388 research outputs found

    Formation of magnetic minerals at hydrocarbon-generation conditions

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    In this paper, we report the pyrolysis and formation of magnetic minerals in three source rock samples from the Wessex Basin in Dorset, southern England. The experimental conditions in the laboratory recreated the catagenesis environment of oil source rocks. Magnetic analysis of both the heated and the unheated samples at room temperature and at very low-temperatures (5 K), coupled with transmission electron-microscopy imaging and X-ray analysis, revealed the formation of nanometre-sized (<10 nm), magnetic particles that varied across the rock samples analysed, but more importantly across the pyrolysis temperature range. Magnetic measurements demonstrated the formation of these magnetic minerals peaked at 250 °C for all rock samples and then decreased at 300 °C before rising again at 320 °C. The newly formed magnetic minerals are suggested to be primarily pyrrhotite, though magnetite and greigite are also thought to be present. The sizes of the magnetic minerals formed suggest a propensity to migrate together with oil potentially explaining the magnetic anomalies observed above and within oil fields

    Development of paleoseismic trench logging and dating techniques: a case study on the Central North Anatolian Fault

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    Understanding the irregularity of seismic cycles: A case study in Turke

    Model thrombi formed under flow reveal the role of factor XIII-mediated cross-linking in resistance to fibrinolysis

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    Background: Activated factor XIII (FXIIIa), a transglutaminase, introduces fibrin-fibrin and fibrin-inhibitor cross-links, resulting in more mechanically stable clots. The impact of cross-linking on resistance to fibrinolysis has proved challenging to evaluate quantitatively. Methods: We used a whole blood model thrombus system to characterize the role of cross-linking in resistance to fibrinolytic degradation. Model thrombi, which mimic arterial thrombi formed in vivo, were prepared with incorporated fluorescently labeled fibrinogen, in order to allow quantification of fibrinolysis as released fluorescence units per minute. Results: A site-specific inhibitor of transglutaminases, added to blood from normal donors, yielded model thrombi that lysed more easily, either spontaneously or by plasminogen activators. This was observed both in the cell/platelet-rich head and fibrin-rich tail. Model thrombi from an FXIII-deficient patient lysed more quickly than normal thrombi; replacement therapy with FXIII concentrate normalized lysis. In vitro addition of purified FXIII to the patient's preprophylaxis blood, but not to normal control blood, resulted in more stable thrombi, indicating no further efficacy of supraphysiologic FXIII. However, addition of tissue transglutaminase, which is synthesized by endothelial cells, generated thrombi that were more resistant to fibrinolysis; this may stabilize mural thrombi in vivo. Conclusions: Model thrombi formed under flow, even those prepared as plasma 'thrombi', reveal the effect of FXIII on fibrinolysis. Although very low levels of FXIII are known to produce mechanical clot stability, and to achieve ?-dimerization, they appear to be suboptimal in conferring full resistance to fibrinolysis

    Self-Averaging, Distribution of Pseudo-Critical Temperatures and Finite Size Scaling in Critical Disordered Systems

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    The distributions P(X)P(X) of singular thermodynamic quantities in an ensemble of quenched random samples of linear size ll at the critical point TcT_c are studied by Monte Carlo in two models. Our results confirm predictions of Aharony and Harris based on Renormalization group considerations. For an Ashkin-Teller model with strong but irrelevant bond randomness we find that the relative squared width, RXR_X, of P(X)P(X) is weakly self averaging. RXlα/νR_X\sim l^{\alpha/\nu}, where α\alpha is the specific heat exponent and ν\nu is the correlation length exponent of the pure model fixed point governing the transition. For the site dilute Ising model on a cubic lattice, known to be governed by a random fixed point, we find that RXR_X tends to a universal constant independent of the amount of dilution (no self averaging). However this constant is different for canonical and grand canonical disorder. We study the distribution of the pseudo-critical temperatures Tc(i,l)T_c(i,l) of the ensemble defined as the temperatures of the maximum susceptibility of each sample. We find that its variance scales as (δTc(l))2l2/ν(\delta T_c(l))^2 \sim l^{-2/\nu} and NOT as ld.Wefindthat\sim l^{-d}. We find that R_\chiisreducedbyafactorof is reduced by a factor of \sim 70withrespectto with respect to R_\chi (T_c)bymeasuring by measuring \chiofeachsampleat of each sample at T_c(i,l).Weanalyzecorrelationsbetweenthemagnetizationatcriticality. We analyze correlations between the magnetization at criticality m_i(T_c,l)andthepseudocriticaltemperature and the pseudo-critical temperature T_c(i,l)intermsofasampleindependentfinitesizescalingfunctionofasampledependentreducedtemperature in terms of a sample independent finite size scaling function of a sample dependent reduced temperature (T-T_c(i,l))/T_c$. This function is found to be universal and to behave similarly to pure systems.Comment: 31 pages, 17 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A Review of Controlling Motivational Strategies from a Self-Determination Theory Perspective: Implications for Sports Coaches

