216 research outputs found

    Biocombustibles sólidos de segunda generación: levantamiento preliminar de resíduos sólidos con posibilidades de aprovechamiento energético en la ciudad de Foz de Yguazu y alrededores

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    Anais do IV Encontro de Iniciação Científica da Unila - “UNILA 5 anos: Integração em Ciência, Tecnologia e Cultura na Tríplice Fronteira” - 05 e 06 de novembro de 2015 – Sessão Engenharia Civil e Engenharia de Energías RenováveisActualmente en el Brasil se lanza a la basura millones de toneladas de residuos sólidos agroindustriales. La ciudad de Foz de Iguazú y alrededores no son una excepción de esta situación, diariamente son producidas toneladas de residuos agroindustriales, la mayoría de los cuales son inadecuadamente tratados, pudiendo ser reutilizados para evitar que continúen contaminando el aire, el agua y los suelos. En ese contexto este trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar la demanda de biocombustibles de las empresas de la Región de Foz de Iguazú, para evaluar la introducción en el mercado de tecnologías para la producción de biocombustibles sólidos de segunda generación, específicamente la producción de briquetas y pellets a partir de residuos agroindustriales en la ciudad de Foz de Iguazú y alrededores. Para el estudio, se realizó una investigación de campo con un levantamiento de datos de dichos establecimientos, mediante encuestas con una serie de preguntas relacionadas a la cantidad de pizzas producidas, el tipo de combustible utilizado, la cantidad media de clientes, si utilizan briquetas entre otras, con el objetivo de determinar la demanda de biocombustibles utilizada para la cocción de alimentos. Posteriormente se procedió al procesamiento de datos, se obtuvo una muestra de 48 establecimientos entre ellas (Pizzerías y Restaurantes), de los cuales el 81% pertenecen al ramo gastronómico de Pizzerias y el 19% Restaurante & Pizzaria. Ninguno de los locales encuestados utilizan briquetas o pellets. Alrededor del 58% de ellos utilizan gas envasado o embotellado y un 42% el uso de leña. Debido a que las pizzerías y restaurantes encuestados tienen diferentes capacidades de consumo de combustible para cocinar una pizza no pudo ser determinada con exactitud la relación entre cantidad de combustible utilizado y el número de pizzas vendidas ya que es difícil de estimar la cantidad de madera, gas o cualquier combustible utilizado que debe asegurarse de que el horno se mantenga caliente durante un cierto período de tiempo, independientemente del número pizzas. La aplicación práctica de los conocimientos generados por este proyecto, además de los beneficios ambientales, contribuirá con impactos positivos, como el aumento de la eficiencia energética, tecnológica y la mejora de la combustión en calderas y hornos, debido al menor contenido de humedad de las briquetas y pellets, y el ahorro financiero de la sustitución de los combustibles fósiles. La mayoría de los locales censados, el 80% no tienen conocimiento sobre los biocombustibles. las briquetas ni los pellets, por lo que llenar los vacíos de conocimientos sobre la viabilidad de la utilización de biocombustibles sólidos, sin duda serán de gran ayuda para eliminar la desconfianza de los inversores, y justificar y fomentar el desarrollo sostenible de esta región.Bolsista Fundación Araucária (FA

    Comprehensive framework for the development of control and navigation systems of autonomous underwater vehicles: the mission-sicuva project

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    This paper presents an overview of coordinated project MISSION-SICUVA, and the results achieved at its recent completion. A prototype of UUV has been built with an orientation to oceanographic research and test of new control algorithms. It consist of an underwater vehicle towing a surface buoy, with applications such as monitoring water quality, high resolution bathymetry of the seabed and its map projection. New biological inspired navigation algorithms have been implemented using a comprehensive component based development framework

    Comprehensive framework for the development of control and navigation systems of autonomous underwater vehicles: the mission-sicuva project

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    Los resúmenes se publicarán e imprimirán en la revista Instrumentation Viewpoint: ISSN: 1886-4864 y se incluirán en los materiales de la conferencia. Los artículos completos se publicarán electrónicamente como actas de la conferencia.This paper presents an overview of coordinated project MISSION-SICUVA, and the results achieved at its recent completion. A prototype of UUV has been built with an orientation to oceanographic research and test of new control algorithms. It consist of an underwater vehicle towing a surface buoy, with applications such as monitoring water quality, high resolution bathymetry of the seabed and its map projection. New biological inspired navigation algorithms have been implemented using a comprehensive component based development framewo

    Perception of Medical Students on the Need for End-of-Life Care: A Q-Methodology Study

