494 research outputs found

    Effect of hypertension on the progression of chronic renal failure in children

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    This article reviews the current state of knowledge concerning the vicious cycle of hypertension and progressive loss of renal function in renal disease, as well as the renoprotective potential of antihypertensive treatment, with a specific focus on children and adolescents. Deficient arteriolar autoregulation renders damaged kidneys particularly sensitive to systemic high blood pressure (BP). Intraglomerular hypertension promotes proteinuria, which further activates the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). Angiotensin II, apart from its vasoconstrictor effects, induces local proinflammatory and profibrotic signaling molecules resulting in renal scarring. The activity of the scarring process with the resultant loss of functional renal mass appears to be modulated, in part, by a polymorphism in the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene. Clinical studies in adults have demonstrated convincingly the high risk of progression of chronic renal failure (CRF) associated with high BP, the benefit of lowering BP to even the low normal range, and the specific benefit of drugs that inhibit the RAS on the progression of CRF. In children, even moderately elevated BP and moderate proteinuria have been shown to be significant risk factors for progression and CRF. The optimal target BP for children with CRF is currently being determined in a multinational, randomized, prospective tria

    Sprachliche Diversität in der Schulsozialarbeit: „Die größte Herausforderung“

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    School social workers deal with a highly sociolinguistically diverse target group in a monolingually constructed school environment. On the basis of qualitative interviews analysed by means of content analysis, this article traces how school social workers perceive multilingualism in their field of work. Which communicative practices do they use to enable communication in this linguistically diverse environment? Where do they experience challenges? Multilingualism is understood in terms of the language repertoire and includes not only different languages but also different varieties within a language. The school social workers describe a variety of communicative practices ranging from a careful, empathetic linguistic recipient design to multimodal and multimedia practices. Language barriers due to the lack of a shared language, are perceived as the “greatest challenge” that can only be mitigated but not overcome by interpreting services


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    Toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis CrylAb Toxin to the Predator Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)

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    Laboratory feeding studies were carried out to determine the effects of the Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) CrylAb toxin on developmental time and mortality of Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) larvae. A bioassay technique was developed that allowed for incorporation of the CrylAb toxin into a liquid diet that was then encapsulated within small paraffin spheres. Because only 2nd and 3rd instars can penetrate the surface of the paraffin spheres, 2 different methods were used to rear chrysopid larvae through the 1st instar. The 1st method used small foam cubes soaked in non-encapsulated, liquid diet (with or without CrylAb). The 2nd method used Ephestia kuehniella (HĂĽbner) eggs as prey during the first instar (no CrylAb exposure). After reaching the 2nd instar, all larvae received encapsulated, artificial diet with or without CrylAb, respectively. When reared only on artificial diet containing CrylAb toxin, total immature mortality was significantly higher (57%) than in the respective untreated control (30%). Also, significantly more chrysopid larvae died (29%) that received CrylAb later during their larval development compared with the respective control (17%). Although mortality was consistently higher, no or only small differences in developmental times were observed between CrylAb-treated and untreated C. carnea larvae. C. carnea larvae required significantly more time to complete larval development when reared on artificial diet only than when reared first on E. kuehniella eggs followed by encapsulated artificial diet or on only E. kuehniella eggs, regardless of exposure to CrylAb. These results demonstrate that CrylAb is toxic to C. carnea at 100 ÎĽmg/ml of diet by using encapsulated artificial die


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    Microscale adhesion patterns for the precise localization of amoeba

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    In order to get a better understanding of amoeba-substrate interactions in the processes of cellular adhesion and directional movement, we engineered glass surfaces with defined local adhesion characteristics at a micrometric scale. Amoeba (Dictyostelium dicoideum) is capable to adhere to various surfaces independently of the presence of extracellular matrix proteins. This paper describes the strategy used to create selective adhesion motifs using an appropriate surface chemistry and shows the first results of locally confined amoeba adhesion. The approach is based on the natural ability of Dictyostelium to adhere to various types of surfaces (hydrophilic and hydrophobic) and on its inability to spread on inert surfaces, such as the block copolymer of polyethylene glycol and polypropylene oxide, named Pluronic. We screened diverse alkylsilanes, such as methoxy, chloro and fluoro silanes for their capacity to anchor Pluronic efficiently on a glass surface. Our results demonstrate that hexylmethyldichlorosilane (HMDCS) was the most appropriate silane for the deposition of Pluronic. A complex dependence between the physicochemistry of the silanes and the polyethylene glycol block copolymer deposition was observed. Using this method, we succeed in scaling down the micro-fabrication of pluronic-based adhesion motifs to the amoebaComment: Microelectronic Engineering (2008) in pres
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