140 research outputs found
Rastros, rostros y voces del racismo institucional en Cartagena: Un acercamiento a partir del debate de la “degeneración de las razas”, 1910-1930
Este artículo analiza la apropiación que hicieron una serie de intelectuales colombianos sobre el racial que distintos autores del mundo europeo y estadounidense, ampliamente inspirados las ideas del racismo científico, consolidaron en el transito en el siglo XIX al XX. Tomando como base debate conocido como la degeneración de las razas, intento sustentar la idea de que los discursos que torno a los sectores negros y mulatos se construyeron en los mismos tuvieron unos reales concretos que derivaron en disposiciones ampliamente utilizadas en contextos Cartagena, hasta el punto de incidir en las practicas sociales de los individuos al radicalizar las relaciones socio-raciales que históricamente han caracterizado esta sociedad, y con ello se una suerte de racismo institucional entre los años de 1910 y 1930
Historia del béisbol en Risaralda: De la ciudad a la montaña
La Presente investigación da cuenta de la historia de cómo el Béisbol llegó al departamento de Risaralda y se instaura como deporte en la región. De igual forma indaga sobre la creación de la Liga Risaraldense de Béisbol y su papel dentro del crecimiento de dicho deporte en un Departamento donde por tradición se les daba mayor importancia a otras disciplinas y se expande hasta los Municipios más altos de las montañas Risaraldenses.
Así mismo se aborda cada uno de los aspectos físicos, técnicos, tácticos, psicológicos del béisbol, cada una de sus características de juego, posiciones y cómo ha sido el transcurrir de este deporte tanto en el Departamento como a nivel Nacional e Internacional.
Evidencia investigaciones y publicaciones (revistas, páginas web, artículos de prensa, videos y archivo fotográfico) que reflejan el desarrollo histórico del Béisbol en la región y el País.This research gives an account of the history of how baseball arrived in the department of Risaralda and was established as a sport in the region. It also investigates the creation of the Risaralda Baseball League and its role in the growth of the sport in a department where traditionally other disciplines were given greater importance and expanded to the highest municipalities in the mountains of Risaralda.
It also addresses each of the physical, technical, tactical, psychological aspects of baseball, each of its game characteristics, positions and how it has been the course of this sport both in the Department and at national and international level.
Evidence of research and publications (magazines, web pages, press articles, videos and photographic archives) that reflect the historical development of baseball in the region and the country.PregradoProfesional en Ciencias del Deporte y la RecreaciónTABLA DE CONTENIDO
ABSTRACT ….............................................................................................................................10
1. INTRODUCCIÓN....................................................................................................................12
2. DEFINICIÓN DEL PROBLEMA ..........................................................................................15
3. JUSTIFICACIÓN ....................................................................................................................17
3.1 PRODUCTOS E IMPACTOS ESPERADOS .......................................................................18
4. OBJETIVOS.............................................................................................................................20
4.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL........................................................................................................20
4.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS................................................................................................20
5. METODOLOGÍA ....................................................................................................................22
5.1 DISEÑO ………………………………………………………………………………….22
5.2 TECNICAS E INSTRUMENTOS ........................................................................................22
6. MARCO TEÓRICO.................................................................................................................25
6.1 MARCO REFERENCIAL....................................................................................................25
6.2 MARCO CONTEXTUAL ....................................................................................................26
6.2.1.HISTORIA DEL BÉISBOL MUNDIAL. .......................................................................26
6.2.1.HISTORIA DEL BÉISBOL EN AMÉRICA...................................................................27
P á g i n a | 4
6.2.4. HISTORIA DEL BÉISBOL EN RISARALDA .............................................................31
6.2.5. BÉISBOL DE LA MONTAÑA – BÉISBOL PARA LA PAZ ........................................35
6.2.6. LOS MIGRANTES DE LA LIGA.................................................................................36
6.3. MARCO LEGAL................................................................................................................38
6.3.1. FEDERACIÓN DEPORTIVA........................................................................................38
6.3.2. LIGA DEPORTIVA........................................................................................................39
6.3.3. CLUB DEPORTIVO......................................................................................................40
