449 research outputs found

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    Brecha e inclusión digital en Chile : los desafíos de una nueva alfabetización

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    La brecha digital en Chile no es tan grande como parece. Los últimos datos obtenidos por una encuesta que también se realiza en casi una veintena de países indican que al menos un 66% de los chilenos es usuario directo o indirecto de Internet y por lo tanto, tiene acceso a esta tecnología. De esta manera, la alfabetización digital debiera centrarse en iniciativas que ayuden a superar la falta de acceso por decisión propia o por falta de destrezas. En el presente artículo se dará cuenta del estado de la brecha digital en Chile y las iniciativas que se han desarrollado para superarla, desde el ámbito público y el privado.__________________________________Digital divide in Chile is not as large as it seems. Last figures obtained from a research made in aproximately twenty countries shows that at least 65% of the Chilean people are users of the Internet and have access to this technology. Therefore, digital literacy should focus on activities which would help to surpass the lack of access either by own decision or lack of skills. The following paper shows the situation of the digital divide in Chile and the activities developed in order to surpass it in both private and public areas

    Investment in public transport projects in cities: What do citizens think about it?

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    In recent years, important public transport infrastructures projects have been carried out in Andalusia (Spain), some of them having an important impact on life in the metropolitan areas. Nevertheless, no studies have been done to know the citizens’ opinion concerning these projects. This article presents an analysis about the citizens’ perception on this matter, based on a 2015 survey with a sample of 1,200 individuals living in the Andalusian capital cities. Citizens’ perceptions about public transport infrastructures are analyzed, based on citizens’ mobility preferences, on their opinion about transport infrastructures’ social impact and about their adequation to the city they live in. Results indicate that people living in cities which already have underground have a larger preference for underground means of transport than those who live in cities that only have transit on surface. In addition, it is proved that light rail is the most unpopular transport mode among citizens.Agencia de Obra Pública de Andalucía y Unión Europea a través de "Herramienta para la evaluación previa de infraestructuras de transporte público" con código GGI3003IDIE con la colaboración de la Universidad de Granada y el Departamento de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad de Granada

    Model and neural control of the depth of anesthesia during surgery

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    At present, the experimentation of anesthetic drugs on patients requires a regulation protocol, and the response of each patient to several doses of entry drug must be well known. Therefore, the development of pharmacological dose control systems is a promising field of research in anesthesiology. In this paper it has been developed a non-linear compartmental pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamical model which describes the anesthesia depth effect on a sufficiently reliable way over a set of patients with the depth effect quantified by the Bi-Spectral Index. Afterwards, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) predictive controller has been designed based on the depth of anesthesia model so as to keep the patient on the optimum condition while he undergoes surgical treatment. For the purpose of quantifying the efficiency of the neural predictive controller, a classical proportional-integral-derivative controller has also been developed to compare both strategies. Results show the superior performance of predictive neural controller during Bi- Spectral Index reference tracking.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    From the Transmission of Knowledge to the Dialogical Model in the Teaching-Learning Process

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    In the society of communication and information, the relationships between individuals have changed substantially. The school, as a reflection of the society and that the students are going to inherit, cannot be left out. Previous educational conceptions focused on the individual in isolation, now subjects must be considered in relation to their cultural and social contexts. Societies have taken a dialogical turn of such a magnitude that the educational sciences cannot and should not be overlooked. This article intends to expose the firm idea that a new conception of learning should be promoted that leads to higher levels of understanding of reality and allows students to have an active control in their own learning process. Dialogic learning emerges from the evidence of how people learn dialogically. This being so, the role of the teacher acquires a new dimension

    Linking school improvement with a better qualification for teachers. The need for change in the Spanish educational system

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    We have a system that is unable to keep students excited about their own learning and educational performance. In light of this situation it is the responsibility of educators to make a broad and global reflection on what must be changed and how this change may be managed. We believe that change is possible and there is no objective more necessary for society than investing in its future project. This paper proposes an exhaustive analysis of the current situation of the secondary school teachers and from there on justifies the change through the teaching practice based on innovation and with a better training in pedagogical and didactical issues

    Relación abuelo/a nieto/a cuando existen conflictos familiares

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    In recent times, society has undergone changes, which have carried out an in-depth analysis of family relationships, being the relabetween grandparents and grandchildren the one that has been of most interest to researchers in recent decades due to its transcendence grandparents have in the lives of their grandchildren, creating a special relationship between them that is not established with any other member of the family unit. The family can be understood as a set or structured system, among them there are ties and affective relationships, sharing common goals, objectives and projects, creating a unit that allows the distribution of functions and controls among its members, making a change in a from the consequences it reverberates in the other consequences, the changes suffered in the society, the grandparents have acquired a great importance in the family relationships, specifically in the relationship with their grandchildren. In order to know family relationships, especially between grandparents and grandchildren, the difficulties of this relationship in situations of family breakdown, the rights of grandparents about their grandchildren and the knowledge of grandparents as well as the resources affected in terms of families. A study with a qualitative phenomenological design was carried out through a questionnaire in a sample of 46 participants, grandparents in Gran Canaria, aged between 58 and 85 years, with 67% of women, relationship with child at the most good at 54.3%, good 34.7% and fair 10.8%. It is concluded that the main difficulty to maintain an optimal relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is the separation/divorce of their children, which is why it is repeated on many occasions to the judicial route.En los últimos tiempos, la sociedad ha experimentado cambios, que ha llevado a analizar en profundidad las relaciones familiares, siendo la relación entre abuelos/as y nietos/as, la que ha causado mayor interés para los/as investigadores/as en las últimas décadas por la trascendencia que tienen los/as abuelos/as en la vida de sus nietos/as, creándose entre ellos/as una relación especial que no se establece con ningún otro miembro de la unidad familiar. La familia puede ser entendida como un conjunto o sistema estructurado, entre ellos existen lazos y relaciones afectivas, compartiendo metas, objetivos y proyectos comunes, creando una unidad que permite el reparto de funciones y responsabilidades entre sus miembros, por lo que un cambio en una de las partes repercute en las demás, y a consecuencia, de los cambios sufridos en la sociedad, los/as abuelos/as han adquirido una gran importancia en las relaciones familiares, concretamente en la relación con sus nietos/as. Con el fin de conocer las relaciones familiares especialmente entre abuelos/as y nietos/as, las dificultades de dicha relación ante situaciones de ruptura familiar, los derechos que ostentan los/as abuelos/as frente a sus nietos/as, y del conocimientosobre  los/as abuelos/as de los recursos existentes en materia de familias. Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio con diseño cualitativo fenomenológico a través de cuestionario en muestra de 46 participantes, abuelos/as de Gran Canaria, con edades comprendidas entre los 58 y 85 años un 67% mujeres, y relación con hijo/as muy buena en el 54.3%, buena 34.7% y regular 10.8%. Se concluye que la principal dificultad para mantener una óptima relación entre abuelos/as y nietos/s está la separación/divorcio de sus hijos/as, por lo que se recurre en muchas ocasiones a la vía judicial

