128 research outputs found

    Wing morphometrics for identification of forensically important blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in Iberian Peninsula

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    Calliphoridae is a family of Diptera of great forensic interest because some of its species belong to the sarcosaprophagous diptera community, as their larvae are necrophagous or necrophilous. In the Iberian Peninsula there are six species that stand out, as they are the first insects to arrive at carrion: Calliphora vicina, Calliphora vomitoria, Lucilia sericata, Lucilia caesar, Chrysomya albiceps and Chrysomya megacephala. To differentiate among these blowflies, we compared the value of using traditional and geometric morphometrics by performing a morphometric analysis of the wings (shape and size). A total of 600 individuals were considered, segregated by species and sex equally. Seventeen landmarks per wing were recognized, and then centroid size and shape analyses were performed using geometric morphometrics, and size using traditional morphometrics, to identify species and sex. The results showed differences in shape among the species and it was found that landmarks 2 to 11 were the most variable, while the landmarks located at the base of the wings were relatively stable. However, according to both traditional and geometric morphometrics, no significant differences were found among species in wing size (Calliphora vicina, Chrysomya megacephala and Lucilia caesar were indistinguishable), but females were larger than males (except for the two Chrysomya species). Our results indicate that the use of geometric morphometrics to analyze wing configuration (shape) is an easy-to-use tool that helps to distinguish among common blowfly species of forensic importance.AMS was supported by projects of University of Alicante (No. GRE09-27) and Generalitat Valenciana (No. GV2011/039)

    Assessment-oriented Java development vs. Clickers' use in formal assessment of basic principles of dental radiology: The opinion of dentistry students

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    [EN]The integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has generated a change in teaching methodologies au university level. The objective of this study is to check the effectiveness of interactive processes in summative assessment or learning-oriented assessment contexts using electronic self assessment processes (Java application) versus the use of audience response systems (ARS) or “clickers” in the classroom, from the point of view of students’ satisfaction measurement. The sample for this study is composed by the students of the first year of the Degree on Dentistry of the School of Medicine of the University of Salamanca, and which was carried out by means of a questionnaire, where 1 stood for total disagreement and 7 for absolute agreement; together with an statistical analysis (Conbach alpha) that allows us to value the reliability of the answers obtained. Results reflect the students’ answers to the questionnaire, as well as the relationship between the two systems. To conclude, there are certain coincidences when judging both assessment tools, but we also observe that there is a better predisposition towards Java system rather than to clickers. The job done by a coordinated interdisciplinary team formed by members of different areas has made it possible to build and validate interesting pedagogical materials, as well as to develop formative assessment strategies that could be generalized to other subjects in different degrees

    Statistical analysis on metric and geometric features of dolmens in the Gor river megalithic landscape (Granada, Andalusia, Spain)

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    Funding for open access charge: University of Granada/CBUA.The construction of dolmens took place in Europe from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (fifth millennium BC–second millennium BC) and had a rapid development along the Atlantic façade, with an important focus in Andalusia. Within this area, the megalithic necropolises located in the banks of the Gor River (Granada, Andalusia, Spain) are studied. In this paper, multivariate techniques are applied to characterize the dolmens associated with the Gor river megalithic landscape by means of two analyses. First, a new classification of the dolmens in necropolises using their location variables produces an optimal number of 8 necropolis instead of the traditional 11. In addition, this classification improves the traditional spatial division of the dolmens because there is no overlapping between necropolises. Secondly, a multivariate analysis of the dimensional variables, which aims to detect possible constructional patterns, is performed obtaining three main variables of grouping. The first two, length and width of the chamber, can be summarized as the area of the chamber and, in terms of this, the dolmens can be classified into two main groups. The third one, the length of the corridor, can be considered as a factor for intragroup discrimination.University of Granada/CBU

    Las relaciones centro/periferia en el Valle del Guadalquivir del III milenio ANE. La circulación de hojas de caliza oolítica silicificada

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    Este estudio presenta una interpretación, en términos de relaciones centro-periferia, por medio de un análisis petrológico, morfométrico, espacial y contextual de las hojas de caliza oolítica silicificada documentadas en yacimientos arqueológicos fechados en el III milenio ANE, en el sur de la Península Ibérica. Este análisis documenta la existencia de redes de circulación supra-regionales de productos acabados, altamente estandarizados, sobre una distancia de más de 500 km, y un área de más de 222.000 km2 . Adicionalmente, convierte a las hojas de caliza oolítica silicificada en un indicador arqueológico de las rutas, tipos y contenidos de las relaciones intersociales de y en torno al marco de jerarquización entre asentamientos del Valle del Guadalquivir desde 3000 hasta 2500 ANE, señalando la emergencia y colapso de un sistema político.This study offers an alternative explanation, in terms of core/periphery relationships, by means of a petrologic, morphometric, spatial and contextual analysis of the silicified oolitic limestone blades found in archaeological sites dated back to the third millennium ANE in southern Iberia. This suggests the existence of a supra-regional circulation of highly standardized, finished products, which spread over a distance of more than 500 km, and an area of over 222.000 km2 . In this sense, the blades have become the first archaeological indicator of the paths, types and contents of the relationships developed within and around the inter-settlement hierarchical framework of the Guadalquivir Valley from 3000 to 2500 BC, accounting for the emergence and collapse of a political system

