7,116 research outputs found

    Refrigeration Capacity and Effect of Ageing on the Operation of Cellulose Evaporative Cooling Pads, by Wind Tunnel Analysis

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    This study investigates the temperature reduction capacity and water consumption of a fan-pad system installed in a greenhouse located in the coastal regions of Almería. The suitability of this system for coastal zones with high environmental humidity during the summer is analyzed. Historical temperature and relative humidity series are studied, obtaining the thermal difference and maximum, medium, and minimum monthly water consumption of the pads based on the operation data of the pads. Despite the high relative humidity of the air in the hottest hours of the day, a decrease of 5.92 ºC in the mean temperature and a water consumption of 13.55 l/h per square meter of an evaporative cooling pad are obtained in the month of August. Additionally, the operation of a cellulose evaporative cooling pad installed for 3 years in a greenhouse is analyzed in a wind tunnel and compared with that of a new pad of the same model. Over time and with low maintenance, the porosity of the pad decreases due to salt incrustation. The salt incrustation makes airflow more difficult in the pad, increasing the pressure drop by 170.04%; however, the air saturation efficiency of the pad increases by 6.6% due to the greater contact time between the air and the waterMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad de España AGL2015-68050-RUnión Europea (FEDER) AGL2015-68050-

    Análisis de las críticas sobre asistencialismo estatal en la lucha contra la pobreza durante la presidencia de Álvaro Uribe Vélez (2002 - 2010), a través del Programa Familias en Acción

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    Durante el gobierno de Álvaro Uribe Vélez hubo un gran crecimiento económico en Colombia; sin embargo, al final de su mandato había más de 20 millones de personas en condición de pobreza, es decir casi la mitad de su población. Como los problemas que trata de resolver la política pública no tienen soluciones absolutas, cada gobierno debe apostarle a diferentes soluciones. Dado los buenos resultados en las primeras evaluaciones del programa de transferencias condicionadas Familias en Acción, el gobierno de Uribe aumentó su cobertura y número de beneficiados. Sin embargo, dicho fortalecimiento fue criticado por diferentes personalidades públicas del país por considerarlo asistencialista, clientelista, proclive al uso electoral, entre otros. La presente disertación, analiza dichas críticas y las posibles razones que llevaron al gobierno de Uribe a fortalecer y ampliar el programa. Al analizar una política pública, lo importante no es alabar o desvirtuar sus alcances, sino resaltar los aportes positivos y sus debilidades para continuar con lo que está dando resultados y tomar las medidas pertinentes respecto a los nuevos problemas que se presentan. Dadas las dimensiones de la pobreza en Colombia, este tema debe ser una prioridad de todos los ciudadanos; su solución no puede quedar en manos del gobierno o del mercado, sino que debe haber un debate serio al respecto

    Enseñanza y desarrollo del juego y las TICs como herramientas para el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua

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    A través de este trabajo se pretende analizar y comparar la importancia, trascendencia y beneficios que tiene la adquisición y prolongada exposición a una segunda lengua a edades tempranas, acercando esta gracias a la metodología del juego y las TICs basándonos en el ámbito de una experiencia real de aula. A pesar del gran número de propuestas y metodologías existentes a cerca del desarrollo del juego lúdico como nueva estrategia de aprendizaje, estas prácticas deben de adaptarse el máximo posible a las necesidades e intereses reales que se encuentran día a día en las aulas de Educación Infantil de nuestros centros, potenciando para ello los aprendizajes significativos. El trabajo está enfocado desde una perspectiva de inclusión del juego en aprendizajes de aulas reales, como metodología a seguir, siendo de ayuda para obtener el beneficio esperado el acercamiento de una segunda lengua a edades tempranas. El trabajo está dividido en dos partes, por un lado, una primera parte de ámbito teórico, donde se explican las ideas argumentadas de forma teórica, y, por otro lado, un ámbito más práctico, donde se detalla la propuesta didáctica asociada a el marco teórico.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Teaching programme for 3º ESO. Inglés (The Use of SDGs and audiovisual materials)

