206 research outputs found

    La nueva teoría social en hispanoamérica. Introducción a la teoría de sistemas constructivista

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    El propósito de esta obra es responder al creciente interés en ciencias sociales por libros en lengua española sobre la Teoría de Sistemas Constructivista. Las tres preguntas que frecuentemente se hacen a esta teoría son: qué significan sus conceptos, cuál es su metodología y cómo se puede llevar a la práctica una investigación tal. Con respecto a la primera pregunta, es posible afirmar que hay mayor claridad en su respuesta que en las dos preguntas siguientes. Un investigador neófito no ocuparía la palabra claridad, pero debería reconocer que está disponible una mayor cantidad de bibliografía teórica sobre el asunto, que sobre sus variantes metodológicas o de aplicación en estudios. En nuestra experiencia académica, hay dos tipos de aprendices de la teoría de sistemas constructivista: aquellos que son instruidos por un profesor y aquellos que se aproximan de manera autodidacta. Quienes más sufren los rigores de la teoría son estos últimos, aunque los otros tienen el apoyo emocional de sus maestros cuando entran en la típica desesperación inicial. Lo anterior siempre nos ha llevado a pensar que la enseñanza universitaria es vital para lograr dar una respuesta con fundamentos, y atractiva, a las mencionadas tres preguntas frecuentes sobre la teoría de sistemas constructivista

    Small farmers' perception of factors influencing regional chemical control of Diaphorina citri

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    Regional Control Areas (RCAs) have been implemented in Mexico as a strategy to delay the spread of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, the causal bacterium of the disease known as Huanglongbing (HLB). The implementation of an effective management of the vector insect, Diaphorina citri in the RCAs requires the knowledge, acceptance and coordinated engagement of small agricultural producers. This research assessed the perception and knowledge of 62 citrus growers regarding the operational, sociocultural and environmental factors influencing chemical control of D. citri in four RCAs within Veracruz State. According to their responses, the following factors have been identified as the operational factors with the highest influence on the effectiveness of insecticides against D. citri within RCAs: the lack of knowledge about the use of surfactants, application speed, poor calibration of sprayers and incorrect water quality. The most significant sociocultural factors are the general unawareness of the pest and the safe and proper application of pesticides. The most relevant environmental factors during application: temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed. Sociocultural index correlated with the perception of effectiveness. Therefore, it becomes necessary to consider differences among citrus growers in each region and setting out the most appropriatestrategies for vector and disease management. Highlights Some operational practices that citrus growers are not aware of may influence their perception of chemical control. The sociocultural context of growers determines their decision-taking on insecticide applications. During the application of insecticides in regional control areas (RCAs), growers do not take into account weather conditions. The effective management of D. citri requires a coordinated engagement of small growers' in RCAs.Regional Control Areas (RCAs) have been implemented in Mexico as a strategy to delay the spread of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, the causal bacterium of the disease known as Huanglongbing (HLB). The implementation of an effective management of the vector insect, Diaphorina citri in the RCAs requires the knowledge, acceptance and coordinated engagement of small agricultural producers. This research assessed the perception and knowledge of 62 citrus growers regarding the operational, sociocultural and environmental factors influencing chemical control of D. citri in four RCAs within Veracruz State. According to their responses, the following factors have been identified as the operational factors with the highest influence on the effectiveness of insecticides against D. citri within RCAs: the lack of knowledge about the use of surfactants, application speed, poor calibration of sprayers and incorrect water quality. The most significant sociocultural factors are the general unawareness of the pest and the safe and proper application of pesticides. The most relevant environmental factors during application: temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed. Sociocultural index correlated with the perception of effectiveness. Therefore, it becomes necessary to consider differences among citrus growers in each region and setting out the most appropriatestrategies for vector and disease management. Highlights Some operational practices that citrus growers are not aware of may influence their perception of chemical control. The sociocultural context of growers determines their decision-taking on insecticide applications. During the application of insecticides in regional control areas (RCAs), growers do not take into account weather conditions. The effective management of D. citri requires a coordinated engagement of small growers' in RCAs


