95 research outputs found

    Health care and societal costs of the management of children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in Spain: a descriptive analysis

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    Background: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental condition in childhood (5.3% to 7.1% worldwide prevalence), with substantial overall financial burden to children/adolescents, their families, and society. The aims of this study were to describe the clinical characteristics of children and adolescents with ADHD in Spain, estimate the associated direct/indirect costs of the disorder, and assess whether the characteristics and financial costs differed between children/adolescents adequately responding to currently available pharmacotherapies compared with children/adolescents for whom pharmacotherapies failed. Methods: This was a multicenter, cross-sectional, descriptive analysis conducted in 15 health units representative of the overall Spanish population. Data on demographic characteristics, socio-occupational status, social relationships, clinical variables of the disease, and pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments received were collected in 321 children and adolescents with ADHD. Direct and indirect costs were estimated over one year from both a health care system and a societal perspective. Results: The estimated average cost of ADHD per year per child/adolescent was €5733 in 2012 prices; direct costs accounted for 60.2% of the total costs (€3450). Support from a psychologist/educational psychologist represented 45.2% of direct costs and 27.2% of total costs. Pharmacotherapy accounted for 25.8% of direct costs and 15.5% of total costs. Among indirect costs (€2283), 65.2% was due to caregiver expenses. The total annual costs were significantly higher for children/adolescents who responded poorly to pharmacological treatment (€7654 versus €5517; P = 0.024), the difference being mainly due to significantly higher direct costs, particularly with larger expenses for non-pharmacological treatment (P = 0.012). Conclusions: ADHD has a significant personal, familial, and financial impact on the Spanish health system and society. Successful pharmacological intervention was associated with lower overall expenses in the management of the disorde

    Health care and societal costs of the management of children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in Spain: a descriptive analysis.

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    Background: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental condition in childhood (5.3% to 7.1% worldwide prevalence), with substantial overall financial burden to children/adolescents, their families, and society. The aims of this study were to describe the clinical characteristics of children and adolescents with ADHD in Spain, estimate the associated direct/indirect costs of the disorder, and assess whether the characteristics and financial costs differed between children/adolescents adequately responding to currently available pharmacotherapies compared with children/adolescents for whom pharmacotherapies failed. Methods: This was a multicenter, cross-sectional, descriptive analysis conducted in 15 health units representative of the overall Spanish population. Data on demographic characteristics, socio-occupational status, social relationships, clinical variables of the disease, and pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments received were collected in 321 children and adolescents with ADHD. Direct and indirect costs were estimated over one year from both a health care system and a societal perspective. Results: The estimated average cost of ADHD per year per child/adolescent was ¿5733 in 2012 prices; direct costs accounted for 60.2% of the total costs (¿3450). Support from a psychologist/educational psychologist represented 45.2% of direct costs and 27.2% of total costs. Pharmacotherapy accounted for 25.8% of direct costs and 15.5% of total costs. Among indirect costs (¿2283), 65.2% was due to caregiver expenses. The total annual costs were significantly higher for children/adolescents who responded poorly to pharmacological treatment (¿7654 versus ¿5517; P = 0.024), the difference being mainly due to significantly higher direct costs, particularly with larger expenses for non-pharmacological treatment (P = 0.012). Conclusions: ADHD has a significant personal, familial, and financial impact on the Spanish health system and society. Successful pharmacological intervention was associated with lower overall expenses in the management of the disorder

    Sustracción internacional de menores y violencia de género

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    [ES]La sustracción internacional de menores es el traslado de un menor a un país donde no reside llevado a cabo de forma ilícita dentro de un contexto de crisis familiar; además, constituye un delito tipificado en el artículo 225 bis del Código Penal, a cuyos efectos la sustracción puede tener una doble consideración: 1. Traslado ilícito del menor: uno de los progenitores traslada al menor a un lugar diferente al de su residencia sin consentimiento del progenitor con quien convive (otras personas o una institución, en su caso, a quien se confía su guarda o custodia). El fin de este traslado es obtener una resolución judicial que capacite al progenitor que lleva a cabo la sustracción a convivir legalmente con su hijo. 2. Retención ilícita del menor: se trata del supuesto en que el progenitor sustractor retiene al menor en un Estado diferente al de la residencia de los hijos

