451 research outputs found

    Formation of magnetic minerals at hydrocarbon-generation conditions

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    In this paper, we report the pyrolysis and formation of magnetic minerals in three source rock samples from the Wessex Basin in Dorset, southern England. The experimental conditions in the laboratory recreated the catagenesis environment of oil source rocks. Magnetic analysis of both the heated and the unheated samples at room temperature and at very low-temperatures (5 K), coupled with transmission electron-microscopy imaging and X-ray analysis, revealed the formation of nanometre-sized (<10 nm), magnetic particles that varied across the rock samples analysed, but more importantly across the pyrolysis temperature range. Magnetic measurements demonstrated the formation of these magnetic minerals peaked at 250 °C for all rock samples and then decreased at 300 °C before rising again at 320 °C. The newly formed magnetic minerals are suggested to be primarily pyrrhotite, though magnetite and greigite are also thought to be present. The sizes of the magnetic minerals formed suggest a propensity to migrate together with oil potentially explaining the magnetic anomalies observed above and within oil fields

    Control strategies for integration of electric motor assist and functional electrical stimulation in paraplegic cycling: Utility for exercise testing and mobile cycling

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    AIM: The aim of this study was to investigate feedback control strategies for integration of electric motor assist and functional electrical stimulation (FES) for paraplegic cycling, with particular focus on development of a testbed for exercise testing in FES cycling, in which both cycling cadence and workrate are simultaneously well controlled and contemporary physiological measures of exercise performance derived. A second aim was to investigate the possible benefits of the approach for mobile, recreational cycling. METHODS: A recumbent tricycle with an auxiliary electric motor is used, which is adapted for paraplegic users, and instrumented for stimulation control. We propose a novel integrated control strategy which simultaneously provides feedback control of leg power output (via automatic adjustment of stimulation intensity) and cycling cadence (via electric motor control). Both loops are designed using system identification and analytical (model-based) feedback design methods. Ventilatory and pulmonary gas exchange response profiles are derived using a portable system for real-time breath-by-breath acquisition. RESULTS:We provide indicative results from one paraplegic subject in which a series of feedback-control tests illustrate accurate control of cycling cadence, leg power control, and external disturbance rejection. We also provide physiological response profiles from a submaximal exercise step test and a maximal incremental exercise test, as facilitated by the control strategy. CONCLUSION: The integrated control strategy is effective in facilitating exercise testing under conditions of well-controlled cadence and power output. Our control approach significantly extends the achievable workrate range and enhances exercise-test sensitivity for FES cycling, thus allowing a more stringent characterization of physiological response profiles and estimation of key parameters of aerobic function.We further conclude that the control approach can significantly improve the overall performance of mobile recreational cycling

    Dependence of EMIC wave parameters during quiet, geomagnetic storm, and geomagnetic storm phase times

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    As electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves may play an important role in radiation belt dynamics, there has been a push to better include them into global simulations. How to best include EMIC wave effects is still an open question. Recently many studies have attempted to parameterize EMIC waves and their characteristics by geomagnetic indices. However, this does not fully take into account important physics related to the phase of a geomagnetic storm. In this paper we first consider how EMIC wave occurrence varies with the phase of a geomagnetic storm and the SYM-H, AE, and Kp indices. We show that the storm phase plays an important role in the occurrence probability of EMIC waves. The occurrence rates for a given value of a geomagnetic index change based on the geomagnetic condition. In this study we also describe the typical plasma and wave parameters observed in L and magnetic local time for quiet, storm, and storm phase. These results are given in a tabular format in the supporting information so that more accurate statistics of EMIC wave parameters can be incorporated into modeling efforts

    Сравнительный анализ нелинейных резонансов механической системы с несимметричной кусочно-линейной характеристикой восстанавливающей силы

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    Представлены результаты численного сравнительного анализа супергармонических резонансов порядка 2/1...5/1 и субгармонического резонанса порядка 1/2 механической колебательной системы с одной степенью свободы с несимметричной кусочно-линейной характеристикой восстанавливающей силы при различных соотношениях жесткости системы на полуциклах и в условиях существенного изменения уровня демпфирования колебаний в системе.Представлено результати числового порівняльного аналізу супергармоніч- них резонансів порядку 2/1...5/1 і субгармонічного резонансу порядку 1/2 механічної коливної системи з одним ступенем вільності з несиметричною кусково-лінійною характеристикою відновлювальної сили при різних співвідношеннях жорсткості системи на півциклах і в умовах суттєвої зміни рівня демпфірування коливань у системі.We present results of the numerical comparative analysis of superharmonic resonances of 2/1-5/1 order and a sub-harmonic resonance of 1/2 order of mechanical vibratory systems with one degree of freedom with asymmetrical piecewise linear performance of recovering force for various system rigidity ratios in half-cycles and for conditions of significant variation of the level of vibration damping in the system

    Аналіз провідних складових маркетингового потенціалу аграрного сектора економіки

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    Визначено та проаналізовано провідні складові маркетингового потенціалу аграрного сектора економіки: трудовий (кадровий), фінансовий потенціал; організаційне, управлінське та інформаційне забезпечення маркетингу; потенціал маркетингових підрозділів. Акцентовано увагу на відсутності маркетингових підрозділів у сільськогосподарських підприємствах, низькому рівні розвитку цього потенціалу в цілому. Наголошено на необхідності розробки заходів щодо підвищення ефективності господарювання підприємств аграрної галузі із застосуванням маркетингуCertainly and the leading constituents of marketing potential of agrarian sector of economy are analyzed. Attention is accented on absence of marketing subsections in agricultural enterprises low level of development of this potential on the whole. It will provide development of measures on the increase of efficienc y of menage enterprises of this industry

