1,844 research outputs found

    Procedural content generation for landscapes

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2021, Director: Anna Puig Puig[en] Procedural Content Generation is the act of creating content by using a process instead of predefining it. This project proposes generating different terrain types in a procedural way, while letting a player move around it and explore it freely. This means that the terrain will be generated in real time as the player moves, and how it is generated will be affected by the player’s actions, and how they explore. The generation of this terrain has regions with different characteristics which make them have a specific appearance, with the transitions between them being quite seamless. The objective was to generate a terrain that was as close as possible to real terrain surfaces on Earth. The developed application lets explore a wide range of configurations regarding the PCG, getting very promising results in terms of player’s enjoyment

    El proyecto arquitectónico como tarea investigadora en la arquitectura

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    Esta ponencia pretende reivindicar la acción arquitectónica como capaz de acoger una actividad investigadora, que pueda ser reconocida a la altura de las investigaciones que las otras disciplinas científicas y filosóficas realizan tradicionalmente. Para ello habrá que cumplir requisitos de rigor, originalidad y nuevos conocimientos. Pero es condición indispensable no tratar a la arquitectura como una disciplina científica o artística, sino como una disciplina especifica capaz de construir sus objetivos, instrumentos, reflexiones, aspiraciones de una manera autónoma. Para ello ilustraremos con un ejemplo como, aunque no se haya insistido mucho por parte de la crítica al uso, la arquitectura, cuando a estada interesada en realizar aportaciones comprometidas, novedosas y transformadoras, ha tenido ineludiblemente que asistirse de una gran dosis de creatividad, para lo cual ha realizado interesantes y reveladoras investigaciones

    Oratio in solemni studiorum anniversaria instauratione, die 18 octobris ann. 1825, coram perillust. valdolitana regia universitate

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 201

    Free Entrance and Social Welfare. Explaining the Causes of Excessive Entry Bias

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    The economic theory has proved that free entry is not always advantageous from a social welfare point of view. Fro instance, a number of inefficiencies can arise from free entry in the presence of fixed set-up costs. Then, an excessive number of firms can usually be settled in homogeneous produc markets within an imperfect competition framework. The economic forces underlying the entry biases are somewhat obscure yet. This paper claims that capacity constraints and diseconomies of scale ought to be driving the discussion of this issue. The characteristics of the cost function, rather than other features, play the major role and should attract the attention of the future research effort. The paper develops an example with which to illustrate the discussion.

    Assessment of methods for estimating wild rabbit population abundance in agricultural landscapes

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    Various methods have been used to estimate rabbit abundance, but comparisons of standard methods are still lacking, and thus, results remain roughly comparable across studies. Ideally, a method should be applicable over a wide range of situations, such as differing abundances or habitat types. Comparisons of methods are required to evaluate the benefits of each of them, and survey methods should be validated for the conditions in which they will be used. In this study, we compare the performance of direct methods (kilometric abundance index and distance sampling) in two seasons and at two times of day (dusk and night) for estimating wild rabbit abundances in agricultural landscapes. Estimates based on direct methods were highly correlated and detected similar seasonal population changes. Night counts provided better estimates than did dusk counts and exhibited more precision. Results are discussed within the context of rabbit behaviour and their implications for rabbit population surveys.Funding was provided by FEDENCA. ICB was supported by a PhD fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. PA is currently enjoying a Juan de la Cierva research contract awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and is supported by the project CGL2006-09567/BOS.Peer Reviewe

    The situation of Spanish museums as regards the economic crisis. The heritage assets involved

