1,059 research outputs found

    Desafios à unidade geopolítica da lusofonia

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    Prescrição e incapacidade na usucapião: análise da exceção à não fluência do prazo prescricional no âmbito do acórdão da apelação cível de nº 1009131-67.2015.8.26.0224/SP

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    The present work aimed to analyze the scope of incidence of the rule provided for in article 198, I of the Civil Code, which determines the suspension and impediment of the prescription in relation to the incapable regarding the acquisitive prescription in the face of these, in order to verify how the institute in curatorship can influence the effectiveness of the norm. In order to achieve this objective, an analysis was carried out of the appellate decision nº 1009131-67.2015.8.26.0224/SP handed down by the TJSP, whose original action aimed at repossession of an area occupied for more than 30 years in which one of the heirs was absolutely incapable, having analyzed the arguments used in the case in question through bibliographic research supported by doctrine sand articles by authors who have addressed the issues. Finally, it was concluded by the fluency of the acquisitive prescription in the face of the absolutely incapable who securator was appointed in the interdiction process.O presente trabalho objetivou analisar o âmbito de incidência da regra prevista no artigo 198, I do Código Civil, que determina a suspensão e impedimento da prescrição em relação aos incapazes no que tange a prescrição aquisitiva em face desses, de forma a constatar como o instituto na curatela pode influenciar na eficácia da norma. Para alcançar esse objetivo, foi realizada a análise do acórdão de apelação de nº1009131-67.2015.8.26.0224/SP proferido pelo TJSP, cuja ação originária objetivou a reintegração da posse de uma área ocupada há mais de 30 anos em que uma das herdeiras era absolutamente incapaz, tendo sido analisados os argumentos utilizados no caso em comento por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica amparada em doutrinas e artigos de autores que se debruçaram sobre as questões. Por fim, concluiu-se pela fluência da prescrição aquisitiva em face do absolutamente incapaz cujo curador foi nomeado em processo de interdição

    AcquaSmart: An Environment Big Data Analytics and Internet of Things to Education and Research

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    Being an interdisciplinary area, Internet of Things presents great challenges to learning. However, it already is and will continue to be part of the daily life and thus requires qualified professionals to advance projects in this area. Apart from acquiring theoretical concepts, students need to put knowledge into practice. This practical learning aims to provide a means of easy assimilation to the student and that can mirror real situations of implementation. This work presents an Internet of Things learning methodology based on the development of environments that enable the student to put theoretical knowledge into practice in a scenario of easy assimilation. It is expected that the student will be able to understand the process of developing Internet of Things projects and the technologies involved in it. The proposed methodology is composed of 5 steps. The student analyzes the development environment, defines the type of implementation to be carried out, develops the hardware, the software and documents of the project. The data architecture together with the methodology allow the student to use and propose various types of development environments, controllers and web applications, being very flexible for learning. The implementation of temperature control was carried out in an aquarium environment. The proposed methodology proved to be efficient for the development of this project, so it can be applied in Internet of Things learning in educational institutions

    Use of a psychological learning technique to improve brain-computer interface (BCI) control

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    A Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is a system that connects the human brain to a computer, allowing their users to communicate or control external devices using brain signals. Performance of BCI depends on the ability of subjects to control their own electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns, being necessary to provide suitable neurofeedback training techniques. The main objective of this work is to use a psychological learning technique in order to help users to acquire specific skills on the control of a BCI. The feedback provided to the subject was based on virtual reality techniques. The well-known Skinner´s shaping method (based on successive approximations) was used to reinforce two mental tasks: imagination of right hand movements and an idle state, such as mental relaxation. Two groups (5 and 4 subjects each) participated in the same number of training sessions; a control group used a standard procedure and the other group tested the shaping proposal. Both mental tasks were considered separately, so each one received different shaping levels depending on the initial control and the evolution through the training sessions. The shaping effect was implemented by modifying the feedback that users received. The study proved the effectiveness of the proposed method by enhancing the difference between the EEG responses corresponding to these two mental tasks. The use of a specific psychological learning technique in order to shape mental activity improved the training process over the control of a BCI, by adapting to the real needs of each user.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Self-concept, self-esteem and academic achievement: Strategies for maintaining self-esteem in students experiencing academic failure

