2,121 research outputs found
The dominance of desmids in tropical monomictic lakes (SE Brazil)
Disturbance is a concept used to explain the structure of communities. This concept emphasizes the effects of disturbance on the "break" of biomass stability in stable environments and the opportunities for the development of other species. The major disturbances in natural warm monomictic lakes include the contrasting effects of seasonal changes and long-term in thermal stability, as well as short-term changes in the mixing layer. This study investigated the effects of disturbance and abiotic environmental factors on the biomass of desmids, based on samples collected monthly from January 2002 through December 2006 in the limnetic region of two natural lakes, Carioca (small and shallow) and Dom Helvécio (large and deep), located in Rio Doce State Park, Minas Gerais State,south east Brazil.At Lake Dom Helvécio,the extensive banks of aquatic macrophytes, the lake's dendritic shape and the period of clear water produced higher richness values and facilitated the occurrence of relatively large (maximum linear dimension >20 µm) desmid species, primarily species belonging to Staurastrum and Staurodesmus. In contrast, less richness and a dominant group of relatively small (maximum linear dimension <20 µm) desmid species, especially species belonging to the genus Cosmarium, were observed at Lake Carioca in conjunction with a sparse macrophyte cover. The lakes showed a seasonal thermal stratification characterized by high temperature (25-32ºC), thermal stability and higher desmid biomass. The stability of the epilimnetic desmid biomass was an indicator of the adaptive flexibility of the desmid species and the capacity of the biomass to recover after the mixing period.La perturbación es un concepto utilizado para explicar la estructura de las comunidades, con énfasis en sus efectos sobre la "ruptura" de la estabilidad de la biomasa en ambientes estables y sobre las oportunidades para el desarrollo de nuevas especies. Entre las perturbaciones más importantes encontradas en lagos naturales monomíticos destaca el efecto de las variaciones estacionales y de largo plazo en la estabilidad térmica, así como los cambios a corto plazo en la profundidad de la mezcla. En este trabajo se describe el efecto de la estratificación y mezcla del lago así como de otros factores abióticos sobre la biomasa de desmidiáceas en lagos tropicales. Los muestreos se realizaron mensualmente entre enero de 2002 y diciembre de 2006 en la región pelágica de dos lagos naturales monomíticos cálidos, Carioca (pequeño y poco profundo) y Dom Helvécio (grande y bastante profundo) ubicados en el Parque Estadual do Rio Doce (Estado Minas Gerais, SE Brasil). En el lago Dom Helvécio, las grandes acumulaciones de macrófitas acuáticas, la forma dendrítica del lago y el período de aguas transparentes influyeron de forma sinérgica en una mayor riqueza de especies y de tamaños grandes, mayores de 20 µm, siendo principalmente especies de Staurastrum y Staurodesmus. Sin embargo, en el Lago Carioca se observó una menor riqueza y el dominio de desmidiáceas de pequeño tamaño (<20 µm), especialmente Cosmarium. Este último lago presentó también una cobertura escasa de macrófitas. Los lagos mostraron un patrón estacional caracterizado, durante la estratificación térmica, por el aumento de la temperatura (25-32ºC), estabilidad térmica y mayor biomasa de desmidiáce. La estabilidad de la biomasa epilimnética fue indicativo de una flexibilidad adaptiva y recuperación después del período de mezcla
Mapas interactivos en software libre como herramienta de investigación y divulgación en biogeografía
En el pasado, componer mapas digitales con información diversa era una tarea
reservada a expertos en sistemas de información geográfica (SIG). Recientemente,
diversas organizaciones empezaron a proporcionar mapas interactivos, como Google
Earth, Google Maps, Bing y OpenStreetMap, entre otras. Estas aplicaciones
informáticas permiten al usuario consultar y componer mapas con los elementos,
el ámbito geográfico y el nivel de zoom que más les convengan, y son muy útiles
también en Biogeografía – por ejemplo, para localizar zonas con especies o hábitats
específicos, como plantas conspicuas, escarpas o charcas temporales. Los mapas
interactivos tienen diversas ventajas sobre los mapas estáticos tradicionales. En
particular, dan acceso a información más actualizada y contienen herramientas que
permiten consultar y combinar información diversa sin tener formación en SIG.
Más recientemente, han surgido aplicaciones informáticas que permiten
al usuario hacer mapas interactivos con sus propios datos, y luego compartirlos
con personas específicas o incluso con el público. Varios de estos programas están
disponibles como software libre y de código abierto – es decir, se pueden utilizar,
modificar y redistribuir libremente, y evolucionan con las aportaciones de los
usuarios. Es el caso de Leaflet, una librería de funciones de JavaScript, a la que se
puede acceder también desde otros programas libres de SIG o de análisis de datos,
como QGIS o R y sus extensiones.Los mapas interactivos no son difíciles de construir, son muy fáciles de utilizar,
y tienen un enorme potencial, sea para explorar a fondo nuestros (u otros) datos
y resultados de una forma práctica y flexible, sea para divulgarlos de una forma
clara y atractiva. Los mapas interactivos se utilizan cada vez más en investigación,
educación y divulgación en multitud de disciplinas, incluyendo la Biogeografía.
