
The distributions P(X)P(X) of singular thermodynamic quantities in an ensemble of quenched random samples of linear size ll at the critical point TcT_c are studied by Monte Carlo in two models. Our results confirm predictions of Aharony and Harris based on Renormalization group considerations. For an Ashkin-Teller model with strong but irrelevant bond randomness we find that the relative squared width, RXR_X, of P(X)P(X) is weakly self averaging. RXlα/νR_X\sim l^{\alpha/\nu}, where α\alpha is the specific heat exponent and ν\nu is the correlation length exponent of the pure model fixed point governing the transition. For the site dilute Ising model on a cubic lattice, known to be governed by a random fixed point, we find that RXR_X tends to a universal constant independent of the amount of dilution (no self averaging). However this constant is different for canonical and grand canonical disorder. We study the distribution of the pseudo-critical temperatures Tc(i,l)T_c(i,l) of the ensemble defined as the temperatures of the maximum susceptibility of each sample. We find that its variance scales as (δTc(l))2l2/ν(\delta T_c(l))^2 \sim l^{-2/\nu} and NOT as ld.Wefindthat\sim l^{-d}. We find that R_\chiisreducedbyafactorof is reduced by a factor of \sim 70withrespectto with respect to R_\chi (T_c)bymeasuring by measuring \chiofeachsampleat of each sample at T_c(i,l).Weanalyzecorrelationsbetweenthemagnetizationatcriticality. We analyze correlations between the magnetization at criticality m_i(T_c,l)andthepseudocriticaltemperature and the pseudo-critical temperature T_c(i,l)intermsofasampleindependentfinitesizescalingfunctionofasampledependentreducedtemperature in terms of a sample independent finite size scaling function of a sample dependent reduced temperature (T-T_c(i,l))/T_c$. This function is found to be universal and to behave similarly to pure systems.Comment: 31 pages, 17 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

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