7. ORGANIZACIÓN ..................................................................................................................44
7.1 ASPECTO ESTRUCTURAL..............................................................................................44
7.1.1. INTERNACIONAL BASEBALL FEDERATION ........................................................44
7.1.3. FEDERACIÓN COLOMBIANA DE BÉISBOL FCB .................................................46
7.1.4. LIGA RISARALDENSE DE BÉISBOL LRB...............................................................47
7.2. TORNEOS, EVENTOS Y COMPETENCIAS. ................................................................54
7.2.1. LIGAS MAYORES........................................................................................................54
7.2.2. TORNEOS INTERNACIONALES ...............................................................................54
7.2.3. TORNEOS EN COLOMBIA.........................................................................................55
7.2.4. TORNEOS EN RISARALDA .......................................................................................56
8. PLAN METODOLÓGICO DE PREPARACIÓN DEPORTIVA ........................................58
8.1. ASPECTOS FÍSICOS: .........................................................................................................58
8.2. ASPECTOS TÉCNICOS:.....................................................................................................58
8.3. ASPECTOS TÁCTICOS:.....................................................................................................59
P á g i n a | 5
8.4. ASPECTOS PSICOLÓGICOS ............................................................................................60
9. INVESTIGACIONES Y PUBLICACIONES ........................................................................66
9.1. REVISTAS ...........................................................................................................................66
9.2. PÁGINAS WEB...................................................................................................................71
9.3. ARTICULOS DE PRENSA .................................................................................................72
9.4. VÍDEOS ...............................................................................................................................81
9.5. ARCHIVO FOTOGRÁFICO...............................................................................................82
10. CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES...................................................................84
10.1. CONCLUSIONES .............................................................................................................84
10.2. RECOMENDACIONES ....................................................................................................8
Metabolic transcription analysis of engineered Escherichia coli strains that overproduce L-phenylalanine
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The rational design of L-phenylalanine (L-Phe) overproducing microorganisms has been successfully achieved by combining different genetic strategies such as inactivation of the phosphoenolpyruvate: phosphotransferase transport system (PTS) and overexpression of key genes (DAHP synthase, transketolase and chorismate mutase-prephenate dehydratase), reaching yields of 0.33 (g-Phe/g-Glc), which correspond to 60% of theoretical maximum. Although genetic modifications introduced into the cell for the generation of overproducing organisms are specifically targeted to a particular pathway, these can trigger unexpected transcriptional responses of several genes. In the current work, metabolic transcription analysis (MTA) of both L-Phe overproducing and non-engineered strains using Real-Time PCR was performed, allowing the detection of transcriptional responses to PTS deletion and plasmid presence of genes related to central carbon metabolism. This MTA included 86 genes encoding enzymes of glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, pentoses phosphate, tricarboxylic acid cycle, fermentative and aromatic amino acid pathways. In addition, 30 genes encoding regulatory proteins and transporters for aromatic compounds and carbohydrates were also analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>MTA revealed that a set of genes encoding carbohydrate transporters (<it>galP</it>, <it>mglB</it>), gluconeogenic (<it>ppsA</it>, <it>pckA</it>) and fermentative enzymes (<it>ldhA</it>) were significantly induced, while some others were down-regulated such as <it>ppc</it>, <it>pflB</it>, <it>pta </it>and <it>ackA</it>, as a consequence of PTS inactivation. One of the most relevant findings was the coordinated up-regulation of several genes that are exclusively gluconeogenic (<it>fbp</it>, <it>ppsA</it>, <it>pckA</it>, <it>maeB</it>, <it>sfcA</it>, and glyoxylate shunt) in the best PTS<sup>- </sup>L-Phe overproducing strain (PB12-ev2). Furthermore, it was noticeable that most of the TCA genes showed a strong up-regulation in the presence of multicopy plasmids by an unknown mechanism. A group of genes exhibited transcriptional responses to both PTS inactivation and the presence of plasmids. For instance, <it>acs-ackA</it>, <it>sucABCD</it>, and <it>sdhABCD </it>operons were up-regulated in PB12 (PTS mutant that carries an <it>arcB</it><sup>- </sup>mutation). The induction of these operons was further increased by the presence of plasmids in PB12-ev2. Some genes involved in the shikimate and specific aromatic amino acid pathways showed down-regulation in the L-Phe overproducing strains, might cause possible metabolic limitations in the shikimate pathway.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The identification of potential rate-limiting steps and the detection of transcriptional responses in overproducing microorganisms may suggest "reverse engineering" strategies for the further improvement of L-Phe production strains.</p