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    [ES] Cada vez más la sociedad, la empresa, demanda un nuevo tipo de empleado: una persona innovadora. Personas que sean capaces de generar ideas , que provengan de más de un campo del conocimiento o que sean expertos en varios campos, que disfruten con el trabajo innovador, colaborativas, con capacidad para resolver problemas y que encuentren nuevas formas enfoques y maneras de ver las cosas. El tiempo en que nos ha tocado vivir está marcado por los cambios estructurales: La globalización, el aumento de competencia, los cambios organizacionales y las nuevas tecnologías; la economía del conocimiento, el sistema de I+D y la formación. Por todo ello se considera la innovación como un elemento de la competitividad territorial. Desde el aula, el profesor tiene un trabajo que realizar, también es un trabajo creativo e innovador y no es otro que fomentar el entrenamiento y desarrollo de esas capacidades y habilidades a través de grupos de trabajo que se enriquezcan y complementen. La gestión de la creatividad y de la innovación, estudia el papel que juega el profesor, en su faceta de entrenador, para desarrollar la creatividad en el aula ofreciendo consejos de lo que puede ser una innovación exitosa. Por lo tanto esta justificada esta comunicación que va a explicar que hacemos en el aula para motivar e incentivar la innovación y la creatividad con la finalidad de que el alumno se encuentre mejor preparado para afrontar su integración en el mercado laboral.Herrero Blasco, A.; Grau Gadea, GF.; Osorio Acosta, E.; Peña Martinez, G. (2015). EL DESARROLLO DE LA CREATIVIDAD Y LA INNOVACIÓN: SU APLICACIÓN EN EL AULA EN EL ÚLTIMO AÑO DEL GRADO EN ADMINISTRACIÓN Y DIRECCIÓN DE EMPRESAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA. En Open Innovation & Coolhunting in education: INNODOCT'15 : International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Teaching Technologies, held on-line in Valencia, Spain, on 12-15 May, 2013. Editorial de la Universitat Politècnica de València. 485-490. doi:10.4995/INNODOCT.2015.1030S48549

    Conventional to organic transition of Citrus x sinensis (L.) Osbeck (pro. sp.) orchards in municipalities of northern Veracruz state

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    This research determined the degree of transition towards organic production and management of Valencia orange in the municipalities of northern Veracruz State. One hundred and six surveys were administered to producers grouped into four consolidated civil associations. A constructed transition index considering six variables revealed an average of 0.768. Citrus grower/institution positively correlated with intercropping (p = 0.0281) and with internal factors (p = 0.0257). Determinant factors for transition index were intercropping (p = 0.00009), and citrus grower/institution interaction (p = 0.0000). These internal and external factors together with years of conversion, averaging six years, resulted in an intermediate transition degree towards organic Valencia orange production. Municipalities of northern Veracruz State stand on varying degrees of transition towards organic agriculture. Yet, many growers still conserve some management practices not consistent with organic production. Highlights: Transition index to organic agriculture of citrus growers was 0.768. Some citrus growers with few years of organic production apply all practices as advanced or organic. Growers of northern Veracruz, Mexico are in intermediate transition degree towards organic Valencia orange production.This research determined the degree of transition towards organic production and management of Valencia orange in the municipalities of northern Veracruz State. One hundred and six surveys were administered to producers grouped into four consolidated civil associations. A constructed transition index considering six variables revealed an average of 0.768. Citrus grower/institution positively correlated with intercropping (p = 0.0281) and with internal factors (p = 0.0257). Determinant factors for transition index were intercropping (p = 0.00009), and citrus grower/institution interaction (p = 0.0000). These internal and external factors together with years of conversion, averaging six years, resulted in an intermediate transition degree towards organic Valencia orange production. Municipalities of northern Veracruz State stand on varying degrees of transition towards organic agriculture. Yet, many growers still conserve some management practices not consistent with organic production. Highlights: Transition index to organic agriculture of citrus growers was 0.768. Some citrus growers with few years of organic production apply all practices as advanced or organic. Growers of northern Veracruz, Mexico are in intermediate transition degree towards organic Valencia orange production

    Evaluation of chemical resistance inducers in maradol papaya against Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica

