4,696 research outputs found

    Liver abscess due to Salmonella enteritidis in a returned traveler with HIV infection: case report and review of the literature

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    Os pacientes com infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH) apresentam maior frequência de bacteremia associada a Salmonella não-typhi. Porém, complicações focais têm sido raramente descritas. Os autores relatam um caso de abscesso hepático devido a Salmonella enteritidis em paciente com infecção pelo VIH que retornou recentemente a São Paulo de uma viagem pelo Caribe. Após drenagem percutânea do abscesso e tratamento antimicrobiano, observou-se melhora clínica e radiológica. Segundo nossa revisão, este é o primeiro caso descrito de abscesso hepático por Salmonella não-typhi em paciente com infecção pelo VIH no Brasil.Bacteremia due to non-typhi Salmonella is more frequent in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, focal complications have been rarely described. We report a case of liver abscess due to Salmonella enteritidis in an HIV-infected patient who recently returned to Sao Paulo, Brazil, from a trip in the Caribbean. A good clinical and radiological response was seen with both percutaneous catheter drainage and antibiotic treatment. To our knowledge, this is the first culture proven case of non-typhi Salmonellaliver abscess in an HIV-infected patient in Brazil

    Sistema de controle de pessoal

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    Na atualidade, a informação precisa e em tempo hábil é uma excelente ferramenta para o administrador de recursos humanos. Se utilizarmos a tecnologia para minimizar o quantitativo de pessoal necessário para gerar uma informação correta, estaremos alcançando parte do ideal de administração que procura toda entidade, pública ou privada. O principal propósito do Sistema de Controle de Pessoal é formar uma base única e integrada de dados para a otimização no gerenciamento de recursos administrativos do efetivo militar

    Interferential electrical stimulation improves peripheral vasodilatation in healthy individuals

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    BACKGROUND:Interferential electrical stimulation (IES), which may be linked to greater penetration of deep tissue, may restore blood flow by sympathetic nervous modulation; however, studies have found no association between the frequency and duration of the application and blood flow. We hypothesized that 30 min of IES applied to the ganglion stellate region might improve blood flow redistribution.OBJECTIVES:The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of IES on metaboreflex activation in healthy individuals.METHOD:Interferential electrical stimulation or a placebo stimulus (same protocol without electrical output) was applied to the stellate ganglion region in eleven healthy subjects (age 25±1.3 years) prior to exercise. Mean blood pressure (MBP), heart rate (HR), calf blood flow (CBF) and calf vascular resistance (CVR) were measured throughout exercise protocols (submaximal static handgrip exercise) and with recovery periods with or without postexercise circulatory occlusion (PECO+ and PECO -, respectively). Muscle metaboreflex control of calf vascular resistance was estimated by subtracting the area under the curve when circulation was occluded from the area under the curve from the AUC without circulatory occlusion.RESULTS:At peak exercise, increases in mean blood pressure were attenuated by IES (p<0.05), and the effect persisted under both the PECO+ and PECO- treatments. IES promoted higher CBF and lower CVR during exercise and recovery. Likewise, IES induced a reduction in the estimated muscle metaboreflex control (placebo, 21±5 units vs. IES, 6±3, p<0.01).CONCLUSION:Acute application of IES prior to exercise attenuates the increase in blood pressure and vasoconstriction during exercise and metaboreflex activation in healthy subjects.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)FIPE-HCPA, Porto Alegre, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Cardiovascular Surgery DepartmentHospital de Clinicas de Porto AlegreUniversidade de Brasilia Physical Therapy DepartmentUNIFESP, Cardiovascular Surgery DepartmentSciEL

    Growth of melon cultivated under saline stress and potassium doses

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    O Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, em destaque a região da Chapada do Apodi, se destaca na produção e exportação de melão no País, em regime de irrigação, devido à distribuição pluvial baixa e irregular. A Chapada do Apodi possui dois aqüíferos subterrâneos; a do lençol menos profundo de alta salinidade, porém com menor custo de bombeamento, ocorrendo o contrário com o de maior profundidade. Objetivou-se, ante o exposto, avaliar o efeito de duas águas de salinidades diferentes (0,52 e 2,41 dS m-1), combinadas com cinco doses de K2O (218, 273, 328, 383 e 438 kg ha-1) sobre o crescimento do meloeiro (Cucumis melo L.), cultivar Goldex, utilizando-se do delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas; amostras de planta foram coletadas aos 21, 28, 35, 49 e 63 dias após a semeadura, determinando-se a fitomassa seca das plantas, estas separadas em ramos (caule + folhas), flores e frutos; avaliou-se, também, a taxa de crescimento absoluto e relativo e a produção de frutos. Em geral, o crescimento do melão foi favorecido com o uso de água mais salina; a taxa de crescimento absoluto foi máxima entre 35 e 49 dias após a semeadura. Obteve-se maior produção de fitomassa total com 438 kg ha-1 de K2O e uso de água mais salina, ao final do ciclo.The region of 'Chapada do Apodi', in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, stands out in Brazilian production and exportation of melon. This region possesses two aquiffers, one of lower exploration cost, though of high salinity, another of low salinity, with higher cost and limited use. This work was carried out with the objective to evaluate the effect of waters of different salinities combined with five doses of K in the dry matter accumulation and productivity of the melon (Cucumis melo L.) cultivar Goldex. The experimental design adopted was split plot in completely randomized blocks. The melon crop was irrigated with low (0.52 dS m-1) and high (2.41 dS m-1) salinity water combined with five doses of K2O (218, 273, 328, 383 and 438 kg ha-1). Plants were collected at 21, 28, 35, 49 and 63 days after sowing, and were separated in branches (shoot + leaves), flowers and fruits, and the total dry matter of the aerial parts obtained by summation. The absolute and relative growth rates and the production of fruits were also evaluated. The absolute growth rate of the plant was maximum between 35 and 49 days. The highest total biomass was obtained with 438 kg ha-1 K2O and use of high salinity water at the end of crop cycle.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Melhoramento mutacional do amendoim