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    Previous research into the relationship between self-esteem and academic achievement shows that despite differences in academic self-evaluation, students’ global self-representations do not differ as a result of their grades at school. In this study, we will analyse the strategies that underachievers used to maintain their self-esteem at an acceptable level. The participants were 955 adolescents in the 7th, 9th and 11th grades at four secondary schools in Lisbon. Three hundred fifty-two of these students had retaken a year at least once in their school careers, whilst 603 had never done so. We collected the data using both a self-concept scale and a scale for evaluating attitudes towards school. Results show that self-esteem is maintained through positive self-representations in non-academic facets of self-concept and/or by devaluing school-related competences. They also show that younger students are less likely to maintain self-esteem by devaluing the school experience


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    Atualmente com a evolução da tecnologia, muitas áreas que abrangem a agropecuária estão aderindo ao uso de drones profissionais que possuem diversas ferramentas que auxiliam no monitoramento. Com o avanço das Redes Neurais, diversos pesquisadores estão optando em utilizar redes neurais para efetuar detecção de objetos. Como a contagem de animais bovinos requer tempo e esforço físico, além de ser arriscado em determinadas situações, com a utilização de imagens aéreas e de redes neurais, essa atividade torna-se mais viável e com um gasto de tempo menor. Neste trabalho o foco está em detectar animais bovinos utilizando duas redes neurais, com imagens aéreas capturadas por meio de um drone

    Viabilidade do consórcio mamona-gergelim para a agricultura familiar no semiárido paraibano: influência de diferentes épocas de plantio.

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    No Nordeste a mamoneira é cultivada, em quase sua totalidade, em regime de consórcio com culturas alimentares. Visando gerar informações sobre o consórcio mamona x gergelim, destacando-se o período de semeadura e produtividade de óleo, um experimento foi conduzido em condições de campo no município de Catolé do Rocha-PB, sendo adotado o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados com cinco tratamentos, onde estes foram compostos pelo cultivo solteiro da mamona BRS Energia e gergelim BRS Seda mais três consorciados, isto é, o gergelim semeado aos 7, 14 e 21 dias após a semeadura da mamona. Os resultados relativos à produção da mamoneira mostraram que nos três tratamentos consorciados com o gergelim houve diferença significativa entre eles e à medida que se planta as duas culturas juntas, o gergelim torna-se mais competitivo com a mamona, reduzindo substancialmente a produtividade desta. De maneira geral, recomenda-se o plantio do consórcio mamona x gergelim plantando-se o gergelim após 14 dias do plantio da mamona

    Contribuições da Monitoria em Fundamentos de Enfermagem II na Formação Acadêmica de Estudantes de Enfermagem: Relato de Experiência

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    The aim was to describe the contributions of the Fundamentals of Nursing II monitoring in the academic education of Nursing students. Descriptive study, type of experience report, carried out in a Higher Education Institution with nursing students in the city of Rio de Janeiro. It was possible to observe that the monitoring facilitated the learning of nursing students in Fundamentals of Nursing II, provided the academic monitor with the teaching experience, helped in the mediation between nursing students and a professor of Fundamentals of Nursing II and made it possible for academics to train students. better quality in this discipline as future nursing professionals. It should be emphasized the monitoring contributions of this subject, both for academics and for the academic monitor, as well as for the teacher who teaches this course.Objetivou-se descrever as contribuições da monitoria de Fundamentos de Enfermagem II na formação acadêmica de estudantes de Enfermagem. Estudo descritivo, tipo relato de experiência, realizado em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior com estudantes de enfermagem na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Foi possível observar que a monitoria facilitou o aprendizado dos acadêmicos de enfermagem em Fundamentos de Enfermagem II, proporcionou ao acadêmico-monitor a experiência de docência, auxiliou na mediação entre acadêmicos de enfermagem e docente de Fundamentos de Enfermagem II e possibilitou aos acadêmicos a formação de melhor qualidade nesta disciplina como futuros profissionais da enfermagem. Deve-se ressaltar as contribuições da monitoria desta matéria, tanto para os acadêmicos quanto para o acadêmico-monitor, bem como para o docente que ministra esta unidade curricular. &nbsp