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    The aim of this paper is to present a preliminary taxonomy of six controlling strategies, primarily based on the parental and educational literatures, which we believe are employed by coaches in sport contexts. Research in the sport and physical education literature has primarily focused on coaches’ autonomysupportive behaviours. Surprisingly, there has been very little research on the use of controlling strategies. A brief overview of the research which delineates each proposed strategy is presented, as are examples of the potential manifestation of the behaviours associated with each strategy in the context of sports coaching. In line with self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985; Ryan & Deci, 2002), we propose that coach behaviours employed to pressure or control athletes have the potential to thwart athletes’ feelings of autonomy, competence,and relatedness, which, in turn, undermine athletes’ self-determined motivation and contribute to the development of controlled motives. When athletes feel pressured to behave in a certain way, a variety of negative consequences are expected to ensue which are to the detriment of the athletes’ well-being. The purpose of this paper is to raise awareness and interest in the darker side of sport participation and to offer suggestions for future research in this area

    Of problems and opportunities How to treat and how to not treat crystallographic fragment screening data

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    In their recent commentary in Protein Science, Jaskolski et al. analyzed three randomly picked diffraction data sets from fragment screening group depositions from the PDB and, based on that, they claimed that such data are principally problematic. We demonstrate here that if such data are treated properly, none of the proclaimed criticisms persis

    Characterization of gallium arsenide X-ray mesa p-i-n photodiodes at room temperature

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    Two GaAs mesa p+-i-n+ photodiodes intended for photon counting X-ray spectroscopy, having an i layer thickness of 7 μm and diameter of 200 μm, have been characterized electrically, for their responsivity at the wavelength range 580 nm to 980 nm and one of them for its performance at detection of soft X-rays, at room temperature. Dark current and capacitance measurements as a function of applied forward and reverse bias are presented. The results show low leakage current densities, in the range of nA/cm2 at the maximum internal electric field (22 kV/cm). The unintentional doping concentration of the i layer, calculated from capacitance measurements, was found to be <1014 cm−3. Photocurrent measurements were performed under visible and near infrared light illumination for both diodes. The analysis of these measurements suggests the presence of a non-active (dead) layer (0.16 μm thickness) at the p+ side top contact interface, where the photogenerated carriers do not contribute to the photocurrent, possibly due to recombination. One of the diodes, D1, was also characterized as detector for room temperature photon counting X-ray spectroscopy; the best energy resolution achieved (FWHM) at 5.9 keV was 745 eV. The noise analysis of the system, based on spectra obtained at different shaping times and applied reverse biases, showed that the dominant source of noise is the dielectric noise. It was also calculated that there was at least (165±24) eV charge trapping noise at 0 V

    Does the inclusion of protease inhibitors in the insemination extender affect rabbit reproductive performance?

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    [EN] The bioavailability of buserelin acetate when added to the seminal dose appears to be determined by the activity of the existing aminopeptidases. Thus, the addition of amino peptidase inhibitors to rabbit semen extenders could be a solution to decrease the hormone degradation. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the protease activity inhibition on rabbit semen quality parameters and reproductive performance after artificial insemination. Seminal quality was not affected by the incubation with protease inhibitors, being the values of motility, viability, and acrosome integrity not significantly different between the protease inhibitors and the control group. In addition, seminal plasma aminopeptidase activity was inhibited in a 55.1% by the protease inhibitors. On the other hand, regarding the effect of protease inhibitors on reproductive performance, our results showed that the presence of protease inhibitors affected the prolificacy rate (9.2 +/- 0.26 and 9.3 +/- 0.23 vs. 8.2 +/- 0.22 total born per litter for negative control, positive control, and aminopeptidase inhibitors group, respectively; P < 0.05), having this group one kit less per delivery. We conclude that the addition of a wide variety of protease inhibitors in the rabbit semen extender negatively affects prolificacy rate. Therefore, the development of new extenders with specific aminopeptidase inhibitors would be one of the strategies to increase the bioavailability of GnRH analogues without affecting the litter size. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This research was supported in part by the RTA2013-00058-00-00 from INIA, the European Social Fund and the European FEDER Funds. L Casares-Crespo is supported by a scholarship from Institute Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA) and the European Social Fund.Casares-Crespo, L.; Vicente Antón, JS.; Talavan, A.; Viudes De Castro, MP. (2016). Does the inclusion of protease inhibitors in the insemination extender affect rabbit reproductive performance?. Theriogenology. 85(5):928-932. doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2015.10.044S92893285