    Negligencia y maltrato en mayores

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    The true essence of the aging process is the interaction between the subjective decrease in the cognitive and non-cognitive plane that produces a functional alteration on the activities of daily life. The evolution of the population pyramid has revealed a significant increase in the proportion of the elderly throughout the world and without clearly establishing the social roles of this group. One of the biggest predisposing factors for elder abuse is the concept that society has about aging (fragility and dependency) together with a weakening of family ties and the lack of economic resources for adequate care. In Spain in 2018, 2,037,700 people over 65 who lived alone were counted, this data joins that in 2019 29.93% older suffered from dependency; data that increases exponentially when they exceed 80 years. It is estimated that elder abuse reaches 52.6% in the community, with dependency being the main risk factor. Elder abuse can present different forms of abuse, neglect or neglect with specific signs and symptoms; being the psychological the most frequent way of elder abuse. The profile of the abused is characterized by being a woman; 75-year-old mayor with cognitive disabilities or dementia; while the abuser / a relative, with limited financial resources and long-term care. The approach in case of detecting mistreatment of the mayor in the community, follows an action plan backed by the World Health Organization and the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology. Interest in elder abuse has a growing interestin the scientific literature.La verdadera esencia del proceso de envejecimiento es la interacción entre la subjetiva disminución en el plano cognitivo y no cognitivo que produce una alteración funcional sobre las actividades de la vida diaria. La evolución de la pirámide poblacional ha puesto de manifiesto un importante incremento de proporción de ancianos/as en todo el mundo y sin establecer de manera clara los roles sociales de este colectivo. Uno de los mayores factores predisponentes para el maltrato al mayor es el concepto que tiene la sociedad sobre el envejecimiento (fragilidad y dependencia) unido a un debilitamiento de vínculos familiares y la falta de recursos económicos para garantizar el adecuado cuidado. En España en el año 2018, se contabilizaron 2.037.700 personas de más de 65 años que viven solos/as, a este dato se une que en el año 2019 el 29,93% de mayores padecía dependencia; dato que se incrementa exponencialmente cuando superan los 80 años. Se estima que el maltrato en mayores llega al 52,6% en comunidad, siendo la dependencia el principal factor de riesgo. El maltrato a personas mayores puede presentarse de diferentes maneras tanto por abuso, abandono o negligencia con unos signos y síntomas concretos; siendo la psicológica la manera más frecuente de maltrato al mayor. El perfil del maltratado/a se caracteriza por ser mujer; mayor de 75 años y con deterioro cognitivo o demencia; mientras que el maltratador/a familiar, carece de suficientes recursos económicos y cuidados de larga duración. El abordaje en caso de detectar maltrato al mayor en la comunidad se sigue a través de un plan de actuación respaldado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud y la Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología. El interés sobre el maltrato en los/as ancianos/as tiene un creciente interés en la literatura científica

    Bases para el desarrollo de la autoeficacia en programas para la promoción de la actividad física

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    Las investigaciones muestran que reforzar la autoeficacia de las personas es una de las estrategias más eficaces para promocionar la práctica regular de actividad física. Considerando que la autoeficacia es un determinante de las conductas de salud, se pone en evidencia la necesidad de implementar planes para la promoción de la actividad física que contemplen la autoeficacia como objetivo de cambio. Estos programas persiguen no sólo la ejecución del comportamiento sino también su mantenimiento en el tiempo como hábito saludable. En este trabajo se quiere dar respuestas a tres cuestiones esenciales que plantean este tipo de intervención: cómo evaluar la autoeficacia para el ejercicio físico, cómo lograr que las personas que se inician en un programa de actividad física ganen mayor confianza en sus propias capacidades para mantenerse bajo las contingencias del mismo, y cómo guiar a los profesionales de la salud en todo este proceso.Research shows that reinforcing self-efficacy of individuals is one of the most effective strategies to promote physical activity as a regular practice. Whereas self-efficacy is a determinant of health behaviors, the need to implement plans for the promotion of physical activity covering self-efficacy as goal of change becomes evident. These programs seek not only behavioral performance but also its maintenance over time as a healthy habit. This paper wants to give answers to three key questions posed by this type of intervention: how to assess self-efficacy for physical exercise, how to get people who start a physical activity program to gain more confidence in their own capacities to initiate and maintain physical activity, and how to guide health professionals in this process