67 research outputs found

    Relevance of neuronal and glial NPC1 for synaptic input to cerebellar Purkinje cells.

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    Niemann-Pick type C disease is a rare and ultimately fatal lysosomal storage disorder with variable neurologic symptoms. The disease-causing mutations concern NPC1 or NPC2, whose dysfunction entails accumulation of cholesterol in the endosomal-lysosomal system and the selective death of specific neurons, namely cerebellar Purkinje cells. Here, we investigated whether neurodegeneration is preceded by an imbalance of synaptic input to Purkinje cells and whether neuronal or glial absence of NPC1 has different impacts on synapses. To this end, we prepared primary cerebellar cultures from wildtype or NPC1-deficient mice that are glia-free and highly enriched with Purkinje cells. We report that lack of NPC1 in either neurons or glial cells did not affect the excitability of Purkinje cells, the formation of dendrites or their excitatory synaptic activity. However, simultaneous absence of NPC1 from neuronal and glial cells impaired the presynaptic input to Purkinje cells suggesting a cooperative effect of neuronal and glial NPC1 on synapses.journal articleresearch support, non-u.s. gov't2014 Jul2014 06 07importe

    Cell type-specific assessment of cholesterol distribution in models of neurodevelopmental disorders

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    Most nervous system disorders manifest through alterations in neuronal signaling based on abnormalities in neuronal excitability, synaptic transmission, and cell survival. However, such neuronal phenotypes are frequently accompanied – or even caused – by metabolic dysfunctions in neuronal or non-neuronal cells. The tight packing and highly heterogenous properties of neural, glial and vascular cell types pose significant challenges to dissecting metabolic aspects of brain disorders. Perturbed cholesterol homeostasis has recently emerged as key parameter associated with sub-sets of neurodevelopmental disorders. However, approaches for tracking and visualizing endogenous cholesterol distribution in the brain have limited capability of resolving cell type-specific differences. We here develop tools for genetically-encoded sensors that report on cholesterol distribution in the mouse brain with cellular resolution. We apply these probes to examine sub-cellular cholesterol accumulation in two genetic mouse models of neurodevelopmental disorders, Npc1 and Ptchd1 knock-out mice. While both genes encode proteins with sterol-sensing domains that have been implicated in cholesterol transport, we uncover highly selective and cell type-specific phenotypes in cholesterol homeostasis. The tools established in this work should facilitate probing sub-cellular cholesterol distribution in complex tissues like the mammalian brain and enable capturing cell type-specific alterations in cholesterol flow between cells in models of brain disorders

    LTP-triggered cholesterol redistribution activates Cdc42 and drives AMPA receptor synaptic delivery

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    Neurotransmitter receptor trafficking during synaptic plasticity requires the concerted action of multiple signaling pathways and the protein transport machinery. However, little is known about the contribution of lipid metabolism during these processes. In this paper, we addressed the question of the role of cholesterol in synaptic changes during long-term potentiation (LTP). We found that N-methyl-d-aspartate-type glutamate receptor (NMDAR) activation during LTP induction leads to a rapid and sustained loss or redistribution of intracellular cholesterol in the neuron. A reduction in cholesterol, in turn, leads to the activation of Cdc42 and the mobilization of GluA1-containing α-amino-3-hydroxy-5- methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid-type glutamate receptors (AMPARs) from Rab11-recycling endosomes into the synaptic membrane, leading to synaptic potentiation. This process is accompanied by an increase of NMDAR function and an enhancement of LTP. These results imply that cholesterol acts as a sensor of NMDAR activation and as a trigger of downstream signaling to engage small GTPase (guanosine triphosphatase) activation and AMPAR synaptic delivery during LTP.Peer Reviewe

    Glucocorticoid receptor in astrocytes regulates midbrain dopamine neurodegeneration through connexin hemichannel activity