    Seasonality of phytophagous beetles (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) in an oak forest of the northeastern colombian Andes

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    Objetivo: Realizar análisis sobre la estacionalidad de la familia Melolonthidae en un robledal aledaño al Parque Natural Regional Páramo de Santurbán, municipio de California, Santander, Colombia, del mismo modo, explorar el comportamiento de los gremios alimenticios encontrados en los muestreos. Alcance: Contrastar el hecho de que los Melolonthidae (y los diferentes gremios) sufren variaciones anuales que, en cierto modo, pueden estar relacionadas con diversos factores estacionales o ambientales. Metodología: Se usaron trampas de luz, carpotrampas con fruta y colecta manual dentro de un robledal aledaño al Parque Natural Regional Paramo de Santurbán, municipio de California, Santander, Colombia. Se realizaron análisis sobre la estacionalidad de los escarabajos de la familia Melolonthidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea), así como de los gremios alimenticios encontrados, mediante el uso de análisis multivariados (GLM) para establecer la correlación entre ellos, la familia, y los factores estacionales y biofísicos de la zona de estudio. Principales resultados: Se capturaron 1.152 ejemplares de la familia Melolonthidae pertenecientes a 16 géneros y 26 especies. Para la familia Melolonthidae, el promedio de temperaturas mínimas (tm), la precipitación acumulada (P) y la precipitación media (Pmed) explican un alto porcentaje de la variación tanto de la abundancia como de la riqueza de especies. Conclusiones: Los análisis estadísticos no muestran un efecto claro entre los factores que podrían influir sobre la riqueza y abundancia de los diferentes gremios alimenticios de Melolonthidae encontrados para la zona de estudio. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, el presente estudio abre la puerta a la exploración de los efectos causales destacados en los análisis, que podrían tener una gran importancia para la biodiversidad de los diferentes gremios de escarabajos Melolonthidae.Objective: To perform analyses on the seasonality of the Melolonthidae family in an oak grove adjacent to the Paramo de Santurbán Regional Natural Park, municipality of California, Santander, Colombia, as well as to explore the behavior of the food guilds found in the samplings. Scope: To contrast the fact that the Melolonthidae (and the different guilds) present annual variations that, in a certain way, can be related to several seasonal or environmental factors. Methodology: Light traps, fruit-traps and manual collection were used in an oak grove adjacent to the Paramo de Santurbán Regional Natural Park, municipality of California, Santander, Colombia. Analysis of the seasonality of beetles of the Melolonthidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) family, as well as the food guilds, were carried out using multivariate analyses (GLM) to establish the correlation between them, the family, and the seasonal and biophysical factors in the study area. Main results: A total of 1,152 specimens of the Melolonthidae family, belonging to 16 genera and 26 species, were captured. The average minimum temperatures (mt), accumulated precipitation (P) and mean precipitation (medP) explain a high percentage of the variation of both abundance and species richness for the Melolonthidae family. Conclusions: The statistical analyses do not show a clear effect between the factors that could influence the richness and abundance of the different food guilds of Melolonthidae found for the study area. Based on the results obtained, the present study opens the door to the exploration of the causal effects highlighted in the analyses, which could have a great importance for the biodiversity of the different Melolonthidae beetle guilds

    Fases del modelo didáctico-procesal seguidas en la construcción de simulaciones en la asignatura de Física Médica para el contexto de enseñanza-aprendizaje virtual

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    This research article is a theoretical and applied analysis of the phases of the pedagogical model followed in the construction of simulations in the field of Medical Physics. There is also an analysis of how the model contributes to the acquisition of procedural knowledge in medical education and how simulators are useful for the teaching of processes. By following the phases of this model in a particular case, some specific information has been obtained about an interactive simulation which was designed for the purpose of investigating the magnetic resonance phenomenon. This simulation was used as a teaching resource on a virtual education platform. It is important to note the interdisciplinary contributions of Cognitive Psychology, Information Technology, Education Sciences, Physics and Medicine. All of these fields contributed to the analysis of the way in which the acquisition of problem solving skills required in Medical Physics occurs through the use of simulations.Presentamos un análisis teórico-aplicado de las fases del modelo pedagógico seguidas en la construcción de simulaciones en el ámbito disciplinar de la Física Médica. Analizamos las aportaciones del modelo a la adquisición del conocimiento procesal en el campo de la educación médica, y por qué los simuladores son útiles en la enseñanza de procesos. Así mismo, informamos de una experiencia llevada a cabo mediante la construcción de una simulación interactiva sobre el fenómeno de resonancia magnética, a través de los pasos de dicho modelo. Esta simulación fue utilizada como recurso de enseñanza en una plataforma de docencia virtual. Hacemos hincapié en contribuciones interdisciplinares de la Psicología Cognitiva, la Informática, las Ciencias de la Educación, la Física y la Medicina. Todas ellas, proporcionan información para el análisis de los elementos relevantes en la adquisición de las habilidades necesarias para la resolución de problemas en física médica a través de simuladores


