2,112 research outputs found

    Highly nonlinear pulse splitting and recombination in a two-dimensional granular network

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    The propagation of highly nonlinear signals in a branched two-dimensional granular system was investigated experimentally and numerically for a system composed of chains of spherical beads of different materials. The system studied consists of a double Y-shaped guide in which high- and low-modulus/mass chains of spheres are arranged in various geometries. We observed the transformation of a single or a train of solitary pulses crossing the interface between branches. We report fast splitting of the initial pulse, rapid chaotization of the signal and impulse redirection and bending. Pulse and energy trapping was also observed in the branches. Numerical analysis based on Hertzian interaction between the particles and the side walls of the guide was found in agreement with the experimental data, except for nonsymmetric arrangements of particles excited by a large mass striker

    A low H I column density filament in NGC 2403 : signature of interaction or accretion

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    Date of acceptance: 12/07/2014Observed H i accretion around nearby galaxies can only account for a fraction of the gas supply needed to sustain the currently observed star formation rates. It is possible that additional accretion occurs in the form of low column density cold flows, as predicted by numerical simulations of galaxy formation. To constrain the presence and properties of such flows, we present deep H i observations obtained with the NRAO Green Bank Telescope of an area measuring 4° × 4° around NGC 2403. These observations, with a 5σ detection limit of 2.4 × 1018 cm-2 over a 20 km s-1 linewidth, reveal a low column density, extended cloud outside the main H i disk, about 17′ (~ 16 kpc or ~ 2 R25) to the NW of the center of the galaxy. The total H i mass of the cloud is 6.3 × 106 M⊙, or 0.15 percent of the total H i mass of NGC 2403. The cloud is associated with an 8 kpc anomalous-velocity H i filament in the inner disk, that was previously observed in deep VLA observations. We discuss several scenarios for the origin of the cloud, and conclude that it is either accreting from the intergalactic medium, or is the result of a minor interaction with a neigboring dwarf galaxyPeer reviewe

    Angular Dependence of Highly Nonlinear Pulse Splitting in a Two Dimensional Granular Network

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    We investigate experimentally and numerically the propagation of highly nonlinear signals in a branched two-dimensional granular system composed by chains of uniform spherical beads. The system consists of a Y-shaped guide with various branch angles in which stainless steel spheres are arranged. We study the dynamic behavior of a solitary pulse crossing the bifurcated interface, and splitting between the two branches. We report for the first time the dependence of the split pulses' speed on the branch angles. Numerical simulations based on Hertzian interaction between the particles are found in agreement with the experimental data

    Highly nonlinear pulse splitting and recombination in a two-dimensional granular network

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    The propagation of highly nonlinear signals in a branched two-dimensional granular system was investigated experimentally and numerically for a system composed of chains of spherical beads of different materials. The system studied consists of a double Y-shaped guide in which high- and low-modulus/mass chains of spheres are arranged in various geometries. We observed the transformation of a single or a train of solitary pulses crossing the interface between branches. We report fast splitting of the initial pulse, rapid chaotization of the signal and impulse redirection and bending. Pulse and energy trapping was also observed in the branches. Numerical analysis based on Hertzian interaction between the particles and the side walls of the guide was found in agreement with the experimental data, except for nonsymmetric arrangements of particles excited by a large mass striker

    Pulse propagation in decorated granular chains: An analytical approach

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    We study pulse propagation in one-dimensional chains of spherical granules decorated with small grains placed between large granules. The effect of the small granules can be captured by replacing the decorated chains by undecorated chains of large granules of appropriately renormalized mass and effective interaction between the large granules. This allows us to obtain simple analytic expressions for the pulse propagation properties using a generalization of the binary collision approximation introduced in our earlier work [Phys. Rev. E in print (2009); Phys. Rev. E {\bf 69}, 037601 (2004)]Comment: 10 pages and 12 figure

    High-Velocity Clouds in the Nearby Spiral Galaxy M 83

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    We present deep HI 21-cm and optical observations of the face-on spiral galaxy M 83 obtained as part of a project to search for high-velocity clouds (HVCs) in nearby galaxies. Anomalous-velocity neutral gas is detected toward M 83, with 5.6x10^7 Msolar of HI contained in a disk rotating 40-50 km/s more slowly in projection than the bulk of the gas. We interpret this as a vertically extended thick disk of neutral material, containing 5.5% of the total HI within the central 8 kpc. Using an automated source detection algorithm to search for small-scale HI emission features, we find eight distinct, anomalous-velocity HI clouds with masses ranging from 7x10^5 to 1.5x10^7 Msolar and velocities differing by up to 200 km/s compared to the HI disk. Large on-disk structures are coincident with the optical spiral arms, while unresolved off-disk clouds contain no diffuse optical emission down to a limit of 27 r' mag per square arcsec. The diversity of the thick HI disk and larger clouds suggests the influence of multiple formation mechanisms, with a galactic fountain responsible for the slowly-rotating disk and on-disk discrete clouds, and tidal effects responsible for off-disk cloud production. The mass and kinetic energy of the HI clouds are consistent with the mass exchange rate predicted by the galactic fountain model. If the HVC population in M 83 is similar to that in our own Galaxy, then the Galactic HVCs must be distributed within a radius of less than 25 kpc.Comment: 30 pages, 23 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ. Some figures have been altered to reduce their siz