    Safety and efficacy of the NVX-CoV2373 coronavirus disease 2019 vaccine at completion of the placebo-controlled phase of a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: The recombinant protein-based vaccine, NVX-CoV2373, demonstrated 89.7% efficacy against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in a phase 3, randomized, observer-blinded, placebo-controlled trial in the United Kingdom. The protocol was amended to include a blinded crossover. Data to the end of the placebo-controlled phase are reported. Methods: Adults aged 18–84 years received 2 doses of NVX-CoV2373 or placebo (1:1) and were monitored for virologically confirmed mild, moderate, or severe COVID-19 (onset from 7 days after second vaccination). Participants who developed immunoglobulin G (IgG) against nucleocapsid protein but did not show symptomatic COVID-19 were considered asymptomatic. Secondary outcomes included anti-spike (S) IgG responses, wild-type virus neutralization, and T-cell responses. Results: Of 15 185 participants, 13 989 remained in the per-protocol efficacy population (6989 NVX-CoV2373, 7000 placebo). At a maximum of 7.5 months (median, 4.5) postvaccination, there were 24 cases of COVID-19 among NVX-CoV2373 recipients and 134 cases among placebo recipients, a vaccine efficacy of 82.7% (95% confidence interval [CI], 73.3%–88.8%). Vaccine efficacy was 100% (95% CI, 17.9%–100.0%) against severe disease and 76.3% (95% CI, 57.4%–86.8%) against asymptomatic disease. High anti-S and neutralization responses to vaccination were evident, together with S-protein–specific induction of interferon-γ secretion in peripheral blood T cells. Incidence of serious adverse events and adverse events of special interest were similar between groups. Conclusions: A 2-dose regimen of NVX-CoV2373 conferred a high level of ongoing protection against asymptomatic, symptomatic, and severe COVID-19 through >6 months postvaccination. A gradual decrease of protection suggests that a booster may be indicated. Clinical Trials Registration: EudraCT, 2020-004123-16

    Safety and Efficacy of the NVX-CoV2373 Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccine at Completion of the Placebo-Controlled Phase of a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Acknowledgements The study and article were funded by Novavax. We would like to thank all the study participants for their commitment to this study. We also acknowledge the investigators and their study teams for their hard work and dedication. In addition, we would like to thank the National Institute for Health Research, representatives from the Department of Health and Social Care laboratories and NHS Digital and the members of the UK Vaccine Task Force. Editorial support was provided by Kelly Cameron of Ashfield MedComms, an Inizio company Funding This work was funded by Novavax, and the sponsor had primary responsibility for study design, study vaccines, protocol development, study monitoring, data management, and statistical analyses. All authors reviewed and approved the manuscript before submission. LF reports a position as a prior full-time employee, now contractor to Novavax re-imbursed hourly for work performed on this study and in analyses and drafting this report. IC reports providing medical writing support for this work as an employee of NovavaxPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Soroprevalência de anticorpos do vírus SARS-CoV-2 em escolares no município de São Paulo, 2020

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in schoolchildren aged 4 to 14 years living in the city of São Paulo, according to clinical, demographic, epidemiological, and social variables, during the school closure period as a measure against covid-19 spread. METHODS: A serological survey was made in September 2020 with a random sample stratified by school system (municipal public, state public and private) type. A venous blood sample was collected using the Wondfo SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Test (lateral flow method) for detection of total SARS-CoV-2 virus antibodies. Semi-structured questionnaires were applied to collect clinical, demographic, social, and epidemiological data. RESULTS: Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in schoolchildren was of 16.6% (95%CI 15.4–17.8). The study found higher seroprevalence in the municipal (18.5%; 95%CI 16.6–20.6) and state (16.2%; 95%CI 14.4–18.2) public school systems compared to the private school system (11.7; 95%CI 10.0–13.7), among black and brown students (18.4%; 95%CI 16.8–20.2) and in the most vulnerable social stratum (18.5 %;95%CI 16.9–20.2). Lower seroprevalence was identified in schoolchildren who reported following the recommended protective measures against covid-19. CONCLUSION: Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies is found mainly in the most socially vulnerable schoolchildren. This study can contribute to support public policies that reinforce the importance of suspending face-to-face classes and developing strategies aimed at protective measures and monitoring of the serological status of those who have not yet been included in the vaccination schedule.OBJETIVO: Estimar a soroprevalência de anticorpos do vírus SARS-CoV-2 em escolares de quatro a 14 anos de idade residentes no município de São Paulo, segundo variáveis clínicas, demográficas, epidemiológicas e sociais, durante o período de fechamento das escolas como medida de controle da covid-19. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se um inquérito sorológico em setembro de 2020 com amostra aleatória estratificada por tipo de rede de ensino (pública municipal, pública estadual e privada). Foi coletada amostra de sangue venoso utilizando-se o teste de imunoensaio de fluxo lateral da fabricante Wondfo para detecção de anticorpos totais contra o vírus SARS-CoV-2. Aplicaram-se questionários semiestruturados para o levantamento de dados clínicos, demográficos, sociais e epidemiológicos. RESULTADOS: A soroprevalência de anticorpos do vírus SARS-CoV-2 em escolares foi de 16,6% (IC95% 15,4–17,8). O estudo encontrou soroprevalências mais elevadas na rede pública municipal (18,5%; IC95% 16,6–20,6) e estadual (16,2%; IC95% 14,4–18,2) em relação à rede privada (11,7; IC95% 10,0–13,7) e entre escolares da raça/cor preta e parda (18,4%; IC95% 16,8–20,2) e no estrato social mais vulnerável (18,5%; IC95% 16,9–20,2). A pesquisa identificou menores soroprevalências nos escolares que relataram seguir as medidas recomendadas de proteção contra a covid-19. CONCLUSÃO: A soroprevalência de anticorpos contra o vírus SARS-CoV-2 atinge principalmente os escolares socialmente mais vulneráveis. Este estudo pode contribuir para embasar políticas públicas que reforcem a importância da suspensão das aulas presenciais e da necessidade de estratégias de medidas de proteção e acompanhamento do status sorológico daqueles que ainda não foram contemplados no calendário vacinal