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    End-of-life care and the limitation of therapeutic effort are among the most controversial aspects of medical practice. Many subjective factors can influence decision-making regarding these issues. The Q methodology provides a scientific basis for the systematic study of subjectivity by identifying different thought patterns. This methodology was performed to find student profiles in 143 students at Cantabria University (Spain), who will soon deal with difficult situations related to this topic. A chi-square test was used to compare proportions. We obtained three profiles: the first seeks to ensure quality of life and attaches great importance to the patient's wishes; the second prioritizes life extension above anything else; the third incorporates the economic perspective into medical decision-making. Those who had religious beliefs were mostly included in profile 2 (48.8% vs. 7.3% in profile 1 and 43.9% in profile 3), and those who considered that their beliefs did not influence their ethical principles, were mainly included in profile 3 (48.5% vs. 24.7% in profile 1 and 26.8% in profile 2). The different profiles on end-of-life care amongst medical students are influenced by personal factors. Increasing the clinical experience of students with terminally ill patients would contribute to the development of knowledge-based opinion profiles and would avoid reliance on personal experiences.Funding: This research received a grant from the Spanish Minister of Education (Beca de colaboración

    A cost-effective robotic solution for the cleaning of ships' hulls

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    Hull cleaning before repainting is a key operation in the maintenance of ships. For more than a decade, a means to improve this operation has been sought through robotization and the use of different techniques such as grit blasting and ultra high pressure water jetting. Despite this, it continues to be standard practice in shipyards that this process is carried out manually. This paper presents a family of robots that aims to offer important improvements to the process as well as satisfying, to a great extent, all the operative requirements of efficiency, security, and respect for the environment that shipyards nowadays demand. It is described the family of devices with emphasis on the mechanical design. This set consists of two vertical robotic towers and a robot climber. In addition, it is shown the control architecture of the global system. Finally, operative results are presented together with a comparison between the performance achieved in shipyards through the use of these robots and those obtained with a manual process.The work submitted here has been developed within the framework of the “EFTCoR: Environmentally Friendly and Cost-Effective Technology for Coating Removal (EFTCoR)” project, Fifth Frame Programme of the European Community (ref. GRD2-2001-50004). It has also received financing from the Spanish government (national plan of I + D + I, PET 2008-0131 and MEDWSA-TIN2006-5175-CO5-O2) and from the Government of the Region of Murcia (Séneca Foundation)

    Análisis de la variabilidad y relaciones filogenéticas de las razas equinas autóctonas españolas de aptitud cárnica a partir del ADN mitocondrial

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    P. 283-289Se han estudiado la variabilidad y relaciones genéticas de las cuatro poblaciones equinas de aptitud cárnica de España de protección especial (41 muestras) (Burguete (BUR): 10, Jaca Navarra (JAC): 11, Hispano Bretón (HB): 10 y Agrupación Hipermétrica del Pirineo (AHP): 10) a través del estudio del ADN mitocondrial (ADNmt). Se han encontrado 15 haplotipos en las 4 razas analizadas determinados por la existencia de 19 posiciones polimórficas de las cuales 18 han sido posiciones informativas parsimoniosas y 1 no informativa (singleton). La diversidad haplotípica (Hd) ha oscilado entre 0,758 del AHP y 0,993 del BUR siendo el valor medio de todas las razas de de 0,929 (SD = 0,016). La raza JAC ha presentado el mayor valor de diversidad nucleotídica (0,023). Casi la totalidad de los haplotipos encontrados los han compartido las razas analizadas excepto el haplotipo 8 que sólo lo ha presentado la AHP, el haplotipo 10 la raza BUR, los haplotipos 13 y 14 el HB y el haplotipo 15 la raza JAC. No se ha encontrado un agrupamiento claro de las poblaciones analizadas, lo que confirma los múltiples orígenes maternos previamente indicado por varios autores. No obstante, al haberse encontrado haplotipos específicos en las 4 poblaciones analizadas se deben tenerlos en cuenta a la hora de llevar a cabo los planes de conservación.S

    Henoch-Schönlein purpura in northern Spain: clinical spectrum of the disease in 417 patients from a single center

