170 research outputs found

    Historical fire records at the two ends of Iberian Central Mountain system: Estrela massif and Ayllon massif

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    The Iberian Peninsula has a long history of fire, as the Central Mountain System, from the Estrela massif in Portugal to the Ayllón massif in Spain, is a major fire-prone area. Despite being part of the same natural region, there are different environmental, political and socio-economic contexts at either end, which might have led to distinct human causes of wildfires and associated fire regimes. The hypothesis for this research lies in the historical long-term relationship between wildfire risks and fire use practices within a context of landscape dynamics. In addition to conducting an analysis of the statistical period, a spatial and temporal multiscale approach was taken by reconstructing the historical record of prestatistical fires and land management history at both ends of the Central Mountain System. The main result is the different structural causes of wildland fires at either end of the Central Mountain System, with human factors being more important than environmental factors in determining the fire regimes in both contexts. The study shows that the development of the fire regime was non-linear in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, due to broader local human context factors which led to a shift in fire-use practicesLa Península Ibérica cuenta con una larga historia de incendios forestales. Es el caso del Sistema Central, desde la Sierra de Estrela en Portugal a la Sierra de Ayllón en España, aunque las causas humanas y el régimen de incendios difieren en función del contexto ambiental, político y socioeconómico en uno y otro extremo de la cordillera. La validación de la hipótesis de trabajo, sobre la relación histórica entre el riesgo de incendios y el uso del fuego en las actividades humanas, se ha llevado a partir de la reconstrucción del registro histórico de incendios forestales y de la gestión del territorio, y mediante el análisis multiescalar espacio- temporal de los incendios históricos y estadísticos. Como principal resultado se han identificado las causas estructurales de incendios en las sierras de Estrela y Ayllón. Además, se ha demostrado la influencia mayor de los aspectos humanos que de los físicos en la evolución del régimen de fuego. En conclusión, este trabajo evidencia la evolución discontinua de los incendios forestales a lo largo de los siglos XIX y XX debido a los factores contextuales humanos que influyen en el manejo tradicional del fuego a escala localinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment of portuguese community forestry: using the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure and FAO community-based forestry framework

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    In the last five decades, Community-Based Forestry (CBF) has become a subject of special attention. It is assumed that the transfer of rights to local communities will improve forest management. In Portugal more than 13% of the forest area belongs to local communities (termed baldios). Following FAO tools, assessments of Forest Tenure and CBF were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of four baldio management types. The results revealed the most common challenges for baldios, vis- a-vis, rights associated with their management, protection of these rights, weak land administration, weak mechanisms for conflict resolution, problems with decentralized state support, cash flow management, and environmental challenges leading to wildfires, loss of biodiversity, and inadequate control of pests and invasive species. Resolution of these challenges is urgently needed at the legal, administrative and local levels. Future research should include assessments of CBF in other European countries to reduce the existing knowledge gapinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Educação ambiental e os incêndios florestais: a importância da formação superior dos técnicos florestais

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    Os técnicos florestais são um dos principais intervenientes no território rural. Os incêndios são a maior ameaça aos espaços florestais portugueses e são maioritariamente um problema social. Com o objetivo de perceber se as competências fornecidas nos diversos cursos universitários da área florestal respondem às diversas solicitações laborais destes profissionais e aos desafios do séc. XXI, realizou-se um levantamento das necessidades formativas dos técnicos, confrontando-as com as diferentes atividades profissionais e a sua formação universitária ao nível da licenciatura e mestrado. A metodologia utilizada incluiu a análise de conteúdos das licenciaturas e mestrados na área das ciências florestais e um questionário enviado por correio eletrónico aos 220 técnicos que trabalham nos Gabinetes Técnico Florestal em Portugal. A taxa de resposta foi de 71%. Desta análise verificou-se que existem diversas novas funções ligadas principalmente às componentes sociais como por exemplo na área da educação ambiental e sensibilização. Assim concluiu-se que as maiores discrepâncias entre o que é importante para o desempenho profissional e a preparação dos técnicos, encontram-se maioritariamente na dimensão humana da gestão dos recursos florestais, nomeadamente na integração da componente social da perceção do risco por parte da população na gestão. Esta componente social reflete-se nas competências ligadas à comunicação com diferentes públicos (competências gerais) e as que estão ligadas às competências sociais e relacionais como gestão de conflitos, dinâmica de grupos e a componente pedagógicainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Atmospheric trends of CO and CH4 from extreme wildfires in Portugal using sentinel-5P TROPOMI level-2 data

