110 research outputs found

    Intercultural awareness through El Lazarillo de Tormes and Oliver Twist: a comparative proposal through intertextuality

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    La enseñanza y recepción de la literatura en Educación Secundaria vive en nuestros días en un continuo debate educativo: mientras que, entre los docentes, existe un consenso generalizado sobre el valor educativo de la literatura tanto desde un punto de vista formativo como desde la perspectiva académica; los intereses de los jóvenes por la literatura universal se alejan cada vez más de sus hábitos lectores. ¿Cómo acercar, entonces, los clásicos, a las nuevas generaciones y que disfruten del placer de su lectura? Desde nuestra investigación, apostamos por el encuentro de dos disciplinas de estudio -Literatura Comparada y Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura- al considerar que posibilitan el desarrollo del intertexto lector en la recepción de la obra desde una visión intercultural. Para ello, desde esta perspectiva, desarrollamos una propuesta didáctica para trabajar dos obras claves desde una perspectiva intercultural: El Lazarillo de Tormes y Oliver Twist

    Small particle-size talc is associated with poor outcome and increased inflammation in thoracoscopic pleurodesis

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    Rationale: Talc is very effective for pleurodesis, but there is concern about complications, especially acute respiratory distress syndrome. Objectives: It was the aim of this study to investigate if talc with a high concentration of small particles induces greater production of cytokines, and if pleural tumor burden has any influence on the local production and spillover of cytokines to the systemic circulation and eventual complications. Methods: We investigated 227 consecutive patients with malignant effusion submitted to talc pleurodesis. One hundred and three patients received 'small-particle talc' (ST; containing about 50% particles <10 ¿m) and 124 received 'large-particle talc' (with <20% particles <10 ¿m). Serial samples of both pleural fluid and blood were taken before and 3, 24, 48 and 72 h after thoracoscopy. Also, mesothelial cells were stimulated with both types of talc in vitro. Measurements and Results: Interleukin-8, tumor necrosis factor-¿, vascular endothelial growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor and thrombin-antithrombin complex were measured in all samples. Early death (<7 days after talc) occurred in 8 of 103 patients in the ST and in 1 of 124 in the 'large-particle talc' group (p = 0.007). Patients who received ST had significantly higher proinflammatory cytokines in pleural fluid and serum after talc application, and also in supernatants of the in vitro study. Pleural tumor burden correlated positively with proinflammatory cytokines in serum, suggesting that advanced tumor states induce stronger systemic reactions after talc application. Conclusions: ST provokes a strong inflammatory reaction in both pleural space and serum, which is associated with a higher rate of early deaths observed in patients receiving it.Instituto de Salud Carlos III FIS 04/028

    The adolescent as a reader of literary texts: literary reading habits in Secondary Education

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    Este estudio pretende conocer los títulos que se incluyen en los hábitos de lectura de los estudiantes de 4º de ESO y averiguar qué clásicos de la literatura infantil y juvenil universal conocen para analizar, finalmente, qué relación existe entre estos datos y la naturaleza de los distintos centros educativos de procedencia. Se ha seleccionado una muestra representativa de 647 alumnos, con valoración muestral d=0.05, que respondieron a un cuestionario para determinar los distintos perfiles lectores. Los resultados indican cuatro grupos lectores: no lectores, lectores accidentales, medios y habituales. Se comprueba de manera significativa que alumnos categorizados como no lectores y lectores accidentales de obras académicas concentran el mismo número de lecturas por placer que lectores habituales. Se demuestra que existe una base común de lecturas a todos los jóvenes que son títulos con gran calado en el mercado editorial. Se verifica que la mayoría de los centros concentran una población lectora accidental. Los resultados de la investigación ofrecen argumentos para defender la necesidad de itinerarios formativos donde se incluyan títulos del interés del alumnado junto con obras canónicas para una educación literaria.This study aims to find out which titles are included in the reading habits of students in the 4th year of ESO and to find out which classics of universal children's and young people's literature they know in order to analyse, finally, what relationship exists between this data and the nature of the different educational centres of origin. A representative sample of 647 secondary education students was selected, with sample valuation d = 0.05, who answered a questionnaire about their reader profile. The results show four reader groups: nonreaders, accidental, middle and frequent readers. Significant results are found: students categorized as nonreaders and accidental readers of universal literary works show the same number of readings for pleasure as frequent readers. From the results of the research, the creation of formative routes is defended, including titles of student's interest along with classical pieces of work for a literary education

    Metodología de actualización de un repositorio de metadatos para la descripción de relaciones jerárquicas entre conjuntos de datos espaciales en el contexto de IDEAragon.

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    Los metadatos son datos sobre los datos; un conjunto de elementos que, a partir de una semán-tica normalizada, hacen una descripción bibliográfica de recursos electrónicos. Nacen, pues, de la necesidad de recuperar la información electrónica tanto dispersa y se han desarrollado, princi-palmente, para describir el contenido y la localización de la información presente a Internet. El objetivo de este proyecto de fin de máster es establecer una metodología de actualización de un repositorio de metadatos para la descripción de relaciones jerárquicas entre conjuntos de da-tos espaciales en el contexto de IDEAragon, que se ha desarrollado en diversos procesos tales como: la definición de una metodología de actualización y mejora de un repositorio de metadatos para la descripción de relaciones jerárquicas, la definición de un protocolo de creación de un servicio CSW de Geonetwork para la recolección de datos de diversas fuentes y la aplicación de las metodologías a un escenario real: harvesting y la actualización de los repositorios de metadatos del Instituto Geográfico de Aragón. Tras realizar todos estos procesos se han obtenido diversos resultados mayormente positivos