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    Objective: To test the efficiency of four chemical resistance inducers in Maradol papaya, to reduce the infections of Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica in rainfed crops. Design / methodology / approach: Three doses of each of four resistance inducers were tested in 60-day-old papaya plants in a greenhouse, in a completely randomized design, with four replications and 10 plants as experimental plot. The inoculations with mycelium discs were made three days after the application of the treatments with the inducers, including negative and positive control treatments to evaluate the efficiency applying the Abbott formula. Results: The four chemical inducers (sodium silicate (SS), potassium silicate (SP), potassium phosphite (FP) and acibenzolar-s-methyl (ASM)) presented statistically differences to the negative control (P <0.0001 **). The inductors SS at 1%, SP 1%, FP 0.35% and ASM 0.1 mM showed greater effectiveness (81.2, 75.9, 74.7 and 74.0%, respectively). Study limitations/implications: The effective concentrations retained were tested in a single application, and their durability is not known, so it should be expanded on this point, but it can be an alternative for repeated use after transplantation. Findings/conclusions: the optimal concentrations of PS, SS, PF and ASM which respond against Phytopthora, which must to reduce damage in rainfed planting.Objective: To test the efficiency of four chemical resistance inducers on Maradol papaya to reduce Phytopthora nicotianae var. parasitica infections in rainfed crops at Chontalpa, Tabasco, Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: Three doses of four resistance inducers were tested on 60-day-old papaya plants in a greenhouse with a randomized design, with four replications and 10 plants as experimental plots.  Three days after the inducers' application inoculations with mycelium discs were made, there were negative and positive control treatments to evaluating their efficiency by applying Abbott's formula. Results: The four chemical inducers for resistance (sodium silicate (SS), potassium silicate (PS), potassium phosphite (PF) and acibenzolar-s-methyl (ASM)) were statistically different from the control (P < 0.0001**). The inducers SS 1 %, PS 1 %, FP 0.35 % and ASM 0.1 mM showed higher effectiveness (81.2, 75.9, 74.7 and 74.0 %). Study limitations/implications: The retained effective concentrations were tested in a single application, and their durability is unknown, so this point should be broadened. however, it may be an alternative for repeated use after transplanting. Findings/conclusions: Optimal concentrations of SS, PS, FP, and AMS, that respond against P. nicotianae var. parasitica infections can reduce damages in rainfed crops

    Envejecimiento de la población

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    •Actividades básicas de la vida diaria en personas mayores y factores asociados •Asociación entre depresión y posesión de mascotas en personas mayores •Calidad de vida en adultos mayores de Santiago aplicando el instrumento WHOQOL-BREF •Calidad de vida en usuarios con enfermedad de Parkinson, demencia y sus cuidadores, comuna de Vitacura •Caracterización de egresos hospitalarios de adultos mayores en Puerto Natales (2007-2009) •Comportamiento de las patologías incluidas como GES para el adulto mayor atendido en un Cesfam •Contribución de vitaminas y minerales a las ingestas recomendadas diarias en ancianos institucionalizados de Madrid •Estado de salud oral del paciente inscrito en el Programa de Visita Domiciliaria •Evaluación del programa de discapacidad severa en Casablanca con la matriz de marco lógico •Factores asociados a satisfacción vital en una cohorte de adultos mayores de Santiago, Chile •Pauta instrumental para la identificación de riesgos para el adulto mayor autovalente, en su vivienda •Perfil farmacológico del paciente geriátrico institucionalizado y posibles consecuencias en el deterioro cognitivo •Programa de cuidados paliativos y alivio del dolor en Puerto Natales •Rehabilitación mandibular implantoprotésica: efecto en calidad de vida relacionada con salud bucal en adultos mayores •Salud bucodental en adultos mayores autovalentes de la Región de Valparaíso •Transición epidemiológica y el estudio de carga de enfermedad en Brasi

    Artesãos, cartografia e império. A produção social de um instrumento náutico no mundo ibérico, 1500-1650

