7 research outputs found


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    Os Núcleos Santa Virginia (NSV) e Picinguaba (NP) do Parque Estadual Serra do Mar (PESM) exibem cenários paisagísticos naturais que abarcam diversas fisionomias da Mata Atlântica que contribuem com a proteção de nascentes e cursos d’água. O cenário paisagístico cultural abriga paisagem caracterizada pela presença de comunidades tradicionais caipiras, quilombolas e caiçaras que apresentam uso diversificado do uso da terra e arquitetura própria. O objetivo desse trabalho foi a aplicação das teorias discutidas na disciplina Interpretação e Valoração da Paisagem durante a visitação ao NSV e NP do PESM. O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido através de compilação de pesquisa bibliográfica, coleta de informações em campo, observação direta de indicadores das paisagens cultural e natural, captação de imagens fotográficas, palestras ministradas por profissionais locais e discussões. O estudo possibilitou uma compreensão da percepção, interpretação e valoração das paisagens natural e cultural como herança dos processos bioecológicos, históricos, sociais e políticos, permitindo a identificação de ações bem-sucedidas para a conservação da paisagem, bem como a detecção de conflitos originados por questões fundiárias e históricas de uso e ocupação da região

    Les niveaux à échinodermes de Bou Nemrou, un gisement à préservation exceptionnelle de l'Ordovicien supérieur du Tafilalt occidental (Maroc)

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    International audienceLe site de Bou Nemrou, situé dans le Tafilalt occidental (Anti-Atlas oriental, Maroc) compte parmi les rares gisements à préservation exceptionnelle (Lagerstätten) connus actuellement dans l'0rdovicen supérieur à avoir livré des restes d'organismes peu ou pas minéralisés, associés à une faune marine benthique abondante et diversifiée. Ce même gisement a également livré plusieurs niveaux trèsè riches en échinodermes (starfish beds), dont la préservation est tout à fait remarquable. Elle résulterait de l'enfouissement rapide, in situ et de leur vivant, de véritables "prairies" à échinodermes par des dépôts de tempête. Les starfish bes de Bou Nemrou sont dominés par les éocrinoïdes et les stylophores, auxquels sont associés des crinoïdes, des cyclocystoïdes, des édriastéroïdes et des ophiures. Il s'agit d'un assemblage caractéristique des eaux froides de la Province méditerranéenne. Ces niveaux peuvent témoigner de la colonisation opportuniste du fond marin par des populations denses d'échinodermes suite à des pertubations environnementale

    Dactl, a nutritionally regulated preadipocyte gene, controls adipogenesis by coordinating the wnt/β-catenin signaling network

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    OBJECTIVE-Wnt signaling inhibits adipogenesis, but its regulation, physiological relevance, and molecular effectors are poorly understood. Here, we identify the Wnt modulator Dap- per1/Frodo1 (Dactl) as a new preadipocyte gene involved in the regulation of murine and human adipogenesis. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-Changes in Dactl expression were investigated in three in vitro models of adipo- genesis. In vitro gain- and loss-of-function studies were used to investigate the mechanism of Dact1 action during adipogenesis. The in vivo regulation of Dactl and Wnt/(β-catenin signaling were investigated in murine models of altered nutritional status, of pharmacological stimulation of in vivo adipogenesis, and during the development of dietary and genetic obesity. RESULTS-Dactl is a preadipocyte gene that decreases during adipogenesis. However, Dact1 knockdown impairs adipogenesis through activation of the Wnt/(β-catenin signaling pathway, and this is reversed by treatment with the secreted Wnt antagonist, secreted Frizzled-related protein 1 (Sfrp1). In contrast, constitutive Dact1 overexpression promotes adipogenesis and confers resistance to Wnt ligand-induced antiadipogenesis through increased expression of endogenous Sfrps and reduced expression of Wnts. In vivo, in white adipose tissue, Dactl and Wnt/(β- catenin signaling also exhibit coordinated expression profiles in response to altered nutritional status, in response to pharmacological stimulation of in vivo adipogenesis, and during the development of dietary and genetic obesity. CONCLUSIONS-Dact1 regulates adipogenesis through coordinated effects on gene expression that selectively alter intracellu- lar and paracrine/autocrine components of the Wnt/p-catenin signaling pathway. These novel insights into the molecular mechanisms controlling adipose tissue plasticity provide a functional network with therapeutic potential against diseases, such as obesity and associated metabolic disorders.</p

    Automated design of metaheuristic algorithms

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