597 research outputs found

    Support vector machines for classification of input vectors with different metrics

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    In this paper, a generalization of support vector machines is explored where it is considered that input vectors have different ℓp norms for each class. It is proved that the optimization problem for binary classification by using the maximal margin principle with ℓp and ℓq norms only depends on the ℓp norm if 1 ≤ p ≤ q. Furthermore, the selection of a different bias in the classifier function is a consequence of the ℓq norm in this approach. Some commentaries on the most commonly used approaches of SVM are also given as particular cases


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    Algunas isoenzimas intervienen en procesos específicos de interés para los genetistas, tal como la floración, desarrollo de las plantas, altura, resistencia a plagas y enfermedades entre otras. Por lo que es importante determinar si existe expresión diferencial en lirio azteca (Sprekelia formosissima (L) Herbert durante las fases vegetativa y reproductiva por medio de marcadores bioquímicos. Durante estas fases, se recolectó tejido procedente de las hojas, los tépalos, el gineceo, y los estambres, y se maceraron adicionando un amortiguador de extracción, y cuyos extractos líquidos totales se usaron para determinar patrones isoenzimáticos mediante electroforesis en geles de almidón (SGE). La actividad enzimática diferencial se evaluó utilizando once sistemas isoenzimáticos, de los cuales sólo se observaron nueve formas enzimáticas o patrones de bandeo isoenzimáticos (PBI), a saber: dos bandas con peroxidasa (POX; EC, tres bandas mediante fosfatasa acida (ACP; EC, una con fosfoglucosa isomerasa (PGI; EC, dos para fosfoglucomutasa (PGM; EC y una para malato deshidrogenasa (MDH; EC, la cual mostró el mismo PBI en todas las etapas de desarrollo de la planta. Para el propósito de esta investigación únicamente se consideraron los patrones de bandeo isoenzimáticos diferentes.La agricultura, es una de las actividades económicas más añejas de la historia, le ha permitido al hombre satisfacer sus necesidades alimenticias mediante el cultivo de cereales, granos, legumbres, frutos, forrajes para la alimentación de ganado y la producción de especies ornamentales de corte y macetearía. La rama florícola es de gran importancia económica en México y diferentes partes del mundo debido a la generación de empleos e ingresos generados por la venta de flores en maceta y corte en las diferentes épocas pico del año; las más importantes en México son: día de San Valentín, día de la madre, del padre, muertos y celebración del día de la virgen de Guadalupe. Para satisfacer la demanda en estas fechas, se cultivan diferentes especies florícolas entre las que destacan rosa, lílis, áster, solidago, girasol, crisantemos, entre otras. Por otra parte, en México existen especies silvestres que tienen enorme potencial ornamental y amplia diversidad genética como el lirio azteca (Sprekelia formosissima (L) Herbert) que se ha utilizado desde tiempos prehispánicos por sus propiedades medicinales, alimenticias y por la belleza de sus flores rojas escarlata En algunos países europeos como España e Inglaterra, existen empresas que comercializan durante todo el año material vegetativo de la especie (Vázquez-García et al., 1998). Hasta la fecha, en México existen pocos trabajos de investigación en lirio azteca que citen avances en algún campo del conocimiento, principalmente en el mejoramiento genético y la biología molecular. Uno de los objetivos que tiene esta última, es saber cómo está organizada la información genética a través del estudio del ADN y los mecanismos de regulan la expresión de genes. Una de las herramientas empleadas es la electroforesis horizontal sobre geles de almidón y la tinción histoquímica de las proteínas, Las zonas activas de esta macromolécula con capacidad codificante, llamadas exones, estimulan la síntesis de enzimas específicas en las distintas etapas del desarrollo de un organismo. Estos productos génicos provienen de diferencias determinadas genéticamente en la secuencia de aminoácidos y no incluye modificaciones postraduccionales de la secuencia o estructura. (Scragg, 2000). En el presente trabajo, empleando la técnica de electroforesis sobre geles se logró identificar los diferentes patrones de bandeo en tejidos de S. formosissima colectados durante la fase vegetativa y reproductivaCONACy