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    PCIF/GFC/0078/2018 UIDB/00100/2020 UIDB/04085/2020 DL 57/2016Large forest fires have repeatedly affected Europe, in particular the Mediterranean countries. It is now crucial to continue the effort to feed the several layers of prediction models and understand how wildfire spreads in order to develop modern preventative and mitigation methods. The present study evaluates the performance of Sentinel 5-P TROPOMI for the monitoring of carbon monoxide (CO) and methane (CH4) during extreme fire events in Portugal, focusing on the Monchique (2018) and Vila de Rei/Mação (2019) wildfires, which devastated 27,154 ha and 9249 ha, respectively. The spatial distribution and trend of CO and CH4 prior to, during, and following the fire event were accessed and linked with in situ data in a qualitative and quantitative exploration. Large CO plumes were observed with CO columns exceeding 4.5 × 1018 and 6 × 1018 molecules/cm2 on 21 July 2019, and 7 August 2018, respectively. CO distribution profiles after consecutive digital processing steps showed the ability to follow CO fluctuations according to the fire spread. Furthermore, statistically significant differences were found between CO emissions inside and outside the burning area in both fire events. Finally, the CO2 estimated through CO column data presented an emission of 7.6 × 1019 molecules/cm2 for the uppermost emission day on 7 August 2018. Although CH4 monitoring is still unwavering to draw exact conclusions, the CO patterns during extreme fire events show promising and consistent data when compared with in situ data.publishersversionpublishe

    A design method for distributed luenberger observers

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    The paper addresses the problem of designing distributed observers for discrete linear time-invariant (LTI) systems with distributed sensor nodes subjected to bounded measurement noise. A solution is proposed in terms of a distributed LTI Luenberger observer, thus departing from common linear time-varying solutions rooted in consensus-based distributed estimation techniques, and dispensing with the need for the exchange of covariance matrices. It is shown, under the conditions of collective observability, strong connectivity of the sensor communication network, and invertibility of the state transition matrix, that the resulting observer yields ultimate boundedness of the estimation error. A design example is given where the asymptotic performance of the proposed observer is shown to be similar to that obtained using a time-varying distributed Kalman filtering approach

    Descripción de la cohorte PROCOAC (PROspective COhort of A Coruña): Cohorte prospectiva española para el estudio de la osteoartritis