Gestión Financiera y Nivel de Endeudamiento en las MiPymes: Caso Provincia de Santa Elena, 2022
The main objective of this research is to analyze the financial management and level of indebtedness in micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the Santa Elena Peninsula in 2022. This study arises from the limited existing knowledge about financial management and its impact on the level of indebtedness of MSMEs, as well as the opportunities for access to formal credit. The methodology employed involved analyzing the financial situation of MSMEs, evaluating their access to formal financing, and examining the barriers that limit their growth. The results revealed that MSMEs in Santa Elena face difficulties in accessing financing, in addition to high operating costs and a lack of specialized financial knowledge. Based on these findings, it is suggested that financial training and advisory services, along with governmental support in accessing financing, can be key factors for the success and growth of these enterprises. These measures could help overcome restrictions in access to financing and improve financial management in MSMEs, thus promoting their sustainable development in the Santa Elena Peninsula.La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal es analizar la gestión financiera y el nivel de endeudamiento en las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas (MiPymes) de la Península de Santa Elena en el año 2022. Este estudio surge debido al escaso conocimiento existente sobre la gestión financiera y el impacto que tiene en el nivel de endeudamiento de las MiPymes, así como las oportunidades de acceso a créditos formales. La metodología empleada consistió en analizar la situación financiera de las MiPymes, evaluar su acceso a financiamiento formal y examinar las barreras que limitan su crecimiento. Los resultados revelaron que las MiPymes en Santa Elena se enfrentan a dificultades para acceder a financiamiento, además de altos costos operativos y una falta de conocimientos financieros especializados. En base a estos hallazgos, se sugiere que la capacitación y asesoría financiera, junto con el apoyo gubernamental en el acceso a financiamiento, pueden ser factores clave para el éxito y crecimiento de estas empresas. Estas medidas podrían ayudar a superar las restricciones en el acceso a financiamiento y mejorar la gestión financiera en las MiPymes, promoviendo así su desarrollo sostenible en la Península de Santa Elena
Domain Adaptation via Minimax Entropy for Real/Bogus Classification of Astronomical Alerts
Time domain astronomy is advancing towards the analysis of multiple massive
datasets in real time, prompting the development of multi-stream machine
learning models. In this work, we study Domain Adaptation (DA) for real/bogus
classification of astronomical alerts using four different datasets: HiTS, DES,
ATLAS, and ZTF. We study the domain shift between these datasets, and improve a
naive deep learning classification model by using a fine tuning approach and
semi-supervised deep DA via Minimax Entropy (MME). We compare the balanced
accuracy of these models for different source-target scenarios. We find that
both the fine tuning and MME models improve significantly the base model with
as few as one labeled item per class coming from the target dataset, but that
the MME does not compromise its performance on the source dataset
La data judicial y el derecho a la intimidad de los ciudadanos, sistema SATJE
La investigación realizada estuvo enfocada en demostrar de qué manera el derecho a la intimidad personal es vulnerado, mediante el libre acceso a la información de los ciudadanos que reposa en el sistema automático de trámite judicial ecuatoriano SATJE, el derecho vulnerado se encuentra establecido en la carta magna
ecuatoriana específicamente en su artículo 66 numeral 20. Se hizo revisiones de doctrinas referentes al ejercicio del derecho a la intimada y derechos que se encuentran vinculados al mismo como: derecho al honor y buen nombre, inviolabilidad del domicilio, derecho a la inviolabilidad de la correspondencia, derecho a la
protección de datos personales. El derecho a la intimidad no solo se encuentra reconocido en el régimen ecuatoriano, sino también en los tratados internacionales, Convención Americana Sobre Derechos Humanos, Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos y Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos. La investigación fue llevada a cabo mediante el enfoque cualitativo de tipo exploratorio, los métodos utilizados fueron el método de observación, analítico, sintético, inductivo, que permitieron tener acercamientos constantes con el fenómeno de estudio, la población fue orientada hacia el Director del Consejo de la Judicatura, un representante del Equipo Técnico de la Judicatura encargado del sistema SATJE, abogados en libre ejercicio de su profesión, a quienes se le aplicaron los instrumentos de investigación como lo es la entrevista y encuesta, cuya información recabada nos permite validar nuestra idea a defender, en cuanto a que el libre acceso a la data judicial en el sistema SATJE, vulnera el derecho a la intimidad personal, logrando a concluir de que al no existir normativas y leyes que regulen el sistema SATJE en cuanto a la limitación de acceso a la data judicial solo para las partes procesales, se seguirá viendo vulnerado no solo el derecho antes mencionado, sino también todo aquel derecho vinculado a él
