126 research outputs found

    Omnívoros sociales. Consumo y capital relacional en España

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    [Abstract] Increasing attention is being paid to the interaction of social networks and social class in the analysis of consumption and leisure styles. In connection with the olurlÍvorous hypothesis, according to which middle classes show a specific pattern of luixed tastes and practices, cultural variation is supposed to be related to social diversity. In the paper this set of arguments is tested with Spanish data. Data come frOlU the CIRES and ECBC surveys, and are analyzed by using factor analysis and 111ulti.. pIe üLS regression techniques[Resumen] A partir del análisis de Bourdieu sobre el espacio social del conSU1UO y de las crí.. ticas surgidas en torno a él, en el trabajo se analiza el ilupacto que tiene el capital relacional sobre las prácticas culturales. En particular se contrasta la hipótesis de que esta variable tuodula la relación entre la clase social y el consumo, de forma que el patrón híbrido de consumo cultural que caracteriza a las nuevas clases 111edias obedece al menos en parte a la variedad de su capital relacional. Los datos para la contrastación empírica proceden de la Encuesta de Estructura, Conciencia y Biografía de Clase, y de la Encuesta de Vida Cotidiana del Centro de Investigaciones para la Realidad Social. Para el análisis se recurre fundaluen.. talmente al análisis factorial y a la regresión múltiple

    A defensa das plantas fronte a patóxenos

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    Titulación: Grao en Bioloxía -- Materia: FitopatoloxíaEsta unidade didáctica inclúese na materia Fitopatoloxía que se imparte no cuarto curso do grao en Bioloxía, cunha carga lectiva de 4.5 créditos ECTS. Os destinatarios son alumnos de último curso de Grao. A Fitopatoloxía, que estuda as enfermidades das plantas, está especialmente relacionada con outras materias do Grao, como Botánica, Microbioloxía, Fisioloxía Vexetal, Bioquímica e Xenética. O alumnado adquirirá coñecementos fundamentais para entender as interaccións entre os organismos patóxenos e os vexetais como consecuencia das cales aparecen as enfermidades. Dentro do programa teórico da materia, esta unidade didáctica impartirase despois da introdución xeral da materia e da descritiva dos procesos de patoxenicidade na interacción hóspedepatóxeno. A Fitopatoloxía é unha disciplina que estuda os patóxenos vexetais e a súa interacción coas plantas (enfermidade), e o medio ambiente; neste sentido, resulta imprescindible para comprender a fisioloxía da disfunción asociada ao proceso de patoxenicidade, coas súas fondas repercusións para a economía agrícola e a alimentación dos seres humanos. Asemade, a Fitopatoloxía é a disciplina encargada da prevención e da administración de medidas fitosanitarias para reducir, na medida do posible, as consecuencias asociadas á aparición e a diseminación das enfermidades das plantas.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic

    Identification of Antarctic culturable bacteria able to produce diverse enzymes of potential biotechnological interest

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    It is estimated that more than three quarters of the Earth’s biosphere is in perennially cold environments. Despite the extreme environmental conditions of desiccation and freezing, microbes can colonize these habitats through the adaptation of metabolic functions and the synthesis of structurally adapted enzymes. Enzymes within psychrophilic microbes exhibit high specific activity at low and moderate temperature, with low thermostability. In this study we used a classic microbiological approach to isolate Antarctic bacteria with cellulolytic, lipolytic, and ligninolytic activities. From 15 different environmental samples, we generated a collection of approximately 800 bacterial isolates that could grow on R2A or Marine medium at 4°C. This collection was then screened for the presence of the three types of activity at 4°C. We found that 47.7% of the isolates displayed lipolytic activity, 10.2% had cellulase/xylanase activity, and 7.7% showed guaiacol oxidase activity. Of these, 10% displayed two different types of activity, while 0.25% displayed all three types of activity. Our results indicate that cold environments represent outstanding resources for bioprospecting and the study of enzymatic adaptation

    Construction and screening of a functional metagenomic library to identify novel enzymes produced by Antarctic bacteria

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    A metagenomic fosmid library of approximately 52 000 clones was constructed to identify functional genes encoding cold-adapted enzymes. Metagenomic DNA was extracted from a sample of glacial meltwater, collected on the Antarctic Peninsula during the ANTARKOS XXIX Expedition during the austral summer of 2012–2013. Each clone contained an insert of about 35–40 kb, so the library represented almost 2 Gb of genetic information from metagenomic DNA. Activity-driven screening was used to detect the cold-adapted functions expressed by the library. Fifty lipase/esterase and two cellulase-producing clones were isolated, and two clones able to grow on Avicel® as the sole carbon source. Interestingly, three clones formed a brown precipitate in the presence of manganese (II). Accumulation of manganese oxides was determined with a leucoberbelin blue assay, indicating that these three clones had manganese-oxidizing activity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a manganese oxidase activity detected with a functional metagenomic strategy