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objective: The use of well characterized osteoarthritis (OA) cohorts is mandatory for the study and knowledge of this disease. Currently, there is no prospective cohort in this pathology in Spain. The objective of this work is to describe the first osteoarthritis cohort in Spain, PROCOAC (Cohort PROspectiva de A Coruña). Methods: The Unit of Rheumatology of the University Hospital of A Coruña started a prospective follow-up study in 2006. The patient inclusion criteria were: I) Patients older than 55 years who underwent an abdominal x-ray to study both hips II) Patients diagnosed with radiographic hand OA according to ACR criteria III) Patients diagnosed with radiographic knee or hip OA according to ACR criteria. Follow-up was performed every two years collecting clinical, analytical, genetic and radiographic information. Results: The cohort consists of 937 patients, 873 have radiographic knee OA, 783 hip OA and 679 hand OA. The mean age of the population is 63.9±8.9 years and the average BMI is 29.6±5.1. More than half of the population has high blood pressure and 17% diabetes. The predominant osteoarthritis in the hand is nodular (78.1%), followed by trapeziometacarpal (55.3%) and erosive (18.4%). Twenty-one point four percent and 43.1% are healthy at knee and hip level respectively; observing a grade 1 in 26% and 37%; a grade 2 in 26.7% and 11.5%; a grade 3 in 14.9% and 4%; and a grade 4 in 9.4% and 3.7% respectively. Of the population, 44.1% has only 1 joint affected, 39.9% has 2 and 13.4% has 3 joints affected. Age (OR=1.11; p<.001), BMI (OR=1.11; p=.002) and total WOMAC (OR=1.03; p=.005) are the only risk factors if we compare the involvement of a single location versus three. A discrepancy between pain and radiographic damage at the joint level was also detected in patients with KL≤2 grade, and therefore a significantly higher percentage of patients with knee OA experienced pain (66.1%) compared to patients with OA hip (21.1%) (p<.001). Conclusions: The PROCOAC cohort is an instrument that allows studies of incidence and progression in hand, knee and hip OA; as well as determining factors that are associated with the different OA phenotypes.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivo. El uso de cohortes de Osteoartritis (OA) bien caracterizadas es obligatorio para estudiar y profundizar en el conocimiento en esta enfermedad. En España no existe actualmente ninguna cohorte prospectiva en esta patología; así el objetivo de este trabajo es describir la primera cohorte de Osteoartritis en España, la PROCOAC (PROspective COhort of A Coruña). Material y métodos. El Servicio de Reumatología del Hospital Universitario de A Coruña inició un estudio de seguimiento prospectivo en el año 2006. Los criterios de inclusión fueron: I) Pacientes mayores de 55 años a los que se les realizó una radiografía abdominal que permitiese estudiar ambas caderas II) Pacientes diagnosticados de OA radiográfica de mano según los criterios ACR III) Pacientes diagnosticados de OA radiográfica de rodilla y/o cadera según los criterios ACR. Se realizó seguimiento cada dos años recogiendo información clínica, analítica, genética y radiográfica. Resultados. La cohorte consta de 937 individuos, 873 tienen OA radiográfica de rodilla, 783 de cadera y 679 de mano. La edad media de la población es 63,9 ± 8,9 años y el IMC promedio de 29,6 ± 5,1. Más de la mitad de la población tiene hipertensión arterial y el 17% diabetes. La osteoartritis predominate en la mano es la nodular (78,1%), seguida de la rizartrosis (55,3%) y la erosiva (18,4%). El 21,4% y el 43,1% son sanos a nivel de rodilla y cadera respectivamente; observando un grado 1 en el 26% y 37%; un grado 2 en el 26,7% y 11,5%; un grado 3 en el 14,9% y 4%; y un grado 4 en el 9,4% y 3,7% respectivamente. El 44,1% de la población tiene 1 articulación afectada, el 39,9% tiene 2 y el 13,4% tiene 3 articulaciones afectadas. La edad (OR = 1,11; p < 0,001), el IMC (OR = 1,11; p = 0,002) y el WOMAC total (OR = 1,03; p = 0,005) son los únicos factores de riesgo si comparamos la afectación de una sola ubicación frente a tres. También se detectó una discrepancia entre el dolor y el daño radiográfico a nivel articular en pacientes con grado KL ≤ 2, de modo que un porcentaje significativamente mayor de pacientes con OA de rodilla experimentaron dolor (66,1%) en comparación con pacientes con OA de cadera (21,1%) (p < 0,001). Conclusión. La cohorte PROCOAC es un instrumento que permite realizar estudios de incidencia y pro-gresión en la osteoartritis de mano, rodilla y cadera, así como conocer factores que se asocian con losdiferentes fenotipos de osteoartritis

    Multisectoral partnerships and risk information

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    Knowing the increasing trends in natural disasters and losses, it is imperative to take action on disaster risks to improve resilience of European societies to natural hazards. The main goal, therefore, of the ENHANCE project is to develop and analyse innovative ways to manage natural hazard risks. The key is to develop new multi-sectoral partnerships (MSPs) that aim at reducing or redistributing risk, and increase resilience of societiesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Electrochromic device composed of a Di-Urethanesil electrolyte incorporating lithium triflate and 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium chloride