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    Trabajo de Fin de Máster del Máster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas, curso 2021-2022[ES] Programación didáctica para el curso de 3º ESO de la asignatura Inglés como Lengua Extranjera apoyada en dos pilares fundamentales. Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) como hilo conductor en la que se basan las unidades didácticas y el uso de materiales audio-visuales como soporte para la gran mayoría de las actividades y tareas, entre los que podemos encontrar fragmentos de películas, documentales, series, canciones, etc. Esta programación busca enseñar inglés a la vez que trata de concienciar a los jóvenes sobre temas tan importantes como el cambio climático, una educación de calidad, la erradicación de la pobreza, la igualdad de género, etc. De igual manera, cabe destacar que no es una programación didáctica al uso por las limitaciones de formato del TFM. El proyecto consiste en nueve unidades didácticas explicadas brevemente. Solo la unidad 6 se detalla en profundidad y dentro de ésta hay dos sesiones completas tarea por tarea. Finalmente hay una reflexión final y un apéndice con todos los recursos usados en la programación.[EN] Teaching programme for the 3rd ESO course of English as a Foreign Language, based on two fundamental pillars. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the unifying thread on which the teaching units are based, and the use of audio-visual materials as a support for the vast majority of activities and tasks, among which we can find fragments of films, documentaries, series, songs, etc. This programme aims to teach English while raising awareness among young people about important issues such as climate change, quality education, eradication of poverty, gender equality, etc. Additionally, it should be noted that due to the limitations of the TFM format, this proposal is not an entire teaching programme. This project consists of nine didactic units of which only unit 6 is explained session in detail. Moreover only 2 of these sessions are detailed task per task. Finally, there is a final reflection and an appendix with all the resources used in the programming

    An approach to the mythical method in T.S.Eliot`s The Waste Land

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Estudios Ingleses. Curso académico 2020-2021El propósito de esta tesis es explorar y analizar el uso del recurso del Método Mítico por parte de T.S. Eliot en su obra culmen The Waste Land (1922). Para ello, se realizará un análisis previo del concepto, y a continuación, se examinarán diferentes elementos del método mítico en la obra, los cuales tienen el fin de proporcionar conexiones entre la simbología de los mitos de vegetación y los rituales de fertilidad con la contemporaneidad y el “yo moderno”. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo entender las correlaciones que crea Eliot entre la espiritualidad de los mitos antiguos en contraste con el estado de decadencia del mundo contemporáneo y de la civilización occidental. Así como evidenciar la búsqueda de regeneración y cambio por parte del poeta tanto en “The Waste Land” como en el tiempo presente.The aim of this thesis is to explore and analyse the use of the mythical method by T.S. Eliot in his masterpiece The Waste Land (1922). In order to do this, I will carry out a preliminary analysis of this method. Subsequently, I will examine different elements of the mythical method in the poem so as to provide connections between the symbolism of vegetation myths and fertility rituals with contemporaneity and the modern self. The objective of this thesis is to understand Eliot's correlations between the spirituality of the ancient myths, in contrast with the state of decadence of the contemporary world and the Western civilization. As well as to evidence the poet's quest to search for regeneration and change, in the “The Waste Land” and in the present time

    Energy Efficiency in Greenhouse Evaporative Cooling Techniques: Cooling Boxes versus Cellulose Pads

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    Evaporative cooling systems using a combination of evaporative pads and extractor fans require greenhouses to be hermetic. The greatest concentration of greenhouses in the world is located in southeast Spain, but these tend not to be hermetic structures and consequently can only rely on fogging systems as evaporative cooling techniques. Evaporative cooling boxes provide an alternative to such systems. Using a low-speed wind tunnel, the present work has compared the performance of this system with four pads of differing geometry and thickness manufactured by two different companies. The results obtained show that the plastic packing in the cooling unit produces a pressure drop of 11.05 Pa at 2 m·s−1, which is between 51.27% and 94.87% lower than that produced by the cellulose pads. This pressure drop was not influenced by increases in the water flow. The evaporative cooling boxes presented greater saturation efficiency at the same flow, namely 82.63%, as opposed to an average figure of 65% for the cellulose pads; and also had a lower specific consumption of water, at around 3.05 L·h−1·m−2·°C−1. Consequently, we conclude that evaporative cooling boxes are a good option for cooling non-hermetic greenhouses such as those most frequently used in the Mediterranean basin