    Control de papas guachas con herbicidas hormonales

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    Las plantas de papas espontáneas, originadas de tubérculos remanentes luego de la cosecha de un cultivo de papa semilla, representan un serio problema al convertirse en una maleza perenne de difícil control. Esto se debe a que contaminan el lote con tubérculos de distintas variedades que constituyen una fuente potencial de inóculo de diversos patógenos como Phytophthora infestans y Ralstonia salanacearum, virus Y (PVY) y del enrollado de la hoja (PLRV), y nemátodes como Meloidogyne sp. y Nacobus aberrans.EEA BalcarceFil: Noya, Ariel. Actividad privada.Fil: Panaggio, Néstor Hernán. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentina.Fil: Panaggio, Néstor Hernán. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina.Fil: Bedmar, Francisco. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentina.Fil: Bedmar, Francisco. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina.Fil: Capezio, Silvia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentina.Fil: Capezio, Silvia. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina

    HmuS and HmuQ of Ensifer/Sinorhizobium meliloti degrade heme in vitro and participate in heme metabolism in vivo

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    Ensifer meliloti is a nitrogen-fixing symbiont of the alfalfa legume able to use heme as an iron source. The transport mechanism involved in heme acquisition in E. meliloti has been identified and characterized, but the fate of heme once inside the cell is not known. In silico analysis of E. meliloti 1021 genome revealed no canonical heme oxygenases although two genes encoding putative heme degrading enzymes, smc01518 and hmuS, were identified. SMc01518 is similar to HmuQ of Bradyrhizobium japonicum, which is weakly homologous to the Staphylococcus aureus IsdG heme-degrading monooxygenase, whereas HmuS is homolog to Pseudomonas aeruginosa PhuS, a protein reported as a heme chaperone and as a heme degrading enzyme. Recombinant HmuQ and HmuS were able to bind hemin with a 1:1 stoichiometry and displayed a Kd value of 5 and 4 lM, respectively. HmuS degrades heme in vitro to the biliverdin isomers IX-b and IX-d in an equimolar ratio. The HmuQ recombinant protein degrades heme to biliverdin IX-d only. Additionally, in this work we demonstrate that humS and hmuQ gene expression is regulated by iron and heme in a RirA dependent manner and that both proteins are involved in heme metabolism in E. meliloti in vivo.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovació

    Avaliación dun etiquetador automático estatístico para o galego actual: Xiada

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    We evaluate, from a linguistic point of view, a statistical automatic labelling machine, which is explained together by the Center Ramón Piñeiro on Humanities Research and the COLE Group of Vigo and La Coruña Universities, and which also set aside for labelling the papers of Present Galician Reference Corpus so as to provide tools and resources for the computational linguistic analysis of Present Galician.Neste traballo avaliamos, dende o punto de vista lingüístico, un etiquetador automático estatístico, desenvolto conxuntamente polo Centro Ramón Piñeiro para a Investigación en Humanidades e o Grupo COLE das Universidades de Vigo e A Coruña, destinado a etiquetar os documentos do Corpus de Referencia do Galego Actual co obxecto de proporcionar recursos e ferramentas para a análise lingüística computacional do galego actual

    Knowledge of oral cancer and preventive attitudes of Spanish dentists. Primary effects of a pilot educational intervention

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    Objective: To assess the knowledge and preventive attitudes that Spanish dentists have towards oral cancer, before and after an educational intervention. Methods: A quasi-experimental study based on a nationwide intervention. All Spanish dentists were offered an on-site course on oral cancer. An individual questionnaire was administered before and after attending the course. The main outcome measures were systematic examination of the oral cavity, promotion of healthy habits and knowledge of clinical aspects. Results: 440 GDPs entered the study. Age: 40.7±10.7, range 21-74. Professional experience: 13.9±8.9 years, range 0-45. Of those who participated in the study, 53.1% had never attended a course on oral cancer, 72.4% stated that they perform a systematic examination of the oral mucosa, 88.2% provided systematic counselling on tobacco cessation, and 54.7% reported that they did the same for alcohol. In addition, 32.3% advised patients to eat fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants. Professional experience was significantly associated with oral mucosa systematic examination (t= 2.9; p=0.003), advice on alcohol consumption (t=5.0; p=0.000), and on fruit and vegetable intake (t=5.1; p<0.001). None of these practices were specifically associated with knowledge on oral cancer. All areas of knowledge examined showed statistically significant improvement after the educational intervention. Conclusions: The intervention appears to have improved the GDP´s knowledge, confirming the importance of this national campaign

    A new small regulatory protein, HmuP, modulates haemin acquisition in Sinorhizobium meliloti

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    Sinorhizobium meliloti has multiple systems for iron acquisition, including the use of haem as an iron source. Haem internalization involves the ShmR haem outer membrane receptor and the hmuTUV locus, which participates in haem transport across the cytoplasmic membrane. Previous studies have demonstrated that expression of the shmR gene is negatively regulated by iron through RirA. Here, we identify hmuP in a genetic screen for mutants that displayed aberrant control of shmR. The normal induction of shmR in response to iron limitation was lost in the hmuP mutant, showing that this gene positively affects shmR expression. Moreover, the HmuP protein is not part of the haemin transporter system. Analysis of gene expression and siderophore production indicates that disruption of hmuP does not affect other genes related to the iron-restriction response. Our results strongly indicate that the main function of HmuP is the transcriptional regulation of shmR. Sequence alignment of HmuP homologues and comparison with the NMR structure of Rhodopseudomonas palustris CGA009 HmuP protein revealed that certain amino acids localized within predicted β-sheets are well conserved. Our data indicate that at least one of the β-sheets is important for HmuP activity