295 research outputs found

    X-ray and Radio Variability of M31*, The Andromeda Galaxy Nuclear Supermassive Black Hole

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    We confirm our earlier tentative detection of M31* in X-rays and measure its light-curve and spectrum. Observations in 2004-2005 find M31* rather quiescent in the X-ray and radio. However, X-ray observations in 2006-2007 and radio observations in 2002 show M31* to be highly variable at times. A separate variable X-ray source is found near P1, the brighter of the two optical nuclei. The apparent angular Bondi radius of M31* is the largest of any black hole, and large enough to be well resolved with Chandra. The diffuse emission within this Bondi radius is found to have an X-ray temperature ~0.3 keV and density 0.1 cm-3, indistinguishable from the hot gas in the surrounding regions of the bulge given the statistics allowed by the current observations. The X-ray source at the location of M31* is consistent with a point source and a power law spectrum with energy slope 0.9+/-0.2. Our identification of this X-ray source with M31* is based solely on positional coincidence.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Ap

    Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Quenched Massive Strong-Coupling QED4_4

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    We present results from a study of subtractive renormalization of the fermion propagator Dyson-Schwinger equation (DSE) in massive strong-coupling quenched QED4_4. Results are compared for three different fermion-photon proper vertex {\it Ans\"{a}tze\/}: bare γμ\gamma^\mu, minimal Ball-Chiu, and Curtis-Pennington. The procedure is straightforward to implement and numerically stable. This is the first study in which this technique is used and it should prove useful in future DSE studies, whenever renormalization is required in numerical work.Comment: REVTEX 3.0, 15 pages plus 7 uuencoded PostScript figure

    Coulomb excitation of the ∣Tz∣=12,A=23|T_z|=12, A=23 mirror pair

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    Background: Electric-quadrupole (E2E2) strengths relate to the underlying quadrupole deformation of a nucleus and present a challenge for many nuclear theories. Mirror nuclei in the vicinity of the line of N=ZN=Z represent a convenient laboratory for testing deficiencies in such models, making use of the isospin-symmetry of the systems. Purpose: Uncertainties associated with literature E2E2 strengths in \textsuperscript{23}Mg are some of the largest in Tz=∣12∣T_z=\left|\frac{1}{2}\right| nuclei in the sdsd-shell. The purpose of the present work is to improve the precision with which these values are known, to enable better comparison with theoretical models. Methods: Coulomb-excitation measurements of 23^{23}Mg and 23^{23}Na were performed at the TRIUMF-ISAC facility using the TIGRESS spectrometer. They were used to determine the E2E2 matrix elements of mixed E2E2/M1M1 transitions. Results: Reduced E2E2 transition strengths, B(E2)B(E2), were extracted for \textsuperscript{23}Mg and \textsuperscript{23}Na. Their precision was improved by factors of approximately six for both isotopes, while agreeing within uncertainties with previous measurements. Conclusions: A comparison was made with both shell-model and {\it ab initio} valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group calculations. Valence-space in-medium similarity-renormalization-group calculations were found to underpredict the absolute E2E2 strength - in agreement with previous studies

    Invasion and Persistence of Infectious Agents in Fragmented Host Populations

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    One of the important questions in understanding infectious diseases and their prevention and control is how infectious agents can invade and become endemic in a host population. A ubiquitous feature of natural populations is that they are spatially fragmented, resulting in relatively homogeneous local populations inhabiting patches connected by the migration of hosts. Such fragmented population structures are studied extensively with metapopulation models. Being able to define and calculate an indicator for the success of invasion and persistence of an infectious agent is essential for obtaining general qualitative insights into infection dynamics, for the comparison of prevention and control scenarios, and for quantitative insights into specific systems. For homogeneous populations, the basic reproduction ratio plays this role. For metapopulations, defining such an ‘invasion indicator’ is not straightforward. Some indicators have been defined for specific situations, e.g., the household reproduction number . However, these existing indicators often fail to account for host demography and especially host migration. Here we show how to calculate a more broadly applicable indicator for the invasion and persistence of infectious agents in a host metapopulation of equally connected patches, for a wide range of possible epidemiological models. A strong feature of our method is that it explicitly accounts for host demography and host migration. Using a simple compartmental system as an example, we illustrate how can be calculated and expressed in terms of the key determinants of epidemiological dynamics

    Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and confinement with an infrared-vanishing gluon propagator?