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    A di-urethane cross-linked poly(oxyethylene)/silica hybrid matrix [di-urethanesil, d-Ut(600)], synthesized by the sol-gel process, was doped with lithium triflate (LiCF3SO3) and the 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([Bmim]Cl) ionic liquid. The as-produced xerogel film is amorphous, transparent, flexible, homogeneous, hydrophilic, and has low nanoscale surface roughness. It exhibits an ionic conductivity of 3.64 x 10(-6) and 5.00 x 10(-4) S cm(-1) at 21 and 100 degrees C, respectively. This material was successfully tested as electrolyte in an electrochromic device (ECD) with the glass/ITO/a-WO3/d-Ut(600)(10)LiCF3SO3[Bmim]Cl/c-NiO/ITO/glass configuration, where a-WO3 and c-NiO stand for amorphous tungsten oxide and crystalline nickel oxide, respectively. The device demonstrated attractive electro-optical performance: fast response times (1-2 s for coloring and 50 s for bleaching), good optical memory [loss of transmittance (T) of only 41% after 3 months, at 555 nm], four mode modulation [bright mode (+3.0 V, T = 77% at 555 nm), semi-bright mode (-1.0 V, T = 60% at 555 nm), dark mode (-1.5 V, T = 38 % at 555 nm), and very dark mode (-2.0 V, T = 11% and -2.5 V, T = 7% at 555 nm)], excellent cycling stability denoting improvement with time, and high coloration efficiency [CEin = -6727 cm(2) C-1 (32th cycle) and CEout = +2794 cm(2) C-1 (480th cycle), at 555 nm].The authors are grateful to Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) and when applicable by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement for financial support under contracts PEst-OE/SAU/UI0709/2014, UID/Multi/00709/2013, UID/QUI/00686/2016, UID/QUI/00686/2018, UID/QUI/00686/2019, PEst-OE/QUI/UI0616/2016, FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER037271, UID/CTM/50011/2013, LUMECD project (POCI01-0145-FEDER-016884 and PTDC/CTM-NAN/0956/2014), UniRCell project (SAICTPAC/0032/2015 and POCI-01-0145FEDER-016422). RP and SN acknowledge FCT-MCTES for grants (SFRH/BPD/87759/2012 and LUMECD, respectively). RP thanks FCT-UM for the contracts in the scope of Decreto-Lei 57/2016 and 57/2017. MF acknowledges FCTUTAD for the contract in the scope of Decreto-Lei 57/2016 -Lei 57/2017. HG acknowledges projects POCI-010145-FEDER-030858 and PTDC/BTM-MAT/30858/2017 for financial support

    New insights into the antimicrobial action of cinnamaldehyde towards escherichia coli and its effects on intestinal colonization of mice

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    Escherichia coli is responsible for cases of diarrhea around the world, and some studies have shown the benefits of cinnamaldehyde in the treatment of bacterial disease. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of cinnamaldehyde in mice colonized by pathogenic E. coli, as well as to provide more insights into its antimicrobial action mechanism. After determination of minimum inhibitory (MIC) and minimum bactericidal (MBC) concentrations, the interference of cinnamaldehyde in macromolecular pathways (synthesis of DNA, RNA, protein, and cell wall) was measured by incorporation of radioisotopes. The anti-adhesive properties of cinnamaldehyde towards E. coli 042 were evaluated using human epithelial type 2 (HEp-2) cells. Intestinal colonization was tested on mice, and the effect of cinnamaldehyde on Tenebrio molitor larvae. Cinnamaldehyde showed MIC and MBC values of 780 μg/mL and 1560 μg/mL, respectively; reduced the adhesion of E. coli 042 on HEp-2 cells; and affected all the synthetic pathways evaluated, suggesting that compost impairs the membrane/cell wall structure leading bacteria to total collapse. No effect on the expression of genes related to the SOS pathway (sulA and dinB1) was observed. The compound did not interfere with cell viability and was not toxic against T. molitor larvae. In addition, cinnamaldehyde-treated mice exhibited lower levels of colonization by E. coli 042 than the untreated group. Therefore, the results show that cinnamaldehyde is effective in treating the pathogenic E. coli strain 042 and confirm it as a promising lead molecule for the development of antimicrobial agents

    Lack of replication of higher genetic risk load in men than in women with systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Introduction: We aimed to replicate a recent study which showed higher genetic risk load at 15 loci in men than in women with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). This difference was very significant, and it was interpreted as indicating that men require more genetic susceptibility than women to develop SLE. Methods: Nineteen SLE-associated loci (thirteen of which are shared with the previous study) were analyzed in 1,457 SLE patients and 1,728 healthy controls of European ancestry. Genetic risk load was calculated as sex-specific sum genetic risk scores (GRS(s)). Results: Our results did not replicate those of the previous study at either the level of individual loci or the global level of GRS(s). GRS(s) were larger in women than in men (4.20 ± 1.07 in women vs. 3.27 ± 0.98 in men). This very significant difference (P < 10(-16)) was more dependent on the six new loci not included in the previous study (59% of the difference) than on the thirteen loci that are shared (the remaining 41%). However, the 13 shared loci also showed a higher genetic risk load in women than in men in our study (P = 6.6 × 10(-7)), suggesting that heterogeneity of participants, in addition to different loci, contributed to the opposite results. Conclusion: Our results show the lack of a clear trend toward higher genetic risk in one of the sexes for the analyzed SLE loci. They also highlight several limitations of assessments of genetic risk load, including the possibility of ascertainment bias with loci discovered in studies that have included mainly women