    Smartphone-Based Localization for Passengers Commuting in Traffic Hubs

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    Passengers commute between different modes of transportation in traffic hubs, and the passenger localization is a key component for the well-funtioning of these spaces. The smartphone-based localization system presented in this work is based on the 3D step&heading approach, which is adapted depending on the position of the smartphone, i.e. held in the hand or in the front pocket of the trousers. We use the accelerometer, gyroscope and barometer embedded in the smartphone to detect the steps and the direction of movement of the passenger. To correct the accumulated error, we detect landmarks, particularly staircases and elevators. To test our localization algorithm, we have recorded real-world mobility data in out test station in Munich city center where we have ground truth points. We achieve a 3D position accuracy of 12 meters for a smartphone held in the hand and 10 meters when the phone is placed in the front pocket of the trousers

    Elucidation of water promoter effect of proton conductor in wgs reaction over pt-based catalyst: An operando drifts study

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    A conventional Pt/CeO2/Al2O3 catalyst physically mixed with an ionic conductor (Mo-or Eu-doped ZrO2) was tested at high space velocity (20,000 h−1 and 80 L h−1 gcat−1) under model conditions (only with CO and H2O) and industrial conditions, with a realistic feed. The promoted system with the ionic conductor physically mixed showed better catalytic activity associated with better water dissociation and mobility, considered as a rate-determining step. The water activation was assessed by operando diffuse reflectance infrared fourier transformed spectroscopy (DRIFTS) studies under reaction conditions and the Mo-containing ionic conductor exhibited the presence of both dissociated (3724 cm−1) and physisorbed (5239 cm−1) water on the Eu-doped ZrO2 solid solution, which supports the appearance of proton conductivity by Grotthuss mechanism. Moreover, the band at 3633 cm−1 ascribed to hydrated Mo oxide, which increases with the temperature, explains the increase of catalytic activity when the physical mixture was used in a water gas shift (WGS) reaction.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades ENE2015-66975-C3-2-R, RTI2018-096294-B-C

    Characterization of the ozone effect over an α-amylase from Bacillus licheniformis

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    Starch usually soils industrial process equipment, hence demanding specific washing procedures to ensure optimal products and reliable process performance. α-Amylases have been included in detergent formulations to hydrolyse starch making easier its elimination. Ozone is frequently used as disinfectant but could also help to remove the starchy soils improving the cleaning process. To study the effect of ozone on the enzyme, the ozonation of an α-amylase from Bacillus licheniformis at pH 7.5 and 25°C was carried out. Enzyme activity assays showed that the relative α-amylase activity after ozonation decreased with increasing ozone/enzyme molar ratio exponentially. On the other hand, the ozone concentration after the reaction was negligible as some enzymatic activity remained, being the ozone consumption fast due to the high reaction kinetics of aromatic and sulfur-containing amino acids residues of the enzyme. The UV and MALDI-TOF mass spectra confirmed the oxidation of these amino acids, while the peptide bonds were unaffected. Therefore the loss of the α-amylase activity observed would be caused by the oxidation of amino acids residues directly involved in the hydrolysis mechanism such as tyrosine and histidine and/or by denaturation of the enzyme upon amino acid residues oxidation.Grupos de Investigación RNM332 y TEP21

    The nodD1 Gene of Sinorhizobium fredii HH103 Restores Nodulation Capacity on Bean in a Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899 nodD1/nodD2 Mutant, but the Secondary Symbiotic Regulators nolR, nodD2 or syrM Prevent HH103 to Nodulate with This Legume

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    Rhizobial NodD proteins and appropriate flavonoids induce rhizobial nodulation gene expression. In this study, we show that the nodD1 gene of Sinorhizobium fredii HH103, but not the nodD2 gene, can restore the nodulation capacity of a double nodD1/nodD2 mutant of Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899 in bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris). S. fredii HH103 only induces pseudonodules in beans. We have also studied whether the mutation of different symbiotic regulatory genes may affect the symbiotic interaction of HH103 with beans: ttsI (the positive regulator of the symbiotic type 3 protein secretion system), and nodD2, nolR and syrM (all of them controlling the level of Nod factor production). Inactivation of either nodD2, nolR or syrM, but not that of ttsI, affected positively the symbiotic behavior of HH103 with beans, leading to the formation of colonized nodules. Acetylene reduction assays showed certain levels of nitrogenase activity that were higher in the case of the nodD2 and nolR mutants. Similar results have been previously obtained by our group with the model legume Lotus japonicus. Hence, the results obtained in the present work confirm that repression of Nod factor production, provided by either NodD2, NolR or SyrM, prevents HH103 to effectively nodulate several putative host plants.España Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Universidades projects AGL2016-77163-R and PID2019-107634RB-I00España Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Universidades FPU18/06248

    Feasibility study: Magnetic-based passenger localization in train stations

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    Train stations are a key element of any transport network because they concentrate a large amount of passenger traffic on a daily basis. Passenger localization in train stations is though limited nowadays by the lack of satellite reception indoors and underground. A possible solution could be to use magnetometers, since they are embedded in today’s smartphones and are available in all urban environments. One of the most extended algorithms to perform magnetic localization is magnetic fingerprinting, however magnetic fingerprinting has not yet been proved viable in train stations. The aim of this article is to present a feasibility study of the possibility to apply magnetic fingerprinting in train stations to locate passengers. We have measured and analyzed the magnetic maps of different train stations in Munich, Germany. Our results show that, the functioning of the trains and the electric topology of the stations hinder the passenger localization using magnetic fingerprinting
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