    Optimization of inhomogeneous electron correlation factors in periodic solids

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    A method is presented for the optimization of one-body and inhomogeneous two-body terms in correlated electronic wave functions of Jastrow-Slater type. The most general form of inhomogeneous correlation term which is compatible with crystal symmetry is used and the energy is minimized with respect to all parameters using a rapidly convergent iterative approach, based on Monte Carlo sampling of the energy and fitting energy fluctuations. The energy minimization is performed exactly within statistical sampling error for the energy derivatives and the resulting one- and two-body terms of the wave function are found to be well-determined. The largest calculations performed require the optimization of over 3000 parameters. The inhomogeneous two-electron correlation terms are calculated for diamond and rhombohedral graphite. The optimal terms in diamond are found to be approximately homogeneous and isotropic over all ranges of electron separation, but exhibit some inhomogeneity at short- and intermediate-range, whereas those in graphite are found to be homogeneous at short-range, but inhomogeneous and anisotropic at intermediate- and long-range electron separation.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures, 1 table, REVTeX4, submitted to PR

    Shedding light on sporopollenin chemistry, with reference to UV reconstructions

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    Sporopollenin, which forms the outer wall of pollen and spores, contains a chemical signature of ultraviolet-B flux via concentrations of UV-B absorbing compounds (UACs), providing a proxy for reconstructing UV irradiance through time. Although Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy provides an efficient means of measuring UAC concentrations, nitrogen-containing compounds have the potential to bias the aromatic and hydroxyl bands used to quantify and standardise UAC abundances. Here, we explore the presence and possible influence of nitrogen in UV reconstruction via an FTIR study of Lycopodium spores from a natural shading gradient. We show that the UV-sensitive aromatic peak at 1510 cm− 1 is clearly distinguishable from the amide II peak at 1550 cm− 1, and the decrease in aromatic content with increased shading can be reconstructed using standardisation approaches that do not rely on the 3300 cm− 1 hydroxyl band. Isolation of the sporopollenin results in the loss of nitrogen-related peaks from the FTIR spectra, while the aromatic gradient remains. This confirms the lack of nitrogen in sporopollenin and its limited potential for impacting on palaeo-UV reconstructions. FTIR is therefore an appropriate tool for quantifying UACs in spores and pollen, and information on UV flux should be obtainable from fossil or processed samples

    Mutual Events in the Cold Classical Transneptunian Binary System Sila and Nunam

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    Hubble Space Telescope observations between 2001 and 2010 resolved the binary components of the Cold Classical transneptunian object (79360) Sila-Nunam (provisionally designated 1997 CS29). From these observations we have determined the circular, retrograde mutual orbit of Nunam relative to Sila with a period of 12.50995 \pm 0.00036 days and a semimajor axis of 2777 \pm 19 km. A multi-year season of mutual events, in which the two near-equal brightness bodies alternate in passing in front of one another as seen from Earth, is in progress right now, and on 2011 Feb. 1 UT, one such event was observed from two different telescopes. The mutual event season offers a rich opportunity to learn much more about this barely-resolvable binary system, potentially including component sizes, colors, shapes, and albedo patterns. The low eccentricity of the orbit and a photometric lightcurve that appears to coincide with the orbital period are consistent with a system that is tidally locked and synchronized, like the Pluto-Charon system. The orbital period and semimajor axis imply a system mass of (10.84 \pm 0.22) \times 10^18 kg, which can be combined with a size estimate based on Spitzer and Herschel thermal infrared observations to infer an average bulk density of 0.72 +0.37 -0.23 g cm^-3, comparable to the very low bulk densities estimated for small transneptunian binaries of other dynamical classes.Comment: In press in Icaru

    Evidence for cryptosporidial infection as a cause of prolapse of the phallus and cloaca in ostrich chicks (Struthio camelus)

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    Cloacas of male ostrich chicks that had suffered prolapse of the phallus and cloaca were compared with cloacas of normal ostrich chicks of both sexes from the same area. Heavy infection of the cloacal and bursal tissue with Cryptosporidium sp. was present in all the cases of prolapse, while no cryptosporidia were observed in the normal chicks. Histopathological lesions as described in cryptosporidial infection in other species were present in the infected cloacas. These included loss of the microvillous border and epithelial hyperplasia, and degeneration, which was indicated ultrastructurally by vacuolation of the apical cytoplasm, swelling of organelles, and nuclear changes. It is suggested that these lesions, in combination with the anatomy of the male ostrich cloaca, may be responsible for prolapse of the phallus and cloaca.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.mn201

    Continuous affect state annotation using a joystick-based user interface

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    Ongoing research at the DLR (German Aerospace Center) aims to employ affective computing techniques to ascertain the emotional states of users in motion simulators. In this work, a novel user feedback interface employing a joystick to acquire subjective evaluation of the affective experience is presented. This interface allows the subjects to continuously annotate their affect states, elicited in this scenario by watching video clips. Several physiological parameters (e.g. heart rate, electrodermal activity, respiration rate, etc.) were acquired during the viewing session. A statistical analysis is presented, which shows expected patterns in data that validate the design and methodology of the experiment and lay the groundwork for further experiments to be undertaken at the DLR