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    The precise contribution of astrocytes in neuroinflammatory process occurring in Parkinson's disease (PD) is not well characterized. In this study, using GR(Cx30CreERT2) mice that are conditionally inactivated for glucocorticoid receptor (GR) in astrocytes, we have examined the actions of astrocytic GR during dopamine neuron (DN) degeneration triggered by the neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). The results show significantly augmented DN loss in GR(Cx30CreERT2) mutant mice in substantia nigra (SN) compared to controls. Hypertrophy of microglia but not of astrocytes was greatly enhanced in SN of these astrocytic GR mutants intoxicated with MPTP, indicating heightened microglial reactivity compared to similarly-treated control mice. In the SN of GR astrocyte mutants, specific inflammation-associated transcripts ICAM-1, TNF-alpha and Il-1 beta as well as TNF-alpha protein levels were significantly elevated after MPTP neurotoxicity compared to controls. Interestingly, this paralleled increased connexin hemichannel activity and elevated intracellular calcium levels in astrocytes examined in acute midbrain slices from control and mutant mice treated with MPP+. The increased connexin-43 hemichannel activity was found in vivo in MPTP-intoxicated mice. Importantly, treatment of MPTP-injected GR(Cx30CreERT2) mutant mice with TAT-Gap19 peptide, a specific connexin-43 hemichannel blocker, reverted both DN loss and microglial activation; in wild-type mice there was partial but significant survival effect. In the SN of postmortem PD patients, a significant decrease in the number of astrocytes expressing nuclear GR was observed, suggesting the participation of astrocytic GR deregulation of inflammatory process in PD. Overall, these data provide mechanistic insights into GR-modulated processes in vivo, specifically in astrocytes, that contribute to a pro-inflammatory state and dopamine neurodegeneration in PD pathology

    Roles of glial cells in synapse development

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    Brain function relies on communication among neurons via highly specialized contacts, the synapses, and synaptic dysfunction lies at the heart of age-, disease-, and injury-induced defects of the nervous system. For these reasons, the formation—and repair—of synaptic connections is a major focus of neuroscience research. In this review, I summarize recent evidence that synapse development is not a cell-autonomous process and that its distinct phases depend on assistance from the so-called glial cells. The results supporting this view concern synapses in the central nervous system as well as neuromuscular junctions and originate from experimental models ranging from cell cultures to living flies, worms, and mice. Peeking at the future, I will highlight recent technical advances that are likely to revolutionize our views on synapse–glia interactions in the developing, adult and diseased brain

    Génération de nouveaux modèles de souris transgénique pour la mutagénèse somatique inductible dans les cellules astrogliales

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    Les astrocytes, qui représentent la population cellulaire majoritaire dans le système nerveux central, jouent un rôle dans la synaptogénèse, la transmission synaptique, les processus homéostatiques et développementaux. Malheureusement, la plupart des données concernant les astrocytes proviennent d études in vitro. Mon projet a donc consisté à générer de nouvelles lignées de souris transgéniques permettant d induire spécifiquement dans les astrocytes des manipulations géniques. Ces lignées transgéniques expriment la Cre ERT2 recombinase sous le contrôle de promoteurs astrocytaires (ApoE, Aqp4, Cx30 et Glast). Alors que les lignées Tg(ApoE-CreERT2) et Tg(Aqp4-CreERT2) presentent un faible taux de recombinaison médiée par la Cre recombinase dans le cervau, les lignées Tg(Cx30-Cre ERT2) et Tg(Glast-CreERT2) ont-elles un fort taux de recombinaison. Comme la recombinaison a lieu spécifiquement dans les astrocytes, ces deux lignées pourront servir d outil de pointe afin de mieux cerner le rôle des astrocytes in vivo.Astrocytes, being the most numerous cell population in the central nervous system play a role in synaptogenesis, synaptic transmission, homeostatic processes and development. Unfortunately, most of the data concerning astrocytes comes from in vitro studies. Therefore in my project I have generated new transgenic mouse lines enabling inducible gene manipulation specifically in astrocytes. In these lines tamoxifen-inducible Cre-ERT2 recombinase is expressed under the control of astrocyte-specific promoters: ApoE, Aqp4, Cx30 and Glast). Whereas in lines Tg(ApoE-Cre ERT2) and Tg(Aqp4-Cre ERT2) the level of Cre-mediated recombination is low in the brain, the strong Cre activity was detected in Tg(Cx30-Cre-ERT2) and Tg(GLAST-Cre ERT2) lines. Since the recombination was shown to be astrocyte-specific, the latter two lines shall serve for better understanding the role of astrocytes in vivo.STRASBOURG-Sc. et Techniques (674822102) / SudocSudocFranceF