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    La crisis como coyuntura y tránsito a una nueva situación, y el cambio social que parece conllevar, lejos de ser un fenómeno exclusivamente actual, viene acompañando a los museos españoles desde décadas atrás, debido a indecisiones, faltas de planificación, cambios políticos y de estrategias de funcionamiento. Pero será a partir de la Transición democrática, y la década de 1980, en que comenzará a fraguarse la llamada “burbuja” de los museos, que estalla bajo el “efecto Guggenheim” a finales del siglo XX, seguida de la merma de presupuestos oficiales para el sostenimiento del sistema museístico que trae como consecuencia la tan mencionada “crisis” económica desde aproximadamente 2008. El artículo examina esta situación y advierte de que el momento delicado que viven los museos en la actualidad es ocasión para replantearse su futuro y adaptarse a una nueva realidad cambiante. El Museo Etnológico de Navarra “Julio Caro Baroja” constituye un caso de adaptación a tales circunstancias.The crisis as a condition and transition to a new situation, and the social change that it seems to entail, far away of being exclusively a current phenomenon, it comes with Spanish museums for several decades, because of indecisions, lack of planning, political changes and running strategies. However, it will be since the democratic Transition, and the eighties, when the museum “bubble” will start growing, bursting under the “Guggenheim effect” by the end of twentieth century, with an official budget decrease for the support of the museum system, which is consequence of the economic crisis since, approximately, 2008. The paper aims to analyse this situation and points out that the delicate moment that museums live currently is an opportunity to reconsider their future and adapt to a new changing reality. The Ethnological Museum of Navarre “Julio Caro Baroja” represents a case of adaptation to such circumstances

    Study on prejudices and perceptions in nursing assistant students. Diagnosis and improvement: approach of the students to an excluded collective, a proposal

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    RESUMEN: El presente trabajo es una propuesta de intervención en la que se estudia dentro de nuestro alumnado de Técnico en Cuidados Auxiliares de Enfermería, las percepciones negativas, prejuicios o estigmatización hacia ciertos colectivos vulnerables dentro de nuestra ciudad. La existencia de prejuicios, según la bibliografía, podría afectar a las competencias que deben tener estos estudiantes para una correcta labor profesional futura. Para ello, primero, se diagnostican cuáles son los colectivos percibidos de una manera más negativa por nuestros alumnos. Esto se hace a través de dos cuestionarios diseñados al efecto. En segundo lugar, se propone realizar actividades de sensibilización y acercamiento entre el alumnado y el colectivo diana seleccionado. La selección del colectivo servido se hace utilizando dos variables. Por un lado, los cuestionarios ya mencionados. Por otro lado, seleccionando un colectivo con el que sea viable, realizar un acercamiento y contacto social de calidad. Para que la intervención sea eficaz, se precisa un acercamiento social entre los estudiantes y el colectivo seleccionado, y a ser posible, contactos cara a cara entre iguales. La intervención se articula en torno a una metodología de aprendizaje-servicio, utilizando un contenido curricular, de estos alumnos, de los primeros auxilios. Por último, se propone una valoración, sobre si ha habido una mejora en la percepción con respecto al colectivo vulnerable elegido. Esto se hace cuantitativamente, repitiendo uno de los dos cuestionarios iniciales, comparando resultados. Y, cualitativamente, con otra nueva herramienta diseñada para este fin. Se concluye que diagnosticar y actuar sobre los prejuicios de los estudiantes hacia ciertos colectivos, es posible y conveniente para su mejora profesional futura. ABSTRACT: This work is a proposal for intervention in which it is studied within our students of nursing assistants, negative perceptions, prejudices or stigmatization towards certain vulnerable groups within our city. The existence of prejudices, according to the bibliography, could affect the competencies these students should have for proper professional work in the future. For that, first, are diagnosed which vulnerable groups are perceived in the most negative way within our students. This is done through two questionnaires designed for this purpose. Secondly, it is proposed to carry out awareness and outreach activities between the students and the target group selected. The selection of the group served is done using two variables. On the one hand, the questionnaires already mentioned. On the other hand, selecting a group with which it is viable, make a quality social contact and approach. For the intervention to be effective, a social approach between the students and the selected group is required, and if possible, face-to-face contacts between equals. Intervention is used through a learning-service methodology, using a curricular content of these students, first aid. Finally, an assessment is proposed, on whether there has been an improvement in the perception towards the chosen vulnerable group. This is done quantitatively, repeating one of the two initial questionnaires, comparing results. And qualitatively, with another new tool designed for this purpose. It is concluded that diagnosing and acting on students’ prejudices towards certain groups is possible and convenient for their future professional improvement