut, eller med andra ord, var grĂ€nserna gĂ„r för idrottsrörelsens autonomi? Uppsatsen syftar till att klarlĂ€gga autonomins relation till rĂ€ttsvĂ€sendet samt att analysera autonomins fördelar och nackdelar. Efter att ha undersökt tillgĂ€nglig praxis och doktrin pĂ„ omrĂ„det framtrĂ€der bilden av rĂ€ttslĂ€get som delad beroende pĂ„ vilken typ av idrottsĂ€rende frĂ„gan gĂ€ller samt hur omstĂ€ndigheterna ser ut i det enskilda fallet. Möjligheten att fĂ„ ett idrottsligt beslut rĂ€ttsligt överprövat beror i stor utstrĂ€ckning pĂ„ om det mellan parterna föreligger ett giltigt skiljeavtal eller inte, vilket det oftast gör. I de fall ett skiljeavtal inte föreligger beror möjligheten pĂ„ vad Ă€rendet gĂ€ller; det Ă€r i allmĂ€nhet enklare att fĂ„ en tvist av avtalsrĂ€ttslig natur – t.ex. tvist om utbetalning av prispengar – rĂ€ttsligt prövad Ă€n ett beslut om uteslutning ur ideell förening. Av min utredning att döma Ă€r dock möjligheten att lyckas med en sĂ„dan talan förhĂ„llandevis lĂ„g. Det Ă€r i alla fall relativt tydligt att domstolarna sĂ€llan Ă€r villiga att ingripa och materiellt överpröva ett beslut frĂ„n idrotten, sĂ€rskilt inte nĂ€r det gĂ€ller beslut som inte har nĂ„gon egentlig inverkan pĂ„ nĂ„gons ekonomiska situation eller yrkesverksamhet. Idrottsrörelsens autonomi fĂ„r sĂ„ledes sĂ€gas vara intakt, nĂ„got som naturligtvis bör sĂ€ttas i ett kritiskt perspektiv men som man för den sakens skull inte behöver finna vara dĂ„lig eller i behov av förĂ€ndring. I min mening Ă€r idrottsrörelsens sjĂ€lvstĂ€ndighet trots allt nĂ„got som i grunden Ă€r bra och som tack vare rörelsens tradition av sjĂ€lvreglering garanterar att dess dömande instanser har den specialkunskap om regelverken som krĂ€vs för att korrekt avgöra tvister med anknytning till dessa. De i dag existerande undantagen i autonomin anser jag vara tillrĂ€ckliga för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla enskildas rĂ€ttssĂ€kerhet samtidigt som den bevarar rĂ€ttvisan inom idrottsrörelsen

    Method and phantom to study combined effects of in-plane (x,y) and z-axis resolution for 3D CT imaging.

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    Increasingly, the advent of multislice CT scanners, volume CT scanners, and total body spiral acquisition modes has led to the use of Multi Planar Reconstruction and 3D datasets. In considering 3D resolution properties of a CT system it is important to note that both the in-plane (x,y) and z-axis (slice thickness) influence the visual-ization and detection of objects within the scanned volume. This study investigates ways to consider both the in-plane resolution and the z-axis resolution in a single phantom wherein analytic or visualized analysis can yield information on these combined effects. A new phantom called the Wave Phantom is developed that can be used to sample the 3D resolution properties of a CT image, including in-plane (x,y) and z-axis information. The key development in this Wave Phantom is the incorporation of a z-axis aspect of a more traditional step (bar) resolution gauge phantom. The phantom can be examined visually wherein a cutoff level may be seen; and/or the analytic analysis of the various characteristics of the waveform profile by including amplitude, frequency, and slope (rate of climb) of the peaks, can be extracted from the Wave Pattern using mathematical analysis such as the Fourier transform. The combined effect of changes in in-plane resolution and z-axis (thickness), are shown, as well as the effect of changes in either in-plane resolu-tion, or z-axis thickness. Examples of visual images of the Wave pattern as well as the analytic characteristics of the various harmonics of a periodic Wave pattern resulting from changes in resolution filter and/or slice thickness, and position in the field of view are shown. The Wave Phantom offers a promising way to investigate 3D resolution results from combined effect of in-plane (x-y) and z-axis resolution as contrasted to the use of simple 2D resolution gauges that need to be used with separate measures of z-axis dependency, such as angled ramps. It offers both a visual pattern as well as a pattern amenable to analytic analysis using Fourier Transform methods, and is believed to offer an image quality test closer to the diagnostic task where the 2D image has the hidden third (z) axis effects

    Submarine Tracking by Means of Passive Sonobuoys I. Design of a simulation model and system

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    This report treats part of the problem of optimal placement of sonobuoys with the purpose of detecting and tracking hostile submarines in a shallow water, archipelagic scenario. The methods - the Hyperbolic Fix Method and the Sonar Equation - used to estimate the position of a submarine and its stochastic variance using (simulated) passive sonobuoys are described. Finally, the function and architecture of the currently completed programs PathEd and SubTrack version 1, are described. Key words Submarine detection, Sonobuoys, Hyperbolic Fix Method, Sonar equation, Data fusion Further bibliographic information Language English ISSN 1104-9154 ISBN Pages Price 47 pages ( ) restricted distribution TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.

    The AGES-Reykjavik study atlases: Non-linear multi-spectral template and atlases for studies of the ageing brain

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article click on the hyperlink belowQuantitative analyses of brain structures from Magnetic Resonance (MR) image data are often performed using automatic segmentation algorithms. Many of these algorithms rely on templates and atlases in a common coordinate space. Most freely available brain atlases are generated from relatively young individuals and not always derived from well-defined cohort studies. In this paper, we introduce a publicly available multi-spectral template with corresponding tissue probability atlases and regional atlases, optimised to use in studies of ageing cohorts (mean age 75 ± 5 years). Furthermore, we provide validation data from a regional segmentation pipeline to assure the integrity of the dataset.NIH NIA Intramural Research Program, Hjartavernd (Icelandic Heart Association) Althingi (Icelandic Parliament