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    The severity of clinical features and the outcomes in previous series of patients reported with Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) vary greatly, probably due to selection bias. To establish the actual clinical spectrum of HSP in all age groups using an unselected and wide series of patients diagnosed at a single center, we performed a retrospective review of 417 patients classified as having HSP according to the criteria proposed by Michel et al. Of 417 patients, 240 were male and 177 female, with a median age at the time of disease diagnosis of 7.5 years (interquartile range [IQR], 5.3-20.1 yr). Three-quarters of the patients were children or young people aged 20 years or younger (n = 315), and one-quarter were adults (n = 102). The most frequent precipitating events were a previous infection (38%), usually an upper respiratory tract infection, and/or drug intake (18.5%) shortly before the onset of the vasculitis. At disease onset the most common manifestations were skin lesions (55.9%), nephropathy (24%), gastrointestinal involvement (13.7%), joint symptoms (9.1%), and fever (6.2%). Cutaneous involvement occurring in all patients, mainly purpuric skin lesion, was the most common manifestation when the vasculitis was fully established, followed by gastrointestinal (64.5%), joint (63.1%), and renal involvement (41.2%). The main laboratory findings were leukocytosis (36.7%), anemia (8.9%), and increased serum IgA levels (31.7%). The most frequent therapies used were corticosteroids (35%), nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (14%), and cytotoxic agents (5%). After a median follow-up of 12 months (IQR, 2-38 mo), complete recovery was observed in most cases (n = 346; 83.2%), while persistent, usually mild, nephropathy was observed in only 32 (7.7%) cases. Relapses were observed in almost a third of patients (n = 133; 31.9%).In conclusion, although HSP is a typical vasculitis affecting children and young people, it is not uncommon in adults. The prognosis is favorable in most cases, depending largely on renal involvement

    Quality of life impact of primary treatments for localized prostate cancer patients without hormonal treatment

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    Purpose Earlier studies evaluating the effect on quality of life (QoL) of localized prostate cancer interventions included patients receiving adjuvant hormone therapy, which could have affected their outcomes. Our objective was to compare the QoL impact of the three most common primary treatments on patients who were not receiving adjuvant hormonal treatment. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This was a prospective study of 435 patients treated with radical prostatectomy, external-beam radiotherapy, or brachytherapy. QoL was assessed before and after treatment with the Short Form-36 and the Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite. Differences between groups were tested by analysis of variance. Distribution of outcome at 3 years was examined by stratifying according to baseline status. Generalized estimating equation models were constructed to assess the effect of treatment over time. RESULTS: Compared with the brachytherapy group, the prostatectomy group showed greater deterioration on urinary incontinence and sexual scores but better urinary irritative-obstructive results (-18.22, -13.19, and +6.38, respectively, at 3 years; P < .001). In patients with urinary irritative-obstructive symptoms at baseline, improvement was observed in 64% of those treated with nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy. Higher bowel worsening (-2.87, P = .04) was observed in the external radiotherapy group, with 20% of patients reporting bowel symptoms. CONCLUSION: Radical prostatectomy caused urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction but improved pre-existing urinary irritative-obstructive symptoms. External radiotherapy and brachytherapy caused urinary irritative-obstructive adverse effects and some sexual dysfunction. External radiotherapy also caused bowel adverse effects. Relevant differences between treatment groups persisted for up to 3 years of follow-up, although the difference in sexual adverse effects between brachytherapy and prostatectomy tended to decline over long-term follow-up. These results provide valuable information for clinical decision making

    Efficacy of Anakinra in Refractory Adult-Onset Still's Disease: Multicenter Study of 41 Patients and Literature Review

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    Adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD) is often refractory to standard therapy. Anakinra (ANK), an interleukin-1 receptor antagonist, has demonstrated efficacy in single cases and small series of AOSD. We assessed the efficacy of ANK in a series of AOSD patients. Multicenter retrospective open-label study. ANK was used due to lack of efficacy to standard synthetic immunosuppressive drugs and in some cases also to at least 1 biologic agent. Forty-one patients (26 women/15 men) were recruited. They had a mean age of 34.4 ± 14 years and a median [interquartile range (IQR)] AOSD duration of 3.5 [2-6] years before ANK onset. At that time the most common clinical features were joint manifestations 87.8%, fever 78%, and cutaneous rash 58.5%. ANK yielded rapid and maintained clinical and laboratory improvement. After 1 year of therapy, the frequency of joint and cutaneous manifestations had decreased to 41.5% and to 7.3% respectively, fever from 78% to 14.6%, anemia from 56.1% to 9.8%, and lymphadenopathy from 26.8% to 4.9%. A dramatic improvement of laboratory parameters was also achieved. The median [IQR] prednisone dose was also reduced from 20 [11.3-47.5] mg/day at ANK onset to 5 [0-10] at 12 months. After a median [IQR] follow-up of 16 [5-50] months, the most important side effects were cutaneous manifestations (n = 8), mild leukopenia (n = 3), myopathy (n = 1), and infections (n = 5). ANK is associated with rapid and maintained clinical and laboratory improvement, even in nonresponders to other biologic agents. However, joint manifestations are more refractory than the systemic manifestations