    Are women breaking the glass ceiling? A gendered analysis of the duration of sick leave in Spain

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    Producción CientíficaWe study the gender gap in the duration of sick leave in Spain by splitting this duration into two types of days – those which are related to biological characteristics and those derived from behavioral reasons. Using the Statistics of Accidents at Work for 2011–2019, we found that women presented longer standard durations (i.e., purely attached to physiological reasons) compared to men. However, when estimating individuals’ efficiency as the ratio between actual and standard durations, we found that women were more inefficient at lower levels of income, whereas in case of men, this occurred at higher levels of income. These results were reinforced when considering that men and women do not recover from the same injury at the same rate. Women were more efficient than men across all the compensation distribution, especially at higher income levels.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (project PID2020-112509GB-IOO and RTI2018-099666-B-100)Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Characterization of parasitics in microwave devices by comparing S and noise parameter measurements with two different on wafer calibration techniques

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    This paper presents a procedure for an accurate characterization of parasitic effects of terminal pads in microwave devices. This procedure is based on the measurement of S and Noise parameters of the device with two different sets of calibration standards, and simplifies the process of extracting the parasitic elements of the small signal equivalent circuit

    Drain temperature dependence on ambient temperature for a cryogenic low noise C-band amplifier

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    A comparison between predicted and measured noise temperatures for cryogenic HEMT amplifiers is presented by using the Pospieszalski's noise model. A good agreement between predicted and measured amplifier's noise performance is obtained both at room and cryogenic temperatures. However, the predicted values overestimate noise temperature in the center part of the measured temperature range (50K - 230K). A parabolic dependence for the drain temperature with ambient temperature is proposed to obtain a better fitting to the experimental results

    A simple experimental set-up for the determination of the complex dielectric permittivity of biological tissues at microwave frequencies

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    In this paper a simple experimental set-up is presented to determine the complex dielectric permittivity of biological tissues at the industrial frequency of 2.45 GHz. For this purpose, the scattering parameters of biological samples, which are placed in a sample holder inside a waveguide, are measured and compared with those obtained from numerical analysis of the sample using a FE technique with an adaptive mesh. Systematic errors are minimized by a precise calibration of the experimental system. The results obtained are in very good agreement with well-known published data. The simplicity of the experimental set-up makes this technique a very practical tool for detecting and quantifying changes in the complex dielectric permittivity of organs poisoned with heavy metal pollutants

    Epitafio de una niña en una estela altoimperial reutilizada en la alcazaba de Mérida. el empleo de spolia en su construcción

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    This article publishes a new inscription recently discovered by chance in the Alcazaba of Mérida. It is a granite stela commemorating Volesia Q. f. Celsa, a girl who died at the age of four in the second half of the 1st century AD. The location where this funerary monument appeared, built into one of the walls of the Arab fortress, leads us to consider the question of the reuse of spolia in its construction and more specifically that of the epigraphic monuments from the Roman period.Presentamos un nuevo epígrafe descubierto recientemente de forma casual en la Alcazaba de Mérida. Se trata de una estela de granito que conmemora a Volesia Q. f. Celsa, una niña que falleció con tan solo cuatro años de edad en la segunda mitad del siglo I d.C. El lugar de aparición de este monumento funerario, empotrado en uno de los lienzos murarios de la fortaleza andalusí, nos lleva a tratar la cuestión de la reutilización de spolia en su construcción y más concretamente el de los soportes epigráficos de época romana