    Humour in the pedagogy of economic science

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    Este artículo propone un nuevo marco metodológico basado en el humor para el análisis de la Economía como ciencia y como realidad cotidiana. El programa de análisis metodológico propuesto cubre diversos aspectos de la pedagogía y didáctica de las Ciencias Económicas en Secundaria y en Universidad, que van desde la historia de esta disciplina hasta el análisis de la publicidad y sus efectos sobre el consumo, pasando por el estudio crítico de las teorías neoliberales sobre la globalización económica. Los principales recursos humorísticos empleados son dos, la parodia y la ironía, ambos son aplicados como instrumentos críticos de análisis científico.This paper proposes a new methodological framework based on humour for the analysis of the Economy as a science and as a day to day reality. The programme of methodological analysis proposed covers diverse aspects of the pedagogy and didactic of Economic Science in secondary school and at university, ranging from the history of the discipline to the analysis of advertising and its effects on consumption, covering the critical study of neoliberal theories on economic globalisation. The principal humoristic resources used are parody and irony where each is applied as a critical instrument of scientific analysis.peerReviewe

    El proyecto pedagógico en la ONG 'Basida'

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    Agri-environmental soil conservation programs in Andalusia: Participation decisions and achievements in the olive sector

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    Este artículo analiza los factores que determinan la probabilidad de participar en el programa agroambiental europeo de lucha contra la erosión en explotaciones de olivar (Medida 4 de los Reglamentos 2078/1992 y 1957/1999), así como el nivel de cumplimiento de las prácticas de conservación de suelos exigidas en el programa. El estudio empírico se realizó mediante una encuesta a olivicultores de la provincia de Granada en 2006. Se construyó un índice simple aditivo para medir el grado de cumplimiento de los compromisos adquiridos por los agricultores en su participación en el programa agroambiental. Los resultados sugieren que hay factores comunes y específicos para explicar las decisiones de participación y cumplimientoThis article analyses the factors that determine the probability of participating in the EU agri-environmental program against soil erosion in olive groves (Measure 4 of Regulations (EC) No 2078/1992 and No 1257/1999). It also assess the achievement reached by soil conservation practices demanded by the program. The empirical study was conducted by surveying olive farmers in the province of Granada in 2006. A simple additive index was created to measure the level of achievement of the commitments acquired by the farmers by participating in the agri-environmental program. The results suggest that there are common and specific factors to explain the participation decisions and achievemen

    Resilience processes among young people in alternative care in Bogotá – Colombia

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    There are plenty of studies that focus on risks, problems, and challenges that young people in alternative care have to face. This study focused on strengths and resources that these youth have had that made a difference. The main objective of the research was to analyse how individual and contextual resources enabled resilience processes among young people in alternative care in Bogotá, Colombia. The specific objectives were a) Analyse how young people in alternative care have used contextual opportunities to cope with their past; b) explore how have young people living in alternative care have used individual resources to continue with their lives despite adversity. The socio-ecological theory was used to understand the different systems where young people are embedded and how those influence their reality. Also, the strength-base perspective was used to focus on the possibilities, opportunities, and skills they had, and those their context offered them. It was a qualitative research, in which semi-structured interview guide was applied to interview 7 young people between 18 - 25 years old living in alternative care. Then a thematic analysis was done to identify the core dimensions and subdimensions they mentioned as having helped them have resilience processes. Based on the findings, the most important dimensions in their context that helped them to cope with their past were the opportunities offered by the organization where they lived, like having access to basic rights, different types of support and training. Also, the relationships dimension is considered fundamental for this population, as they mentioned the bonds they have with caregivers, interdisciplinary team, godparents and siblings who supported their developmental process in a comprehensive way. The third dimension was education: they were committed to their studies, this gave them a sense of mastery and enhanced future life opportunities. On the other hand, some individual resources that helped them to continue with their lives were their personality, as traits like hope, self-confidence, grateful attitude and optimism help them to “move-on” from their past; and having expectations about their future gave them the strength to work hard in their present. In conclusion, the research showed that resilience processes among young people in alternative care are the result of the interaction of individual and contextual resources that enabled them to adapt to their new environment, have a healthy development and plan a life project. With a comprehensive support in different dimensions and levels, they were able to overcome their past and are fulfilling their dreams