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    Explicar cómo y en qué condiciones fueron construidos algunos de los instrumentos científicos más emblemáticos del mundo moderno sigue siendo un desafío para los historiadores de la ciencia y de la tecnología. Este principio afecta también a los instrumentos náuticos. Así, el objetivo del presente artículo es considerar el “cómo” y el “en qué condiciones”, en un sentido amplio, analizando uno de estos artefactos: las cartas náuticas construidas durante la expansión marítima europea. Originalidad: La originalidad del texto no reside únicamente en llevar a cabo una reconstrucción de este instrumento en Portugal y España que aporte nuevos datos sobre su proceso de fabricación y sus fabricantes, sino también en arrojar luz sobre antiguos debates historiográficos que subyacen a la génesis de la ciencia moderna, tales como la difícil colaboración entre hombres prácticos y hombres teóricos; la aportación de comunidades de artesanos al mundo del conocimiento; el papel que los saberes prácticos tuvieron en el establecimiento de nuevas formas de estandarización en ciencia; la adopción de una metodología empírica para el dominio del mundo o la construcción de grandes imperios globales cimentados sobre la base del trabajo manual. Metodología: El análisis de estos debates requiere una aproximación metodológica que atienda a las categorías y los conceptos principales puestos en circulación tanto por la historia como por la filosofía de la ciencia más reciente. En definitiva, se trata de atender a las condiciones que permitieron el establecimiento de acuerdos (y también de controversias) epistemológicos entre diferentes comunidades de conocimiento tomando un instrumento náutico como “mediador”. Conclusiones: El artículo concluye que la consideración de las culturas empíricas del conocimiento y sus realizaciones materiales son una condición sine qua non para entender la génesis de la modernidad científica europea y la construcción de un mundo globalExplaining how and under what conditions some of the most emblematic scientific instruments of the modern world were built remains a challenge for historians of science and technology. This principle also affects nautical instruments. Thus, the objective of this article is to consider the “how” and the “under what conditions”, in a broad sense, by examining one of these devices: the nautical charts developed during the European maritime expansion. Originality: The originality of this article lies not only in the reconstruction of this instrument in Portugal and Spain, providing new information about its development process and its manufacturers, but also in shedding light on old historiographical debates that underlie the genesis of modern science, such as the difficult collaboration between practical men and theoretical men; the contribution of artisan communities to the world of knowledge; the role that practical knowledge played in the establishment of new forms of standardization in science; the adoption of an empirical methodology for achieving mastery of the world or the construction of large global empires founded upon manual labor. Methodology: Analyzing these debates requires a methodological approach that addresses the main categories and concepts put into circulation by the most recent history and philosophy of science. In short, unveiling the conditions that enabled the establishment of epistemological agreements (and also disputes) between different knowledge communities by taking a nautical instrument as “mediator.” Conclusions: The article concludes that examining empirical knowledge cultures and their material achievements are a sine qua non condition to understand the genesis of European scientific modernity and the construction of a global worldExplicar como e em que condições foram construídos alguns dos instrumentos científicos mais emblemáticos do mundo moderno continua sendo um desafio para os historiadores da ciência e da tecnologia. Esse princípio afeta também os instrumentos náuticos. Assim, o objetivo do presente artigo é considerar o “como” e o “em que condições”, em um sentido amplo, e analisar um desses artefatos: as cartas náuticas construídas durante a expansão marítima europeia. Originalidade: A originalidade do texto não reside unicamente na realização de uma reconstrução desse instrumento em Portugal e na Espanha de forma que traga novos dados sobre seu processo de fabricação e de seus fabricantes, mas também em lançar luz sobre antigos debates historiográficos que subjazem à gênese da ciência moderna, tais como a difícil colaboração entre homens práticos e homens teóricos, a contribuição de comunidades de artesãos ao mundo do conhecimento; o papel que os saberes práticos tiveram no estabelecimento de novas formas de padronização na ciência, a adoção de uma metodologia empírica para o domínio do mundo ou a construção de grandes impérios globais cimentados sobre a base do trabalho manual. Metodologia: A análise desses debates requer uma aproximação metodológica que atenda às categorias e aos principais conceitos colocados em circulação tanto pela história quanto pela filosofia da ciência mais recente. Definitivamente, trata-se de atender às condições que permitiram o estabelecimento de acordos (e também de controvérsias) epistemológicos entre diferentes comunidades de conhecimento tomando o instrumento náutico como “mediador”. Conclusões: O artigo conclui que a consideração das culturas empíricas do conhecimento e suas realizações materiais são uma condição sine qua non para entender a gênese da modernidade científica europeia e a construção de um mundo globa

    Espacio y territorios: razón, pasión e imaginarios

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    En este caleidoscopio de acercamientos hacia lo espacial y territorial, las visiones se mueven desde aquellas románticas y existencialistas, pasando por aquellas objetivistas y positivistas, hasta las estructuralistas y postestructuralistas. Por el espacio y el territorio se interesan con enfoques diversos numerosas disciplinas, desde la psicología, la etología o la literatura, y las ciencias naturales como la biología o la ecología, hasta las ciencias sociales y políticas, como la geografía, la antropología, la economía y la sociología. Este interés multidisciplinario demuestra la importancia y la complejidad del tema espacial y territorial, y reclama la necesidad de su estudio y comprensión interdisciplinarios, como se intenta con esta publicación