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    A study was initiated to improve the peanut variety Tatu (Arachis hypogaea L., ssp. fastigiata Waldron, var. fastigiata), through induction of mutations for increased pod number per plant and better pod filling, using a chemical mutagen sodium azide (NaN3). The treatment with sodium azide at a concentration of 3mM was found to be the most efficient as well as effective for induction of desirable mutants. Among the ten productive mutants selected with varying degrees of improvement over the parent for the characters mentioned above, three of them Dwarf, Sd-HP and V3 consistently maintained their superiority in yield at significant levels over a period of three seasons including conditions of low rainfall. The mutants Dwarf and Sd-HP demonstrated improvement in pod number per plant, seed number per pod, shelling percentage and harvest index in the M4 generation and superior yield levels. Use of these mutants in peanut breeding is discussed.Foi iniciado um estudo visando melhorar a variedade Tatu de amendoim (Arachis hypogae L., ssp. fastigiata Waldron, var. fastigiata) através da indução de mutações para maior número e melhor enchimento de vagens, utilizando o mutagênico químico azida de sódio (NaN3). O tratamento na concentração de 3mM foi mais eficiente e efetivo em indução de mutantes desejáveis. Dos dez mutantes com vários graus de melhoramento para as características estudadas, como Anã, Sd-HP e V3, mantiveram, coerentemente, a superioridade em produção durante três estações, inclusive nas condições de pouca chuva. Na geração M4, os mutantes Anã e Sd-HP mostraram ganhos em número de vagens por planta, número de sementes por vagem, proporção de sementes por vagem e índice de colheita, além de altos níveis da produção. O presente trabalho trata sobre o aproveitamento destes mutantes em melhoramento genético do amendoim

    Evidências de Validade da Escala Conflito Trabalho-Família para Profissionais da Segurança Pública

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    The aim of this article is to present evidence of validity for the ‘work-family conflict scale’ with a sample of 10,383 professionals working in Brazilian public security. Cross-validation procedures were applied through the definition of two subsamples, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed. All ethical procedures were followed. The results found in both the exploratory factor analysis (‘Work Interference with Family’ Factor, with factor loadings between .91 and .81 and alpha of .93, and ‘Family Interference with Work’ Factor, with factor loadings between .96 and .71 and alpha of .90) and the confirmatory analysis (χ2/df &lt;5; CFI &gt;.98; TLI &gt;.98; RMSEA &lt;.10) demonstrate robust evidence of validity, indicating the use of the scale in other organizational contexts.O artigo tem como objetivo geral apresentar evidências de validade da escala ‘conflito trabalho-família’ junto a uma amostra de 10.383 profissionais que atuam na segurança pública brasileira. Optou-se pela condução dos procedimentos de validação cruzada, por meio da definição de duas subamostras, foram realizadas análises fatoriais exploratórias e confirmatórias. Todos os procedimentos éticos foram adotados. Os resultados encontrados tanto na análise fatorial exploratória (Fator ‘Interferência do Trabalho na Família’, com cargas fatoriais entre 0,91 e 0,81 e alpha de 0,93 e Fator ‘Interferência da Família no Trabalho, com cargas entre 0,96 a 0,71 e alpha de 0,90) quanto confirmatória (χ2/gl &lt; 5; CFI &gt; 0,98; TLI &gt; 0,98; RMSEA &lt; 0,1) demonstram robustas evidências de validade, indicando o uso da escala em outros contextos organizacionais

    Sleep quality and chronic pain in community dwelling older adults: preliminary results

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    Background: The natural process of human aging causes biopsychosocial alterations, which can trigger chronic pain and poor sleep quality in older adults. Considering the high prevalence and possible association between these two clinical conditions, special attention from public health policies is necessary to provide quality aging. Objective: To verify if there is an association between chronic pain and sleep quality among older adults in the community. Methods: A quantitative, cross-sectional study on the association of chronic pain with the sleep quality among older people in the community. Participants were evaluated using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI); Visual Analog Pain scale; questionnaires of sociodemographic and clinical data, assessment of cognitive impairment through the Mini Mental State Examination, and anthropometric assessments. The data were submitted to descriptive statistics. The means between the groups of older people with and without chronic pain were compared using the Student's t test for independent samples and Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) was used to analyze the association of PSQI with pain intensity. Results: In total, 51 older women were included, with a mean age of 70 ± 8 years. The majority had a low level of education (52.9%), low financial income (64.7%), and chronic pain (56.9%). It was found that the older adults with chronic pain presented worse sleep quality when compared those without chronic pain and a moderate (r=0.595) and significant (p<0.01) correlation between sleep quality and the intensity of chronic pain was observed. Conclusion: Older adults in the community with chronic pain present worse sleep quality when compared to the older adults without pain. There is a strong correlation between the intensity of chronic pain and sleep quality in older adults; the greater the intensity of pain, the worse the sleep quality