    Impact of the presence of heart disease, cardiovascular medications and cardiac events on outcome in COVID-19

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    Background: Cardiovascular risk factors and usage of cardiovascular medication are prevalent among coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients. Little is known about the cardiovascular implications of COVID-19. The goal herein, was to evaluate the prognostic impact of having heart disease (HD) and taking cardiovascular medications in a population diagnosed of COVID-19 who required hospitalization. Also, we studied the development of cardiovascular events during hospitalization. Methods: Consecutive patients with definitive diagnosis of COVID-19 made by a positive real time- -polymerase chain reaction of nasopharyngeal swabs who were admitted to the hospital from March 15 to April 14 were included in a retrospective registry. The association of HD with mortality and with mortality or respiratory failure were the primary and secondary objectives, respectively. Results: A total of 859 patients were included in the present analysis. Cardiovascular risk factors were related to death, particularly diabetes mellitus (hazard ratio in the multivariate analysis: 1.810 [1.159– –2.827], p = 0.009). A total of 113 (13.1%) patients had HD. The presence of HD identified a group of patients with higher mortality (35.4% vs. 18.2%, p < 0.001) but HD was not independently related to prognosis; renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, diuretics and beta-blockers did not worsen prognosis. Statins were independently associated with decreased mortality (0.551 [0.329–0.921], p = 0.023). Cardiovascular events during hospitalization identified a group of patients with poor outcome (mortality 31.8% vs. 19.3% without cardiovascular events, p = 0.007). Conclusions: The presence of HD is related to higher mortality. Cardiovascular medications taken before admission are not harmful, statins being protective. The development of cardiovascular events during the course of the disease is related to poor outcome

    Safety and efficacy of the NVX-CoV2373 coronavirus disease 2019 vaccine at completion of the placebo-controlled phase of a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: The recombinant protein-based vaccine, NVX-CoV2373, demonstrated 89.7% efficacy against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in a phase 3, randomized, observer-blinded, placebo-controlled trial in the United Kingdom. The protocol was amended to include a blinded crossover. Data to the end of the placebo-controlled phase are reported. Methods: Adults aged 18–84 years received 2 doses of NVX-CoV2373 or placebo (1:1) and were monitored for virologically confirmed mild, moderate, or severe COVID-19 (onset from 7 days after second vaccination). Participants who developed immunoglobulin G (IgG) against nucleocapsid protein but did not show symptomatic COVID-19 were considered asymptomatic. Secondary outcomes included anti-spike (S) IgG responses, wild-type virus neutralization, and T-cell responses. Results: Of 15 185 participants, 13 989 remained in the per-protocol efficacy population (6989 NVX-CoV2373, 7000 placebo). At a maximum of 7.5 months (median, 4.5) postvaccination, there were 24 cases of COVID-19 among NVX-CoV2373 recipients and 134 cases among placebo recipients, a vaccine efficacy of 82.7% (95% confidence interval [CI], 73.3%–88.8%). Vaccine efficacy was 100% (95% CI, 17.9%–100.0%) against severe disease and 76.3% (95% CI, 57.4%–86.8%) against asymptomatic disease. High anti-S and neutralization responses to vaccination were evident, together with S-protein–specific induction of interferon-γ secretion in peripheral blood T cells. Incidence of serious adverse events and adverse events of special interest were similar between groups. Conclusions: A 2-dose regimen of NVX-CoV2373 conferred a high level of ongoing protection against asymptomatic, symptomatic, and severe COVID-19 through >6 months postvaccination. A gradual decrease of protection suggests that a booster may be indicated