Aquí se presentan tres ejemplos prácticos actualmente en curso: un proyecto sobre
los recursos geológicos del sureste ibérico; otro sobre la localización e identificación
de charcas temporales; y el atlas de distribución de los mamíferos de Portugal
(Figura 1), cuyos mapas se hacen disponibles de una forma en la que cualquier
usuario puede explorar a fondo toda la información contenida, haciendo consultas
relativamente complejas de una forma intuitiva, sin cualquier conocimiento previo
de SIG o de manejo de datos. Se muestra también como cualquier persona con
conocimientos básicos del lenguaje de programación R puede construir sus propios
mapas interactivos para explorar datos geográficos que estén disponibles de forma
estática como, por ejemplo, el Inventario Español de Especies Terrestres
Star-planet interaction and its impact on the stellar rotation
The stellar rotation has an essential role in modifying the structure of the
star and, therefore, the way these different interplays arise. On the other
hand, changes in orbits impact the star's rotation and its evolution. The
evolution of the star's rotation accounts for the angular momentum exchange
with the planet and follows the effects of the internal transport of angular
momentum and metallicity. Several models in the literature have aimed to find a
theoretical way to study these interactions between the planet's orbital
evolution and the star's rotation. Our work is a promising attempt to
investigate these interactions from a model based on a new statistical
approach. To this end, we propose a ``tidal interaction index'' that carries
all the parameters of the star-planet system that can affect the transport of
angular momentum and, consequently, the evolution of stellar rotation. This
index is similar to the ``magnetic braking index'' whose most successful value
equals 3, which expresses the seminal Skumunich law. Our model is computed for
masses of the host star less than the Kraft limit for three orbital-rotation
period regimes and the semi-major axis less than 1 AU. We consider planets with
masses between 0.4M and 20M with orbital periods between
0.3 and 225 days. We show that the tidal index segregated by stellar mass
without wind magnetic braking during the main-sequence phase is strongly
anti-correlated with planetary mass. Finally, we conclude that in cases where
planets retain less than 84\% of the total angular momentum within the system,
the magnetic braking mechanism proves to be more effective than tidal
interactions, irrespective of whether the planets' angular momentum surpasses
that of the host star.Comment: 21 pages, 2 tables, submitted to Icaru
Design of a Spiral Double-Cutting Machine for an Automotive Bowden Cable Assembly Line
The manufacture of automotive components requires innovative technologies and equipment. Due to the competitiveness in the sector, the implementation of automatic and robotic equipment has been vital in its development to produce the largest number of products in the shortest amount of time. Automation leads to a significant reduction in defects and enables mass production and standardization of the final product. This work was based on the need of an automotive components’ company to increase the rate of spiral cable cutting, used as protection for Bowden (control) cables. Currently, this component, used in automotive systems, is processed with simple cutting machines and cleaning machines. Based on the design science research (DSR) methodology, this work aims to develop a machine capable of performing the cutting and cleaning of two spiral cables simultaneously and automatically. The development of this machine was based on existing machines, and the biggest challenge was the implementation of a double-cutting system. The designed machine met the initial requirements, such as enabling the simultaneous cut of two spirals, being fully automatic, doubling the output over the current solution, and fully complying with the current legislation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Comportamiento a la corrosión de implantes de titanio granallados
Se ha demostrado que realizar el tratamiento de granallado sobre implantes mejora la
fijación de los mismos, debido a la rugosidad superficial que adquieren. Variando el tamaño
de las partículas de proyección del granallado, se varía el valor de rugosidad. Por otra
parte, siempre quedan partículas adheridas en la superficie del implante, lo cual puede tener
influencia en distintas propiedades, entre las cuales cabe destacar su resistencia a la
corrosión. Este estudio determina el comportamiento a la corrosión, mediante mediciones
potenciodinámicas, del titanio comercialmente puro granallado con diferentes materiales
de partículas de proyección (Al2O3 y SiC) y con diferentes tamaños de partícula (200, 600
y 900 mm). La rugosidad no tuvo influencia significativa en los resultados de corrosión, pero
sí la tuvo la naturaleza de las partículas de proyección. Así, los discos tratados con SiC,
debido a la oxidación de estas partículas adheridas en la superficie del titanio, presentaron
densidades de corriente un orden de magnitud mayores que los discos tratados con Al2O3,
lo que les confiere peores características de resistencia a la corrosión. No obstante, todos
los discos presentaron un adecuado comportamiento frente a la corrosión.Peer Reviewe
Improvement in the synthesis of (Z)-organylthioenynes via hydrothiolation of buta-1,3-diynes: a comparative study using NaOH or TBAOH as base