Características socioeconómicas del Triángulo del Tolima y recomendaciones para mejorar el nivel de vida de su población
La caracterización socio-económica dentro de un enfoque territorial pretende generar y analizar información de variables demográficas, económicas, sociales y culturales, que sirvan de línea base para identificar las condiciones de vida de la población, sus requerimientos y necesidades y de esta manera poder plantear propuestas de desarrollo económico, social y cultural para la región
High Photocurrent in Gated Graphene-Silicon Hybrid Photodiodes
Graphene/silicon (G/Si) heterojunction based devices have been demonstrated
as high responsivity photodetectors that are potentially compatible with
semiconductor technology. Such G/Si Schottky junction diodes are typically in
parallel with gated G/silicon dioxide (SiO)/Si areas, where the graphene is
contacted. Here, we utilize scanning photocurrent measurements to investigate
the spatial distribution and explain the physical origin of photocurrent
generation in these devices. We observe distinctly higher photocurrents
underneath the isolating region of graphene on SiO adjacent to the Schottky
junction of G/Si. A certain threshold voltage (V) is required before this
can be observed, and its origins are similar to that of the threshold voltage
in metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors. A physical model serves
to explain the large photocurrents underneath SiO by the formation of an
inversion layer in Si. Our findings contribute to a basic understanding of
graphene / semiconductor hybrid devices which, in turn, can help in designing
efficient optoelectronic devices and systems based on such 2D/3D
heterojunctions.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure
Assessment of heavy metals pollution (Hg, Cr, Cd, Ni) in the sediments of Mallorquin Lagoon - Barranquilla, Colombia
The levels of four toxic heavy metals (Hg; Cr; Cd; Ni) present in 17 sediment samples of the Mallorquin lagoon –Barranquilla (N Colombia) were investigated in order to assessing the potential risks of accumulation. The sample preparation was performed by acid microwave digestion with “Multiwave” system, carried out using GFAAS. High contamination levels, especially for Hg, Cr and Cd, were detected in samples M4 (0.199; 96.71; 1.212 μg.g-1), M5 (0.153; 100.38; 1.076 μg.g-1), M6 (0.140; 97.74; 1.850 μg.g-1), M8 (0.122; 90.41; 1.023 μg.g-1) y M9 (0.143; 100.92; 1.086 μg.g-1). The results reflect the anthropogenic activities, as accelerated urbanization without planning, deposit for solid waste, contribution from the Magdalena River, affected by illegal mining. In addition, the Leon stream drains the entire metropolitan area by pouring into the lagoon a great amount of untreated sewage every day. The concentrations found in most samples of the Hg, Cr and Cd elements are above the internationally recommended limits. The levels of metals found are alarming, considering that this lagoon represents a source of food for the population of its surroundings
Constitutive expression of selected genes from the pentose phosphate and aromatic pathways increases the shikimic acid yield in high-glucose batch cultures of an Escherichia coli strain lacking PTS and pykF
BACKGROUND: During the last two decades many efforts have been directed towards obtaining efficient microbial processes for the production of shikimic acid (SA); however, feeding high amounts of substrate to increase the titer of this compound has invariably rendered low conversion yields, leaving room for improvement of the producing strains. In this work we report an alternative platform to overproduce SA in a laboratory-evolved Escherichia coli strain, based on plasmid-driven constitutive expression of six genes selected from the pentose phosphate and aromatic amino acid pathways, artificially arranged as an operon. Production strains also carried inactivated genes coding for phosphotransferase system components (ptsHIcrr), shikimate kinases I and II (aroK and aroL), pyruvate kinase I (pykF) and the lactose operon repressor (lacI). RESULTS: The strong and constitutive expression of the constructed operon permitted SA production from the beginning of the cultures, as evidenced in 1 L batch-mode fermentors starting with high concentrations of glucose and yeast extract. Inactivation of the pykF gene improved SA production under the evaluated conditions by increasing the titer, yield and productivity of this metabolite compared to the isogenic pykF(+) strain. The best producing strain accumulated up to 43 g/L of SA in 30 h and relatively low concentrations of acetate and aromatic byproducts were detected, with SA accounting for 80% of the produced aromatic compounds. These results were consistent with high expression levels of the glycolytic pathway and synthetic operon genes from the beginning of fermentations, as revealed by transcriptomic analysis. Despite the consumption of 100 g/L of glucose, the yields on glucose of SA and of total aromatic compounds were about 50% and 60% of the theoretical maximum, respectively. The obtained yields and specific production and consumption rates proved to be constant with three different substrate concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: The developed production system allowed continuous SA accumulation until glucose exhaustion and eliminated the requirement for culture inducers. The obtained SA titers and yields represent the highest reported values for a high-substrate batch process, postulating the strategy described in this report as an interesting alternative to the traditionally employed fed-batch processes for SA production
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