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    El conjunto megalítico del valle del río Gor (Granada) es una de las mayores agrupaciones dolménicas que se encuentran en Europa. A pesar de su gran entidad, encontramos aún en la actualidad grandes lagunas en la investigación de estas necrópolis, así como una evidente falta de medidas de conservación de las mismas. En este trabajo presentamos los resultados de una nueva campaña de documentación de estos megalitos realizada en el verano de 2019 con un triple fin: el registro y documentación de la totalidad de los dólmenes conservados en la actualidad, la evaluación del estado de conservación de los mismos y la creación de una base de datos completa y exhaustiva que sirva como base para la investigación de los monumentos desde el punto de vista de la Arqueología del Territorio. A lo largo de este trabajo de documentación se han registrado un total de 151 dólmenes conservados, de los cuales 5 no habían sido referenciados previamente. De forma paralela se han identificado una serie de problemas que han marcado el actual estado de conservación o la desaparición de los monumentos. La base de datos georreferenciada a partir de coordenadas UTM (ETRS89), objetivo último de esta campaña, consta de 65 variables, muchas de ellas calculadas mediante algoritmos GIS, lo que ha permitido la aplicación de técnicas estadísticas para extraer y categorizar la información registrada. Un primer análisis descriptivo muestra aspectos que ayudan a avanzar en el conocimiento del megalitismo en el valle del río Gor, señalando también futuras líneas de investigación relativas a la caracterización, detección de patrones constructivos o la necesidad de una nueva propuesta de clasificación espacial de los dólmenes. The megalithic necropolises of Gor river (Granada, Spain) compose one of the biggest dolmenic aggrupations of Europe. Despite its great entity, a lack of research focused on these groups and the need of real conservation measures can clearly be observed. This paper presents the results of a new documentation work carried out in summer 2019 with a triple aim: to record and document the entirety of the megaliths preserved in the present, to evaluate the conservation status of them and to create a complete and thorough database that will be the base for the study of the monuments from the approach of the Archaeology of Territory. Along this work of documentation 151 conserved dolmens have been registered, from which 5 hadn’t been referenced till the present. In a parallel way, several problems that have influenced the current state of conservation and the disappearance of many monuments have been identified. The georeferenced database by UTM coordinates (ETRS89), main objective of this work, is composed by 65 variables, most of them calculated by GIS algorithms. This has allowed the application of statistical techniques in order to extract and categorize the registered information. A preliminary and descriptive analysis shows several questions that represent a great advance for the knowledge of the megalithism in the valley of the Gor river, pointing out also several lines of research related to the characterization, the detections of constructive patterns or the need of a new proposal for the spatial classification of the dolmens.&nbsp

    Control of lymphocyte shape and the chemotactic response by the GTP exchange factor Vav

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    7 FiguresRho GTPases control many facets of cell polarity and migration; namely, the reorganization of the cellular cytoskeleton to extracellular stimuli. Rho GTPases are activated by GTP exchange factors (GEFs), which induce guanosine diphosphate (GDP) release and the stabilization of the nucleotide-free state. Thus, the role of GEFs in the regulation of the cellular response to extracellular cues during cell migration is a critical step of this process. In this report, we have analyzed the activation and subcellular localization of the hematopoietic GEF Vav in human peripheral blood lymphocytes stimulated with the chemokine stromal cell–derived factor-1 (SDF-1α). We show a robust activation of Vav and its redistribution to motility-associated subcellular structures, and we provide biochemical evidence of the recruitment of Vav to the membrane of SDF-1α–activated human lymphocytes, where it transiently interacts with the SDF-1α receptor CXCR4. Overexpression of a dominant negative form of Vav abolished lymphocyte polarization, actin polymerization, and migration. SDF-1α–mediated cell polarization and migration also were impaired by overexpression of an active, oncogenic Vav, although the mechanism appears to be different. Together, our data postulate a pivotal role for Vav in the transmission of the migratory signal through the chemokine receptor CXCR4.From the Servicio de Inmunología, Hospital Universitario de la Princesa,Madrid, Spain; Centro de Investigación del Cáncer (CIC), Campus Miguel deUnamuno, Salamanca, Spain; and Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (UASLP), San Luis Potosí, Mexico.Peer reviewe