AbstractHydrothiolation of symmetrical and unsymmetrical buta-1,3-diynes with sodium organylthiolate anions in reflux, generated in situ by reacting C4H9SH with NaOH, afforded (Z)-organylthioenynes in low to good yields (25–80%). By using tetrabutylammonium hydroxide (TBAOH) as base instead of NaOH, the hydrothiolation of buta-1,3-diynes was more rapid and efficient, providing (Z)-organylthioenynes in good to excellent yields (70–95%)
Peroxisomal monoubiquitinated PEX5 interacts with the AAA ATPases PEX1 and PEX6 and is unfolded during its dislocation into the cytosol
PEX1 and PEX6 are two members of the ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities (AAA) family and the core components of the receptor export module of the peroxisomal matrix protein import machinery. Their role is to extract monoubiquitinated PEX5, the peroxisomal protein-shuttling receptor, from the peroxisomal membrane docking/translocation module (DTM), so that a new cycle of protein transportation can start. Recent data have shown that PEX1 and PEX6 form a heterohexameric complex that unfolds substrates by processive threading. However, whether the natural substrate of the PEX1-PEX6 complex is monoubiquitinated PEX5 (Ub-PEX5) itself or some Ub-PEX5-interacting component(s) of the DTM remains unknown. In this work, we used an established cell-free in vitro system coupled with photoaffinity cross-linking and protein PEGylation assays to address this problem. We provide evidence suggesting that DTM-embedded Ub-PEX5 interacts directly with both PEX1 and PEX6 through its ubiquitin moiety and that the PEX5 polypeptide chain is globally unfolded during the ATP-dependent extraction event. These findings strongly suggest that DTM-embedded Ub-PEX5 is a bona fide substrate of the PEX1-PEX6 complex.The authors thank Britta Moellers (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany) for providing plasmids and recombinant protein for the generation of the anti-PEX6 antibody. This work was funded by FEDER (Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional), through COMPETE 2020 –Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI), Portugal 2020, and by Portuguese funds through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação in the framework of the projects “Institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences” (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274) and “The molecular mechanisms of peroxisome biogenesis” (PTDC/BEX-BCM/2311/2014), and through Norte 2020 – Programa Operacional Regional do Norte, under the application of the “Porto Neurosciences and Neurologic Disease Research Initiative at i3S” (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000008). A.G.P, T.F., D.B., A.F.D., A.B.B. and T.A.R. are supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Programa Operacional Potencial Humano do QREN and Fundo Social Europeu
GQ-16, a TZD-derived partial PPARγ agonist, induces the expression of thermogenesis- related genes in brown fat and visceral white fat and decreases visceral adiposity in obese and hyperglycemic mice
Background Beige adipocytes comprise a unique thermogenic cell type in the white adipose tissue (WAT) of rodents and humans, and play a critical role in energy homeostasis. In this scenario, recruitment of beige cells has been an important focus of interest for the development of novel therapeutic strategies to treat obesity. PPARγ activation by full agonists (thiazolidinediones, TZDs) drives the appearance of beige cells, a process so-called browning of WAT. However, this does not translate into increased energy expenditure, and TZDs are associated with weight gain. Partial PPARγ agonists, on the other hand, do not induce weight gain, but have not been shown to drive WAT browning. The present study was designed to investigate the effects of GQ-16 on BAT and on browning of WAT in obese mice. Methods Male Swiss mice with obesity and hyperglycemia induced by high fat diet were treated with vehicle, rosiglitazone (4 mg/kg/d) or the TZD-derived partial PPARγ agonist GQ-16 (40 mg/ kg/d) for 14 days. Fasting blood glucose, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase and lipid profile were measured. WAT and brown adipose tissue (BAT) depots were excised for determination of adiposity, relative expression of Ucp-1, Cidea, Prdm16, Cd40 and Tmem26 by RT-qPCR, histological analysis, and UCP-1 protein expression analysis by immunohistochemistry. Liver samples were also removed for histological analysis and determination of hepatic triglyceride content. Results GQ-16 treatment reduced high fat diet-induced weight gain in mice despite increasing energy intake. This was accompanied by reduced epididymal fat mass, reduced liver triglyceride content, morphological signs of increased BAT activity, increased expression of thermogenesis- related genes in interscapular BAT and epididymal WAT, and increased UCP-1 protein expression in interscapular BAT and in epididymal and inguinal WAT. Conclusion This study suggests for the first time that a partial PPARγ agonist may increase BAT activity and induce the expression of thermogenesis-related genes in visceral WAT. General Significance These findings suggest that PPARγ activity might be modulated by partial agonists to induce WAT browning and treat obesity
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