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    We study a model Dyson-Schwinger equation for the quark propagator closed using an {\it Ansatz} for the gluon propagator of the form \mbox{D(q)∼q2/[(q2)2+b4]D(q) \sim q^2/[(q^2)^2 + b^4]} and two {\it Ans\"{a}tze} for the quark-gluon vertex: the minimal Ball-Chiu and the modified form suggested by Curtis and Pennington. Using the quark condensate as an order parameter, we find that there is a critical value of b=bcb=b_c such that the model does not support dynamical chiral symmetry breaking for b>bcb>b_c. We discuss and apply a confinement test which suggests that, for all values of bb, the quark propagator in the model {\bf is not} confining. Together these results suggest that this Ansatz for the gluon propagator is inadequate as a model since it does not yield the expected behaviour of QCD.Comment: 21 Pages including 4 PostScript figures uuencoded at the end of the file. Replacement: slight changes of wording and emphasis. ADP-93-215/T133, ANL-PHY-7599-TH-93, FSU-SCRI-93-108, REVTEX 3.

    Isospin symmetry in B(E2) values: Coulomb excitation study of Mg-21

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    The TzT_z~=~−32-\frac{3}{2} nucleus 21{}^{21}Mg has been studied by Coulomb excitation on 196{}^{196}Pt and 110{}^{110}Pd targets. A 205.6(1)-keV γ\gamma-ray transition resulting from the Coulomb excitation of the 52+\frac{5}{2}^+ ground state to the first excited 12+\frac{1}{2}^+ state in 21{}^{21}Mg was observed for the first time. Coulomb excitation cross-section measurements with both targets and a measurement of the half-life of the 12+\frac{1}{2}^+ state yield an adopted value of B(E2;52+→12+)B(E2;\frac{5}{2}^+\rightarrow\frac{1}{2}^+)~=~13.3(4)~W.u. A new excited state at 1672(1)~keV with tentative 92+\frac{9}{2}^+ assignment was also identified in 21{}^{21}Mg. This work demonstrates large difference of the B(E2;52+→12+)B(E2;\frac{5}{2}^+\rightarrow\frac{1}{2}^+) values between TT~=~32\frac{3}{2}, AA~=~21 mirror nuclei. The difference is investigated in the shell-model framework employing both isospin conserving and breaking USD interactions and using modern \textsl{ab initio} nuclear structure calculations, which have recently become applicable in the sdsd shell.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. C, Rapid Communicatio

    Renormalization and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Quenched QED in Arbitrary Covariant Gauge

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    We extend a previous Landau-gauge study of subtractive renormalization of the fermion propagator Dyson-Schwinger equation (DSE) in strong-coupling, quenched QED_4 to arbitrary covariant gauges. We use the fermion-photon proper vertex proposed by Curtis and Pennington with an additional correction term included to compensate for the small gauge-dependence induced by the ultraviolet regulator. We discuss the chiral limit and the onset of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in the presence of nonperturbative renormalization. We extract the critical coupling in several different gauges and find evidence of a small residual gauge-dependence in this quantity.Comment: REVTEX 3.0, 27 pages including 14 Extended Postscript files comprising 9 figures. Replacement: discussion of chiral limit corrected, and some minor typographical errors fixed. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    The ACTIVE cognitive training trial and predicted medical expenditures

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Health care expenditures for older adults are disproportionately high and increasing at both the individual and population levels. We evaluated the effects of the three cognitive training interventions (memory, reasoning, or speed of processing) in the ACTIVE study on changes in predicted medical care expenditures.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>ACTIVE was a multisite randomized controlled trial of older adults (≥ 65). Five-year follow-up data were available for 1,804 of the 2,802 participants. Propensity score weighting was used to adjust for potential attrition bias. Changes in predicted annual<b/>medical expenditures were calculated at the first and fifth annual follow-up assessments using a new method for translating functional status scores. Multiple linear regression methods were used in this cost-offset analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At one and five years post-training, annual predicted expenditures declined<b/>by 223(p=.024)and223 (p = .024) and 128 (p = .309), respectively, in the speed of processing treatment group, but there were no statistically significant changes in the memory or reasoning treatment groups compared to the no-contact control group at either period. Statistical adjustment for age, race, education, MMSE scores, ADL and IADL performance scores, EPT scores, chronic condition counts, and the SF-36 PCS and MCS scores at baseline did not alter the one-year (244;p=.012)orfive−year(244; p = .012) or five-year (143; p = .250) expenditure declines in the speed of processing treatment group.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The speed of processing intervention significantly reduced subsequent annual predicted medical care expenditures at the one-year post-baseline comparison, but annual savings were no longer statistically significant at the five-year post-baseline comparison.</p
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