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    According to the WHO (World Health Organization) and the European Union, suicide is considered to be a health problem of prime importance and to be one of the principal causes of unnatural death. In Spain, the number of suicides has increased 12% since 2005 . The Research Project “European Regions Enforcing Actions against Suicide (EUREGENAS), funded by the Health Program 2008-2013, has as main objective the description of an integrated model of Mental Health orientated to the prevention of suicide. The differences that allow distinguishing the meaning of prevention in suicide behavior are described and explained through a qualitative methodological strategy and through the creation of discussion groups formed by different groups of health professionals. The results highlight the existing differences between the diverse health professionals who come more in contact with this problem and it shows as well the coincidence of meaning that suicide has to be considered as a priority in the field of health.Según la OMS y la Unión Europea, consideran el suicidio un problema de primer orden y una de las principales causas de muerte no natural. En España, la tasa ha aumentado un 12% desde 2005(1). El Proyecto de Investigación Euroepan Regions Enforcing Actions against Suicide (EUREGENAS) financiado por Health Progam 2008-2013, tiene como principal objetivo describir un modelo integrado de Salud Mental orientado a la prevención de suicidio. A través de una estrategia metodológica cualitativa y mediante la elaboración de grupos de discusión con distintos colectivos profesionales de la salud se describen e interpretan las diferencias que permiten discriminar el significado de la prevención de conductas suicidas. Los resultados ponen en evidencia las diferencias existentes entre los diferentes profesionales de la salud más relacionados con este problema y la coincidencia en considerar el suicidio como una prioridad en el ámbito de la salud.De acordo com a OMS e a União Europeia o suicídio é considerado um problema de primeira ordem e uma das principais causas de morte não natural. Em Espanha, a taxa aumentou 12% desde 2005 (INE, 20014). O projeto de investigação Regiões Europeias Promovendo Acções contra o Suicídio (EUREGENAS), financiado pelo Programa de Saúde 2007-2013, tem como objetivo principal promover um modelo integrado de saúde mental para prevenir o suicídio. Através de uma estratégia metodológica qualitativa e do desenvolvimento de grupos de discusão com diferentes profissionais de saúde, são descritas e interpretadas as diferenças que permitem identificar como discriminar o significado da prevenção de comportamentos suicidas. Os resultados evidenciam as diferenças entre os pontos de vista e práticas dos diferentes profissionais da saúde relacionados com este problema, e a ideia reconhecida em considerar o suicídio como uma prioridade no campo da saúde

    Ultrastrong waveguide QED with giant atoms

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    Quantum optics with giant emitters has shown a new route for the observation and manipulation of non-Markovian properties in waveguide QED. In this paper we extend the theory of giant atoms, hitherto restricted to the perturbative light-matter regime, to deal with the ultrastrong-coupling regime. Using static and dynamical polaron methods, we address the low-energy subspace of a giant atom coupled to an Ohmic waveguide beyond the standard rotating-wave approximation. We analyze the equilibrium properties of the system by computing the atomic frequency renormalization as a function of the coupling characterizing the localization-delocalization quantum phase transition for a giant atom. We show that virtual photons dressing the ground state are nonexponentially localized around the contact points but decay as a power law. The dynamics of an initially excited giant atom is studied, pointing out the effects of ultrastrong coupling on the Lamb shift and the spontaneous emission decay rate. Finally, we comment on the existence of the so-called oscillating bound states beyond the rotating-wave approximatio

    Effects of Users Familiarity and Trust on Perceived Community Support

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    The growing use of social network sites raises the question of what encourages members to create and foster perceived community support. The success of a social network site – as a community of relationships – is precisely the development of a potential source of support and participation in it, and consequently, a sense of membership, identity, and attachment to it. The purpose of this research is particularly to expand theoretical research of what contributes to perceived community support, focusing on users’ familiarity and trust. On the one hand, familiarity is described as the extent to which consumers know about a social network site. Less familiarised users tend to engage in community participation but in a limited way, preferring to be readers rather than writers. On the other hand, social capital exists when users have a strong identification and trust within the social network site. Lack of trust will represent one of the reasons explaining lurking behavior. To sum up, our study proposes evaluating the effects of users’ familiarity and trust on perceived community support.Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia Research Excellence Program: SEJ-5801/ P09-SEJ-4568 / P10-SEJ-6081; Research Group: SEJ-49