    A dynamically cold disk galaxy in the early Universe

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    The extreme astrophysical processes and conditions that characterize the early Universe are expected to result in young galaxies that are dynamically different from those observed today. This is because the strong effects associated with galaxy mergers and supernova explosions would lead to most young star-forming galaxies being dynamically hot, chaotic and strongly unstable. Here we report the presence of a dynamically cold, but highly star-forming, rotating disk in a galaxy at redshift (zz) 4.2, when the Universe was just 1.4 billion years old. Galaxy SPT-S J041839-4751.9 is strongly gravitationally lensed by a foreground galaxy at z=0.263z = 0.263, and it is a typical dusty starburst, with global star-forming and dust properties that are in agreement with current numerical simulations and observations of its galaxy population. Interferometric imaging at a spatial resolution of about 60 pc reveals a ratio of rotational-to-random motions of V/σ=9.7±0.4V/\sigma = 9.7\pm 0.4, which is at least four times larger than expected from any galaxy evolution model at this epoch, but similar to the ratios of spiral galaxies in the local Universe. We derive a rotation curve with the typical shape of nearby massive spiral galaxies, which demonstrates that at least some young galaxies are dynamically akin to those observed in the local Universe, and only weakly affected by extreme physical processes.Comment: Published in Nature on 12 August 2020. The published version is available at http://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2572-

    Highly nonlinear solitary wave propagation in Y-shaped granular crystals with variable branch angles

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    We study the propagation of highly nonlinear waves in a branched (Y-shaped) granular crystal composed of chains of spherical particles of different materials, arranged at variable branch angles. We experimentally test the dynamic behavior of a solitary pulse, or of a train of solitary waves, crossing the Y-junction interface, and splitting between the two branches. We describe the dependence of the split pulses’ speed and amplitude on the branch angles. Analytic predictions based on the quasiparticle model and numerical simulations based on Hertzian interactions between the particles are found to be in excellent agreement with the experimental data

    Dual-readout Calorimetry

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    The RD52 Project at CERN is a pure instrumentation experiment whose goal is to understand the fundamental limitations to hadronic energy resolution, and other aspects of energy measurement, in high energy calorimeters. We have found that dual-readout calorimetry provides heretofore unprecedented information event-by-event for energy resolution, linearity of response, ease and robustness of calibration, fidelity of data, and particle identification, including energy lost to binding energy in nuclear break-up. We believe that hadronic energy resolutions of {\sigma}/E \approx 1 - 2% are within reach for dual-readout calorimeters, enabling for the first time comparable measurement preci- sions on electrons, photons, muons, and quarks (jets). We briefly describe our current progress and near-term future plans. Complete information on all aspects of our work is available at the RD52 website http://highenergy.phys.ttu.edu/dream/.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, Snowmass White pape

    Detection of an intergalactic meteor particle with the 6-m telescope

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    On July 28, 2006 the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences recorded the spectrum of a faint meteor. We confidently identify the lines of FeI and MgI, OI, NI and molecular-nitrogen N_2 bands. The entry velocity of the meteor body into the Earth's atmosphere estimated from radial velocity is equal to 300 km/s. The body was several tens of a millimeter in size, like chondrules in carbon chondrites. The radiant of the meteor trajectory coincides with the sky position of the apex of the motion of the Solar system toward the centroid of the Local Group of galaxies. Observations of faint sporadic meteors with FAVOR TV CCD camera confirmed the radiant at a higher than 96% confidence level. We conclude that this meteor particle is likely to be of extragalactic origin. The following important questions remain open: (1) How metal-rich dust particles came to be in the extragalactic space? (2) Why are the sizes of extragalactic particles larger by two orders of magnitude (and their masses greater by six orders of magnitude) than common interstellar dust grains in our Galaxy? (3) If extragalactic dust surrounds galaxies in the form of dust (or gas-and-dust) aureoles, can such formations now be observed using other observational techniques (IR observations aboard Spitzer satellite, etc.)? (4) If inhomogeneous extragalactic dust medium with the parameters mentioned above actually exists, does it show up in the form of irregularities on the cosmic microwave background (WMAP etc.)?Comment: 9 pages, 6 EPS figure